List of Arkansas Plants
Plant Name | Scientific Name | Plant CD | Family | Type |
abrus | Abrus | ABRUS | Fabaceae | Dicot |
acacia | Acacia | ACACI | Fabaceae | Dicot |
actinidia | Actinidia | ACTIN3 | Actinidiaceae | Dicot |
Adam and Eve | Aplectrum | APLEC | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
Adam and Eve | Aplectrum hyemale | APHY | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
Adam"s needle | Yucca filamentosa | YUFI | Agavaceae | Monocot |
adder"s-mouth orchid | Malaxis | MALAX | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
adderstongue | Ophioglossum | OPHIO | Ophioglossaceae | Fern |
Addison"s rosette grass | Dichanthelium ovale var. addisonii | DIOVA | Poaceae | Monocot |
agrimony | Agrimonia | AGRIM | Rosaceae | Dicot |
agueweed | Gentianella quinquefolia | GEQU2 | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
agueweed | Gentianella quinquefolia ssp. occidentalis | GEQUO | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
ailanthus | Ailanthus | AILAN | Simaroubaceae | Dicot |
airplant | Tillandsia | TILLA2 | Bromeliaceae | Monocot |
Alabama lipfern | Cheilanthes alabamensis | CHAL5 | Pteridaceae | Fern |
Alabama serviceberry | Amelanchier arborea var. alabamensis | AMARA3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Alabama snow-wreath | Neviusia alabamensis | NEAL | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Alabama supplejack | Berchemia scandens | BESC | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
albizia | Albizia | ALBIZ | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alder | Alnus | ALNUS | Betulaceae | Dicot |
alfalfa | Medicago | MEDIC | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alfalfa | Medicago sativa | MESA | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alfalfa | Medicago sativa ssp. sativa | MESAS | Fabaceae | Dicot |
algal bulrush | Websteria | WEBST | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
algal bulrush | Websteria confervoides | WECO | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
alkali buttercup | Ranunculus cymbalaria | RACY | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
alkali sacaton | Sporobolus airoides | SPAI | Poaceae | Monocot |
Allegheny blackberry | Rubus allegheniensis | RUAL | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Allegheny blackberry | Rubus allegheniensis var. allegheniensis | RUALA | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Allegheny monkeyflower | Mimulus ringens | MIRI | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Allegheny monkeyflower | Mimulus ringens var. ringens | MIRIR | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
alliaria | Alliaria | ALLIA | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alligator-flag | Thalia | THALI | Marantaceae | Monocot |
alligatorweed | Alternanthera philoxeroides | ALPH | Amaranthaceae | Dicot |
alophia | Alophia | ALOPH | Iridaceae | Monocot |
alsike clover | Trifolium hybridum | TRHY | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alternateleaf dogwood | Cornus alternifolia | COAL2 | Cornaceae | Dicot |
alumroot | Heuchera | HEUCH | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
Amazon sprangletop | Leptochloa panicoides | LEPA3 | Poaceae | Monocot |
amberique-bean | Strophostyles helvola | STHE9 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American alumroot | Heuchera americana | HEAM6 | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
American alumroot | Heuchera americana var. americana | HEAMA2 | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
American alumroot | Heuchera americana var. hirsuticaulis | HEAMH | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
American basswood | Tilia americana | TIAM | Tiliaceae | Dicot |
American basswood | Tilia americana var. heterophylla | TIAMH | Tiliaceae | Dicot |
American beakgrain | Diarrhena americana | DIAM | Poaceae | Monocot |
American beautyberry | Callicarpa americana | CAAM2 | Verbenaceae | Dicot |
American beech | Fagus grandifolia | FAGR | Fagaceae | Dicot |
American bellflower | Campanulastrum americanum | CAAM18 | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
American bird"s-foot trefoil | Lotus unifoliolatus | LOUN | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American bird"s-foot trefoil | Lotus unifoliolatus var. unifoliolatus | LOUNU | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American bittersweet | Celastrus scandens | CESC | Celastraceae | Dicot |
American black elderberry | Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis | SANIC4 | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
American bladdernut | Staphylea trifolia | STTR | Staphyleaceae | Dicot |
American bluehearts | Buchnera americana | BUAM | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
American buckwheat vine | Brunnichia ovata | BROV4 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
American bugseed | Corispermum americanum | COAM8 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
American bugseed | Corispermum americanum var. americanum | COAMA2 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
American bur-reed | Sparganium americanum | SPAM | Sparganiaceae | Monocot |
American burnweed | Erechtites hieraciifolia | ERHI2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
American burnweed | Erechtites hieraciifolia var. hieraciifolia | ERHIH | Asteraceae | Dicot |
American columbo | Frasera caroliniensis | FRCA2 | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
American cupscale | Sacciolepis striata | SAST | Poaceae | Monocot |
American elm | Ulmus americana | ULAM | Ulmaceae | Dicot |
American false pennyroyal | Hedeoma pulegioides | HEPU | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
American featherfoil | Hottonia inflata | HOIN | Primulaceae | Dicot |
American ginseng | Panax quinquefolius | PAQU | Araliaceae | Dicot |
American hazelnut | Corylus americana | COAM3 | Betulaceae | Dicot |
American hogpeanut | Amphicarpaea bracteata | AMBR2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American hogpeanut | Amphicarpaea bracteata var. bracteata | AMBRB | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American hogpeanut | Amphicarpaea bracteata var. comosa | AMBRC | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American holly | Ilex opaca | ILOP | Aquifoliaceae | Dicot |
American holly | Ilex opaca var. opaca | ILOPO | Aquifoliaceae | Dicot |
American hornbeam | Carpinus caroliniana | CACA18 | Betulaceae | Dicot |
American hornbeam | Carpinus caroliniana ssp. caroliniana | CACAC2 | Betulaceae | Dicot |
American hornbeam | Carpinus caroliniana ssp. virginiana | CACAV | Betulaceae | Dicot |
American ipecac | Gillenia stipulata | GIST5 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
American licorice | Glycyrrhiza lepidota | GLLE3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American lopseed | Phryma leptostachya | PHLE5 | Verbenaceae | Dicot |
American lotus | Nelumbo lutea | NELU | Nelumbonaceae | Dicot |
American marshpennywort | Hydrocotyle americana | HYAM | Apiaceae | Dicot |
American pillwort | Pilularia americana | PIAM | Marsileaceae | Fern |
American plum | Prunus americana | PRAM | Rosaceae | Dicot |
American pokeweed | Phytolacca americana | PHAM4 | Phytolaccaceae | Dicot |
American pokeweed | Phytolacca americana var. americana | PHAMA3 | Phytolaccaceae | Dicot |
American red raspberry | Rubus idaeus | RUID | Rosaceae | Dicot |
American red raspberry | Rubus idaeus ssp. idaeus | RUIDI | Rosaceae | Dicot |
American smoketree | Cotinus obovatus | COOB2 | Anacardiaceae | Dicot |
American snowbell | Styrax americanus | STAM4 | Styracaceae | Dicot |
American speedwell | Veronica americana | VEAM2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
American spikenard | Aralia racemosa | ARRA | Araliaceae | Dicot |
American spikenard | Aralia racemosa ssp. racemosa | ARRAR | Araliaceae | Dicot |
American spongeplant | Limnobium spongia | LISP2 | Hydrocharitaceae | Monocot |
American star-thistle | Centaurea americana | CEAM2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
American stoneseed | Lithospermum latifolium | LILA2 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
American sycamore | Platanus occidentalis | PLOC | Platanaceae | Dicot |
American water horehound | Lycopus americanus | LYAM | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
American water plantain | Alisma subcordatum | ALSU | Alismataceae | Monocot |
American water-willow | Justicia americana | JUAM | Acanthaceae | Dicot |
American white waterlily | Nymphaea odorata | NYOD | Nymphaeaceae | Dicot |
American white waterlily | Nymphaea odorata ssp. odorata | NYODO | Nymphaeaceae | Dicot |
American white waterlily | Nymphaea odorata ssp. tuberosa | NYODT | Nymphaeaceae | Dicot |
American wild carrot | Daucus pusillus | DAPU3 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
American wisteria | Wisteria frutescens | WIFR | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American witchhazel | Hamamelis virginiana | HAVI4 | Hamamelidaceae | Dicot |
amianthium | Amianthium | AMIAN | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Amur honeysuckle | Lonicera maackii | LOMA6 | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
Amur privet | Ligustrum amurense | LIAM | Oleaceae | Dicot |
anemone | Anemone | ANEMO | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
angelica | Angelica | ANGEL | Apiaceae | Dicot |
anglestem beaksedge | Rhynchospora caduca | RHCA9 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
anglestem primrose-willow | Ludwigia leptocarpa | LULE4 | Onagraceae | Dicot |
angularfruit milkvine | Matelea gonocarpos | MAGO | Asclepiadaceae | Dicot |
anisescented goldenrod | Solidago odora | SOOD | Asteraceae | Dicot |
anisescented goldenrod | Solidago odora var. odora | SOODO | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual blue-eyed grass | Sisyrinchium rosulatum | SIRO5 | Iridaceae | Monocot |
annual bluegrass | Poa annua | POAN | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual buckwheat | Eriogonum annuum | ERAN4 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
annual canarygrass | Phalaris canariensis | PHCA5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual fescue | Vulpia myuros | VUMY | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual fimbry | Fimbristylis annua | FIAN | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
annual honesty | Lunaria annua | LUAN | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
annual marsh elder | Iva annua | IVAN2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual marsh elder | Iva annua var. annua | IVANA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual marsh elder | Iva annua var. caudata | IVANC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual marsh elder | Iva annua var. macrocarpa | IVANM | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual phlox | Phlox drummondii | PHDR | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
annual phlox | Phlox drummondii ssp. drummondii | PHDRD | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
annual rabbitsfoot grass | Polypogon monspeliensis | POMO5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual ragweed | Ambrosia artemisiifolia | AMAR2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual ragweed | Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior | AMARE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual silver hairgrass | Aira elegans | AIEL4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual trampweed | Facelis retusa | FARE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual vernalgrass | Anthoxanthum aristatum | ANAR7 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual wallrocket | Diplotaxis muralis | DIMU2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
annual yellow sweetclover | Melilotus indicus | MEIN2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
anoda | Anoda | ANODA | Malvaceae | Dicot |
Appalachian barren strawberry | Waldsteinia fragarioides | WAFR | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Appalachian barren strawberry | Waldsteinia fragarioides ssp. fragarioides | WAFRF | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Appalachian blazing star | Liatris squarrulosa | LISQ2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Appalachian bristle fern | Trichomanes boschianum | TRBO | Hymenophyllaceae | Fern |
Appalachian cliff fern | Woodsia appalachiana | WOAP | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
Appalachian quillwort | Isoetes engelmannii | ISEN | Isoetaceae | Quillwort |
apple | Malus | MALUS | Rosaceae | Dicot |
apple of Peru | Nicandra physalodes | NIPH | Solanaceae | Dicot |
aquatic milkweed | Asclepias perennis | ASPE | Asclepiadaceae | Dicot |
arctic rush | Juncus arcticus | JUAR2 | Juncaceae | Monocot |
Arkansas alumroot | Heuchera villosa var. arkansana | HEVIA | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
Arkansas beardtongue | Penstemon arkansanus | PEAR4 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Arkansas bedstraw | Galium arkansanum | GAAR4 | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
Arkansas dozedaisy | Aphanostephus skirrhobasis | APSK | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Arkansas dozedaisy | Aphanostephus skirrhobasis var. skirrhobasis | APSKS | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Arkansas ironweed | Vernonia arkansana | VEAR3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Arkansas leastdaisy | Chaetopappa asteroides | CHAS | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Arkansas leastdaisy | Chaetopappa asteroides var. asteroides | CHASA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Arkansas mannagrass | Glyceria arkansana | GLAR | Poaceae | Monocot |
Arkansas meadow-rue | Thalictrum arkansanum | THAR | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Arkansas oak | Quercus arkansana | QUAR2 | Fagaceae | Dicot |
Arkansas sedge | Carex arkansana | CAAR5 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Arkansas yucca | Yucca arkansana | YUAR2 | Agavaceae | Monocot |
aromatic aster | Symphyotrichum oblongifolium | SYOB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
arrow arum | Peltandra | PELTA | Araceae | Monocot |
arrowfeather threeawn | Aristida purpurascens | ARPU8 | Poaceae | Monocot |
arrowfeather threeawn | Aristida purpurascens var. purpurascens | ARPUP4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
arrowfeather threeawn | Aristida purpurascens var. virgata | ARPUV | Poaceae | Monocot |
arrowhead | Sagittaria | SAGIT | Alismataceae | Monocot |
arrowhead rattlebox | Crotalaria sagittalis | CRSA4 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
arrowleaf clover | Trifolium vesiculosum | TRVE | Fabaceae | Dicot |
arrowleaf tearthumb | Polygonum sagittatum | POSA5 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
arrowleaf violet | Viola sagittata | VISA2 | Violaceae | Dicot |
arrowleaf violet | Viola sagittata var. sagittata | VISAS5 | Violaceae | Dicot |
aruncus | Aruncus | ARUNC | Rosaceae | Dicot |
ash | Fraxinus | FRAXI | Oleaceae | Dicot |
Ashe"s juniper | Juniperus ashei | JUAS | Cupressaceae | Gymnosperm |
ashy hydrangea | Hydrangea cinerea | HYCI3 | Hydrangeaceae | Dicot |
ashy sunflower | Helianthus mollis | HEMO2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Asiatic dayflower | Commelina communis | COCO3 | Commelinaceae | Monocot |
asparagus | Asparagus | ASPAR | Liliaceae | Monocot |
asplenium ladyfern | Athyrium filix-femina ssp. asplenioides | ATFIA2 | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
aster | Ionactis | IONAC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aster | Eurybia | EURYB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aster | Symphyotrichum | SYMPH4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
asthmaweed | Conyza bonariensis | COBO | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Atlantic camas | Camassia scilloides | CASC5 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Atlantic goldenrod | Solidago arguta | SOAR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Atlantic goldenrod | Solidago arguta var. arguta | SOARA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Atlantic goldenrod | Solidago arguta var. caroliniana | SOARC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Atlantic goldenrod | Solidago arguta var. neurolepis | SOARN | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Atlantic ninebark | Physocarpus opulifolius var. intermedius | PHOPI | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Atlantic pigeonwings | Clitoria mariana | CLMA4 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Atlantic poison oak | Toxicodendron pubescens | TOPU2 | Anacardiaceae | Dicot |
Aunt Lucy | Ellisia nyctelea | ELNY | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
autumn bluegrass | Poa autumnalis | POAU | Poaceae | Monocot |
autumn coralroot | Corallorhiza odontorhiza | COOD7 | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
autumn coralroot | Corallorhiza odontorhiza var. odontorhiza | COODO2 | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
autumn olive | Elaeagnus umbellata | ELUM | Elaeagnaceae | Dicot |
autumn olive | Elaeagnus umbellata var. parvifolia | ELUMP | Elaeagnaceae | Dicot |
autumn onion | Allium stellatum | ALST | Liliaceae | Monocot |
avens | Geum | GEUM | Rosaceae | Dicot |
axilflower | Mecardonia acuminata | MEAC | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
axilflower | Mecardonia acuminata var. acuminata | MEACA | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Aztec marigold | Tagetes erecta | TAER | Asteraceae | Dicot |
azure blue sage | Salvia azurea | SAAZ | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
azure bluet | Houstonia caerulea | HOCA4 | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
baby blue eyes | Nemophila | NEMOP | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
baccharis | Baccharis | BACCH | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bagpod | Sesbania vesicaria | SEVE | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bahiagrass | Paspalum notatum | PANO2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bahiagrass | Paspalum notatum var. notatum | PANON | Poaceae | Monocot |
Bailey"s sedge | Carex baileyi | CABA7 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bald brome | Bromus racemosus | BRRA2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bald cypress | Taxodium | TAXOD | Cupressaceae | Gymnosperm |
bald cypress | Taxodium distichum | TADI2 | Cupressaceae | Gymnosperm |
bald spikerush | Eleocharis erythropoda | ELER | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Baldwin"s flatsedge | Cyperus croceus | CYCR6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Baldwin"s ironweed | Vernonia baldwinii | VEBA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Baldwin"s ironweed | Vernonia baldwinii ssp. baldwinii | VEBAB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Baldwin"s milkvine | Matelea baldwyniana | MABA3 | Asclepiadaceae | Dicot |
Baldwin"s yelloweyed grass | Xyris baldwiniana | XYBA | Xyridaceae | Monocot |
balloon vine | Cardiospermum halicacabum | CAHA13 | Sapindaceae | Dicot |
balloonvine | Cardiospermum | CARDI2 | Sapindaceae | Dicot |
balm | Melissa | MELIS | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
balm-of-Gilead | Populus ×jackii | POJA2 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
bamboo | Phyllostachys | PHYLL6 | Poaceae | Monocot |
baneberry | Actaea | ACTAE | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Barbara"s buttons | Marshallia | MARSH | Asteraceae | Dicot |
barbed rattlesnakeroot | Prenanthes barbata | PRBA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
barley | Hordeum | HORDE | Poaceae | Monocot |
barnyardgrass | Echinochloa crus-galli | ECCR | Poaceae | Monocot |
barren strawberry | Waldsteinia | WALDS | Rosaceae | Dicot |
barrens silky aster | Symphyotrichum pratense | SYPR7 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
basketgrass | Oplismenus | OPLIS | Poaceae | Monocot |
basketgrass | Oplismenus hirtellus | OPHI | Poaceae | Monocot |
basketgrass | Oplismenus hirtellus ssp. setarius | OPHIS | Poaceae | Monocot |
basswood | Tilia | TILIA | Tiliaceae | Dicot |
bastard oak | Quercus sinuata | QUSI | Fagaceae | Dicot |
bastard oak | Quercus sinuata var. sinuata | QUSIS | Fagaceae | Dicot |
bastard toadflax | Comandra | COMAN | Santalaceae | Dicot |
bastard toadflax | Comandra umbellata | COUM | Santalaceae | Dicot |
bastard toadflax | Comandra umbellata ssp. umbellata | COUMU | Santalaceae | Dicot |
bay | Persea | PERSE | Lauraceae | Dicot |
bay starvine | Schisandra glabra | SCGL7 | Schisandraceae | Dicot |
bayberry | Morella | MOREL2 | Myricaceae | Dicot |
beach false foxglove | Agalinis fasciculata | AGFA2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
beaked agrimony | Agrimonia rostellata | AGRO3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
beaked cornsalad | Valerianella radiata | VARA | Valerianaceae | Dicot |
beaked dodder | Cuscuta rostrata | CURO | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
beaked panicgrass | Panicum anceps | PAAN | Poaceae | Monocot |
beakgrain | Diarrhena | DIARR | Poaceae | Monocot |
beaksedge | Rhynchospora | RHYNC3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bean | Phaseolus | PHASE | Fabaceae | Dicot |
beard lichen | Usnea | USNEA2 | Parmeliaceae | Lichen |
bearded beggarticks | Bidens aristosa | BIAR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bearded flatsedge | Cyperus squarrosus | CYSQ | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bearded shorthusk | Brachyelytrum erectum | BRER2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bearded skeletongrass | Gymnopogon ambiguus | GYAM | Poaceae | Monocot |
bearded sprangletop | Leptochloa fusca ssp. fascicularis | LEFUF | Poaceae | Monocot |
beardgrass | Bothriochloa | BOTHR | Poaceae | Monocot |
beardtongue | Penstemon | PENST | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
beautyberry | Callicarpa | CALLI2 | Verbenaceae | Dicot |
bedstraw | Cruciata | CRUCI2 | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
bedstraw | Galium | GALIU | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
beebalm | Monarda stipitatoglandulosa | MOST2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
beebalm | Monarda | MONAR | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
beeblossom | Gaura | GAURA | Onagraceae | Dicot |
beech | Fagus | FAGUS | Fagaceae | Dicot |
beechdrops | Epifagus | EPIFA | Orobanchaceae | Dicot |
beechdrops | Epifagus virginiana | EPVI2 | Orobanchaceae | Dicot |
beechfern | Phegopteris | PHEGO | Thelypteridaceae | Fern |
beefsteakplant | Perilla frutescens | PEFR4 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
beefsteakplant | Perilla frutescens var. crispa | PEFRC2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
beefsteakplant | Perilla frutescens var. frutescens | PEFRF2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
beggarslice | Hackelia virginiana | HAVI2 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
beggarticks | Bidens | BIDEN | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bejar clover | Trifolium bejariense | TRBE3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
belamcanda | Belamcanda | BELAM | Iridaceae | Monocot |
bellflower | Campanulastrum | CAMPA2 | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
bellwort | Uvularia | UVULA | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Benjamin Franklin bush | Valerianella ozarkana | VAOZ | Valerianaceae | Dicot |
bentgrass | Agrostis | AGROS2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bergia | Bergia | BERGI | Elatinaceae | Dicot |
Berlandier"s yellow flax | Linum berlandieri | LIBE2 | Linaceae | Dicot |
Berlandier"s yellow flax | Linum berlandieri var. berlandieri | LIBEB2 | Linaceae | Dicot |
Bermudagrass | Cynodon | CYNOD | Poaceae | Monocot |
Bermudagrass | Cynodon dactylon | CYDA | Poaceae | Monocot |
betonyleaf noseburn | Tragia betonicifolia | TRBE4 | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
Beyrich"s fleabane | Erigeron strigosus var. beyrichii | ERSTB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
biannual lettuce | Lactuca ludoviciana | LALU | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bicknell"s sedge | Carex opaca | CAOP5 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
big bluestem | Andropogon gerardii | ANGE | Poaceae | Monocot |
big carpetgrass | Axonopus furcatus | AXFU | Poaceae | Monocot |
big chickweed | Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare | CEFOV2 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
big devils beggartick | Bidens vulgata | BIVU | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bigbract verbena | Verbena bracteata | VEBR | Verbenaceae | Dicot |
bigfruit evening primrose | Oenothera macrocarpa | OEMA | Onagraceae | Dicot |
bigfruit evening primrose | Oenothera macrocarpa ssp. macrocarpa | OEMAM | Onagraceae | Dicot |
bigfruit hawthorn | Crataegus macrosperma | CRMA3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bighead pygmycudweed | Evax prolifera | EVPR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bigleaf magnolia | Magnolia macrophylla | MAMA2 | Magnoliaceae | Dicot |
bigleaf periwinkle | Vinca major | VIMA | Apocynaceae | Dicot |
bigleaf snowbell | Styrax grandifolius | STGR4 | Styracaceae | Dicot |
bignonia | Bignonia | BIGNO | Bignoniaceae | Dicot |
bigpod sesbania | Sesbania herbacea | SEHE8 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bigseed alfalfa dodder | Cuscuta indecora | CUIN | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
bigseed alfalfa dodder | Cuscuta indecora var. indecora | CUINI | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
bigseed dodder | Cuscuta indecora var. longisepala | CUINL | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
bigseed dodder | Cuscuta indecora var. neuropetala | CUINN | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
bigtop lovegrass | Eragrostis hirsuta | ERHI | Poaceae | Monocot |
billion-dollar grass | Echinochloa frumentacea | ECFR | Poaceae | Monocot |
bindweed | Convolvulus | CONVO | Convolvulaceae | Dicot |
birch | Betula | BETUL | Betulaceae | Dicot |
bird vetch | Vicia cracca | VICR | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bird vetch | Vicia cracca ssp. cracca | VICRC | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bird"s-foot trefoil | Lotus corniculatus | LOCO6 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bird"s-foot trefoil | Lotus corniculatus var. corniculatus | LOCOC5 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
birdeye pearlwort | Sagina procumbens | SAPR | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
birdeye speedwell | Veronica persica | VEPE3 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
birdfoot violet | Viola pedata | VIPE | Violaceae | Dicot |
birdseed leaf-flower | Phyllanthus pudens | PHPU6 | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
bishop | Bifora | BIFOR | Apiaceae | Dicot |
bitter dock | Rumex obtusifolius | RUOB | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bittercress | Cardamine | CARDA | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bitternut hickory | Carya cordiformis | CACO15 | Juglandaceae | Dicot |
bittersweet | Celastrus | CELAS | Celastraceae | Dicot |
black baneberry | Actaea racemosa | ACRA7 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
black bindweed | Polygonum convolvulus | POCO10 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
black bindweed | Polygonum convolvulus var. convolvulus | POCOC2 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
black bugbane | Actaea racemosa var. racemosa | ACRAR | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
black cherry | Prunus serotina | PRSE2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
black cherry | Prunus serotina var. serotina | PRSES | Rosaceae | Dicot |
black chokeberry | Photinia melanocarpa | PHME13 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
black edge sedge | Carex nigromarginata | CANI3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
black elderberry | Sambucus nigra | SANI4 | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
black hickory | Carya texana | CATE9 | Juglandaceae | Dicot |
black highbush blueberry | Vaccinium fuscatum | VAFU | Ericaceae | Dicot |
black huckleberry | Gaylussacia baccata | GABA | Ericaceae | Dicot |
black locust | Robinia pseudoacacia | ROPS | Fabaceae | Dicot |
black maple | Acer nigrum | ACNI5 | Aceraceae | Dicot |
black medick | Medicago lupulina | MELU | Fabaceae | Dicot |
black oak | Quercus velutina | QUVE | Fagaceae | Dicot |
black raspberry | Rubus occidentalis | RUOC | Rosaceae | Dicot |
black walnut | Juglans nigra | JUNI | Juglandaceae | Dicot |
black willow | Salix nigra | SANI | Salicaceae | Dicot |
blackberry | Rubus | RUBUS | Rosaceae | Dicot |
blackberry lily | Belamcanda chinensis | BECH | Iridaceae | Monocot |
blackeyed Susan | Rudbeckia hirta | RUHI2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blackeyed Susan | Rudbeckia hirta var. hirta | RUHIH | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blackeyed Susan | Rudbeckia hirta var. pulcherrima | RUHIP | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blackfoot quillwort | Isoetes melanopoda | ISME | Isoetaceae | Quillwort |
blackgum | Nyssa sylvatica | NYSY | Cornaceae | Dicot |
blackhaw | Viburnum prunifolium | VIPR | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
blackjack oak | Quercus marilandica | QUMA3 | Fagaceae | Dicot |
blackjack oak | Quercus marilandica var. marilandica | QUMAM2 | Fagaceae | Dicot |
blackseed plantain | Plantago rugelii | PLRU | Plantaginaceae | Dicot |
blackseed plantain | Plantago rugelii var. rugelii | PLRUR | Plantaginaceae | Dicot |
blackseed speargrass | Piptochaetium avenaceum | PIAV | Poaceae | Monocot |
blacksenna | Seymeria | SEYME | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
blackstem spleenwort | Asplenium resiliens | ASRE | Aspleniaceae | Fern |
bladder campion | Silene latifolia | SILA21 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
bladder campion | Silene latifolia ssp. alba | SILAA3 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
bladderfern | Cystopteris | CYSTO | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
bladdernut | Staphylea | STAPH | Staphyleaceae | Dicot |
bladderpod | Lesquerella | LESQU | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bladderwort | Utricularia | UTRIC | Lentibulariaceae | Dicot |
blanketflower | Gaillardia | GAILL | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blazing star | Liatris | LIATR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blazingstar | Mentzelia | MENTZ | Loasaceae | Dicot |
bleeding heart | Dicentra | DICEN | Fumariaceae | Dicot |
blessed milkthistle | Silybum marianum | SIMA3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blessed thistle | Cnicus benedictus | CNBE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blindeyes | Papaver dubium | PADU | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
blisterwort | Ranunculus recurvatus | RARE2 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
blisterwort | Ranunculus recurvatus var. recurvatus | RARER2 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
blood panicgrass | Dichanthelium consanguineum | DICO4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
blooddrops | Adonis annua | ADAN | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
bloodleaf | Iresine | IRESI | Amaranthaceae | Dicot |
bloodroot | Sanguinaria | SANGU | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
bloodroot | Sanguinaria canadensis | SACA13 | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
bloody butcher | Trillium recurvatum | TRRE5 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
blue ash | Fraxinus quadrangulata | FRQU | Oleaceae | Dicot |
blue cohosh | Caulophyllum thalictroides | CATH2 | Berberidaceae | Dicot |
blue eyed Mary | Collinsia | COLLI | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
blue fieldmadder | Sherardia arvensis | SHAR2 | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
blue mistflower | Conoclinium coelestinum | COCO13 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blue mudplantain | Heteranthera limosa | HELI2 | Pontederiaceae | Monocot |
Blue Ridge blueberry | Vaccinium pallidum | VAPA4 | Ericaceae | Dicot |
Blue Ridge carrionflower | Smilax lasioneura | SMLA3 | Smilacaceae | Monocot |
Blue Ridge catchfly | Silene ovata | SIOV | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
blue sedge | Carex glaucodea | CAGL6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
blue skullcap | Scutellaria lateriflora | SCLA2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
blue skullcap | Scutellaria lateriflora var. lateriflora | SCLAL2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
blue waxweed | Cuphea viscosissima | CUVI | Lythraceae | Dicot |
blue wild indigo | Baptisia australis | BAAU | Fabaceae | Dicot |
blue wild indigo | Baptisia australis var. minor | BAAUM | Fabaceae | Dicot |
blue wildrye | Elymus glaucus | ELGL | Poaceae | Monocot |
blue wildrye | Elymus glaucus ssp. glaucus | ELGLG | Poaceae | Monocot |
blue-eyed grass | Sisyrinchium | SISYR | Iridaceae | Monocot |
bluebells | Mertensia | MERTE | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
blueberry | Vaccinium | VACCI | Ericaceae | Dicot |
blueberry hawthorn | Crataegus brachyacantha | CRBR | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bluebill | Clematis pitcheri | CLPI | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
bluebill | Clematis pitcheri var. pitcheri | CLPIP | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
bluecurls | Trichostema | TRICH9 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
blueflower eryngo | Eryngium integrifolium | ERIN6 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
bluegrass | Poa | POA | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluehearts | Buchnera | BUCHN | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
bluejack oak | Quercus incana | QUIN | Fagaceae | Dicot |
bluejacket | Tradescantia ohiensis | TROH | Commelinaceae | Monocot |
bluestar | Amsonia | AMSON | Apocynaceae | Dicot |
bluestem | Andropogon | ANDRO2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluestem pricklypoppy | Argemone albiflora | ARAL3 | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
bluestem pricklypoppy | Argemone albiflora ssp. texana | ARALT | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
bluet | Houstonia | HOUST | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
blunt broom sedge | Carex tribuloides | CATR7 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
blunt broom sedge | Carex tribuloides var. sangamonensis | CATRS2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
blunt broom sedge | Carex tribuloides var. tribuloides | CATRT2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
blunt spikerush | Eleocharis obtusa | ELOB2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bluntleaf bedstraw | Galium obtusum | GAOB | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
bluntleaf bedstraw | Galium obtusum ssp. obtusum | GAOBO | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
bluntleaf yellowcress | Rorippa curvipes | ROCU2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bluntleaf yellowcress | Rorippa curvipes var. truncata | ROCUT | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bluntlobe cliff fern | Woodsia obtusa | WOOB2 | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
bluntlobe cliff fern | Woodsia obtusa ssp. obtusa | WOOBO | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
bog orchid | Habenaria | HABEN | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
bog rush | Juncus biflorus | JUBI | Juncaceae | Monocot |
bog smartweed | Polygonum setaceum | POSE6 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bog white violet | Viola lanceolata | VILA4 | Violaceae | Dicot |
bog white violet | Viola lanceolata ssp. lanceolata | VILAL | Violaceae | Dicot |
bog white violet | Viola lanceolata ssp. vittata | VILAV | Violaceae | Dicot |
bog yellowcress | Rorippa palustris | ROPA2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bog yelloweyed grass | Xyris difformis | XYDI | Xyridaceae | Monocot |
bog yelloweyed grass | Xyris difformis var. difformis | XYDID | Xyridaceae | Monocot |
bogmat | Wolffiella | WOLFF2 | Lemnaceae | Monocot |
Boott"s goldenrod | Solidago arguta var. boottii | SOARB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bosc"s mille graines | Oldenlandia boscii | OLBO | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
Bosc"s panicgrass | Dichanthelium boscii | DIBO2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bottle gourd | Lagenaria siceraria | LASI | Cucurbitaceae | Dicot |
bottlebrush sedge | Carex hystericina | CAHY4 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bottomland aster | Symphyotrichum ontarionis | SYON2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bottomland post oak | Quercus similis | QUSI2 | Fagaceae | Dicot |
bouncingbet | Saponaria officinalis | SAOF4 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
bouquet mudplantain | Heteranthera multiflora | HEMU5 | Pontederiaceae | Monocot |
Bowman"s root | Gillenia trifoliata | GITR6 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
box knotweed | Polygonum buxiforme | POBU2 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
boxelder | Acer negundo | ACNE2 | Aceraceae | Dicot |
boxelder | Acer negundo var. negundo | ACNEN | Aceraceae | Dicot |
boxelder | Acer negundo var. texanum | ACNET | Aceraceae | Dicot |
Boykin"s clusterpea | Dioclea multiflora | DIMU | Fabaceae | Dicot |
brackenfern | Pteridium | PTERI | Dennstaedtiaceae | Fern |
Bradley"s spleenwort | Asplenium bradleyi | ASBR2 | Aspleniaceae | Fern |
brake fern | Pteris | PTERI2 | Pteridaceae | Fern |
branched blackberry | Rubus suus | RUSU4 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
branched bur-reed | Sparganium androcladum | SPAN | Sparganiaceae | Monocot |
branched foldwing | Dicliptera brachiata | DIBR2 | Acanthaceae | Dicot |
branched noseburn | Tragia ramosa | TRRA5 | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
Brand"s phacelia | Phacelia gilioides | PHGI | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
brasenia | Brasenia | BRASE | Cabombaceae | Dicot |
Brazilian vervain | Verbena brasiliensis | VEBR2 | Verbenaceae | Dicot |
Brazilian waterhyssop | Bacopa egensis | BAEG | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Brazilian watermeal | Wolffia brasiliensis | WOBR | Lemnaceae | Monocot |
Brazilian waterweed | Egeria densa | EGDE | Hydrocharitaceae | Monocot |
brickellbush | Brickellia | BRICK | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bridalwreath spirea | Spiraea prunifolia | SPPR | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bride"s feathers | Aruncus dioicus | ARDI8 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bride"s feathers | Aruncus dioicus var. pubescens | ARDIP | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bristle fern | Trichomanes | TRICH5 | Hymenophyllaceae | Fern |
bristlegrass | Setaria | SETAR | Poaceae | Monocot |
bristleleaf sedge | Carex eburnea | CAEB2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bristlemallow | Modiola | MODIO | Malvaceae | Dicot |
bristly buttercup | Ranunculus hispidus | RAHI | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
bristly buttercup | Ranunculus hispidus var. hispidus | RAHIH | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
bristly buttercup | Ranunculus hispidus var. nitidus | RAHIN | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
bristly dogstail grass | Cynosurus echinatus | CYEC | Poaceae | Monocot |
bristly flatsedge | Cyperus hystricinus | CYHY | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bristly greenbrier | Smilax tamnoides | SMTA2 | Smilacaceae | Monocot |
bristly hawksbeard | Crepis setosa | CRSE2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bristly locust | Robinia hispida | ROHI | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bristly locust | Robinia hispida var. hispida | ROHIH | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bristly scaleseed | Spermolepis echinata | SPEC2 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
bristlystalked sedge | Carex leptalea | CALE10 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bristlystalked sedge | Carex leptalea ssp. leptalea | CALEL4 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
British soldier lichen | Cladonia cristatella | CLCR2 | Cladoniaceae | Lichen |
brittle waternymph | Najas minor | NAMI | Najadaceae | Monocot |
broad beechfern | Phegopteris hexagonoptera | PHHE11 | Thelypteridaceae | Fern |
broad looseflower sedge | Carex laxiflora | CALA19 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
broad looseflower sedge | Carex laxiflora var. laxiflora | CALAL5 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
broad looseflower sedge | Carex laxiflora var. serrulata | CALAS | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
broadleaf arrowhead | Sagittaria latifolia | SALA2 | Alismataceae | Monocot |
broadleaf carpetgrass | Axonopus compressus | AXCO | Poaceae | Monocot |
broadleaf cattail | Typha latifolia | TYLA | Typhaceae | Monocot |
broadleaf enchanter"s nightshade | Circaea lutetiana | CILU | Onagraceae | Dicot |
broadleaf enchanter"s nightshade | Circaea lutetiana ssp. canadensis | CILUC | Onagraceae | Dicot |
broadleaf helleborine | Epipactis helleborine | EPHE | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
broadleaf rosette grass | Dichanthelium latifolium | DILA8 | Poaceae | Monocot |
broadleaf signalgrass | Urochloa platyphylla | URPL2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
broadleaf wild leek | Allium ampeloprasum | ALAM | Liliaceae | Monocot |
broadpod draba | Draba platycarpa | DRPL | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
broadwing sedge | Carex alata | CAAL3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
brome | Bromus | BROMU | Poaceae | Monocot |
brome fescue | Vulpia bromoides | VUBR | Poaceae | Monocot |
brome-like sedge | Carex bromoides | CABR14 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
brome-like sedge | Carex bromoides ssp. bromoides | CABRB6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
brook cinquefoil | Potentilla rivalis | PORI3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
brookweed | Samolus | SAMOL | Primulaceae | Dicot |
broom sedge | Carex scoparia | CASC11 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
broom sedge | Carex scoparia var. scoparia | CASCS | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
broomrape | Orobanche | OROBA | Orobanchaceae | Dicot |
broomsedge bluestem | Andropogon virginicus | ANVI2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
broomsedge bluestem | Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus | ANVIV | Poaceae | Monocot |
broomweed | Amphiachyris | AMPHI8 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
broussonetia | Broussonetia | BROUS | Moraceae | Dicot |
brown mustard | Brassica juncea | BRJU | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
brown widelip orchid | Liparis liliifolia | LILI3 | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
Brown"s waterleaf | Hydrophyllum brownei | HYBR11 | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
browneyed Susan | Rudbeckia triloba | RUTR2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
browneyed Susan | Rudbeckia triloba var. triloba | RUTRT | Asteraceae | Dicot |
brownish beaksedge | Rhynchospora capitellata | RHCA12 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
browntop | Microstegium | MICRO7 | Poaceae | Monocot |
browntop millet | Urochloa ramosa | URRA | Poaceae | Monocot |
buckeye | Aesculus | AESCU | Hippocastanaceae | Dicot |
buckeye | Aesculus ×bushii | AEBU | Hippocastanaceae | Dicot |
Buckley"s goldenrod | Solidago buckleyi | SOBU | Asteraceae | Dicot |
buckthorn | Rhamnus | RHAMN | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
buckthorn | Frangula | FRANG | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
buckthorn bully | Sideroxylon lycioides | SILY | Sapotaceae | Dicot |
buckwheat | Eriogonum | ERIOG | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
buckwheat vine | Brunnichia | BRUNN | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
buffalo clover | Trifolium reflexum | TRRE2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
buffalobur nightshade | Solanum rostratum | SORO | Solanaceae | Dicot |
buffalograss | Bouteloua dactyloides | BODA2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bugbane | Trautvetteria | TRAUT | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
bugle | Ajuga | AJUGA | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
buglossoides | Buglossoides | BUGLO | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
bugseed | Corispermum | CORIS | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
bulblet bladderfern | Cystopteris bulbifera | CYBU3 | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
bulbous adderstongue | Ophioglossum crotalophoroides | OPCR | Ophioglossaceae | Fern |
bulbous adderstongue | Ophioglossum crotalophoroides var. crotalophoroides | OPCRC | Ophioglossaceae | Fern |
bulbous bittercress | Cardamine bulbosa | CABU3 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bulbous bluegrass | Poa bulbosa | POBU | Poaceae | Monocot |
bulbous woodrush | Luzula bulbosa | LUBU | Juncaceae | Monocot |
bull crowngrass | Paspalum boscianum | PABO3 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bull thistle | Cirsium vulgare | CIVU | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bully | Sideroxylon | SIDER2 | Sapotaceae | Dicot |
bulrush | Schoenoplectus | SCHOE6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bulrush | Scirpus | SCIRP | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bulrush | Isolepis | ISOLE | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bunched beaksedge | Rhynchospora cephalantha | RHCE | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bundleflower | Desmanthus | DESMA | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bupleurum | Bupleurum | BUPLE | Apiaceae | Dicot |
bur chervil | Anthriscus caucalis | ANCA14 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
bur cucumber | Sicyos | SICYO | Cucurbitaceae | Dicot |
bur oak | Quercus macrocarpa | QUMA2 | Fagaceae | Dicot |
bur oak | Quercus macrocarpa var. macrocarpa | QUMAM | Fagaceae | Dicot |
bur-reed | Sparganium | SPARG | Sparganiaceae | Monocot |
bur-reed sedge | Carex sparganioides | CASP3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
burclover | Medicago polymorpha | MEPO3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
burdock | Arctium | ARCTI | Asteraceae | Dicot |
burhead | Echinodorus | ECHIN6 | Alismataceae | Monocot |
burnet | Sanguisorba | SANGU2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
burningbush | Euonymus atropurpureus | EUAT5 | Celastraceae | Dicot |
burnweed | Erechtites | ERECH | Asteraceae | Dicot |
burrweed | Gymnostyles | GYMNO7 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
burrweed | Soliva | SOLIV | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bursting-heart | Euonymus americanus | EUAM9 | Celastraceae | Dicot |
Bush"s blackberry | Rubus bushii | RUBU2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Bush"s goosefoot | Chenopodium berlandieri var. bushianum | CHBEB3 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
Bush"s poppymallow | Callirhoe bushii | CABU8 | Malvaceae | Dicot |
Bush"s purple coneflower | Echinacea paradoxa | ECPA2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bush"s purple coneflower | Echinacea paradoxa var. paradoxa | ECPAP | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bush"s sedge | Carex bushii | CABU5 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Bush"s skullcap | Scutellaria bushii | SCBU | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
Bush"s umbrella-sedge | Fuirena bushii | FUBU | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bushy bluestem | Andropogon glomeratus | ANGL2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bushy bluestem | Andropogon glomeratus var. glomeratus | ANGLG2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bushy bluestem | Andropogon glomeratus var. hirsutior | ANGLH | Poaceae | Monocot |
bushy bluestem | Andropogon glomeratus var. pumilus | ANGLP | Poaceae | Monocot |
bushy goldentop | Euthamia leptocephala | EULE4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bushy knotweed | Polygonum ramosissimum | PORA3 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bushy knotweed | Polygonum ramosissimum var. ramosissimum | PORAR | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Butler"s sandparsley | Ammoselinum butleri | AMBU | Apiaceae | Dicot |
butter and eggs | Linaria vulgaris | LIVU2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
buttercup | Ranunculus | RANUN | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
butterfly milkweed | Asclepias tuberosa | ASTU | Asclepiadaceae | Dicot |
butterfly milkweed | Asclepias tuberosa ssp. interior | ASTUI | Asclepiadaceae | Dicot |
butterfly pea | Centrosema | CENTR2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
butterflybush | Buddleja | BUDDL2 | Buddlejaceae | Dicot |
butternut | Juglans cinerea | JUCI | Juglandaceae | Dicot |
butterweed | Packera glabella | PAGL17 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
button eryngo | Eryngium yuccifolium | ERYU | Apiaceae | Dicot |
button eryngo | Eryngium yuccifolium var. synchaetum | ERYUS | Apiaceae | Dicot |
button eryngo | Eryngium yuccifolium var. yuccifolium | ERYUY | Apiaceae | Dicot |
button sedge | Carex bullata | CABU7 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
buttonbush | Cephalanthus | CEPHA | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
buttonbush dodder | Cuscuta cephalanthi | CUCE | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
buttonweed | Diodia | DIODI | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
Buxbaum"s sedge | Carex buxbaumii | CABU6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
calamint | Calamintha | CALAM4 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
calamus | Acorus calamus | ACCA4 | Acoraceae | Monocot |
Caley pea | Lathyrus hirsutus | LAHI2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
calico aster | Symphyotrichum lateriflorum | SYLA4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
calico aster | Symphyotrichum lateriflorum var. horizontale | SYLAH5 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
calico aster | Symphyotrichum lateriflorum var. lateriflorum | SYLAL7 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
California bulrush | Schoenoplectus californicus | SCCA11 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Callery pear | Pyrus calleryana | PYCA80 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
calycocarpum | Calycocarpum | CALYC2 | Menispermaceae | Dicot |
calyptocarpus | Calyptocarpus | CALYP2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
camas | Camassia | CAMAS | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Campernelle jonquil | Narcissus ×odorus | NAOD | Liliaceae | Monocot |
camphor pluchea | Pluchea camphorata | PLCA7 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
camphorweed | Pluchea | PLUCH | Asteraceae | Dicot |
camphorweed | Heterotheca subaxillaris | HESU3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
campion | Lychnis | LYCHN | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
campsis | Campsis | CAMPS | Bignoniaceae | Dicot |
Canada bluegrass | Poa compressa | POCO | Poaceae | Monocot |
Canada cocklebur | Xanthium strumarium var. canadense | XASTC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canada germander | Teucrium canadense | TECA3 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
Canada germander | Teucrium canadense var. canadense | TECAC | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
Canada goldenrod | Solidago altissima | SOAL6 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canada goldenrod | Solidago canadensis | SOCA6 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canada lettuce | Lactuca canadensis | LACA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canada lily | Lilium canadense | LICA3 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Canada lily | Lilium canadense ssp. canadense | LICAC | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Canada thistle | Cirsium arvense | CIAR4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canada toadflax | Nuttallanthus canadensis | NUCA | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Canada wildrye | Elymus canadensis | ELCA4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Canadian blacksnakeroot | Sanicula canadensis | SACA15 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Canadian blacksnakeroot | Sanicula canadensis var. canadensis | SACAC2 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Canadian clearweed | Pilea pumila | PIPU2 | Urticaceae | Dicot |
Canadian clearweed | Pilea pumila var. pumila | PIPUP | Urticaceae | Dicot |
Canadian honewort | Cryptotaenia canadensis | CRCA9 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Canadian horseweed | Conyza canadensis | COCA5 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canadian horseweed | Conyza canadensis var. canadensis | COCAC3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canadian horseweed | Conyza canadensis var. pusilla | COCAP3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canadian licorice-root | Ligusticum canadense | LICA16 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Canadian lousewort | Pedicularis canadensis | PECA | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Canadian lousewort | Pedicularis canadensis ssp. canadensis | PECAC3 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Canadian milkvetch | Astragalus canadensis | ASCA11 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Canadian milkvetch | Astragalus canadensis var. canadensis | ASCAC6 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Canadian rush | Juncus canadensis | JUCA3 | Juncaceae | Monocot |
Canadian waterweed | Elodea canadensis | ELCA7 | Hydrocharitaceae | Monocot |
Canadian white violet | Viola canadensis | VICA4 | Violaceae | Dicot |
Canadian white violet | Viola canadensis var. canadensis | VICAC | Violaceae | Dicot |
Canadian wildginger | Asarum canadense | ASCA | Aristolochiaceae | Dicot |
Canadian woodnettle | Laportea canadensis | LACA3 | Urticaceae | Dicot |
canary violet | Viola ×primulifolia | VIPR4 | Violaceae | Dicot |
canarygrass | Phalaris | PHALA2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
cancerwort | Kickxia | KICKX | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
candyroot | Polygala nana | PONA2 | Polygalaceae | Dicot |
cane | Arundinaria | ARUND2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
cantaloupe | Cucumis melo | CUME | Cucurbitaceae | Dicot |
capillary hairsedge | Bulbostylis ciliatifolia | BUCI | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
capillary hairsedge | Bulbostylis ciliatifolia var. ciliatifolia | BUCIC2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
capsella | Capsella | CAPSE | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
cardinalflower | Lobelia cardinalis | LOCA2 | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
carelessweed | Amaranthus palmeri | AMPA | Amaranthaceae | Dicot |
Carey"s sedge | Carex careyana | CACA14 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
carnation | Dianthus caryophyllus | DICA26 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
Carolina anemone | Anemone caroliniana | ANCA9 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Carolina ash | Fraxinus caroliniana | FRCA3 | Oleaceae | Dicot |
Carolina basswood | Tilia americana var. caroliniana | TIAMC | Tiliaceae | Dicot |
Carolina bristlemallow | Modiola caroliniana | MOCA | Malvaceae | Dicot |
Carolina buckthorn | Frangula caroliniana | FRCA13 | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
Carolina bugbane | Trautvetteria caroliniensis | TRCA | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Carolina bugbane | Trautvetteria caroliniensis var. caroliniensis | TRCAC2 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Carolina canarygrass | Phalaris caroliniana | PHCA6 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Carolina clover | Trifolium carolinianum | TRCA6 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Carolina coralbead | Cocculus carolinus | COCA | Menispermaceae | Dicot |
Carolina crownbeard | Verbesina walteri | VEWA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Carolina dayflower | Commelina caroliniana | COCA17 | Commelinaceae | Monocot |
Carolina desert-chicory | Pyrrhopappus carolinianus | PYCA2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Carolina draba | Draba reptans | DRRE2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Carolina elephantsfoot | Elephantopus carolinianus | ELCA3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Carolina fanwort | Cabomba caroliniana | CACA | Cabombaceae | Dicot |
Carolina fanwort | Cabomba caroliniana var. caroliniana | CACAC4 | Cabombaceae | Dicot |
Carolina foxtail | Alopecurus carolinianus | ALCA4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Carolina frostweed | Helianthemum carolinianum | HECA4 | Cistaceae | Dicot |
Carolina geranium | Geranium carolinianum | GECA5 | Geraniaceae | Dicot |
Carolina geranium | Geranium carolinianum var. carolinianum | GECAC4 | Geraniaceae | Dicot |
Carolina grasswort | Lilaeopsis carolinensis | LICA31 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Carolina holly | Ilex ambigua | ILAM | Aquifoliaceae | Dicot |
Carolina horsenettle | Solanum carolinense | SOCA3 | Solanaceae | Dicot |
Carolina horsenettle | Solanum carolinense var. carolinense | SOCAC4 | Solanaceae | Dicot |
Carolina larkspur | Delphinium carolinianum | DECA3 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Carolina larkspur | Delphinium carolinianum ssp. carolinianum | DECAC3 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Carolina larkspur | Delphinium carolinianum ssp. vimineum | DECAV | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Carolina larkspur | Delphinium carolinianum ssp. virescens | DECAV2 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Carolina laurelcherry | Prunus caroliniana | PRCA | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Carolina leaf-flower | Phyllanthus caroliniensis | PHCA9 | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
Carolina leaf-flower | Phyllanthus caroliniensis ssp. caroliniensis | PHCAC | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
Carolina lily | Lilium michauxii | LIMI | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Carolina mosquitofern | Azolla caroliniana | AZCA | Azollaceae | Fern |
Carolina nutrush | Scleria pauciflora var. caroliniana | SCPAC | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Carolina ponysfoot | Dichondra carolinensis | DICA3 | Convolvulaceae | Dicot |
Carolina poplar | Populus ×canadensis | POCA19 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
Carolina puccoon | Lithospermum caroliniense | LICA13 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
Carolina puccoon | Lithospermum caroliniense var. caroliniense | LICAC8 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
Carolina puccoon | Lithospermum caroliniense var. croceum | LICAC9 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
Carolina rose | Rosa carolina | ROCA4 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Carolina rose | Rosa carolina var. carolina | ROCAC | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Carolina sedge | Carex caroliniana | CACA15 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Carolina springbeauty | Claytonia caroliniana | CLCA | Portulacaceae | Dicot |
Carolina springbeauty | Claytonia caroliniana var. caroliniana | CLCAC | Portulacaceae | Dicot |
Carolina vetch | Vicia caroliniana | VICA2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Carolina violet | Viola villosa | VIVI3 | Violaceae | Dicot |
Carolina woodrush | Luzula acuminata ssp. carolinae | LUACC2 | Juncaceae | Monocot |
Carolina woollywhite | Hymenopappus scabiosaeus | HYSC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Carolina woollywhite | Hymenopappus scabiosaeus var. corymbosus | HYSCC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Carolina woollywhite | Hymenopappus scabiosaeus var. scabiosaeus | HYSCS | Asteraceae | Dicot |
carpenter"s square | Scrophularia marilandica | SCMA2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
carpet burrweed | Gymnostyles stolonifera | GYST | Asteraceae | Dicot |
carpetgrass | Axonopus | AXONO | Poaceae | Monocot |
carpetweed | Mollugo | MOLLU | Molluginaceae | Dicot |
carpgrass | Arthraxon | ARTHR | Poaceae | Monocot |
carretilla | Diodia dasycephala | DIDA | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
cat greenbrier | Smilax glauca | SMGL | Smilacaceae | Monocot |
cat"s ear | Hypochaeris | HYPOC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
catalpa | Catalpa | CATAL | Bignoniaceae | Dicot |
catbird grape | Vitis palmata | VIPA7 | Vitaceae | Dicot |
catchfly | Silene | SILEN | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
catchfly grass | Leersia lenticularis | LELE2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
catchfly prairie gentian | Eustoma exaltatum | EUEX5 | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
catchfly prairie gentian | Eustoma exaltatum ssp. exaltatum | EUEXE2 | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
catnip | Nepeta | NEPET | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
catnip | Nepeta cataria | NECA2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
cattail | Typha | TYPHA | Typhaceae | Monocot |
cattail sedge | Carex typhina | CATY | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
ceanothus | Ceanothus | CEANO | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
cedar elm | Ulmus crassifolia | ULCR | Ulmaceae | Dicot |
cedar sedge | Carex planostachys | CAPL3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
celandine poppy | Stylophorum diphyllum | STDI3 | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
centaury | Centaurium | CENTA2 | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
centella | Centella | CENTE | Apiaceae | Dicot |
centipede grass | Eremochloa | EREMO2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
centipede grass | Eremochloa ophiuroides | EROP | Poaceae | Monocot |
cereal rye | Secale cereale | SECE | Poaceae | Monocot |
chaffweed | Anagallis minima | ANMI4 | Primulaceae | Dicot |
chainfern | Woodwardia | WOODW | Blechnaceae | Fern |
chalk maple | Acer leucoderme | ACLE | Aceraceae | Dicot |
chamaelirium | Chamaelirium | CHAMA6 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
chamber bitter | Phyllanthus urinaria | PHUR | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
chamomile | Anthemis | ANTHE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
changing forget-me-not | Myosotis discolor | MYDI | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
Chapman"s arrowhead | Sagittaria graminea var. chapmanii | SAGRC2 | Alismataceae | Monocot |
Chapman"s bluegrass | Poa chapmaniana | POCH2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Chapman"s tridens | Tridens flavus var. chapmanii | TRFLC | Poaceae | Monocot |
charlock mustard | Sinapis arvensis | SIAR4 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
chastetree | Vitex | VITEX | Verbenaceae | Dicot |
cheatgrass | Bromus tectorum | BRTE | Poaceae | Monocot |
Cherokee sedge | Carex cherokeensis | CACH3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
cherrybark oak | Quercus pagoda | QUPA5 | Fagaceae | Dicot |
chervil | Chaerophyllum | CHAER | Apiaceae | Dicot |
chervil | Anthriscus | ANTHR | Apiaceae | Dicot |
chestnut | Castanea | CASTA | Fagaceae | Dicot |
chestnut | Castanea ×neglecta | CANE7 | Fagaceae | Dicot |
Chickasaw plum | Prunus angustifolia | PRAN3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Chickasaw plum | Prunus angustifolia var. angustifolia | PRANA | Rosaceae | Dicot |
chickenspike | Sphenoclea zeylanica | SPZE | Sphenocleaceae | Dicot |
chickenthief | Mentzelia oligosperma | MEOL | Loasaceae | Dicot |
chicory | Cichorium | CICHO | Asteraceae | Dicot |
chicory | Cichorium intybus | CIIN | Asteraceae | Dicot |
childing pink | Petrorhagia prolifera | PEPR4 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
Chinaberrytree | Melia azedarach | MEAZ | Meliaceae | Dicot |
Chinese elm | Ulmus parvifolia | ULPA | Ulmaceae | Dicot |
Chinese fountaingrass | Pennisetum alopecuroides | PEAL | Poaceae | Monocot |
Chinese hound"s tongue | Cynoglossum amabile | CYAM3 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
Chinese parasoltree | Firmiana simplex | FISI2 | Sterculiaceae | Dicot |
Chinese privet | Ligustrum sinense | LISI | Oleaceae | Dicot |
Chinese rose | Rosa chinensis | ROCH | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Chinese tallow | Triadica | TRIAD2 | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
Chinese tallow | Triadica sebifera | TRSE6 | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
Chinese thorn-apple | Datura quercifolia | DAQU | Solanaceae | Dicot |
Chinese wisteria | Wisteria sinensis | WISI | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Chinese yam | Dioscorea oppositifolia | DIOP | Dioscoreaceae | Monocot |
chinkapin | Castanea pumila | CAPU9 | Fagaceae | Dicot |
chinkapin | Castanea pumila var. pumila | CAPUP3 | Fagaceae | Dicot |
chinkapin oak | Quercus muehlenbergii | QUMU | Fagaceae | Dicot |
chocolateweed | Melochia corchorifolia | MECO4 | Sterculiaceae | Dicot |
chokeberry | Photinia | PHOTI | Rosaceae | Dicot |
chokecherry | Prunus virginiana | PRVI | Rosaceae | Dicot |
chokecherry | Prunus virginiana var. virginiana | PRVIV | Rosaceae | Dicot |
chorispora | Chorispora | CHORI | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Christmas candlestick | Leonotis nepetifolia | LENE | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
Christmas fern | Polystichum acrostichoides | POAC4 | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
Christmas fern | Polystichum acrostichoides var. acrostichoides | POACA | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
Church"s wildrye | Elymus churchii | ELCH5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
churchmouse threeawn | Aristida dichotoma | ARDI4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
churchmouse threeawn | Aristida dichotoma var. dichotoma | ARDID | Poaceae | Monocot |
cinnamon fern | Osmunda cinnamomea | OSCI | Osmundaceae | Fern |
cinnamon fern | Osmunda cinnamomea var. cinnamomea | OSCIC | Osmundaceae | Fern |
cinnamon fern | Osmunda cinnamomea var. glandulosa | OSCIG | Osmundaceae | Fern |
cinquefoil | Potentilla | POTEN | Rosaceae | Dicot |
clammy goosefoot | Dysphania pumilio | DYPU | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
clammy groundcherry | Physalis heterophylla | PHHE5 | Solanaceae | Dicot |
clammy groundcherry | Physalis heterophylla var. heterophylla | PHHEH3 | Solanaceae | Dicot |
clammy hedgehyssop | Gratiola neglecta | GRNE | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
clammyweed | Polanisia | POLAN | Capparaceae | Dicot |
clasping coneflower | Dracopis amplexicaulis | DRAM | Asteraceae | Dicot |
clasping jewelflower | Streptanthus maculatus | STMA2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
clasping jewelflower | Streptanthus maculatus ssp. obtusifolius | STMAO | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
clasping milkweed | Asclepias amplexicaulis | ASAM | Asclepiadaceae | Dicot |
clasping pepperweed | Lepidium perfoliatum | LEPE2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
clasping Venus" looking-glass | Triodanis perfoliata | TRPE4 | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
claspingleaf St. Johnswort | Hypericum gymnanthum | HYGY | Clusiaceae | Dicot |
claspleaf pennycress | Microthlaspi perfoliatum | MIPE8 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Clayton"s sweetroot | Osmorhiza claytonii | OSCL | Apiaceae | Dicot |
clearweed | Pilea | PILEA | Urticaceae | Dicot |
cleft phlox | Phlox bifida | PHBI3 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
cleft phlox | Phlox bifida ssp. bifida | PHBIB | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
cleft phlox | Phlox bifida ssp. stellaria | PHBIS | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
Cleland"s evening primrose | Oenothera clelandii | OECL3 | Onagraceae | Dicot |
cliff fern | Woodsia | WOODS | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
cliffbrake | Pellaea | PELLA | Pteridaceae | Fern |
climbing dayflower | Commelina diffusa | CODI5 | Commelinaceae | Monocot |
climbing dayflower | Commelina diffusa var. diffusa | CODID3 | Commelinaceae | Monocot |
climbing dogbane | Trachelospermum difforme | TRDI | Apocynaceae | Dicot |
climbing false buckwheat | Polygonum scandens | POSC3 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
climbing false buckwheat | Polygonum scandens var. cristatum | POSCC | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
climbing false buckwheat | Polygonum scandens var. dumetorum | POSCD | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
climbing false buckwheat | Polygonum scandens var. scandens | POSCS | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
climbing fern | Lygodium | LYGOD2 | Lygodiaceae | Fern |
climbing hempvine | Mikania scandens | MISC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
climbing rose | Rosa setigera | ROSE2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
climbing rose | Rosa setigera var. setigera | ROSES | Rosaceae | Dicot |
climbing rose | Rosa setigera var. tomentosa | ROSET | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Clingman"s hedgenettle | Stachys clingmanii | STCL | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
clinopodium | Clinopodium | CLINO | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
clover | Trifolium | TRIFO | Fabaceae | Dicot |
clubmoss | Lycopodiella ×copelandii | LYCO8 | Lycopodiaceae | Lycopod |
clubmoss | Lycopodium | LYCOP2 | Lycopodiaceae | Lycopod |
clubmoss | Lycopodiella | LYCOP6 | Lycopodiaceae | Lycopod |
clubmoss | Lycopodiella ×brucei | LYBR2 | Lycopodiaceae | Lycopod |
clubmoss | Huperzia | HUPER | Lycopodiaceae | Lycopod |
clubmoss | Huperzia ×bartleyi | HUBA | Lycopodiaceae | Lycopod |
clustered beaksedge | Rhynchospora glomerata | RHGL3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
clustered blacksnakeroot | Sanicula odorata | SAOD | Apiaceae | Dicot |
clustered dock | Rumex conglomeratus | RUCO2 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
clustered fescue | Festuca paradoxa | FEPA2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
clustered mille graines | Oldenlandia uniflora | OLUN | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
clustered mountainmint | Pycnanthemum muticum | PYMU | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
clustervine | Jacquemontia | JACQU | Convolvulaceae | Dicot |
cnicus | Cnicus | CNICU | Asteraceae | Dicot |
cnidoscolus | Cnidoscolus | CNIDO | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
coast cockspur grass | Echinochloa walteri | ECWA | Poaceae | Monocot |
coastal indigo | Indigofera miniata | INMI | Fabaceae | Dicot |
coastal lovegrass | Eragrostis refracta | ERRE | Poaceae | Monocot |
coastal plain flatsedge | Cyperus cuspidatus | CYCU | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
coastal plain panicgrass | Dichanthelium longiligulatum | DILO4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
coastal plain sedge | Carex crebriflora | CACR5 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
coastal plain willow | Salix caroliniana | SACA5 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
coastal plain yelloweyed grass | Xyris ambigua | XYAM | Xyridaceae | Monocot |
coastal sandbur | Cenchrus spinifex | CESP4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
cobaea beardtongue | Penstemon cobaea | PECO4 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
cocklebur | Xanthium | XANTH2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
cockspur grass | Echinochloa | ECHIN4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
cockspur hawthorn | Crataegus crus-galli | CRCR2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
coffeetree | Gymnocladus | GYMNO2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
cohosh | Caulophyllum | CAULO | Berberidaceae | Dicot |
colicroot | Aletris | ALETR | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Colombian waxweed | Cuphea carthagenensis | CUCA4 | Lythraceae | Dicot |
colonial bentgrass | Agrostis capillaris | AGCA5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Columbian watermeal | Wolffia columbiana | WOCO | Lemnaceae | Monocot |
columbine | Aquilegia | AQUIL | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
combleaf yellow false foxglove | Aureolaria pectinata | AUPE | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Combs" panicgrass | Panicum rigidulum var. combsii | PARIC | Poaceae | Monocot |
comfrey | Symphytum | SYMPH2 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
common balm | Melissa officinalis | MEOF2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
common barley | Hordeum vulgare | HOVU | Poaceae | Monocot |
common bladderwort | Utricularia macrorhiza | UTMA | Lentibulariaceae | Dicot |
common blue violet | Viola sororia | VISO | Violaceae | Dicot |
common blue wood aster | Symphyotrichum cordifolium | SYCO4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common boneset | Eupatorium perfoliatum | EUPE3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common boneset | Eupatorium perfoliatum var. perfoliatum | EUPEP | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common bugle | Ajuga reptans | AJRE | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
common buttonbush | Cephalanthus occidentalis | CEOC2 | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
common carpetgrass | Axonopus fissifolius | AXFI | Poaceae | Monocot |
common chickweed | Stellaria media | STME2 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
common chickweed | Stellaria media ssp. media | STMEM | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
common chickweed | Stellaria media ssp. pallida | STMEP | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
common cinquefoil | Potentilla simplex | POSI2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
common comfrey | Symphytum officinale | SYOF | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
common corncockle | Agrostemma githago | AGGI | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
common dandelion | Taraxacum officinale | TAOF | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common dandelion | Taraxacum officinale ssp. officinale | TAOFO | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common dittany | Cunila origanoides | CUOR | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
common duckmeat | Spirodela polyrrhiza | SPPO | Lemnaceae | Monocot |
common duckweed | Lemna minor | LEMI3 | Lemnaceae | Monocot |
common evening primrose | Oenothera biennis | OEBI | Onagraceae | Dicot |
common flax | Linum usitatissimum | LIUS | Linaceae | Dicot |
common goldstar | Hypoxis hirsuta | HYHI2 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
common grape hyacinth | Muscari botryoides | MUBO | Liliaceae | Monocot |
common hackberry | Celtis occidentalis | CEOC | Ulmaceae | Dicot |
common hardgrass | Sclerochloa dura | SCDU2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
common hop | Humulus lupulus | HULU | Cannabaceae | Dicot |
common hop | Humulus lupulus var. pubescens | HULUP | Cannabaceae | Dicot |
common hoptree | Ptelea trifoliata | PTTR | Rutaceae | Dicot |
common hoptree | Ptelea trifoliata ssp. angustifolia | PTTRA | Rutaceae | Dicot |
common hoptree | Ptelea trifoliata ssp. angustifolia var. angustifolia | PTTRA2 | Rutaceae | Dicot |
common hoptree | Ptelea trifoliata ssp. angustifolia var. persicifolia | PTTRP3 | Rutaceae | Dicot |
common hoptree | Ptelea trifoliata ssp. trifoliata | PTTRT | Rutaceae | Dicot |
common hoptree | Ptelea trifoliata ssp. trifoliata var. mollis | PTTRM | Rutaceae | Dicot |
common hoptree | Ptelea trifoliata ssp. trifoliata var. trifoliata | PTTRT2 | Rutaceae | Dicot |
common ladyfern | Athyrium filix-femina | ATFI | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
common lilac | Syringa vulgaris | SYVU | Oleaceae | Dicot |
common maidenhair | Adiantum capillus-veneris | ADCA | Pteridaceae | Fern |
common mallow | Malva neglecta | MANE | Malvaceae | Dicot |
common marshmallow | Althaea officinalis | ALOF2 | Malvaceae | Dicot |
common milkweed | Asclepias syriaca | ASSY | Asclepiadaceae | Dicot |
common moonseed | Menispermum canadense | MECA3 | Menispermaceae | Dicot |
common motherwort | Leonurus cardiaca | LECA2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
common motherwort | Leonurus cardiaca ssp. cardiaca | LECAC7 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
common mouse-ear chickweed | Cerastium fontanum | CEFO2 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
common mullein | Verbascum thapsus | VETH | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
common ninebark | Physocarpus opulifolius var. opulifolius | PHOPO | Rosaceae | Dicot |
common ninebark | Physocarpus opulifolius | PHOP | Rosaceae | Dicot |
common nipplewort | Lapsana communis | LACO3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common oat | Avena sativa | AVSA | Poaceae | Monocot |
common pear | Pyrus communis | PYCO | Rosaceae | Dicot |
common periwinkle | Vinca minor | VIMI2 | Apocynaceae | Dicot |
common persimmon | Diospyros virginiana | DIVI5 | Ebenaceae | Dicot |
common plantain | Plantago major | PLMA2 | Plantaginaceae | Dicot |
common pricklyash | Zanthoxylum americanum | ZAAM | Rutaceae | Dicot |
common reed | Phragmites australis | PHAU7 | Poaceae | Monocot |
common rush | Juncus effusus | JUEF | Juncaceae | Monocot |
common selfheal | Prunella vulgaris | PRVU | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
common serviceberry | Amelanchier arborea var. arborea | AMARA4 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
common serviceberry | Amelanchier arborea | AMAR3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
common sheep sorrel | Rumex acetosella | RUAC3 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
common sneezeweed | Helenium autumnale | HEAU | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common sneezeweed | Helenium autumnale var. autumnale | HEAUA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common sowthistle | Sonchus oleraceus | SOOL | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common spikerush | Eleocharis palustris | ELPA3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
common spikerush | Eleocharis palustris var. palustris | ELPAP | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
common St. Johnswort | Hypericum perforatum | HYPE | Clusiaceae | Dicot |
common sunflower | Helianthus annuus | HEAN3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common sweetleaf | Symplocos tinctoria | SYTI | Symplocaceae | Dicot |
common tansy | Tanacetum vulgare | TAVU | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common threeseed mercury | Acalypha rhomboidea | ACRH | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
common threesquare | Schoenoplectus pungens | SCPU10 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
common threesquare | Schoenoplectus pungens var. pungens | SCPUP5 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
common velvetgrass | Holcus lanatus | HOLA | Poaceae | Monocot |
common viper"s bugloss | Echium vulgare | ECVU | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
common water hyacinth | Eichhornia crassipes | EICR | Pontederiaceae | Monocot |
common wheat | Triticum aestivum | TRAE | Poaceae | Monocot |
common winterberry | Ilex verticillata | ILVE | Aquifoliaceae | Dicot |
common yarrow | Achillea millefolium | ACMI2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common yellow oxalis | Oxalis stricta | OXST | Oxalidaceae | Dicot |
compact dodder | Cuscuta compacta | CUCO2 | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
compact dodder | Cuscuta compacta var. compacta | CUCOC | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
compact prairie clover | Dalea compacta | DACO2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
compact prairie clover | Dalea compacta var. compacta | DACOC | Fabaceae | Dicot |
compact prairie clover | Dalea compacta var. pubescens | DACOP | Fabaceae | Dicot |
compassplant | Silphium laciniatum | SILA3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
compassplant | Silphium laciniatum var. laciniatum | SILAL2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
composite dropseed | Sporobolus compositus | SPCO16 | Poaceae | Monocot |
composite dropseed | Sporobolus compositus var. compositus | SPCOC2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
composite dropseed | Sporobolus compositus var. macer | SPCOM | Poaceae | Monocot |
cone-cup spikerush | Eleocharis tuberculosa | ELTU | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
coneflower | Dracopis | DRACO3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
coneflower | Rudbeckia | RUDBE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
confederate spiderwort | Tradescantia paludosa | TRPA8 | Commelinaceae | Monocot |
convallaria | Convallaria | CONVA | Liliaceae | Monocot |
coon"s tail | Ceratophyllum demersum | CEDE4 | Ceratophyllaceae | Dicot |
Copenhagen hawthorn | Crataegus intricata | CRIN3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
copper iris | Iris fulva | IRFU | Iridaceae | Monocot |
copperleaf | Acalypha | ACALY | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
coral greenbrier | Smilax walteri | SMWA | Smilacaceae | Monocot |
coralbead | Cocculus | COCCU | Menispermaceae | Dicot |
coralberry | Symphoricarpos orbiculatus | SYOR | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
coralroot | Corallorhiza | CORAL5 | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
cordgrass | Spartina | SPART | Poaceae | Monocot |
cork oak | Quercus ×subfalcata | QUSU6 | Fagaceae | Dicot |
corkwood | Leitneria | LEITN | Leitneriaceae | Dicot |
corn | Zea | ZEA | Poaceae | Monocot |
corn | Zea mays | ZEMA | Poaceae | Monocot |
corn | Zea mays ssp. mays | ZEMAM2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
corn brome | Bromus squarrosus | BRSQ2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
corn buttercup | Ranunculus arvensis | RAAR3 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
corn gromwell | Buglossoides arvensis | BUAR3 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
corn poppy | Papaver rhoeas | PARH2 | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
corn speedwell | Veronica arvensis | VEAR | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
corn spurry | Spergula arvensis | SPAR | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
corncockle | Agrostemma | AGROS | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
cornsalad | Valerianella | VALER2 | Valerianaceae | Dicot |
cosmos | Cosmos | COSMO | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Cossatot Mountain leafcup | Polymnia cossatotensis | POCO25 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
cottonflower | Gossypianthus | GOSSY2 | Amaranthaceae | Dicot |
cottonwood | Populus | POPUL | Salicaceae | Dicot |
cow soapwort | Vaccaria hispanica | VAHI2 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
cowbane | Oxypolis | OXYPO | Apiaceae | Dicot |
cowpea | Vigna | VIGNA | Fabaceae | Dicot |
cowpea | Vigna unguiculata | VIUN | Fabaceae | Dicot |
crabgrass | Digitaria | DIGIT2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
cracked lichen | Acarospora | ACARO2 | Acarosporaceae | Lichen |
crapemyrtle | Lagerstroemia indica | LAIN | Lythraceae | Dicot |
Crawe"s sedge | Carex crawei | CACR3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
cream avens | Geum virginianum | GEVI4 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
cream narcissus | Narcissus tazetta | NATA2 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
creamflower rockcress | Arabis hirsuta var. pycnocarpa | ARHIP | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
creek plum | Prunus rivularis | PRRI | Rosaceae | Dicot |
creeper | Parthenocissus | PARTH3 | Vitaceae | Dicot |