This list represents a comprehensive and trusted collection of the greatest books. Developed through a specialized algorithm, it brings together 254 'best of' book lists to form a definitive guide to the world's most acclaimed books.
Rank | Title | Author | Published | Country | Original Language | Page Range | Word Count |
1 | One Hundred Years of Solitude | Gabriel Garcia Marquez | 1967 | Colombian | spanish | 300-500 | 144,000 |
2 | The Great Gatsby | F. Scott Fitzgerald | 1925 | American | english | 47-180 | 47,000 |
3 | Ulysses | James Joyce | 1922 | Irish | english | 730-1000 | 265,000 |
4 | In Search of Lost Time | Marcel Proust | 1913 | French | french | 3000-4300 | 1,200,000 |
5 | The Catcher in the Rye | J. D. Salinger | 1945 | American | english | 220-277 | 73,440 |
6 | Nineteen Eighty Four | George Orwell | 1949 | British | english | 300-400 | 88,942 |
7 | Lolita | Vladimir Nabokov | 1955 | American | english | 300-400 | 112,473 |
8 | Moby Dick | Herman Melville | 1851 | American | english | 600-700 | 212,000 |
9 | Don Quixote | Miguel de Cervantes | 1605 | Spanish | spanish | 800-1000 | 500,000 |
10 | Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen | 1813 | British | english | 432 | 122,189 |
11 | To Kill a Mockingbird | Harper Lee | 1960 | American | english | 281-500 | 100,388 |
12 | Crime and Punishment | Fyodor Dostoevsky | 1866 | Russian | russian | 430-600 | 211,591 |
13 | Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë | 1847 | British | english | 300-400 | 107,945 |
14 | Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy | 1877 | Russian | russian | 800-1000 | 349,000 |
15 | War and Peace | Leo Tolstoy | 1869 | Russian | russian | 1225-1500 | 587,287 |
16 | The Grapes of Wrath | John Steinbeck | 1939 | American | english | 464 | 169,481 |
17 | Beloved | Toni Morrison | 1987 | American | english | 275-350 | 90,000 |
18 | The Sound and the Fury | William Faulkner | 1929 | American | english | 320 | 97,000 |
19 | Catch-22 | Joseph Heller | 1961 | American | english | 450-550 | 174,269 |
20 | Alice's Adventures in Wonderland | Lewis Carroll | 1865 | British | english | 92-202 | 26,429 |
21 | Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad | 1899 | British | english | 70-200 | 38,000 |
22 | Madame Bovary | Gustave Flaubert | 1857 | French | french | 300-450 | 117,000 |
23 | The Lord of the Rings | J. R. R. Tolkien | 1954 | British | english | 1000-1500 | 455,125 |
24 | The Odyssey | Homer | -700 | Greek | ancient greek | 300-500 | 120,000 |
25 | The Divine Comedy | Dante Alighieri | 1301 | Italian | italian | 300-500 | 100,000 |
26 | The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn | Mark Twain | 1884 | American | english | 200-400 | 109,571 |
27 | The Bible | Christian Church | 101 | Jewish | hebrew, aramaic, greek | 783,137 | |
28 | The Stranger | Albert Camus | 1946 | French | french | 100-200 | 35,000 |
29 | The Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky | 1880 | Russian | russian | 700-800 | 364,000 |
30 | Middlemarch | George Eliot | 1871 | British | english | 700-900 | 310,000 |
31 | Invisible Man | Ralph Ellison | 1952 | American | english | 200-600 | 95,000 |
32 | Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bronte | 1847 | British | english | 300-500 | 183,858 |
33 | The Iliad | Homer | -750 | Greek | ancient greek | 300-700 | 155,000 |
34 | Great Expectations | Charles Dickens | 1861 | British | english | 500-600 | 186,000 |
35 | Midnight's Children | Salman Rushdie | 1981 | British, Indian | english | 450-550 | 208,000 |
36 | Frankenstein | Mary Shelley | 1831 | British | english | 280-320 | 78,000 |
37 | To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf | 1927 | British | english | 200-300 | 70,000 |
38 | The Trial | Franz Kafka | 1925 | Czech | german | 200-300 | 80,000 |
39 | On the Road | Jack Kerouac | 1957 | American | english | 310 | 86,921 |
40 | Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf | 1925 | British | english | 150-200 | 64,000 |
41 | The Magic Mountain | Thomas Mann | 1924 | German | german | 700-1000 | 264,000 |
42 | The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov | 1966 | Russian | russian | 250-500 | 134,000 |
43 | Absalom, Absalom! | William Faulkner | 1936 | American | english | 300-400 | 120,000 |
44 | The Sun Also Rises | Ernest Hemingway | 1926 | American | english | 200-300 | 68,000 |
45 | David Copperfield | Charles Dickens | 1850 | British | english | 600-900 | 358,000 |
46 | Brave New World | Aldous Huxley | 1931 | British | english | 200-300 | 64,000 |
47 | The Color Purple | Alice Walker | 1982 | American | english | 250-350 | 66,000 |
48 | Gone With the Wind | Margaret Mitchell | 1937 | American | english | 959-1037 | 418,053 |
49 | Gulliver's Travels | Jonathan Swift | 1726 | British | english | 300-400 | 107,349 |
50 | A Passage to India | E. M. Forster | 1924 | British | english | 200-400 | 120,000 |
51 | Les Misérables | Victor Hugo | 1862 | French | french | 1200-1500 | 530,982 |
52 | The Red and the Black | Stendhal | 1830 | French | french | 300-500 | 217,000 |
53 | Slaughterhouse-Five | Kurt Vonnegut | 1969 | American | english | 275-320 | 49,000 |
54 | Lord of the Flies | William Golding | 1954 | British | english | 224 | 59,960 |
55 | Their Eyes Were Watching God | Zora Neale Hurston | 1937 | American | english | 200-300 | 59,000 |
56 | Tristram Shandy | Laurence Sterne | 1759 | British | english | 400-600 | 175,000 |
57 | Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone | J. K Rowling | 1997 | British | english | 223-332 | 76,944 |
58 | Things Fall Apart | Chinua Achebe | 1958 | Nigerian | english | 200-250 | 60,000 |
59 | Rebecca | Daphne du Maurier | 1938 | British | english | 300-400 | 115,500 |
60 | One Thousand and One Nights | 1704 | arabic | ||||
61 | A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man | James Joyce | 1917 | Irish | english | 200-300 | 86,332 |
62 | The Little Prince | Antoine de Saint-Exupéry | 1943 | French | french | 93-96 | 16,000 |
63 | The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy | Douglas Adams | 1979 | British | english | 150-200 | 46,972 |
64 | As I Lay Dying | William Faulkner | 1930 | American | english | 200-300 | 56,000 |
65 | The Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood | 1985 | Canadian | english | 300-400 | 94,000 |
66 | The Aeneid | Virgil | 19 | Roman | latin | 128,000 | |
67 | The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne | 1850 | American | english | 200-300 | 63,500 |
68 | The Portrait of a Lady | Henry James | 1881 | American | english | 400-600 | 188,000 |
69 | The Diary of a Young Girl | Anne Frank | 1944 | Dutch | dutch | 220-340 | 70,000 |
70 | Animal Farm | George Orwell | 1946 | British | english | 50-150 | 29,500 |
71 | Candide | Voltaire | 1759 | French | french | 100-200 | 30,000 |
72 | Oedipus the King | Sophocles | -429 | Greek | ancient greek | 26,000 | |
73 | Fictions | Jorge Luis Borges | 1935 | Argentinian | spanish | 174 | |
74 | Native Son | Richard Wright | 1940 | American | english | 350-500 | 100,000 |
75 | Walden | Henry David Thoreau | 1854 | American | english | 200-350 | 114,000 |
76 | Pale Fire | Vladimir Nabokov | 1962 | American | english | 200-300 | 95,000 |
77 | Hamlet | William Shakespeare | 1603 | British | english | 100-200 | 30,000 |
78 | Leaves of Grass | Walt Whitman | 1855 | American | english | 95-438 | 154,835 |
79 | Silent Spring | Rachel Carson | 1962 | American | english | 200-300 | 61,000 |
80 | Love in the Time of Cholera | Gabriel Garcia Marquez | 1985 | Colombian | spanish | 348 | 62,000 |
81 | The Tin Drum | Günter Grass | 1959 | German | german | 500-600 | 203,000 |
82 | For Whom the Bell Tolls | Ernest Hemingway | 1940 | American | english | 450-500 | 174,632 |
83 | Faust | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | 1808 | German | german | Varies | 90,000 |
84 | The Stories of Anton Chekhov | Anton Chekhov | 1961 | Russian | russian | ||
85 | The Old Man and the Sea | Ernest Hemingway | 1952 | American | english | 120-140 | 27,000 |
86 | In Cold Blood | Truman Capote | 1966 | American | english | 300-400 | 94,000 |
87 | Little Women | Louisa May Alcott | 1868 | American | english | 300-500 | 189,000 |
88 | The Big Sleep | Raymond Chandler | 1939 | American | english | 200-300 | 69,000 |
89 | A Clockwork Orange | Anthony Burgess | 1962 | British | english | 192 | 64,000 |
90 | The Unbearable Lightness of Being | Milan Kundera | 1984 | Czech | czech | 200-400 | 85,000 |
91 | Waiting for Godot | Samuel Beckett | 1953 | Irish | french | 60-128 | 30,000 |
92 | Emma | Jane Austen | 1815 | British | english | 300-500 | |
93 | The Leopard | Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa | 1958 | Italian | italian | 200-300 | 72,000 |
94 | One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest | Ken Kesey | 1962 | American | english | 320 | 104,000 |
95 | Charlotte's Web | E. B. White | 1952 | American | english | 192 | 32,000 |
96 | The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer | 1401 | British | middle english | 300-500 | 17,000 |
97 | The Idiot | Fyodor Dostoevsky | 1868 | Russian | russian | 600-800 | 208,000 |
98 | Under the Volcano | Malcolm Lowry | 1947 | British | english | 300-400 | 144,000 |
99 | Tess of the d'Urbervilles | Thomas Hardy | 1891 | British | english | 400-500 | 151,097 |
100 | All Quiet on the Western Front | Erich Maria Remarque | 1929 | German | german | 200-300 | 61,000 |
101 | The Good Soldier | Ford Madox Ford | 1915 | British | english | 200-300 | 72,000 |
102 | The Age of Innocence | Edith Wharton | 1920 | American | english | 300-400 | 101,572 |
103 | Paradise Lost | John Milton | 1667 | British | english | 200-500 | 80,000 |
104 | Robinson Crusoe | Daniel Defoe | 1719 | British | english | 200-300 | 121,961 |
105 | Dracula | Bram Stoker | 1897 | British | english | 300-500 | 160,000 |
106 | Journey to the End of The Night | Louis-Ferdinand Céline | 1932 | French | french | 400-600 | 158,000 |
107 | Vanity Fair | William Makepeace Thackeray | 1847 | British | english | 900-1000 | 346,089 |
108 | The Metamorphosis | Franz Kafka | 1915 | Czech | german | 40-100 | 22,000 |
109 | The Corrections | Jonathan Franzen | 2001 | American | english | 576 | 196,000 |
110 | Essays | Michel de Montaigne | 1580 | French | french | 800-1500 | 1,070,000 |
111 | Demons | Fyodor Dostoevsky | 1872 | Russian | russian | 500-800 | 332,000 |
112 | The Hound of the Baskervilles | Arthur Conan Doyle | 1901 | British | english | 174-256 | 59,860 |
113 | The Picture of Dorian Gray | Oscar Wilde | 1890 | British | english | 220-320 | 78,000 |
114 | The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe | Edgar Allan Poe | 1850 | American | english | 1000-1500 | |
115 | The Bell Jar | Sylvia Plath | 1963 | American | english | 200-300 | 84,000 |
116 | The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco | 1980 | Italian | italian | 500-600 | 174,000 |
117 | The Castle | Franz Kafka | 1926 | Czech | german | 200-300 | 98,000 |
118 | The Prince | Niccolo Machiavelli | 1532 | Italian | italian | 70-140 | 26,000 |
119 | Treasure Island | Robert Louis Stevenson | 1881 | British | english | varies | 66,922 |
120 | Atonement | Ian McEwan | 2002 | British | english | 350-400 | 123,378 |
121 | The Golden Notebook | Doris Lessing | 1962 | British | english | 576-640 | 200,000 |
122 | White Teeth | Zadie Smith | 2000 | British | english | 448-560 | 169,000 |
123 | The Count of Monte Cristo | Alexandre Dumas | 1844 | French | french | 1200-1400 | 461,111 |
124 | American Pastoral | Philip Roth | 1997 | American | english | 423 | 145,000 |
125 | First Folio | William Shakespeare | 1623 | British | english | 900 | 884,647 |
126 | The Man Without Qualities | Robert Musil | 1930 | Austrian | german | 1000-2000 | 177,000 |
127 | Doctor Zhivago | Boris Pasternak | 1957 | Russian | russian | 450-700 | 204,000 |
128 | Tom Jones | Henry Fielding | 1749 | British | english | 800-1000 | 346,733 |
129 | My Antonia | Willa Cather | 1918 | American | english | 200-400 | 99,780 |
130 | Antigone | Sophocles | -441 | Greek | ancient greek | 12,000 | |
131 | Dune | Frank Herbert | 1965 | American | english | 400-500 | 188,000 |
132 | A Farewell to Arms | Ernest Hemingway | 1929 | American | english | 300-500 | 67,000 |
133 | The Wind in the Willows | Kenneth Grahame | 1908 | British | english | 240-320 | 58,500 |
134 | Sons and Lovers | D. H. Lawrence | 1913 | British | english | 400-500 | 153,000 |
135 | Doctor Faustus | Thomas Mann | 1947 | German | german | 500-700 | 184,000 |
136 | Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol | 1842 | Russian | russian | 300-550 | 84,000 |
137 | Disgrace | J M Coetzee | 1999 | South African | english | 220 | 79,000 |
138 | The Interpretation of Dreams | Sigmund Freud | 1899 | Austrian | german | 600-700 | 203,000 |
139 | Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury | 1953 | American | english | 158-190 | 46,000 |
140 | The Road | Cormac McCarthy | 2006 | American | english | 287 | 58,000 |
141 | Franz Kafka: The Complete Stories | Franz Kafka | 1971 | Czech | german | 450-550 | |
142 | Portnoy's Complaint | Philip Roth | 1969 | American | english | 200-300 | 78,500 |
143 | The Tale of Genji | Murasaki Shikibu | 1001 | Japanese | japanese | 1000-1200 | 267,000 |
144 | Rabbit, Run | John Updike | 1960 | American | english | 250-350 | 121,000 |
145 | The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay | Michael Chabon | 2000 | American | english | 639 | 216,000 |
146 | Song of Solomon | Toni Morrison | 1977 | American | english | 337-372 | 92,944 |
147 | Orlando: A Biography | Virginia Woolf | 1923 | British | english | 200-300 | 70,000 |
148 | Steppenwolf | Hermann Hesse | 1927 | German | german | 200-300 | 68,000 |
149 | The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao | Junot Diaz | 2007 | Dominican | english | 300-400 | 207,500 |
150 | Howards End | E. M. Forster | 1910 | British | english | 320-400 | 111,025 |
151 | Confessions | Augustine | 397 | Roman | latin | 200-400 | 110,000 |
152 | The Plague | Albert Camus | 1947 | French | french | 200-300 | 72,000 |
153 | The Secret History | Donna Tartt | 1992 | American | english | 523 | 223,000 |
154 | Lord Jim | Joseph Conrad | 1900 | British | english | 300-500 | 78,000 |
155 | Blood Meridian | Cormac McCarthy | 1986 | American | english | 300-350 | 98,000 |
156 | The Autobiography of Malcolm X | Alex Haley | 1965 | American | english | 460-500 | 134,000 |
157 | Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev | 1862 | Russian | russian | 200-300 | 64,000 |
158 | The Waste Land | T. S. Eliot | 1965 | British | english | 64-88 | 434 |
159 | A Confederacy of Dunces | John Kennedy Toole | 1980 | American | english | 300-400 | 121,000 |
160 | Light in August | William Faulkner | 1932 | American | english | 480-512 | 123,672 |
161 | The Woman in White | Wilkie Collins | 1859 | British | english | 500-700 | 264,000 |
162 | The House of the Spirits | Isabel Allende | 1982 | Chilean | spanish | 400-500 | 145,000 |
163 | All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren | 1946 | American | english | 400-500 | 286,000 |
164 | The Maltese Falcon | Dashiell Hammett | 1930 | American | english | 213-224 | 59,000 |
165 | Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream | Hunter S. Thompson | 1971 | American | english | 200-220 | 42,000 |
166 | Infinite Jest | David Foster Wallace | 1996 | American | english | 1079 | 543,000 |
167 | I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings | Maya Angelou | 1969 | American | english | 200-300 | 78,000 |
168 | On the Origin of Species | Charles Darwin | 1859 | British | english | 502 | 155,000 |
169 | The Long Goodbye: A Novel | Raymond Chandler | 1953 | American | english | 250-400 | 96,000 |
170 | Winnie the Pooh | A. A Milne | 1926 | British | english | 100-160 | 26,000 |
171 | Tender Is the Night | F. Scott Fitzgerald | 1934 | American | english | 260-400 | 104,925 |
172 | Buddenbrooks | Thomas Mann | 1901 | German | german | 700-1000 | 178,462 |
173 | The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter | Carson McCullers | 1940 | American | english | 300-400 | 121,960 |
174 | Gravity's Rainbow | Thomas Pynchon | 1973 | American | english | 760-776 | 305,000 |
175 | The Call of the Wild | Jack London | 1903 | American | english | 60-100 | 32,000 |
176 | The Second Sex | Simone de Beauvoir | 1949 | French | french | 800-1000 | 267,000 |
177 | The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle | Haruki Murakami | 1994 | Japanese | japanese | 610-640 | 208,000 |
178 | Collected Poems of W. B. Yeats | William Butler Yeats | 1933 | Irish | english | Varies | |
179 | The God of Small Things | Arundhati Roy | 1997 | Indian | english | 320 | 134,000 |
180 | The Remains of the Day | Kazuo Ishiguro | 1989 | British | english | 200-250 | 72,000 |
181 | Poems of Emily Dickinson | Emily Dickinson | 1955 | American | english | ||
182 | A Visit From The Goon Squad | Jennifer Egan | 2010 | American | english | 288-352 | 108,000 |
183 | The Complete Stories of Flannery O'Connor | Flannery O'Connor | 1971 | American | english | 500-600 | |
184 | U.S.A. Trilogy | John Dos Passos | 1938 | American | english | 1200-1500 | 310,000 |
185 | The Three Musketeers | Alexandre Dumas | 1844 | French | french | 400-700 | 228,000 |
186 | Watership Down | Richard Adams | 1972 | British | english | 400-500 | 156,154 |
187 | The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie | Muriel Spark | 1961 | British, Scottish | english | 128-160 | 65,000 |
188 | Nostromo | Joseph Conrad | 1904 | British | english | 500-600 | 170,000 |
189 | A Room of One's Own | Virginia Woolf | 1929 | British | english | 112-148 | 37,500 |
190 | The Charterhouse of Parma | Stendhal | 1839 | French | french | 300-500 | 210,000 |
191 | An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser | 1925 | American | english | 800-900 | 215,000 |
192 | The Republic | Plato | 380 | Greek | ancient greek | 300-500 | 118,000 |
193 | The Moviegoer | Walker Percy | 1961 | American | english | 224 | 60,000 |
194 | One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich | Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn | 1962 | Russian | russian | 100-200 | 50,000 |
195 | Bleak House | Charles Dickens | 1852 | British | english | 800-1000 | 360,000 |
196 | The House of Mirth | Edith Wharton | 1905 | American | english | 350-400 | 140,391 |
197 | The Stand | Stephen King | 1978 | American | english | 823-1152 | 472,000 |
198 | The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA | James D. Watson | 1968 | American | english | 200-300 | 64,000 |
199 | His Dark Materials | Philip Pullman | 1995 | British | english | 400-550 | 520,000 |
200 | Decameron | Giovanni Boccaccio | 1353 | Italian | italian | 800-1000 | 100,000 |
201 | Fairy Tales and Stories | Hans Christian Andersen | 1843 | Danish | danish | ||
202 | Herzog | Saul Bellow | 1964 | American | english | 300-400 | 103,000 |
203 | The Things They Carried | Tim O'Brien | 1990 | American | english | 233 | 62,000 |
204 | The Ambassadors | Henry James | 1903 | American | english | 400-500 | 112,000 |
205 | Macbeth | William Shakespeare | 1606 | British | english | 100-150 | 17,000 |
206 | Women in Love | D. H. Lawrence | 1920 | British | english | 400-500 | 134,000 |
207 | A Prayer for Owen Meany | John Irving | 1989 | American | english | 600-700 | 236,061 |
208 | If on a Winter's Night a Traveller | Italo Calvino | 1979 | Italian | italian | 200-300 | 56,000 |
209 | The Talented Mr. Ripley | Patricia Highsmith | 1950 | American | english | 250-300 | 89,000 |
210 | A Wrinkle In Time | Madeleine L'Engle | 1962 | American | english | 200-300 | 49,565 |
211 | Wide Sargasso Sea | Jean Rhys | 1966 | British | english | 120-200 | 64,000 |
212 | Kim | Rudyard Kipling | 1901 | British | english | 200-500 | 95,000 |
213 | The Alchemist | Paulo Coelho | 1988 | Brazilian | portuguese | 163-208 | 45,000 |
214 | Middlesex | Jeffrey Eugenides | 2002 | American | english | 529 | 196,000 |
215 | Lady Chatterley's Lover | D. H. Lawrence | 1928 | British | english | 300-400 | 114,000 |
216 | 2666 | Roberto Bolaño | 2004 | Chilean | spanish | 900-1100 | 325,000 |
217 | King Lear | William Shakespeare | 1608 | British | english | 100-200 | 26,147 |
218 | The World According to Garp | John Irving | 1978 | American | english | 437-609 | 191,473 |
219 | Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy | 1895 | British | english | 400-500 | 145,000 |
220 | Stories of Ernest Hemingway | Ernest Hemingway | 1987 | American | english | ||
221 | If This Is a Man | Primo Levi | 1947 | Italian | italian | 100-200 | 38,000 |
222 | The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe | C. S. Lewis | 1950 | British | english | 100-200 | 38,867 |
223 | Communist Manifesto | Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels | 1848 | German | german | 30-40 | 19,000 |
224 | The Gulag Archipelago | Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn | 1973 | Russian | russian | 1600-2200 | 660,000 |
225 | Atlas Shrugged | Ayn Rand | 1957 | American | english | 1000-1200 | 645,000 |
226 | The Good Soldier Svejk | Jaroslav Hašek | 1923 | Czech | czech | 600-750 | 208,000 |
227 | Austerlitz | W. G. Sebald | 2001 | German | german | 200-300 | 128,000 |
228 | Never Let Me Go | Kazuo Ishiguro | 2005 | British, Japanese | english | 288 | 88,500 |
229 | Democracy in America | Alexis de Tocqueville | 1840 | French | french | 300-900 | 700,000 |
230 | Bonfire of the Vanities | Tom Wolfe | 1987 | American | english | 600-700 | 190,000 |
231 | The Adventures of Augie March | Saul Bellow | 1953 | American | english | 500-600 | 156,000 |
232 | A Tree Grows in Brooklyn | Betty Smith | 1943 | American | english | 300-500 | 145,092 |
233 | The Jungle | Upton Sinclair | 1906 | American | english | 300-500 | 154,000 |
234 | The Awakening | Kate Chopin | 1899 | American | english | 100-200 | 39,000 |
235 | Brideshead Revisited | Evelyn Waugh | 1945 | British | english | 300-400 | 142,000 |
236 | The Book Thief | Markus Zusak | 2005 | German | english | 550-600 | 118,000 |
237 | Lucky Jim | Kingsley Amis | 1954 | British | english | 200-300 | 84,000 |
238 | Nausea | Jean Paul Sartre | 1938 | French | french | 150-250 | 70,000 |
239 | The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde | Robert Louis Stevenson | 1886 | British | english | 64-178 | 25,000 |
240 | Molloy | Samuel Beckett | 1951 | Irish | french | 200-300 | 72,000 |
241 | Gargantua and Pantagruel | Francois Rabelais | 1532 | French | french | 1000-1200 | 240,000 |
242 | Oedipus at Colonus | Sophocles | -401 | Greek | ancient greek | ||
243 | The Hobbit | J. R. R. Tolkien | 1937 | British | english | 300-400 | 95,022 |
244 | The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens | 1837 | British | english | 800-1000 | 183,349 |
245 | Medea | Euripides | -431 | Greek | ancient greek | 18,000 | |
246 | The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver | 1998 | American | english | 500-600 | 196,000 |
247 | Dangerous Liaison | Pierre Choderlos de Laclos | 1782 | French | french | 400-500 | 175,000 |
248 | The Savage Detectives | Roberto Bolaño | 1998 | Chilean | spanish | 500-600 | 208,000 |
249 | Housekeeping | Marilynne Robinson | 1980 | American | english | 200-300 | 78,000 |
250 | The Joy Luck Club | Amy Tan | 1989 | American | english | 288-332 | 91,084 |
251 | The Time Machine | H. G. Wells | 1895 | British | english | 80-120 | 32,000 |
252 | The Shining | Stephen King | 1977 | American | english | 447-659 | 163,000 |
253 | The Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle | 1887 | British | english | 800-1200 | 608,000 |
254 | Epic of Gilgamesh | -2100 | Unknown | sumerian | 20,000 | ||
255 | The Spy Who Came in From the Cold | John le Carré | 1963 | British | english | 200-300 | 62,500 |
256 | A Suitable Boy | Vikram Seth | 1994 | Indian | english | 1349-1500 | 591,554 |
257 | A Season in Hell | Arthur Rimbaud | 1873 | French | french | 50-100 | 5,000 |
258 | A House for Mr. Biswas | V. S. Naipaul | 1961 | Trinidadian | english | 350-500 | 206,000 |
259 | And Then There Were None | Agatha Christie | 1939 | British | english | 200-300 | 64,312 |
260 | The Structure of Scientific Revolutions | Thomas Kuhn | 1962 | American | english | 200-300 | 114,000 |
261 | A Sentimental Education | Gustave Flaubert | 1869 | French | french | 300-500 | 145,000 |
262 | The Counterfeiters | André Gide | 1925 | French | french | 200-400 | 95,000 |
263 | Of Mice and Men | John Steinbeck | 1937 | American | english | 100-200 | 29,000 |
264 | Money | Martin Amis | 1984 | British | english | 300-400 | 134,000 |
265 | Tropic of Cancer | Henry Miller | 1934 | American | english | 300-400 | 80,000 |
266 | War of the Worlds | H. G. Wells | 1898 | British | english | 200-300 | 60,000 |
267 | Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban | J. K Rowling | 1999 | British | english | 317-435 | 107,253 |
268 | Cold Comfort Farm | Stella Gibbons | 1932 | British | english | 200-300 | 95,000 |
269 | Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse | 1922 | German | german | 152 | 50,000 |
270 | Confessions of Zeno | Italo Svevo | 1923 | Italian | italian | 400-500 | 126,000 |
271 | Possession | A. S. Byatt | 1990 | British | english | 500-700 | 186,000 |
272 | Memoirs of Hadrian | Marguerite Yourcenar | 1951 | French | french | 300-400 | 72,000 |
273 | The Flowers of Evil | Charles Baudelaire | 1857 | French | french | 100-200 | |
274 | Metamorphoses | Ovid | 8 | Roman | latin | 200-800 | 250,000 |
275 | Gilead | Marilynne Robinson | 2004 | American | english | 247 | 84,000 |
276 | Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell | 2004 | British | english | 509-544 | 172,000 |
277 | Man's Fate | Andre Malraux | 1934 | French | french | 200-350 | |
278 | The Poems of Robert Frost | Robert Frost | 1969 | American | english | ||
279 | Father Goriot | Honoré de Balzac | 1835 | French | french | 300-400 | 95,000 |
280 | Hunger | Knut Hamsun | 1890 | Norwegian | norwegian | 100-300 | 64,000 |
281 | The End of the Affair | Graham Greene | 1951 | British | english | 160-200 | 63,000 |
282 | I, Claudius | Robert Graves | 1934 | British | english | 300-500 | 100,000 |
283 | Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen | 1937 | Danish | english | 300-400 | 104,960 |
284 | The Once and Future King | T. H. White | 1958 | British | english | 600-700 | 288,000 |
285 | Go Tell it on the Mountain | James Baldwin | 1953 | American | english | 256-320 | 78,500 |
286 | Oresteia | Aeschylus | -458 | Greek | ancient greek | 24,000 | |
287 | The Tempest | William Shakespeare | 1623 | British | english | 70-100 | 17,000 |
288 | Americanah | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | 2013 | Nigerian | english | 477 | 151,960 |
289 | Berlin Alexanderplatz | Alfred Döblin | 1929 | German | german | 200-600 | 150,000 |
290 | Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire | J. K Rowling | 2000 | British | english | 636-734 | 190,637 |
291 | The Godfather | Mario Puzo | 1969 | American | english | 400-500 | 141,000 |
292 | Underworld | Don DeLillo | 1997 | American | english | 800-900 | 335,000 |
293 | Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel | 2009 | British | english | 650-700 | 200,000 |
294 | A Tale of Two Cities | Charles Dickens | 1859 | British | english | 200-500 | 135,420 |
295 | The Tartar Steppe | Dino Buzzati | 1940 | Italian | italian | 200-300 | 60,000 |
296 | The Stories of John Cheever | John Cheever | 1978 | American | english | 700-800 | 200,000 |
297 | Pedro Páramo | Juan Rulfo | 1955 | Mexican | spanish | 120-200 | 23,000 |
298 | The Lover | Marguerite Duras | 1984 | French | french | 117-148 | 42,000 |
299 | The Chronicles of Narnia | C. S. Lewis | 1950 | British | english | 100-250 | 778,045 |
300 | Clarissa | Samuel Richardson | 1748 | British | english | 1000-1500 | 984,000 |
301 | Neuromancer | William Gibson | 1984 | American, Canadian | english | 271-320 | 78,973 |
302 | Winesburg, Ohio | Sherwood Anderson | 1919 | American | english | 200-300 | 52,000 |
303 | White Noise | Don DeLillo | 1985 | American | english | 300-400 | 78,500 |
304 | Mahabharata | Vyasa | -400 | Indian | sanskrit | 7000-10000 | 1,800,000 |
305 | Thus Spake Zarathustra | Friedrich Nietzsche | 1883 | German | german | 300-500 | 64,000 |
306 | Anne of Green Gables | L. M. Montgomery | 1908 | Canadian | english | 300-400 | 97,000 |
307 | Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret | Judy Blume | 1970 | American | english | 150-200 | 25,000 |
308 | Brighton Rock | Graham Greene | 1938 | British | english | 200-300 | 67,282 |
309 | Labyrinths | Jorge Luis Borges | 1962 | Argentinian | spanish | 200-300 | |
310 | Persuasion | Jane Austen | 1818 | British | english | 230-300 | 87,022 |
311 | The Da Vinci Code | Dan Brown | 2006 | American | english | 450-600 | 138,882 |
312 | Rabbit Redux | John Updike | 1971 | American | english | 350-450 | 121,000 |
313 | A Bend in the River | V. S. Naipaul | 1979 | Trinidadian | english | 278-350 | 78,000 |
314 | The Turn of the Screw | Henry James | 1898 | American | english | 120-200 | 42,960 |
315 | The Adventures of Oliver Twist | Charles Dickens | 1837 | British | english | 300-500 | 158,723 |
316 | Babbitt | Sinclair Lewis | 1922 | American | english | 300-400 | 95,000 |
317 | The Year of Magical Thinking | Joan Didion | 2005 | American | english | 227-240 | 64,500 |
318 | The Shipping News | Annie Proulx | 1993 | American | english | 300-350 | 98,430 |
319 | The Life of Samuel Johnson | James Boswell | 1823 | British | english | 1400-1500 | 208,000 |
320 | Oblomov | Ivan Goncharov | 1859 | Russian | russian | 200-600 | 200,000 |
321 | Zorba the Greek | Nikos Kazantzakis | 1946 | Greek | greek | 300-500 | 70,000 |
322 | The Mayor of Casterbridge | Thomas Hardy | 1886 | British | english | 300-500 | 105,000 |
323 | Uncle Tom's Cabin | Harriet Beecher Stowe | 1852 | American | english | 300-500 | 166,622 |
324 | A Wizard of Earthsea | Ursula K. Le Guin | 1968 | American | english | 180-205 | 56,000 |
325 | A Good Man Is Hard to Find | Flannery O'Connor | 1955 | American | english | 30-50 | |
326 | Household Tales | Brothers Grimm | 1812 | German | german | 160,000 | |
327 | Foundation | Isaac Asimov | 1951 | American | english | 200-300 | 70,000 |
328 | A Room With a View | E. M. Forster | 1908 | British | english | 200-300 | 65,000 |
329 | Death of Virgil | Hermann Broch | 1945 | Austrian | german | 400-500 | 153,000 |
330 | Pensées | Blaise Pascal | 1670 | French | french | 70,000 | |
331 | Ragtime | E. L. Doctorow | 1975 | American | english | 250-350 | 72,000 |
332 | Naked Lunch | William S. Burroughs | 1959 | American | english | 200-250 | 58,950 |
333 | Finnegans Wake | James Joyce | 1939 | Irish | english | 590-628 | 215,000 |
334 | Darkness at Noon | Arthur Koestler | 1940 | British | german | 200-300 | 80,000 |
335 | A Fine Balance | Rohinton Mistry | 1995 | Indian | english | 600-750 | 192,000 |
336 | Rabbit Is Rich | John Updike | 1981 | American | english | 450-560 | 135,000 |
337 | The Moonstone | Wilkie Collins | 1868 | British | english | 400-500 | 197,790 |
338 | American Psycho | Bret Easton Ellis | 1991 | American | english | 384 | 203,774 |
339 | The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | 1782 | French | french | 600-800 | 267,000 |
340 | Our Mutual Friend | Charles Dickens | 1865 | British | english | 800-900 | 168,000 |
341 | The Adventures of Tom Sawyer | Mark Twain | 1876 | American | english | 180-250 | 70,400 |
342 | The Complete Works of Plato | Plato | 1401 | Greek | ancient greek | ||
343 | The Sorrows of Young Werther | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | 1774 | German | german | 100-200 | 64,000 |
344 | Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea | Jules Verne | 1870 | French | french | 320-480 | 138,126 |
345 | The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money | John Maynard Keynes | 1936 | British | english | 400-500 | 134,000 |
346 | Watchmen | Alan Moore | 1986 | American, British | english | 416 | |
347 | Pippi Longstocking | Astrid Lindgren | 1945 | Swedish | swedish | 100-200 | 30,000 |
348 | Rabbit at Rest | John Updike | 1990 | American | english | 450-500 | 156,000 |
349 | Independent People | Halldor Laxness | 1946 | Icelandic | icelandic | 400-500 | 200,000 |
350 | The Murder of Roger Ackroyd | Agatha Christie | 1926 | British | english | 300-400 | 58,000 |
351 | The Sea, The Sea | Iris Murdoch | 1978 | British | english | 500-550 | 200,000 |
352 | East of Eden | John Steinbeck | 1952 | American | english | 600-800 | 225,000 |
353 | The Good Earth | Pearl S. Buck | 1931 | American | english | 300-400 | 97,000 |
354 | The Waves | Virginia Woolf | 1931 | British | english | 200-300 | 83,000 |
355 | Invisible Cities | Italo Calvino | 1972 | Italian | italian | 165 | 36,000 |
356 | At Swim Two-Birds | Flann O'Brien | 1939 | Irish | english | 200-300 | 72,000 |
357 | Regeneration | Pat Barker | 1991 | British | english | 250-300 | 90,000 |
358 | Ferdydurke | Witold Gombrowicz | 1937 | Polish | polish | 200-300 | 62,000 |
359 | A Dance to the Music of Time | Anthony Powell | 1951 | British | english | 240-300 | |
360 | Let Us Now Praise Famous Men | James Agee | 1941 | American | english | 400-500 | 128,000 |
361 | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince | J. K Rowling | 2005 | British | english | 607-652 | 168,923 |
362 | Selected Stories of Alice Munro | Alice Munro | 1996 | Canadian | english | ||
363 | Perfume | Patrick Suskind | 1985 | German | german | 250-300 | 51,000 |
364 | A Brief History of Time | Stephen Hawking | 1988 | British | english | 200-256 | 41,000 |
365 | Life of Pi | Yann Martel | 2001 | Canadian | english | 300-400 | 100,000 |
366 | The Affluent Society | John Kenneth Galbraith | 1958 | American | english | 200-300 | 103,000 |
367 | So Long, See You Tomorrow | William Maxwell | 1981 | American | english | 135-160 | 59,000 |
368 | The Old Wives' Tale | Arnold Bennett | 1908 | British | english | 600-800 | 190,983 |
369 | The Day of the Locust | Nathanael West | 1939 | American | english | 160-180 | 50,000 |
370 | The Elements of Style | E. B. White, William Strunk Jr. | 1918 | American | english | 50-100 | 20,000 |
371 | The Crying of Lot 49 | Thomas Pynchon | 1966 | American | english | 150-200 | 49,000 |
372 | Gone Girl | Gillian Flynn | 2012 | American | english | 400-500 | 145,000 |
373 | Dubliners | James Joyce | 1914 | Irish | english | 152-224 | 65,000 |
374 | The Hunchback of Notre-Dame | Victor Hugo | 1831 | French | french | 300-500 | 183,000 |
375 | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix | J. K Rowling | 2003 | British | english | 766-870 | 257,045 |
376 | A Doll's House | Henrik Ibsen | 1879 | Norwegian | norwegian | 70-100 | 30,000 |
377 | Look Homeward, Angel | Thomas Wolfe | 1929 | American | english | 500-600 | 209,000 |
378 | Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets | J. K Rowling | 1998 | British | english | 251-360 | 85,141 |
379 | Germinal | Émile Zola | 1885 | French | french | 300-600 | 196,000 |
380 | Le Morte d'Arthur | Thomas Malory | 1485 | British | middle english | 800-1000 | 209,000 |
381 | Malone Dies | Samuel Beckett | 1951 | Irish | french | 100-200 | 31,000 |
382 | The Histories of Herodotus | Herodotus | -449 | Greek | ancient greek | 200,000 | |
383 | The Last of the Mohicans | James Fenimore Cooper | 1826 | American | english | 300-500 | 145,462 |
384 | A Game of Thrones | George R. R. Martin | 1996 | American | english | 694-835 | 298,000 |
385 | 2001: A Space Odyssey | Arthur C. Clarke | 1951 | British | english | 200-300 | 64,000 |
386 | Persepolis | Marjane Satrapi | 2000 | Iranian | french | 153 | |
387 | The Golden Bowl | Henry James | 1904 | American | english | 500-600 | 197,000 |
388 | Leviathan | Thomas Hobbes | 1651 | British | english | 300-500 | 150,000 |
389 | The Death of Ivan Ilyich | Leo Tolstoy | 1886 | Russian | russian | 50-150 | 22,000 |
390 | Speak, Memory | Vladimir Nabokov | 1951 | American | english | 300-350 | 97,000 |
391 | The Wonderful Wizard of Oz | L. Frank Baum | 1900 | American | english | 200-300 | 40,000 |
392 | Giovanni's Room | James Baldwin | 1956 | American | english | 150-200 | 62,000 |
393 | The Haunting of Hill House | Shirley Jackson | 1959 | American | english | 182-246 | 80,274 |
394 | Birdsong | Sebastian Faulks | 1993 | British | english | 400-500 | 123,000 |
395 | The Princess of Cleves | Madame de La Fayette | 1678 | French | french | 200-300 | 70,000 |
396 | Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? | Philip K. Dick | 1968 | American | english | 210-256 | 61,000 |
397 | Ethan Frome | Edith Wharton | 1911 | American | english | 100-200 | 30,000 |
398 | Where the Wild Things Are | Maurice Sendak | 1963 | American | english | 40 | 338 |
399 | Nine Stories | J. D. Salinger | 1953 | American | english | 200-300 | 63,000 |
400 | The Bacchae | Euripides | -405 | Greek | ancient greek | 12,000 | |
401 | Stranger in a Strange Land | Robert A. Heinlein | 1961 | American | english | 408-528 | 220,000 |
402 | Electra | Sophocles | -409 | Greek | ancient greek | 12,000 | |
403 | Bonjour Tristesse | Francoise Sagan | 1954 | French | french | 100-200 | 30,000 |
404 | The Known World | Edward P. Jones | 2003 | American | english | 388 | 138,885 |
405 | Waiting for the Barbarians | J M Coetzee | 1980 | South African | english | 150-200 | 56,000 |
406 | The Pillars Of The Earth | Ken Follett | 1989 | British | english | 800-1100 | 312,000 |
407 | Bastard Out of Carolina | Dorothy Allison | 1993 | American | english | 320 | 104,000 |
408 | Wise Blood | Flannery O'Connor | 1952 | American | english | 224 | 64,000 |
409 | Das Kapital | Karl Marx | 1867 | German | german | varies | 330,000 |
410 | Life and Fate | Vasily Grossman | 1959 | Russian | russian | 800-900 | 290,000 |
411 | The Quran | 651 | Arabic | arabic | 77,430 | ||
412 | The Hunger Games | Suzanne Collins | 2008 | American | english | 374 | 99,750 |
413 | The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence | 1915 | British | english | 400-500 | 161,460 |
414 | The Alexandria Quartet | Lawrence Durrell | 1957 | British | english | 200-300 per book | 495,000 |
415 | Eugene Onegin | Alexander Pushkin | 1825 | Russian | russian | 200-300 | 49,000 |
416 | The Giver | Lois Lowry | 1993 | American | english | 180-240 | 43,000 |
417 | Maus | Art Spiegelman | 1986 | American | english | 296 | |
418 | Crash: A Novel | J. G. Ballard | 1973 | British | english | 224 | 62,000 |
419 | Joseph and His Brothers | Thomas Mann | 1933 | German | german | 1200-1500 | 365,000 |
420 | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows | J. K Rowling | 2007 | British | english | 607-759 | 198,227 |
421 | The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge | Rainer Maria Rilke | 1910 | German | german | 200-300 | 50,000 |
422 | Kristin Lavransdatter | Sigrid Undset | 1920 | Norwegian | norwegian | 1000-1400 | 360,000 |
423 | Cry, the Beloved Country | Alan Paton | 1948 | South African | english | 200-300 | 83,000 |
424 | The Fifth Season | N. K. Jemisin | 2015 | American | english | 468 | 152,000 |
425 | The Unnamable | Samuel Beckett | 1953 | Irish | french | 100-150 | 27,000 |
426 | The Federalist Papers | Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay | 1787 | American | english | 400-500 | 85,000 |
427 | Beowulf | 101 | Unknown | old english | 160-200 | 3,182 | |
428 | The Man Who Loved Children | Christina Stead | 1940 | Australian | english | 500-600 | 200,000 |
429 | The Book of Disquiet | Fernando Pessoa | 1982 | Portuguese | portuguese | 240-544 | 80,000 |
430 | The Mill on the Floss | George Eliot | 1860 | British | english | 500-700 | 203,000 |
431 | The Red Badge of Courage | Stephen Crane | 1895 | American | english | 100-200 | 47,000 |
432 | Ivanhoe | Walter Scott | 1820 | British | english | 400-600 | 183,858 |
433 | Of Human Bondage | W. Somerset Maugham | 1915 | British | english | 600-700 | 250,000 |
434 | A Hero of Our Time | Mikhail Lermontov | 1840 | Russian | russian | 150-200 | 64,000 |
435 | The Secret Garden | Frances Hodgson Burnett | 1911 | British | english | 200-400 | 80,000 |
436 | The Phantom Tollbooth | Norton Juster | 1961 | American | english | 256 | 39,000 |
437 | Notes from the Underground | Fyodor Dostoevsky | 1864 | Russian | russian | 70-150 | 67,000 |
438 | Half of a Yellow Sun | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | 2007 | Nigerian | english | 433 | 146,500 |
439 | The Forsyte Saga | John Galsworthy | 1922 | British | english | 300-400 | 555,000 |
440 | The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan | 1963 | American | english | 300-400 | 178,000 |
441 | Sophie's Choice | William Styron | 1979 | American | english | 500-600 | 169,481 |
442 | The Third Policeman | Flann O'Brien | 1967 | Irish | english | 200-300 | 59,000 |
443 | Collected Poems | Wallace Stevens | 1955 | American | english | 300-500 | |
444 | High Fidelity | Nick Hornby | 1995 | British | english | 300-350 | 96,422 |
445 | Tarzan of the Apes | Edgar Rice Burroughs | 1912 | American | english | 200-400 | 70,000 |
446 | The Confusions of Young Törless | Robert Musil | 1906 | Austrian | german | 150-300 | 70,000 |
447 | Life, a User's Manual | Georges Perec | 1978 | French | french | 500-600 | 156,000 |
448 | Homage to Catalonia | George Orwell | 1938 | British | english | 230-300 | 70,000 |
449 | Nightwood | Djuna Barnes | 1936 | American | english | 160-200 | 50,000 |
450 | A Christmas Carol | Charles Dickens | 1843 | British | english | 28-116 | 28,945 |
451 | The Left Hand Of Darkness | Ursula K. Le Guin | 1969 | American | english | 300-350 | 97,000 |
452 | All the Pretty Horses | Cormac McCarthy | 1992 | American | english | 280-320 | 98,000 |
453 | Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance | Robert M. Pirsig | 1974 | American | english | 412-540 | 121,951 |
454 | The Civil War | Shelby Foote | 1974 | American | english | 2934 | 1,200,000 |
455 | The Thorn Birds | Colleen McCullough | 1977 | Australian | english | 500-700 | 197,000 |
456 | Noughts and Crosses | Malorie Blackman | 2001 | British | english | 400-500 | 62,000 |
457 | We | Yevgeny Zamyatin | 1921 | Russian | russian | 200-300 | 50,000 |
458 | The Glass Bead Game | Hermann Hesse | 1943 | German | german | 500-600 | 137,000 |
459 | Lysistrata | Aristophanes | 411 | Greek | ancient greek | 21,803 | |
460 | Through the Looking Glass | Lewis Carroll | 1871 | British | english | 200-300 | 27,498 |
461 | Hopscotch | Julio Cortázar | 1963 | Argentinian | spanish | 500-600 | 155,000 |
462 | The Namesake | Jhumpa Lahiri | 2003 | American | english | 291 | 80,000 |
463 | Wings of the Dove | Henry James | 1902 | American | english | 400-500 | 150,000 |
464 | The Way We Live Now | Anthony Trollope | 1875 | British | english | 800-1000 | 362,000 |
465 | The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand | 1943 | American | english | 700-800 | 311,596 |
466 | Ada or Ardor | Vladimir Nabokov | 1969 | American | english | 589-624 | 144,000 |
467 | The Human Stain | Philip Roth | 2000 | American | english | 361 | 136,000 |
468 | Bridget Jones's Diary | Helen Fielding | 1996 | British | english | 200-300 | 71,000 |
469 | The Prophet | Kahlil Gibran | 1923 | Lebanese | english | 90-130 | 12,000 |
470 | Henderson The Rain King | Saul Bellow | 1959 | American | english | 341 | 104,000 |
471 | Murder on the Orient Express | Agatha Christie | 1934 | British | english | 200-350 | 68,000 |
472 | Testament Of Youth | Vera Brittain | 1933 | British | english | 600-700 | 250,000 |
473 | Relativity | Albert Einstein | 1917 | German | german | 130-150 | 30,000 |
474 | Satanic Verses | Salman Rushdie | 1988 | British | english | 200-600 | 143,000 |
475 | Pilgrim's Progress | John Bunyan | 1678 | British | english | 300-400 | 108,000 |
476 | The Magus | John Fowles | 1966 | British | english | 656-725 | 203,000 |
477 | The Right Stuff | Tom Wolfe | 1979 | American | english | 336-448 | 143,000 |
478 | The Kite Runner | Khaled Hosseini | 2003 | Afghan | english | 372 | 101,000 |
479 | Loving | Henry Green | 1945 | British | english | 224 | |
480 | Call It Sleep | Henry Roth | 1934 | American | english | 400-500 | 121,000 |
481 | Another Country | James Baldwin | 1962 | American | english | 400-448 | 166,121 |
482 | Silas Marner | George Eliot | 1861 | British | english | 150-300 | 72,000 |
483 | The Postman Always Rings Twice | James M. Cain | 1934 | American | english | 100-200 | 37,000 |
484 | Lonesome Dove | Larry McMurtry | 1985 | American | english | 843 | 365,712 |
485 | I Capture the Castle | Dodie Smith | 1934 | British | english | 300-400 | 143,000 |
486 | The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire | Edward Gibbon | 1776 | British | english | 3000-4000 | 1,300,000 |
487 | A Vindication of the Rights of Woman | Mary Wollstonecraft | 1792 | British | english | 200-300 | 74,921 |
488 | Nights At The Circus | Angela Carter | 1984 | British | english | 295 | 135,000 |
489 | The Hour of the Star | Clarice Lispector | 1977 | Brazilian | portuguese | 80-96 | 23,000 |
490 | Love Medicine | Louise Erdrich | 1984 | American | english | 275-333 | 97,000 |
491 | The Daughter of Time | Josephine Tey | 1951 | British | english | 206 | 58,270 |
492 | In Our Time | Ernest Hemingway | 1925 | American | english | 130-160 | 27,000 |
493 | The Varieties of Religious Experience | Will James | 1902 | American | english | 400-500 | 134,000 |
494 | Roots | Alex Haley | 1977 | American | english | 576-688 | 587,287 |
495 | Season of Migration to the North | Al-Tayyib Salih | 1966 | Sudanese | arabic | 139-169 | 50,000 |
496 | Goodnight Moon | Margaret Wise Brown | 1947 | American | english | 30-32 | 130 |
497 | Cold Mountain | Charles Frazier | 1997 | American | english | 350-500 | 161,511 |
498 | The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas | Gertrude Stein | 1933 | American | english | 200-300 | 64,500 |
499 | The Thirty-Nine Steps | John Buchan | 1915 | British | english | 100-200 | 60,988 |
500 | Gormenghast | Mervyn Peake | 1950 | British | english | 400-500 | 205,000 |