List of California Plants
Plant Name | Scientific Name | Plant CD | Family | Type |
Aaron"s beard | Hypericum calycinum | HYCA10 | Clusiaceae | Dicot |
Abbot"s bushmallow | Malacothamnus abbottii | MAAB | Malvaceae | Dicot |
Abert"s creeping zinnia | Sanvitalia abertii | SAAB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aboriginal saltbush | Atriplex vesicaria | ATVE | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
Abrams" allium | Allium abramsii | ALAB2 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Abrams" liveforever | Dudleya abramsii | DUAB | Crassulaceae | Dicot |
Abrams" liveforever | Dudleya abramsii ssp. abramsii | DUABA | Crassulaceae | Dicot |
Abrams" lupine | Lupinus abramsii | LUAB | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Abrams" oxytheca | Oxytheca parishii var. abramsii | OXPAA | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Abrams" sandmat | Chamaesyce abramsiana | CHAB2 | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
Abrams" woollystar | Eriastrum abramsii | ERAB | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
abruptbeak sedge | Carex abrupta | CAAB2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
acacia | Acacia | ACACI | Fabaceae | Dicot |
acaena | Acaena | ACAEN | Rosaceae | Dicot |
acanthus | Acanthus | ACANT7 | Acanthaceae | Dicot |
achlys | Achlys | ACHLY | Berberidaceae | Dicot |
achyronychia | Achyronychia | ACHYR3 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
acorn buckwheat | Eriogonum glandulosum | ERGL4 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Acton"s brittlebush | Encelia actonii | ENAC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Adams" manzanita | Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. adamsii | ARGLA2 | Ericaceae | Dicot |
adder"s-mouth orchid | Malaxis | MALAX | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
adderstongue | Ophioglossum | OPHIO | Ophioglossaceae | Fern |
adobe lily | Fritillaria pluriflora | FRPL | Liliaceae | Monocot |
adobe navarretia | Navarretia nigelliformis | NANI | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
adobe navarretia | Navarretia nigelliformis ssp. nigelliformis | NANIN | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
adobe navarretia | Navarretia nigelliformis ssp. radians | NANIR | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
adobe popcornflower | Plagiobothrys acanthocarpus | PLAC | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
adobe snakeroot | Sanicula maritima | SAMA3 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
adobe yampah | Perideridia pringlei | PEPR5 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Adonis blazingstar | Mentzelia multiflora | MEMU3 | Loasaceae | Dicot |
Adonis blazingstar | Mentzelia multiflora var. longiloba | MEMUL2 | Loasaceae | Dicot |
Adonis blazingstar | Mentzelia multiflora var. multiflora | MEMUM2 | Loasaceae | Dicot |
Aegean wallflower | Erysimum cheiri | ERCH10 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
aeonium | Aeonium | AEONI | Crassulaceae | Dicot |
African asparagus fern | Asparagus asparagoides | ASAS4 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
African boxthorn | Lycium ferocissimum | LYFE4 | Solanaceae | Dicot |
African bristlegrass | Setaria sphacelata | SESP5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
African cornflag | Chasmanthe | CHASM2 | Iridaceae | Monocot |
African cornflag | Chasmanthe floribunda | CHFL9 | Iridaceae | Monocot |
African cornlily | Ixia | IXIA | Iridaceae | Monocot |
African daisy | Arctotis stoechadifolia | ARST2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
African dogstooth grass | Cynodon transvaalensis | CYTR | Poaceae | Monocot |
African feathergrass | Pennisetum macrourum | PEMA80 | Poaceae | Monocot |
African finger millet | Eleusine coracana ssp. africana | ELCOA | Poaceae | Monocot |
African milkweed | Asclepias fruticosa | ASFR13 | Asclepiadaceae | Dicot |
African mustard | Malcolmia africana | MAAF | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
African olive | Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata | OLEUC | Oleaceae | Dicot |
African plume | Bauhinia galpinii | BAGA | Fabaceae | Dicot |
African senna | Senna didymobotrya | SEDI8 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
African sumac | Rhus lancea | RHLA11 | Anacardiaceae | Dicot |
African tamarisk | Tamarix africana | TAAF | Tamaricaceae | Dicot |
African-lily | Agapanthus praecox | AGPR5 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
African-queen | Anisodontea | ANISO6 | Malvaceae | Dicot |
agapanthus | Agapanthus | AGAPA2 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Agardh lupine | Lupinus agardhianus | LUAG | Fabaceae | Dicot |
agave | Agave | AGAVE | Agavaceae | Monocot |
agoseris | Agoseris | AGOSE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
agoseris | Agoseris ×dasycarpa | AGDA3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
agrimony | Agrimonia | AGRIM | Rosaceae | Dicot |
agropogon | ×Agropogon | AGROP3 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Ahart"s cluster rose | Rosa pisocarpa ssp. ahartii | ROPIA | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Ahart"s dwarf rush | Juncus leiospermus var. ahartii | JULEA | Juncaceae | Monocot |
Ahart"s nailwort | Paronychia ahartii | PAAH | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
ailanthus | Ailanthus | AILAN | Simaroubaceae | Dicot |
Alabama swamp flatsedge | Cyperus ligularis | CYLI | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Alameda County thistle | Cirsium quercetorum | CIQU2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Alameda manzanita | Arctostaphylos pallida | ARPA21 | Ericaceae | Dicot |
Alaska brome | Bromus sitchensis | BRSI | Poaceae | Monocot |
Alaska cedar | Callitropsis nootkatensis | CANO9 | Cupressaceae | Gymnosperm |
Alaska draba | Draba stenoloba | DRST2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Alaska draba | Draba stenoloba var. ramosa | DRSTR | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Alaska oniongrass | Melica subulata | MESU | Poaceae | Monocot |
Alaska oniongrass | Melica subulata var. subulata | MESUS | Poaceae | Monocot |
Albanian spurge | Euphorbia characias | EUCH13 | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
albizia | Albizia | ALBIZ | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alder | Alnus | ALNUS | Betulaceae | Dicot |
alderleaf buckthorn | Rhamnus alnifolia | RHAL | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
alderleaf mountain mahogany | Cercocarpus montanus | CEMO2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Alefeld"s pea | Lathyrus vestitus ssp. alefeldii | LAVEA | Fabaceae | Dicot |
aleppo pine | Pinus halepensis | PIHA7 | Pinaceae | Gymnosperm |
Aleutian maidenhair | Adiantum aleuticum | ADAL | Pteridaceae | Fern |
Aleutian violet | Viola langsdorffii | VILA6 | Violaceae | Dicot |
Alexander"s buckwheat | Eriogonum ochrocephalum var. alexandrae | EROCA | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
alfalfa | Medicago | MEDIC | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alfalfa | Medicago sativa | MESA | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alfalfa | Medicago sativa ssp. sativa | MESAS | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alfalfa dodder | Cuscuta approximata | CUAP2 | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
Algerian ivy | Hedera helix ssp. canariensis | HEHEC | Araliaceae | Dicot |
Algerian sea lavender | Limonium ramosissimum | LIRA2 | Plumbaginaceae | Dicot |
Algerian sea lavender | Limonium ramosissimum ssp. provinciale | LIRAP | Plumbaginaceae | Dicot |
Algodones sunflower | Helianthus niveus ssp. tephrodes | HENIT | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alhagi | Alhagi | ALHAG | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Alice Eastwood"s fleabane | Erigeron aliceae | ERAL3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aliciella | Aliciella | ALICI | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
alkali buttercup | Ranunculus cymbalaria | RACY | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
alkali centaury | Centaurium trichanthum | CETR2 | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
alkali cordgrass | Spartina gracilis | SPGR | Poaceae | Monocot |
alkali cusickiella | Cusickiella douglasii | CUDO3 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alkali desertparsley | Lomatium caruifolium | LOCA5 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
alkali desertparsley | Lomatium caruifolium var. caruifolium | LOCAC | Apiaceae | Dicot |
alkali desertparsley | Lomatium caruifolium var. denticulatum | LOCAD | Apiaceae | Dicot |
alkali goldenbush | Isocoma acradenia | ISAC2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alkali goldenbush | Isocoma acradenia var. acradenia | ISACA2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alkali goldenbush | Isocoma acradenia var. bracteosa | ISACB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alkali goldenbush | Isocoma acradenia var. eremophila | ISACE2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alkali goldfields | Lasthenia platycarpha | LAPL2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alkali mallow | Malvella leprosa | MALE3 | Malvaceae | Dicot |
alkali mariposa lily | Calochortus striatus | CAST2 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
alkali marsh aster | Almutaster | ALMUT2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alkali marsh aster | Almutaster pauciflorus | ALPA14 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alkali milkvetch | Astragalus tener | ASTE6 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alkali milkvetch | Astragalus tener var. tener | ASTET2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alkali pepperweed | Lepidium dictyotum | LEDI2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alkali pepperweed | Lepidium dictyotum var. dictyotum | LEDID | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alkali pepperwort | Lepidium dictyotum var. acutidens | LEDIA | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alkali phacelia | Phacelia neglecta | PHNE | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
alkali sacaton | Sporobolus airoides | SPAI | Poaceae | Monocot |
alkali seaheath | Frankenia salina | FRSA | Frankeniaceae | Dicot |
alkali swainsonpea | Sphaerophysa salsula | SPSA3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alkali wildrye | Leymus simplex | LESI5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
alkaligrass | Puccinellia | PUCCI | Poaceae | Monocot |
alkalisink goldfields | Lasthenia chrysantha | LACH2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alkaliweed | Cressa | CRESS | Convolvulaceae | Dicot |
Allegheny blackberry | Rubus allegheniensis | RUAL | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Allegheny blackberry | Rubus allegheniensis var. allegheniensis | RUALA | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Allegheny monkeyflower | Mimulus ringens | MIRI | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Allegheny monkeyflower | Mimulus ringens var. ringens | MIRIR | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Allen Springs dwarf-flax | Hesperolinon clevelandii | HECL3 | Linaceae | Dicot |
Allen"s pentachaeta | Pentachaeta aurea ssp. allenii | PEAUA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
allenrolfea | Allenrolfea | ALLEN | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
alligatorweed | Alternanthera philoxeroides | ALPH | Amaranthaceae | Dicot |
allthorn | Koeberlinia | KOEBE | Capparaceae | Dicot |
aloe | Aloe | ALOE | Aloaceae | Monocot |
aloe | Aloe ×schoenlandi | ALSC12 | Aloaceae | Monocot |
alpine alumroot | Heuchera cylindrica var. alpina | HECYA | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
alpine bedstraw | Galium hypotrichium | GAHY | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
alpine bedstraw | Galium hypotrichium ssp. hypotrichium | GAHYH | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
alpine bedstraw | Galium hypotrichium ssp. tomentellum | GAHYT | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
alpine bentgrass | Agrostis humilis | AGHU | Poaceae | Monocot |
alpine bittercress | Cardamine bellidifolia | CABE | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alpine bittercress | Cardamine bellidifolia var. pachyphylla | CABEP | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alpine dustymaiden | Chaenactis douglasii var. alpina | CHDOA2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alpine false candytuft | Smelowskia ovalis | SMOV | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alpine false candytuft | Smelowskia ovalis var. congesta | SMOVC | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alpine fescue | Festuca brachyphylla | FEBR | Poaceae | Monocot |
alpine gentian | Gentiana newberryi | GENE | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
alpine gentian | Gentiana newberryi var. newberryi | GENEN | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
alpine gooseberry | Ribes lasianthum | RILA2 | Grossulariaceae | Dicot |
alpine groundsel | Packera pauciflora | PAPA19 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alpine jewelflower | Streptanthus gracilis | STGR3 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alpine ladyfern | Athyrium americanum | ATAM | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
alpine lake false dandelion | Nothocalais alpestris | NOAL2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alpine laurel | Kalmia microphylla | KAMI | Ericaceae | Dicot |
alpine leafybract aster | Symphyotrichum foliaceum | SYFO2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alpine leafybract aster | Symphyotrichum foliaceum var. apricum | SYFOA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alpine lewisia | Lewisia pygmaea | LEPY2 | Portulacaceae | Dicot |
alpine meadow-rue | Thalictrum alpinum | THAL | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
alpine mountainsorrel | Oxyria digyna | OXDI3 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
alpine nerve sedge | Carex neurophora | CANE6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
alpine pennycress | Noccaea fendleri ssp. glauca | NOFEG | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alpine pondweed | Potamogeton alpinus | POAL8 | Potamogetonaceae | Monocot |
alpine sheep sorrel | Rumex paucifolius | RUPA6 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
alpine sheep sorrel | Rumex paucifolius ssp. gracilescens | RUPAG2 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
alpine sheep sorrel | Rumex paucifolius ssp. paucifolius | RUPAP | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
alpine shootingstar | Dodecatheon alpinum | DOAL | Primulaceae | Dicot |
alpine shootingstar | Dodecatheon alpinum ssp. alpinum | DOALA | Primulaceae | Dicot |
alpine shootingstar | Dodecatheon alpinum ssp. majus | DOALM | Primulaceae | Dicot |
alpine slender buckwheat | Eriogonum microthecum var. alpinum | ERMIA | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
alpine spicywintergreen | Gaultheria humifusa | GAHU | Ericaceae | Dicot |
alpine springbeauty | Claytonia megarhiza | CLME | Portulacaceae | Dicot |
alpine springbeauty | Claytonia megarhiza var. bellidifolia | CLMEB | Portulacaceae | Dicot |
alpine sulphur-flower buckwheat | Eriogonum umbellatum var. minus | ERUMM2 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
alpine timothy | Phleum alpinum | PHAL2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
alpine waterleaf | Hydrophyllum capitatum var. alpinum | HYCAA | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
alpine willow | Salix petrophila | SAPE18 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
alpineflames | Pyrrocoma apargioides | PYAP2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alpinegold | Hulsea | HULSE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alsike clover | Trifolium hybridum | TRHY | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alumroot | Heuchera | HEUCH | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
Alva Day"s gilia | Navarretia sinistra ssp. pinnatisecta | NASIP | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
Alva Day"s gilia | Navarretia sinistra ssp. sinistra | NASIS | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
Alva Day"s pincushionplant | Navarretia sinistra | NASI2 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
Alvord oak | Quercus ×alvordiana | QUAL2 | Fagaceae | Dicot |
alyssum | Alyssum simplex | ALSI8 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alyssum | Alyssum strigosum | ALST2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alyssum evening primrose | Camissonia boothii ssp. alyssoides | CABOA | Onagraceae | Dicot |
Amador County vervain | Verbena ×clemensiorum | VECL2 | Verbenaceae | Dicot |
Amargosa niterwort | Nitrophila mohavensis | NIMO | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
amaryllis | Amaryllis | AMARY | Liliaceae | Monocot |
amberboa | Amberboa | AMBER | Asteraceae | Dicot |
amblyopappus | Amblyopappus | AMBLY2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
ambrosia leaf bur ragweed | Ambrosia ambrosioides | AMAM2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
American alpine speedwell | Veronica wormskjoldii | VEWO2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
American alpine speedwell | Veronica wormskjoldii var. wormskjoldii | VEWOW | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
American beachgrass | Ammophila breviligulata | AMBR | Poaceae | Monocot |
American bird"s-foot trefoil | Lotus unifoliolatus | LOUN | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American bird"s-foot trefoil | Lotus unifoliolatus var. unifoliolatus | LOUNU | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American bistort | Polygonum bistortoides | POBI6 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
American black elderberry | Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis | SANIC4 | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
American black nightshade | Solanum americanum | SOAM | Solanaceae | Dicot |
American bugseed | Corispermum americanum | COAM8 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
American bugseed | Corispermum americanum var. americanum | COAMA2 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
American burnweed | Erechtites hieraciifolia | ERHI2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
American burnweed | Erechtites hieraciifolia var. hieraciifolia | ERHIH | Asteraceae | Dicot |
American century plant | Agave americana | AGAM | Agavaceae | Monocot |
American century plant | Agave americana ssp. americana | AGAMA | Agavaceae | Monocot |
American century plant | Agave americana ssp. americana var. expansa | AGAME | Agavaceae | Monocot |
American common reed | Phragmites australis ssp. americanus | PHAUA6 | Poaceae | Monocot |
American dunegrass | Leymus mollis | LEMO8 | Poaceae | Monocot |
American dunegrass | Leymus mollis ssp. mollis | LEMOM2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
American dwarf mistletoe | Arceuthobium americanum | ARAM | Viscaceae | Dicot |
American eelgrass | Vallisneria americana | VAAM3 | Hydrocharitaceae | Monocot |
American licorice | Glycyrrhiza lepidota | GLLE3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American lopseed | Phryma leptostachya | PHLE5 | Verbenaceae | Dicot |
American lotus | Nelumbo lutea | NELU | Nelumbonaceae | Dicot |
American mannagrass | Glyceria grandis | GLGR | Poaceae | Monocot |
American mannagrass | Glyceria grandis var. grandis | GLGRG | Poaceae | Monocot |
American pillwort | Pilularia americana | PIAM | Marsileaceae | Fern |
American pokeweed | Phytolacca americana | PHAM4 | Phytolaccaceae | Dicot |
American pokeweed | Phytolacca americana var. americana | PHAMA3 | Phytolaccaceae | Dicot |
American red raspberry | Rubus idaeus | RUID | Rosaceae | Dicot |
American rockbrake | Cryptogramma acrostichoides | CRAC3 | Pteridaceae | Fern |
American saw-wort | Saussurea americana | SAAM3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
American searocket | Cakile edentula | CAED | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
American searocket | Cakile edentula ssp. edentula | CAEDE | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
American searocket | Cakile edentula ssp. edentula var. edentula | CAEDE2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
American silvertop | Glehnia littoralis | GLLI | Apiaceae | Dicot |
American silvertop | Glehnia littoralis ssp. leiocarpa | GLLIL | Apiaceae | Dicot |
American skunkcabbage | Lysichiton americanus | LYAM3 | Araceae | Monocot |
American sloughgrass | Beckmannia syzigachne | BESY | Poaceae | Monocot |
American speedwell | Veronica americana | VEAM2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
American threefold | Trixis californica | TRCA8 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
American trailplant | Adenocaulon bicolor | ADBI | Asteraceae | Dicot |
American vetch | Vicia americana | VIAM | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American vetch | Vicia americana ssp. americana | VIAMA3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American water horehound | Lycopus americanus | LYAM | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
American water plantain | Alisma subcordatum | ALSU | Alismataceae | Monocot |
American waterawlwort | Subularia aquatica var. americana | SUAQA2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
American white waterlily | Nymphaea odorata | NYOD | Nymphaeaceae | Dicot |
American white waterlily | Nymphaea odorata ssp. odorata | NYODO | Nymphaeaceae | Dicot |
American wild carrot | Daucus pusillus | DAPU3 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
American woollyfruit sedge | Carex lasiocarpa var. americana | CALAA | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
American yellowrocket | Barbarea orthoceras | BAOR | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Ames" milkvetch | Astragalus pulsiferae | ASPU7 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Ames" milkvetch | Astragalus pulsiferae var. pulsiferae | ASPUP5 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
amethyst stickseed | Hackelia amethystina | HAAM | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
ammi | Ammi | AMMI4 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
analogue sedge | Carex simulata | CASI2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Andean watermilfoil | Myriophyllum quitense | MYQU | Haloragaceae | Dicot |
Anderson"s buttercup | Ranunculus andersonii | RAAN | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Anderson"s buttercup | Ranunculus andersonii var. andersonii | RAANA | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Anderson"s hawksbeard | Crepis runcinata ssp. andersonii | CRRUA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Anderson"s larkspur | Delphinium andersonii | DEAN | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Anderson"s lupine | Lupinus andersonii | LUAN2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Anderson"s milkvetch | Astragalus andersonii | ASAN2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Andrew"s clintonia | Clintonia andrewsiana | CLAN2 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Andrews" bedstraw | Galium andrewsii ssp. andrewsii | GAANA | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
Andrews" clover | Trifolium barbigerum var. andrewsii | TRBAA | Fabaceae | Dicot |
anelsonia | Anelsonia | ANELS | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
anemone | Anemone | ANEMO | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
angel"s trumpets | Acleisanthes longiflora | ACLO2 | Nyctaginaceae | Dicot |
angelica | Angelica | ANGEL | Apiaceae | Dicot |
angled pea | Lathyrus angulatus | LAAN3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
angleleaf miterwort | Mitella diversifolia | MIDI4 | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
anglestem buckwheat | Eriogonum angulosum | ERAN3 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
animated oat | Avena sterilis | AVST | Poaceae | Monocot |
anisocoma | Anisocoma | ANISO3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual agoseris | Agoseris heterophylla | AGHE2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual agoseris | Agoseris heterophylla var. crenulata | AGHEC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual agoseris | Agoseris heterophylla var. heterophylla | AGHEH | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual agoseris | Agoseris heterophylla var. turgida | AGHET | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual bastardcabbage | Rapistrum rugosum | RARU | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
annual bluegrass | Poa annua | POAN | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual canarygrass | Phalaris canariensis | PHCA5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual checkerbloom | Sidalcea calycosa | SICA | Malvaceae | Dicot |
annual checkerbloom | Sidalcea calycosa ssp. calycosa | SICAC3 | Malvaceae | Dicot |
annual desert milkvetch | Astragalus aridus | ASAR5 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
annual fescue | Vulpia myuros | VUMY | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual hairgrass | Deschampsia danthonioides | DEDA | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual honesty | Lunaria annua | LUAN | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
annual mallow | Lavatera trimestris | LATR3 | Malvaceae | Dicot |
annual mercury | Mercurialis annua | MEAN | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
annual muhly | Muhlenbergia minutissima | MUMI2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual pearlwort | Sagina apetala | SAAP | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
annual polemonium | Polemonium micranthum | POMI | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
annual psathyrotes | Psathyrotes annua | PSAN | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual rabbitsfoot grass | Polypogon monspeliensis | POMO5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual ragweed | Ambrosia artemisiifolia | AMAR2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual ragweed | Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior | AMARE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual redspot monkeyflower | Mimulus parryi | MIPA4 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
annual sandwort | Minuartia pusilla | MIPU7 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
annual sandwort | Minuartia pusilla var. diffusa | MIPUD | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
annual sandwort | Minuartia pusilla var. pusilla | MIPUP | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
annual semaphoregrass | Pleuropogon californicus | PLCA6 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual semaphoregrass | Pleuropogon californicus var. californicus | PLCAC7 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual semaphoregrass | Pleuropogon californicus var. davyi | PLCAD | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual silver hairgrass | Aira elegans | AIEL4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual toothleaf | Stillingia spinulosa | STSP | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
annual vernalgrass | Anthoxanthum aristatum | ANAR7 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual wallrocket | Diplotaxis muralis | DIMU2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
annual water minerslettuce | Montia fontana | MOFO | Portulacaceae | Dicot |
annual yellow sweetclover | Melilotus indicus | MEIN2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
anoda | Anoda | ANODA | Malvaceae | Dicot |
antelope bitterbrush | Purshia tridentata | PUTR2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Antelope Valley beardtongue | Penstemon janishiae | PEJA2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Anthony Peak lupine | Lupinus antoninus | LUAN5 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Antioch Dunes evening primrose | Oenothera deltoides ssp. howellii | OEDEH | Onagraceae | Dicot |
antlerfern | Ceratopteris | CERAT2 | Parkeriaceae | Fern |
Apache plume | Fallugia | FALLU | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Apache plume | Fallugia paradoxa | FAPA | Rosaceae | Dicot |
aparejograss | Muhlenbergia utilis | MUUT | Poaceae | Monocot |
apiastrum | Apiastrum | APIAS | Apiaceae | Dicot |
aponogeton | Aponogeton | APONO | Aponogetonaceae | Monocot |
appendage brodiaea | Brodiaea appendiculata | BRAP | Liliaceae | Monocot |
apple | Malus | MALUS | Rosaceae | Dicot |
apple mint | Mentha suaveolens | MESU5 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
apple of Peru | Nicandra physalodes | NIPH | Solanaceae | Dicot |
apricot | Prunus armeniaca | PRAR3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
apricot globemallow | Sphaeralcea ambigua ssp. ambigua | SPAMA | Malvaceae | Dicot |
aptenia | Aptenia | APTEN | Aizoaceae | Dicot |
Arabian pea | Bituminaria bituminosa | BIBI4 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Arabian schismus | Schismus arabicus | SCAR | Poaceae | Monocot |
araujia | Araujia | ARAUJ | Asclepiadaceae | Dicot |
arborvitae | Thuja | THUJA | Cupressaceae | Gymnosperm |
Arburua Ranch jewelflower | Streptanthus insignis ssp. lyonii | STINL | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
arcane milkvetch | Astragalus obscurus | ASOB4 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
arching sedge | Carex cyrtostachya | CACY2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
arctic pearlwort | Sagina saginoides | SASA | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
arctic rush | Juncus arcticus | JUAR2 | Juncaceae | Monocot |
arctic starflower | Trientalis europaea | TREU | Primulaceae | Dicot |
arctic starflower | Trientalis europaea ssp. arctica | TREUA | Primulaceae | Dicot |
arctic sweet coltsfoot | Petasites frigidus | PEFR5 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
arctic sweet coltsfoot | Petasites frigidus var. palmatus | PEFRP | Asteraceae | Dicot |
arctotis | Arctotis | ARCTO4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Argentine screwbean | Prosopis strombulifera | PRST3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Argentinian biddy-biddy | Acaena pinnatifida | ACPI3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Argentinian biddy-biddy | Acaena pinnatifida var. californica | ACPIC2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Argus bedstraw | Galium argense | GAAR3 | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
Argus blazingstar | Mentzelia oreophila | MEOR3 | Loasaceae | Dicot |
arid tansyaster | Machaeranthera arida | MAAR5 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aridland goosefoot | Chenopodium desiccatum | CHDE | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
Arizona barley | Hordeum arizonicum | HOAR | Poaceae | Monocot |
Arizona brome | Bromus arizonicus | BRAR4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Arizona centaury | Centaurium arizonicum | CEAR12 | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
Arizona cottonrose | Logfia arizonica | LOAR12 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Arizona cottontop | Digitaria californica | DICA8 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Arizona cypress | Hesperocyparis arizonica | HEAR22 | Cupressaceae | Gymnosperm |
Arizona fiestaflower | Pholistoma auritum var. arizonicum | PHAUA | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
Arizona four-nerve daisy | Tetraneuris acaulis var. arizonica | TEACA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Arizona honeysweet | Tidestromia oblongifolia | TIOB | Amaranthaceae | Dicot |
Arizona ipomopsis | Ipomopsis arizonica | IPAR2 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
Arizona lupine | Lupinus arizonicus | LUAR4 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Arizona lupine | Lupinus arizonicus ssp. arizonicus | LUARA7 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Arizona lupine | Lupinus arizonicus ssp. arizonicus var. barbatulus | LUARB2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Arizona lupine | Lupinus arizonicus ssp. setosissimus | LUARS4 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Arizona mousetail | Myosurus cupulatus | MYCU | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Arizona popcornflower | Plagiobothrys arizonicus | PLAR | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
Arizona poppy | Kallstroemia grandiflora | KAGR | Zygophyllaceae | Dicot |
Arizona sandmat | Chamaesyce arizonica | CHAR18 | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
Arizona signalgrass | Urochloa arizonica | URAR | Poaceae | Monocot |
Arizona thistle | Cirsium arizonicum | CIAR3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Arizona wheatgrass | Elymus arizonicus | ELAR7 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Arizona whitefeather | Ivesia arizonica var. arizonica | IVARA | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Arizona wrightwort | Carlowrightia arizonica | CAAR7 | Acanthaceae | Dicot |
armeria | Armeria | ARMER | Plumbaginaceae | Dicot |
armoracia | Armoracia | ARMOR | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
arnica | Arnica | ARNIC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aroeira blanca | Lithrea molleoides | LIMO4 | Anacardiaceae | Dicot |
arrow arum | Peltandra | PELTA | Araceae | Monocot |
arrow bamboo | Pseudosasa | PSEUD9 | Poaceae | Monocot |
arrow bamboo | Pseudosasa japonica | PSJA | Poaceae | Monocot |
arrowgrass | Triglochin | TRIGL | Juncaginaceae | Monocot |
arrowhead | Sagittaria | SAGIT | Alismataceae | Monocot |
arrowleaf balsamroot | Balsamorhiza sagittata | BASA3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
arrowleaf buckwheat | Eriogonum compositum | ERCO12 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
arrowleaf buckwheat | Eriogonum compositum var. compositum | ERCOC8 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
arrowleaf clover | Trifolium vesiculosum | TRVE | Fabaceae | Dicot |
arrowleaf ragwort | Senecio triangularis | SETR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
arrowweed | Pluchea sericea | PLSE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Arroyo de la Cruz mariposa lily | Calochortus clavatus var. recurvifolius | CACLR3 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
arroyo willow | Salix lasiolepis | SALA6 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
arroyo willow | Salix lasiolepis var. lasiolepis | SALAL2 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
arthrocnemum | Arthrocnemum | ARTHR4 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
artist"s popcornflower | Plagiobothrys chorisianus | PLCH | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
artist"s popcornflower | Plagiobothrys chorisianus var. chorisianus | PLCHC | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
artist"s popcornflower | Plagiobothrys undulatus | PLUN2 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
arum | Arum | ARUM2 | Araceae | Monocot |
arumleaf arrowhead | Sagittaria cuneata | SACU | Alismataceae | Monocot |
aruncus | Aruncus | ARUNC | Rosaceae | Dicot |
ash | Fraxinus | FRAXI | Oleaceae | Dicot |
Ash Creek mousetail | Ivesia paniculata | IVPA | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Ash Meadows gumweed | Grindelia fraxinopratensis | GRFR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
ash penstemon | Penstemon cinicola | PECI2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
ashen milkvetch | Astragalus tephrodes | ASTE8 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
ashen milkvetch | Astragalus tephrodes var. brachylobus | ASTEB | Fabaceae | Dicot |
ashen milkvetch | Astragalus tephrodes var. remulcus | ASTER2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
ashgray Indian paintbrush | Castilleja cinerea | CACI6 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Ashland cinquefoil | Potentilla glandulosa ssp. ashlandica | POGLA2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Ashland thistle | Cirsium ciliolatum | CICI | Asteraceae | Dicot |
ashy pipewort | Eriocaulon cinereum | ERCI4 | Eriocaulaceae | Monocot |
ashy silktassel | Garrya flavescens | GAFL2 | Garryaceae | Dicot |
Asian mustard | Brassica tournefortii | BRTO | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Asian pigeonwings | Clitoria ternatea | CLTE3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Asian ponysfoot | Dichondra micrantha | DIMI | Convolvulaceae | Dicot |
Asian watermeal | Wolffia globosa | WOGL3 | Lemnaceae | Monocot |
Asian waterwort | Elatine ambigua | ELAM | Elatinaceae | Dicot |
asparagus | Asparagus | ASPAR | Liliaceae | Monocot |
asphodel | Narthecium | NARTH | Liliaceae | Monocot |
asphodelus | Asphodelus | ASPHO | Liliaceae | Monocot |
aster | Eucephalus | EUCEP2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aster | Oreostemma | OREOS | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aster | Eurybia | EURYB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aster | Ionactis | IONAC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aster | Symphyotrichum | SYMPH4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
asthmaweed | Conyza bonariensis | COBO | Asteraceae | Dicot |
asthmaweed | Conyza floribunda | COFL | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Athel tamarisk | Tamarix aphylla | TAAP | Tamaricaceae | Dicot |
Atkinson"s tickseed | Coreopsis tinctoria var. atkinsoniana | COTIA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
atrichoseris | Atrichoseris | ATRIC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
attenuate Indian paintbrush | Castilleja attenuata | CAAT25 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Austin desertparsley | Lomatium austiniae | LOAU5 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Austin knotweed | Polygonum douglasii ssp. austiniae | PODOA2 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Austin"s beardtongue | Penstemon floridus var. austinii | PEFLA2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Austin"s milkvetch | Astragalus austiniae | ASAU | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Austin"s popcornflower | Plagiobothrys austiniae | PLAU | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
Australasian geranium | Geranium homeanum | GEHO5 | Geraniaceae | Dicot |
Australian brake | Pteris tremula | PTTR3 | Pteridaceae | Fern |
Australian brome | Bromus arenarius | BRAR3 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Australian cheesewood | Pittosporum undulatum | PIUN2 | Pittosporaceae | Dicot |
Australian fingergrass | Chloris truncata | CHTR | Poaceae | Monocot |
Australian saltbush | Atriplex semibaccata | ATSE | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
Australian stork"s bill | Erodium cygnorum | ERCY2 | Geraniaceae | Dicot |
Australian sundew | Drosera aliciae | DRAL6 | Droseraceae | Dicot |
Australian teatree | Leptospermum laevigatum | LELA29 | Myrtaceae | Dicot |
Australian wallaby grass | Amphibromus neesii | AMNE4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Australian waterbuttons | Cotula australis | COAU3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Austrian yellowcress | Rorippa austriaca | ROAU | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
autumn dwarf gentian | Gentianella amarella | GEAM3 | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
autumn dwarf gentian | Gentianella amarella ssp. acuta | GEAMA | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
Aven Nelson"s phacelia | Phacelia anelsonii | PHAN | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
avens | Geum | GEUM | Rosaceae | Dicot |
awl-leaf lilaea | Lilaea scilloides | LISC4 | Juncaginaceae | Monocot |
awl-leaf pincushionplant | Navarretia subuligera | NASU | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
awlfruit sedge | Carex stipata | CAST5 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
awlwort | Subularia | SUBUL | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
awned halfchaff sedge | Lipocarpha aristulata | LIAR6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
awnless spiralgrass | Tuctoria greenei | TUGR | Poaceae | Monocot |
ayenia | Ayenia | AYENI | Sterculiaceae | Dicot |
Azores buttercup | Ranunculus cortusifolius | RACO21 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Azores forget-me-not | Myosotis azorica | MYAZ | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
Aztec marigold | Tagetes erecta | TAER | Asteraceae | Dicot |
azure penstemon | Penstemon azureus | PEAZ | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
azure penstemon | Penstemon azureus ssp. angustissimus | PEAZA | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
azure penstemon | Penstemon azureus ssp. azureus | PEAZA2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
baby blue eyes | Nemophila menziesii | NEME | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
baby blue eyes | Nemophila menziesii var. atomaria | NEMEA | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
baby blue eyes | Nemophila menziesii var. integrifolia | NEMEI | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
baby blue eyes | Nemophila menziesii var. menziesii | NEMEM | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
baby blue eyes | Nemophila | NEMOP | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
baby sage | Salvia microphylla | SAMI20 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
baby"s breath | Gypsophila paniculata | GYPA | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
baby"s-breath | Gypsophila | GYPSO | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
baccharis | Baccharis | BACCH | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bach"s calicoflower | Downingia bacigalupii | DOBA | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
bahia | Bahia | BAHIA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bahiagrass | Paspalum notatum | PANO2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bahiagrass | Paspalum notatum var. saurae | PANOS | Poaceae | Monocot |
Bailey"s buckwheat | Eriogonum baileyi | ERBA7 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Bailey"s buckwheat | Eriogonum baileyi var. baileyi | ERBAB | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Bailey"s buckwheat | Eriogonum baileyi var. praebens | ERBAP | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Bailey"s ivesia | Ivesia baileyi | IVBA | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Bailey"s ivesia | Ivesia baileyi var. baileyi | IVBAB | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Bailey"s ivesia | Ivesia baileyi var. beneolens | IVBAB2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Baja birdbush | Ornithostaphylos oppositifolia | OROP | Ericaceae | Dicot |
Baja buckwheat | Eriogonum foliosum | ERFO4 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Baja California ipomopsis | Ipomopsis effusa | IPEF | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
Baja desert-thorn | Lycium brevipes | LYBR | Solanaceae | Dicot |
Baja pincushionplant | Navarretia peninsularis | NAPE | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
Baja rose | Rosa minutifolia | ROMI80 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bajada lupine | Lupinus concinnus | LUCO | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bajada lupine | Lupinus concinnus ssp. concinnus | LUCOC | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bajada lupine | Lupinus concinnus ssp. optatus | LUCOO | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Baker"s delphinium | Delphinium bakeri | DEBA | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Baker"s goldfields | Lasthenia californica ssp. bakeri | LACAB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Baker"s hawksbeard | Crepis bakeri | CRBA2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Baker"s hawksbeard | Crepis bakeri ssp. bakeri | CRBAB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Baker"s manzanita | Arctostaphylos bakeri | ARBA4 | Ericaceae | Dicot |
Baker"s manzanita | Arctostaphylos bakeri ssp. bakeri | ARBAB | Ericaceae | Dicot |
Baker"s meadowfoam | Limnanthes bakeri | LIBA2 | Limnanthaceae | Dicot |
Baker"s navarretia | Navarretia leucocephala ssp. bakeri | NALEB | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
Baker"s stickyseed | Blennosperma bakeri | BLBA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Baker"s violet | Viola bakeri | VIBA2 | Violaceae | Dicot |
Baker"s wild hollyhock | Iliamna bakeri | ILBA | Malvaceae | Dicot |
bald brome | Bromus racemosus | BRRA2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bald fleabane | Erigeron calvus | ERCA3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bald Mountain milkvetch | Astragalus umbraticus | ASUM3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Baldwin Lake linanthus | Linanthus killipii | LIKI | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
Balfour"s touch-me-not | Impatiens balfourii | IMBA2 | Balsaminaceae | Dicot |
ball saltbush | Atriplex fruticulosa | ATFR | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
ballhead ipomopsis | Ipomopsis congesta | IPCO5 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
ballhead ipomopsis | Ipomopsis congesta ssp. congesta | IPCOC3 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
ballhead ipomopsis | Ipomopsis congesta ssp. montana | IPCOM | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
ballhead ipomopsis | Ipomopsis congesta ssp. palmifrons | IPCOP | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
ballhead sandwort | Arenaria congesta | ARCO5 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
ballhead sandwort | Arenaria congesta var. congesta | ARCOC4 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
ballhead sandwort | Arenaria congesta var. crassula | ARCOC3 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
ballhead sandwort | Arenaria congesta var. simulans | ARCOS | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
ballhead waterleaf | Hydrophyllum capitatum | HYCA4 | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
ballona cinquefoil | Potentilla multijuga | POMU5 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
balloon sack clover | Trifolium depauperatum var. diversifolium | TRDED2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
balloon sack clover | Trifolium depauperatum var. stenophyllum | TRDES | Fabaceae | Dicot |
balloon sack clover | Trifolium depauperatum var. amplectens | TRDEA | Fabaceae | Dicot |
balloonpod milkvetch | Astragalus whitneyi | ASWH | Fabaceae | Dicot |
balloonpod milkvetch | Astragalus whitneyi var. whitneyi | ASWHW | Fabaceae | Dicot |
balloonpod milkvetch | Astragalus whitneyi var. lenophyllus | ASWHL | Fabaceae | Dicot |
balm | Melissa | MELIS | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
balsam bird"s-foot trefoil | Lotus stipularis | LOST3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
balsam bird"s-foot trefoil | Lotus stipularis var. stipularis | LOSTS | Fabaceae | Dicot |
balsam poplar | Populus balsamifera | POBA2 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
balsamroot | Balsamorhiza | BALSA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
balsamroot | Balsamorhiza ×terebinthacea | BATE3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bamboo | Phyllostachys | PHYLL6 | Poaceae | Monocot |
banana passionflower | Passiflora tarminiana | PATA6 | Passifloraceae | Dicot |
banana yucca | Yucca baccata | YUBA | Agavaceae | Monocot |
baneberry | Actaea | ACTAE | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
bank catclaw | Acacia redolens | ACRE9 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Barbary fig | Opuntia ficus-indica | OPFI | Cactaceae | Dicot |
barbed goatgrass | Aegilops triuncialis | AETR | Poaceae | Monocot |
barberry | Berberis | BERBE | Berberidaceae | Dicot |
barberry | Mahonia | MAHON | Berberidaceae | Dicot |
barbgrass | Hainardia | HAINA | Poaceae | Monocot |
barbgrass | Hainardia cylindrica | HACY | Poaceae | Monocot |
barbwire Russian thistle | Salsola paulsenii | SAPA8 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
bare monkeyflower | Mimulus nudatus | MINU2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
barestem biscuitroot | Lomatium nudicaule | LONU2 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
baretwig neststraw | Stylocline psilocarphoides | STPS | Asteraceae | Dicot |
barley | Hordeum | HORDE | Poaceae | Monocot |
barley | ×Elyhordeum | ELYHO | Poaceae | Monocot |
Barneby"s phacelia | Phacelia barnebyana | PHBA | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
barnyardgrass | Echinochloa crus-galli | ECCR | Poaceae | Monocot |
barranca brush | Ceanothus verrucosus | CEVE2 | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
barrel cactus | Ferocactus | FEROC | Cactaceae | Dicot |
Barron"s wild buckwheat | Eriogonum spectabile | ERSP20 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Barton Flats horkelia | Horkelia wilderae | HOWI | Rosaceae | Dicot |
basalt milkvetch | Astragalus filipes | ASFI | Fabaceae | Dicot |
basin big sagebrush | Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata | ARTRT | Asteraceae | Dicot |
basin cryptantha | Cryptantha ambigua | CRAM3 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
basin nemophila | Nemophila breviflora | NEBR | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
basin wildrye | Leymus cinereus | LECI4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
basin yellow cryptantha | Cryptantha confertiflora | CRCO12 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
basket rush | Juncus textilis | JUTE2 | Juncaceae | Monocot |
bastard toadflax | Comandra | COMAN | Santalaceae | Dicot |
bastard toadflax | Comandra umbellata | COUM | Santalaceae | Dicot |
bastardcabbage | Rapistrum | RAPIS | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bastardsage | Eriogonum wrightii | ERWR | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bastardsage | Eriogonum wrightii var. membranaceum | ERWRM | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bastardsage | Eriogonum wrightii var. nodosum | ERWRN | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bastardsage | Eriogonum wrightii var. subscaposum | ERWRS | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bastardsage | Eriogonum wrightii var. trachygonum | ERWRT2 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bastardsage | Eriogonum wrightii var. wrightii | ERWRW | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bauhinia | Bauhinia | BAUHI | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bay forget-me-not | Myosotis laxa | MYLA | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
bayberry | Morella | MOREL2 | Myricaceae | Dicot |
beach knotweed | Polygonum paronychia | POPA7 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
beach pea | Lathyrus japonicus | LAJA | Fabaceae | Dicot |
beach pea | Lathyrus japonicus var. maritimus | LAJAM | Fabaceae | Dicot |
beach pine | Pinus contorta var. contorta | PICOC | Pinaceae | Gymnosperm |
beach saltbush | Atriplex leucophylla | ATLE2 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
beach sand verbena | Abronia neurophylla | ABNE | Nyctaginaceae | Dicot |
beach shieldpod | Dithyrea maritima | DIMA6 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
beach starwort | Stellaria littoralis | STLI | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
beach strawberry | Fragaria chiloensis | FRCH | Rosaceae | Dicot |
beach strawberry | Fragaria chiloensis ssp. lucida | FRCHL | Rosaceae | Dicot |
beach suncup | Camissonia cheiranthifolia | CACH13 | Onagraceae | Dicot |
beach suncup | Camissonia cheiranthifolia ssp. cheiranthifolia | CACHC | Onagraceae | Dicot |
beach suncup | Camissonia cheiranthifolia ssp. suffruticosa | CACHS | Onagraceae | Dicot |
beach tidytips | Layia carnosa | LACA4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
beach wormwood | Artemisia pycnocephala | ARPY3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
beachgrass | Ammophila | AMMOP | Poaceae | Monocot |
beaded lipfern | Cheilanthes wootonii | CHWO | Pteridaceae | Fern |
beaked clarkia | Clarkia rostrata | CLRO2 | Onagraceae | Dicot |
beaked hawksbeard | Crepis vesicaria | CRVE3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
beaked hawksbeard | Crepis vesicaria ssp. taraxacifolia | CRVET | Asteraceae | Dicot |
beaked hazelnut | Corylus cornuta | COCO6 | Betulaceae | Dicot |
beaked spikerush | Eleocharis rostellata | ELRO2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
beaked spiny polygala | Polygala heterorhyncha | POHE7 | Polygalaceae | Dicot |
beaksedge | Rhynchospora | RHYNC3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bean | Phaseolus | PHASE | Fabaceae | Dicot |
beancaper | Zygophyllum | ZYGOP | Zygophyllaceae | Dicot |
Bear Valley buckwheat | Eriogonum ursinum | ERUR3 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Bear Valley buckwheat | Eriogonum ursinum var. ursinum | ERURU | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Bear Valley milkvetch | Astragalus leucolobus | ASLE11 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Bear Valley sandwort | Arenaria ursina | ARUR | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
bear"s breech | Acanthus mollis | ACMO8 | Acanthaceae | Dicot |
bearbrush | Garrya fremontii | GAFR | Garryaceae | Dicot |
beard lichen | Usnea | USNEA2 | Parmeliaceae | Lichen |
bearded clover | Trifolium barbigerum var. barbigerum | TRBAB | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bearded clover | Trifolium barbigerum | TRBA | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bearded cryptantha | Cryptantha barbigera | CRBA5 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
bearded cupgrass | Eriochloa aristata | ERAR5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bearded fescue | Festuca subulata | FESU | Poaceae | Monocot |
bearded flatsedge | Cyperus squarrosus | CYSQ | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bearded jewelflower | Streptanthus barbiger | STBA3 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bearded melicgrass | Melica aristata | MEAR3 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bearded monkeyflower | Mimulus barbatus | MIBA | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
bearded popcornflower | Plagiobothrys hystriculus | PLHY | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
bearded sprangletop | Leptochloa fusca ssp. fascicularis | LEFUF | Poaceae | Monocot |
beardgrass | Bothriochloa | BOTHR | Poaceae | Monocot |
beardless rabbitsfoot grass | Polypogon viridis | POVI9 | Poaceae | Monocot |
beardless rabbitsfoot grass | Polypogon imberbis | POIM3 | Poaceae | Monocot |
beardless wildrye | Leymus triticoides | LETR5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
beardtongue | Penstemon | PENST | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
beardtongue | Penstemon ×dubius | PEDU5 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
beardtongue | Penstemon ×peirsonii | PEPE32 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
beardtongue | Penstemon ×parishii | PEPA10 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
beargrass | Nolina | NOLIN | Liliaceae | Monocot |
beargrass | Xerophyllum | XEROP | Liliaceae | Monocot |
bearpoppy | Arctomecon | ARCTO | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
Beatley"s clover | Trifolium andersonii ssp. beatleyae | TRANB | Fabaceae | Dicot |
beautiful bluebells | Mertensia bella | MEBE | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
beautiful phacelia | Phacelia pulchella | PHPU | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
beautiful rockcress | Arabis pulchra | ARPU2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
beautiful rockcress | Arabis pulchra var. gracilis | ARPUG | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
beautiful rockcress | Arabis pulchra var. pulchra | ARPUP2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
beautiful sandwort | Minuartia rubella | MIRU3 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
beautiful spikerush | Eleocharis bella | ELBE | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
beautiful woolly sunflower | Eriophyllum ambiguum | ERAM3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
beautiful woolly sunflower | Eriophyllum ambiguum var. ambiguum | ERAMA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
beautiful woolly sunflower | Eriophyllum ambiguum var. paleaceum | ERAMP | Asteraceae | Dicot |
beaver Indian breadroot | Pediomelum castoreum | PECA24 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
beaver povertyweed | Monolepis spathulata | MOSP | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
beavertail grass | Calochortus coeruleus | CACO3 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
beavertail pricklypear | Opuntia basilaris | OPBA2 | Cactaceae | Dicot |
beavertail pricklypear | Opuntia basilaris var. basilaris | OPBAB2 | Cactaceae | Dicot |
beavertail pricklypear | Opuntia basilaris var. brachyclada | OPBAB | Cactaceae | Dicot |
Bebb willow | Salix bebbiana | SABE2 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
Beckwith"s clover | Trifolium beckwithii | TRBE2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Beckwith"s violet | Viola beckwithii | VIBE2 | Violaceae | Dicot |
Beckwith"s violet | Viola beckwithii ssp. beckwithii | VIBEB | Violaceae | Dicot |
bedstraw | Galium | GALIU | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
beebalm | Monarda | MONAR | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
beeblossom | Gaura | GAURA | Onagraceae | Dicot |
beebrush | Aloysia | ALOYS | Verbenaceae | Dicot |
beegum onion | Allium hoffmanii | ALHO | Liliaceae | Monocot |
beet | Beta | BETA | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
beethistle | Eryngium articulatum | ERAR14 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
beetle spurge | Euphorbia eriantha | EUER2 | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
beggarticks | Bidens | BIDEN | Asteraceae | Dicot |
belladonna | Atropa | ATROP | Solanaceae | Dicot |
belladonna | Atropa bella-donna | ATBE | Solanaceae | Dicot |
belladonna lily | Amaryllis belladonna | AMBE3 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Bellard"s smartweed | Polygonum patulum | POPA9 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Bellardi bog sedge | Kobresia myosuroides | KOMY | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bellflower | Campanula | CAMPA | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
bellis | Bellis | BELLI | Asteraceae | Dicot |
belllflower African cornlily | Ixia campanulata | IXCA | Iridaceae | Monocot |
bellshape gilia | Linanthus campanulatus | LICA37 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
beloperone | Justicia californica | JUCA8 | Acanthaceae | Dicot |
benitoa | Benitoa | BENIT | Asteraceae | Dicot |
benitoa | Benitoa occidentalis | BEOC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
BenLomond buckwheat | Eriogonum nudum var. decurrens | ERNUD | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bensoniella | Bensoniella | BENSO | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
bentflower fiddleneck | Amsinckia lunaris | AMLU | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
bentgrass | Agrostis | AGROS2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bentgrass | Agrostis castellana | AGCA11 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Bentham"s broom | Lotus benthamii | LOBE2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bentspike fountaingrass | Pennisetum nervosum | PENE4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Berg"s hedgenettle | Stachys bergii | STBE6 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
bergia | Bergia | BERGI | Elatinaceae | Dicot |
Bering chickweed | Cerastium beeringianum | CEBE2 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
Bering chickweed | Cerastium beeringianum ssp. earlei | CEBEE | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
Bering"s tufted hairgrass | Deschampsia beringensis | DEBE2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Bermuda buttercup | Oxalis pes-caprae | OXPE | Oxalidaceae | Dicot |
Bermudagrass | Cynodon | CYNOD | Poaceae | Monocot |
Bermudagrass | Cynodon dactylon | CYDA | Poaceae | Monocot |
Berry"s penstemon | Penstemon newberryi ssp. berryi | PENEB | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
biannual lettuce | Lactuca ludoviciana | LALU | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bicknell"s cranesbill | Geranium bicknellii | GEBI2 | Geraniaceae | Dicot |
biddy-biddy | Acaena novae-zelandiae | ACNO7 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Bidwell"s knotweed | Polygonum bidwelliae | POBI4 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
biennial cinquefoil | Potentilla biennis | POBI7 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
biennial wormwood | Artemisia biennis | ARBI2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
biennial wormwood | Artemisia biennis var. biennis | ARBIB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
big arroyo rockmat | Petrophytum acuminatum | PEAC4 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Big Bear Valley phlox | Phlox dolichantha | PHDO2 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
big chickweed | Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare | CEFOV2 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
big deervetch | Lotus crassifolius | LOCR | Fabaceae | Dicot |
big deervetch | Lotus crassifolius var. crassifolius | LOCRC | Fabaceae | Dicot |
big deervetch | Lotus crassifolius var. otayensis | LOCRO | Fabaceae | Dicot |
big devils beggartick | Bidens vulgata | BIVU | Asteraceae | Dicot |
big galleta | Pleuraphis rigida | PLRI3 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Big Pine biscuitroot | Lomatium rigidum | LORI2 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
big quakinggrass | Briza maxima | BRMA | Poaceae | Monocot |
big sacaton | Sporobolus wrightii | SPWR2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
big sagebrush | Artemisia tridentata | ARTR2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
big sagebrush | Artemisia tridentata ssp. parishii | ARTRP2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
big sagebrush | Artemisia tridentata ssp. spiciformis | ARTRS2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
big saltbush | Atriplex lentiformis ssp. lentiformis | ATLEL | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
big saltbush | Atriplex lentiformis | ATLE | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
big squirreltail | Elymus multisetus | ELMU3 | Poaceae | Monocot |
big tarweed | Blepharizonia plumosa | BLPL | Asteraceae | Dicot |
big tarweed | Blepharizonia plumosa ssp. plumosa | BLPLP | Asteraceae | Dicot |
big tarweed | Blepharizonia plumosa ssp. viscida | BLPLV | Asteraceae | Dicot |
big trefoil | Lotus pedunculatus | LOPE80 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
big western bittercress | Cardamine occidentalis | CAOC | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bigberry manzanita | Arctostaphylos glauca | ARGL4 | Ericaceae | Dicot |
bigbract verbena | Verbena bracteata | VEBR | Verbenaceae | Dicot |
bigcone Douglas-fir | Pseudotsuga macrocarpa | PSMA | Pinaceae | Gymnosperm |
Bigelow sage | Artemisia bigelovii | ARBI3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bigelow"s bluegrass | Poa bigelovii | POBI | Poaceae | Monocot |
Bigelow"s linanthus | Linanthus bigelovii | LIBI2 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
Bigelow"s monkeyflower | Mimulus bigelovii | MIBI6 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Bigelow"s monkeyflower | Mimulus bigelovii var. bigelovii | MIBIB2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Bigelow"s nolina | Nolina bigelovii | NOBI | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Bigelow"s sneezeweed | Helenium bigelovii | HEBI | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bigelow"s tickseed | Coreopsis bigelovii | COBI | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bigelow"s tobacco | Nicotiana quadrivalvis var. bigelovii | NIQUB | Solanaceae | Dicot |
Bigelow"s willow | Salix lasiolepis var. bigelovii | SALAB | Salicaceae | Dicot |
bigflower agoseris | Agoseris grandiflora | AGGR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bigflower tellima | Tellima grandiflora | TEGR2 | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
bighead dustymaiden | Chaenactis macrantha | CHMA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bighead horkelia | Horkelia fusca ssp. capitata | HOFUC2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bighead pygmycudweed | Evax prolifera | EVPR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bigleaf crownbeard | Verbesina dissita | VEDI | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bigleaf lupine | Lupinus polyphyllus | LUPO2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bigleaf lupine | Lupinus polyphyllus ssp. bernardinus | LUPOB | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bigleaf lupine | Lupinus polyphyllus ssp. polyphyllus | LUPOP2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bigleaf lupine | Lupinus polyphyllus ssp. polyphyllus var. grandifolius | LUPOG2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bigleaf lupine | Lupinus polyphyllus ssp. polyphyllus var. pallidipes | LUPOP3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bigleaf lupine | Lupinus polyphyllus ssp. polyphyllus var. polyphyllus | LUPOP4 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bigleaf lupine | Lupinus polyphyllus ssp. superbus | LUPOS | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bigleaf maple | Acer macrophyllum | ACMA3 | Aceraceae | Dicot |
bigleaf periwinkle | Vinca major | VIMA | Apocynaceae | Dicot |
bigleaf sedge | Carex amplifolia | CAAM10 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bigpod ceanothus | Ceanothus megacarpus | CEME | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
bigpod ceanothus | Ceanothus megacarpus var. megacarpus | CEMEM2 | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
bigpod sesbania | Sesbania herbacea | SEHE8 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bigseed alfalfa dodder | Cuscuta indecora | CUIN | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
bigseed alfalfa dodder | Cuscuta indecora var. indecora | CUINI | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
bigseed biscuitroot | Lomatium macrocarpum | LOMA3 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
bigseed dodder | Cuscuta indecora var. neuropetala | CUINN | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
billion-dollar grass | Echinochloa frumentacea | ECFR | Poaceae | Monocot |
bindweed | Convolvulus | CONVO | Convolvulaceae | Dicot |
Bingham"s false bindweed | Calystegia sepium ssp. binghamiae | CASEB | Convolvulaceae | Dicot |
Bioletti"s fleabane | Erigeron biolettii | ERBI7 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bioletti"s rush broom | Lotus junceus var. biolettii | LOJUB | Fabaceae | Dicot |
birch | Betula | BETUL | Betulaceae | Dicot |
birchleaf mountain mahogany | Cercocarpus montanus var. glaber | CEMOG | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bird vetch | Vicia cracca | VICR | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bird vetch | Vicia cracca ssp. cracca | VICRC | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bird"s-beak | Cordylanthus | CORDY | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
bird"s-eye gilia | Gilia tricolor | GITR2 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
bird"s-eye gilia | Gilia tricolor ssp. diffusa | GITRD | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
bird"s-eye gilia | Gilia tricolor ssp. tricolor | GITRT | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
bird"s-foot | Ornithopus | ORNIT2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bird"s-foot trefoil | Lotus corniculatus | LOCO6 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bird"s-foot trefoil | Lotus corniculatus var. corniculatus | LOCOC5 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bird-of-paradise shrub | Caesalpinia gilliesii | CAGI | Fabaceae | Dicot |
birdcage evening primrose | Oenothera deltoides | OEDE2 | Onagraceae | Dicot |
birdcage evening primrose | Oenothera deltoides ssp. cognata | OEDEC2 | Onagraceae | Dicot |
birdcage evening primrose | Oenothera deltoides ssp. deltoides | OEDED4 | Onagraceae | Dicot |
birdeye pearlwort | Sagina procumbens | SAPR | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
birdeye speedwell | Veronica persica | VEPE3 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
birdfoot checkerbloom | Sidalcea pedata | SIPE4 | Malvaceae | Dicot |
birdfoot cliffbrake | Pellaea mucronata ssp. mucronata | PEMUM | Pteridaceae | Fern |
birdfoot cliffbrake | Pellaea mucronata | PEMU | Pteridaceae | Fern |
birdnest buckwheat | Eriogonum nidularium | ERNI4 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Bisbee Peak rushrose | Helianthemum scoparium | HESC2 | Cistaceae | Dicot |
Bishop pine | Pinus muricata | PIMU | Pinaceae | Gymnosperm |
Bithynian vetch | Vicia bithynica | VIBI6 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bitter cherry | Prunus emarginata | PREM | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bitter cherry | Prunus emarginata var. emarginata | PREME | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bitter dock | Rumex obtusifolius | RUOB | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bitter fleabane | Erigeron acris | ERAC2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bitter fleabane | Erigeron acris ssp. debilis | ERACD2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bitter gooseberry | Ribes amarum | RIAM | Grossulariaceae | Dicot |
bitter lettuce | Lactuca virosa | LAVI8 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bitter root | Lewisia rediviva | LERE7 | Portulacaceae | Dicot |
bitter root | Lewisia rediviva var. minor | LEREM | Portulacaceae | Dicot |
bitter root | Lewisia rediviva var. rediviva | LERER | Portulacaceae | Dicot |
bitter rubberweed | Hymenoxys odorata | HYOD | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bitter snakewood | Condalia globosa | COGL | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
bitter snakewood | Condalia globosa var. pubescens | COGLP | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
bitterbrush | Purshia | PURSH | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bittercress | Cardamine | CARDA | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bituminaria | Bituminaria | BITUM | Fabaceae | Dicot |
black alpine sedge | Carex nigricans | CANI2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
black bindweed | Polygonum convolvulus | POCO10 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
black bindweed | Polygonum convolvulus var. convolvulus | POCOC2 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
black bogrush | Schoenus nigricans | SCNI | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
black chokecherry | Prunus virginiana var. melanocarpa | PRVIM | Rosaceae | Dicot |
black cottonwood | Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa | POBAT | Salicaceae | Dicot |
black crowberry | Empetrum nigrum | EMNI | Empetraceae | Dicot |
black crowberry | Empetrum nigrum ssp. hermaphroditum | EMNIH | Empetraceae | Dicot |
black crowberry | Empetrum nigrum ssp. nigrum | EMNIN | Empetraceae | Dicot |
black elderberry | Sambucus nigra | SANI4 | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
black flatsedge | Cyperus niger | CYNI2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
black grama | Bouteloua eriopoda | BOER4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
black hawthorn | Crataegus douglasii | CRDO2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
black locust | Robinia pseudoacacia | ROPS | Fabaceae | Dicot |
black medick | Medicago lupulina | MELU | Fabaceae | Dicot |
black mustard | Brassica nigra | BRNI | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
black nightshade | Solanum nigrum | SONI | Solanaceae | Dicot |
black oats | Avena strigosa | AVST2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
black sage | Salvia mellifera | SAME3 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
black sagebrush | Artemisia nova | ARNO4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
black salsify | Scorzonera hispanica | SCHI2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
black sand spikerush | Eleocharis pachycarpa | ELPA | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
black vetch | Vicia nigricans | VINI81 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
black wattle | Acacia mearnsii | ACME80 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
blackberry | Rubus | RUBUS | Rosaceae | Dicot |
blackbrush | Coleogyne ramosissima | CORA | Rosaceae | Dicot |
blackdisk medick | Medicago orbicularis | MEOR2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
blackeyed Susan | Rudbeckia hirta | RUHI2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blackeyed Susan | Rudbeckia hirta var. pulcherrima | RUHIP | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blackfoot | Melampodium | MELAM | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blackfoot groundsmoke | Gayophytum racemosum | GARA | Onagraceae | Dicot |
Blackfoot River evening primrose | Camissonia andina | CAAN14 | Onagraceae | Dicot |
blackfruit dogwood | Cornus sessilis | COSE3 | Cornaceae | Dicot |
blackseed sandspurry | Spergularia atrosperma | SPAT | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
blacktack phacelia | Phacelia pachyphylla | PHPA | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
blackwood | Acacia melanoxylon | ACME | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bladder campion | Silene latifolia | SILA21 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
bladder campion | Silene latifolia ssp. alba | SILAA3 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
bladder senna | Colutea arborescens | COAR6 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bladderfern | Cystopteris | CYSTO | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
bladdermallow | Herissantia crispa | HECR3 | Malvaceae | Dicot |
bladdernut | Staphylea | STAPH | Staphyleaceae | Dicot |
bladderpod | Lesquerella | LESQU | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bladderpod spiderflower | Cleome isomeris | CLIS | Capparaceae | Dicot |
bladdersage | Salazaria | SALAZ | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
bladderwort | Utricularia | UTRIC | Lentibulariaceae | Dicot |
Blair"s wirelettuce | Stephanomeria blairii | STBL2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Blakley"s spineflower | Chorizanthe blakleyi | CHBL | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
blanketflower | Gaillardia | GAILL | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blanketflower | Gaillardia aristata | GAAR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Blasdale bentgrass | Agrostis blasdalei | AGBL | Poaceae | Monocot |
blazingstar | Mentzelia | MENTZ | Loasaceae | Dicot |
bleeding heart | Dicentra | DICEN | Fumariaceae | Dicot |
blepharipappus | Blepharipappus | BLEPH2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blepharizonia | Blepharizonia | BLEPH3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blepharizonia | Blepharizonia laxa | BLLA4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blessed milkthistle | Silybum marianum | SIMA3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blessed thistle | Cnicus benedictus | CNBE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blindeyes | Papaver dubium | PADU | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
blite goosefoot | Chenopodium capitatum | CHCA4 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
Blochman"s erigeron | Erigeron blochmaniae | ERBL4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Blochman"s larkspur | Delphinium parryi ssp. blochmaniae | DEPAB | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Blochman"s liveforever | Dudleya blochmaniae | DUBL | Crassulaceae | Dicot |
Blochman"s liveforever | Dudleya blochmaniae ssp. blochmaniae | DUBLB | Crassulaceae | Dicot |
Blochman"s liveforever | Dudleya blochmaniae ssp. insularis | DUBLI | Crassulaceae | Dicot |
blood currant | Ribes sanguineum var. deductum | RISAD | Grossulariaceae | Dicot |
blood currant | Ribes sanguineum var. glutinosum | RISAG | Grossulariaceae | Dicot |
blood currant | Ribes sanguineum var. melanocarpum | RISAM | Grossulariaceae | Dicot |
bloodflower | Asclepias curassavica | ASCU | Asclepiadaceae | Dicot |
Bloomer"s aster | Symphyotrichum campestre var. bloomeri | SYCAB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bloomer"s buttercup | Ranunculus orthorhynchus var. bloomeri | RAORB | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
blow wives | Achyrachaena | ACHYR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blow wives | Achyrachaena mollis | ACMO2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blue and white daisybush | Osteospermum ecklonis | OSEC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Blue Creek stonecrop | Sedum citrinum | SECI6 | Crassulaceae | Dicot |
blue dwarf fleabane | Erigeron elegantulus | EREL4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blue elderberry | Sambucus nigra ssp. cerulea | SANIC5 | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
blue eyed Mary | Collinsia | COLLI | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
blue fieldmadder | Sherardia arvensis | SHAR2 | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
blue fiestaflower | Pholistoma auritum var. auritum | PHAUA2 | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
blue fiestaflower | Pholistoma auritum | PHAU4 | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
blue grama | Bouteloua gracilis | BOGR2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
blue lettuce | Lactuca tatarica | LATA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blue lettuce | Lactuca tatarica var. pulchella | LATAP | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Blue Mountain buckwheat | Eriogonum strictum | ERST4 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Blue Mountain buckwheat | Eriogonum strictum ssp. proliferum | ERSTP | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Blue Mountain buckwheat | Eriogonum strictum ssp. proliferum var. anserinum | ERSTA3 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Blue Mountain buckwheat | Eriogonum strictum ssp. proliferum var. proliferum | ERSTP3 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Blue Mountain prairie clover | Dalea ornata | DAOR2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
blue mudplantain | Heteranthera limosa | HELI2 | Pontederiaceae | Monocot |
blue nodding locoweed | Oxytropis deflexa var. sericea | OXDES | Fabaceae | Dicot |
blue oak | Quercus douglasii | QUDO | Fagaceae | Dicot |
blue paloverde | Parkinsonia florida | PAFL6 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
blue panicum | Panicum antidotale | PAAN4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
blue potatobush | Lycianthes rantonnetii | LYRA5 | Solanaceae | Dicot |
blue sage | Salvia pachyphylla | SAPA5 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
blue skullcap | Scutellaria caerulea | SCCA31 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
blue skullcap | Scutellaria lateriflora | SCLA2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
blue skullcap | Scutellaria lateriflora var. lateriflora | SCLAL2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
blue threeawn | Aristida purpurea var. nealleyi | ARPUN | Poaceae | Monocot |
blue wildrye | Elymus glaucus ssp. virescens | ELGLV | Poaceae | Monocot |
blue wildrye | Elymus glaucus | ELGL | Poaceae | Monocot |
blue wildrye | Elymus glaucus ssp. glaucus | ELGLG | Poaceae | Monocot |
blue windflower | Anemone oregana | ANOR | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
blue windflower | Anemone oregana var. oregana | ANORO | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
blue-eyed grass | Sisyrinchium | SISYR | Iridaceae | Monocot |
blue-tulip | Moraea polystachya | MOPO2 | Iridaceae | Monocot |
bluebead | Clintonia | CLINT | Liliaceae | Monocot |
bluebell bellflower | Campanula rotundifolia | CARO2 | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
bluebell creeper | Sollya heterophylla | SOHE2 | Pittosporaceae | Dicot |
bluebells | Mertensia | MERTE | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
blueberry | Vaccinium | VACCI | Ericaceae | Dicot |
blueblossom | Ceanothus thyrsiflorus | CETH | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
bluebonnet lupine | Lupinus palmeri | LUPA3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bluebunch wheatgrass | Pseudoroegneria spicata | PSSP6 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluebunch wheatgrass | Pseudoroegneria spicata ssp. spicata | PSSPS | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluecrown passionflower | Passiflora caerulea | PACA22 | Passifloraceae | Dicot |
bluecup | Githopsis | GITHO | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
bluecurls | Trichostema | TRICH9 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
bluedicks | Dichelostemma capitatum | DICA14 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
bluedicks | Dichelostemma capitatum ssp. capitatum | DICAC5 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
bluedicks | Dichelostemma capitatum ssp. pauciflorum | DICAP | Liliaceae | Monocot |
bluefly honeysuckle | Lonicera caerulea var. cauriana | LOCAC3 | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
bluegrass | Poa | POA | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluegreen saltbush | Atriplex nummularia | ATNU | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
bluehead gilia | Gilia capitata | GICA5 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
bluehead gilia | Gilia capitata ssp. abrotanifolia | GICAA | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
bluehead gilia | Gilia capitata ssp. capitata | GICAC3 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
bluehead gilia | Gilia capitata ssp. chamissonis | GICAC | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
bluehead gilia | Gilia capitata ssp. pedemontana | GICAP2 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
bluehead gilia | Gilia capitata ssp. staminea | GICAS3 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
bluehead gilia | Gilia capitata ssp. tomentosa | GICAT2 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
bluejoint | Calamagrostis canadensis | CACA4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluejoint | Calamagrostis canadensis var. canadensis | CACAC10 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluejoint | Calamagrostis canadensis var. langsdorffii | CACAL3 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluepod rockcress | Arabis glaucovalvula | ARGL2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bluestar | Amsonia | AMSON | Apocynaceae | Dicot |
bluestem | Andropogon | ANDRO2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluewitch | Solanum umbelliferum var. glabrescens | SOUMG | Solanaceae | Dicot |
bluewitch | Solanum umbelliferum var. incanum | SOUMI | Solanaceae | Dicot |
bluewitch nightshade | Solanum umbelliferum var. umbelliferum | SOUMU | Solanaceae | Dicot |
bluewitch nightshade | Solanum umbelliferum | SOUM | Solanaceae | Dicot |
bluish spikemoss | Selaginella asprella | SEAS | Selaginellaceae | Lycopod |
blunt spikerush | Eleocharis obtusa | ELOB2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
blunt tansymustard | Descurainia obtusa | DEOB | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
blunt tansymustard | Descurainia obtusa ssp. adenophora | DEOBA | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bluntleaf yellowcress | Rorippa curvipes | ROCU2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bluntleaf yellowcress | Rorippa curvipes var. curvipes | ROCUC | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bluntleaf yellowcress | Rorippa curvipes var. truncata | ROCUT | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bluntlobe lupine | Lupinus obtusilobus | LUOB | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bluntseed sweetroot | Osmorhiza depauperata | OSDE | Apiaceae | Dicot |
blushing wild buckwheat | Eriogonum ursinum var. erubescens | ERURE | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bobtail barley | Hordeum intercedens | HOIN2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Boccone"s sandspurry | Spergularia bocconii | SPBO | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
Bodie Hills cusickiella | Cusickiella quadricostata | CUQU | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Bodie Hills rockcress | Arabis bodiensis | ARBO | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bog alkaligrass | Puccinellia parishii | PUPA | Poaceae | Monocot |
bog birch | Betula pumila | BEPU4 | Betulaceae | Dicot |
bog birch | Betula pumila var. glandulifera | BEPUG | Betulaceae | Dicot |
bog blueberry | Vaccinium uliginosum | VAUL | Ericaceae | Dicot |
bog bulrush | Schoenoplectiella mucronata | SCMU15 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bog sedge | Kobresia | KOBRE | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bog stitchwort | Minuartia stricta | MIST5 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
bog white violet | Viola lanceolata | VILA4 | Violaceae | Dicot |
bog white violet | Viola lanceolata ssp. occidentalis | VILAO | Violaceae | Dicot |
bog willowherb | Epilobium leptophyllum | EPLE2 | Onagraceae | Dicot |
bog yellowcress | Rorippa palustris | ROPA2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Boggs Lake dodder | Cuscuta howelliana | CUHO | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
Boggs Lake hedgehyssop | Gratiola heterosepala | GRHE | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
bogmat | Wolffiella | WOLFF2 | Lemnaceae | Monocot |
bogrush | Schoenus | SCHOE4 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Bolander beach pine | Pinus contorta var. bolanderi | PICOB | Pinaceae | Gymnosperm |
Bolander"s bedstraw | Galium bolanderi | GABO | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s bluegrass | Poa bolanderi | POBO | Poaceae | Monocot |
Bolander"s hawkweed | Hieracium bolanderi | HIBO | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s knotweed | Polygonum bolanderi | POBO3 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s lily | Lilium bolanderi | LIBO | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Bolander"s linanthus | Leptosiphon bolanderi | LEBO9 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s madia | Kyhosia bolanderi | KYBO | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s milkvetch | Astragalus bolanderi | ASBO2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s mock dandelion | Phalacroseris bolanderi | PHBO2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s mock dandelion | Phalacroseris bolanderi var. bolanderi | PHBOB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s mock dandelion | Phalacroseris bolanderi var. coronata | PHBOC3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s monkeyflower | Mimulus bolanderi | MIBO3 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s mule-ears | Agnorhiza bolanderi | AGBO4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s onion | Allium bolanderi | ALBO | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Bolander"s onion | Allium bolanderi var. bolanderi | ALBOB | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Bolander"s onion | Allium bolanderi var. mirabile | ALBOM | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Bolander"s onion | Allium bolanderi var. stenanthum | ALBOS | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Bolander"s pea | Lathyrus vestitus ssp. bolanderi | LAVEB | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s phacelia | Phacelia bolanderi | PHBO | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s quillwort | Isoetes bolanderi | ISBO | Isoetaceae | Quillwort |
Bolander"s ragwort | Packera bolanderi | PABO6 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s ragwort | Packera bolanderi var. bolanderi | PABOB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s reedgrass | Calamagrostis bolanderi | CABO | Poaceae | Monocot |
Bolander"s rush | Juncus bolanderi | JUBO | Juncaceae | Monocot |
Bolander"s sedge | Carex bolanderi | CABO2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Bolander"s silene | Silene hookeri ssp. bolanderi | SIHOB | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s spikerush | Eleocharis bolanderi | ELBO | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Bolander"s water-starwort | Callitriche heterophylla ssp. bolanderi | CAHEB3 | Callitrichaceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s woodland-star | Lithophragma bolanderi | LIBO5 | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s woodreed | Cinna bolanderi | CIBO2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Bolander"s yampah | Perideridia bolanderi | PEBO2 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s yampah | Perideridia bolanderi ssp. bolanderi | PEBOB | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s yampah | Perideridia bolanderi ssp. involucrata | PEBOI | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Bolinas manzanita | Arctostaphylos virgata | ARVI3 | Ericaceae | Dicot |
Bolivian fuchsia | Fuchsia boliviana | FUBO | Onagraceae | Dicot |
Bonneville shootingstar | Dodecatheon conjugens | DOCO | Primulaceae | Dicot |
Bonneville shootingstar | Dodecatheon conjugens ssp. conjugens | DOCOC3 | Primulaceae | Dicot |
Bonny Doon manzanita | Arctostaphylos silvicola | ARSI | Ericaceae | Dicot |
Booth"s evening primrose | Camissonia boothii | CABO7 | Onagraceae | Dicot |
Booth"s evening primrose | Camissonia boothii ssp. intermedia | CABOI | Onagraceae | Dicot |
Booth"s suncup | Camissonia boothii ssp. boothii | CABOB | Onagraceae | Dicot |
Booth"s willow | Salix boothii | SABO2 | Salicaceae | Dicot |