List of Colorado Plants
Plant Name | Scientific Name | Plant CD | Family | Type |
absinthium | Artemisia absinthium | ARAB3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
adder"s-mouth orchid | Malaxis | MALAX | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
adobe desertparsley | Lomatium concinnum | LOCO2 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Adobe Hills beardtongue | Penstemon retrorsus | PERE7 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Adonis blazingstar | Mentzelia multiflora | MEMU3 | Loasaceae | Dicot |
Adonis blazingstar | Mentzelia multiflora var. multiflora | MEMUM2 | Loasaceae | Dicot |
adoxa | Adoxa | ADOXA | Adoxaceae | Dicot |
African mustard | Malcolmia africana | MAAF | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
agoseris | Agoseris | AGOSE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
agoseris | Agoseris ×montana | AGMO2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
agrimony | Agrimonia | AGRIM | Rosaceae | Dicot |
ailanthus | Ailanthus | AILAN | Simaroubaceae | Dicot |
Ajo Mountain scrub oak | Quercus ajoensis | QUAJ | Fagaceae | Dicot |
Aladdin"s slippers | Astragalus amphioxys var. vespertinus | ASAMV | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Alaska oniongrass | Melica subulata | MESU | Poaceae | Monocot |
Alaska oniongrass | Melica subulata var. subulata | MESUS | Poaceae | Monocot |
Alaskan wheatgrass | Elymus alaskanus | ELAL5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Alaskan wheatgrass | Elymus alaskanus ssp. latiglumis | ELALL | Poaceae | Monocot |
Alberta saxifrage | Saxifraga occidentalis | SAOC4 | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
alcove bog orchid | Platanthera zothecina | PLZO | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
alder | Alnus | ALNUS | Betulaceae | Dicot |
alderleaf mountain mahogany | Cercocarpus montanus | CEMO2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
alderleaf mountain mahogany | Cercocarpus montanus var. montanus | CEMOM4 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Aleutian maidenhair | Adiantum aleuticum | ADAL | Pteridaceae | Fern |
alfalfa | Medicago | MEDIC | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alfalfa | Medicago sativa | MESA | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alfalfa | Medicago sativa ssp. sativa | MESAS | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alfalfa dodder | Cuscuta approximata | CUAP2 | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
alhagi | Alhagi | ALHAG | Fabaceae | Dicot |
aliciella | Aliciella | ALICI | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
alkali buttercup | Ranunculus cymbalaria | RACY | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
alkali cordgrass | Spartina gracilis | SPGR | Poaceae | Monocot |
alkali mallow | Malvella leprosa | MALE3 | Malvaceae | Dicot |
alkali marsh aster | Almutaster | ALMUT2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alkali marsh aster | Almutaster pauciflorus | ALPA14 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alkali pepperweed | Lepidium crenatum | LECR12 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alkali sacaton | Sporobolus airoides | SPAI | Poaceae | Monocot |
alkali swainsonpea | Sphaerophysa salsula | SPSA3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alkali wildrye | Leymus simplex | LESI5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
alkali yellowtops | Flaveria campestris | FLCA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alkaligrass | Puccinellia | PUCCI | Poaceae | Monocot |
Allegheny monkeyflower | Mimulus ringens | MIRI | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Allegheny monkeyflower | Mimulus ringens var. ringens | MIRIR | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
alliaria | Alliaria | ALLIA | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alpine aster | Aster alpinus | ASAL3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alpine bentgrass | Agrostis humilis | AGHU | Poaceae | Monocot |
alpine besseya | Besseya alpina | BEAL | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
alpine bistort | Polygonum viviparum | POVI3 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
alpine bladderpod | Lesquerella alpina | LEAL | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alpine bladderpod | Lesquerella alpina var. alpina | LEALA5 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alpine bluebells | Mertensia alpina | MEAL7 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
alpine bluegrass | Poa alpina | POAL2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
alpine buttercup | Ranunculus adoneus | RAAD | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
alpine buttercup | Ranunculus adoneus var. adoneus | RAADA2 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
alpine buttercup | Ranunculus adoneus var. alpinus | RAADA | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
alpine cancer-root | Conopholis alpina | COAL6 | Orobanchaceae | Dicot |
alpine clover | Trifolium dasyphyllum | TRDA2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alpine clover | Trifolium dasyphyllum ssp. dasyphyllum | TRDAD | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alpine dustymaiden | Chaenactis douglasii var. alpina | CHDOA2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alpine false goldenaster | Heterotheca pumila | HEPU14 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alpine false springparsley | Pseudocymopterus montanus | PSMO | Apiaceae | Dicot |
alpine fescue | Festuca brachyphylla | FEBR | Poaceae | Monocot |
alpine feverfew | Parthenium alpinum | PAAL6 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alpine forget-me-not | Eritrichium | ERITR | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
alpine golden buckwheat | Eriogonum flavum | ERFL4 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
alpine golden buckwheat | Eriogonum flavum var. flavum | ERFLF | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
alpine groundsel | Packera pauciflora | PAPA19 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alpine ladyfern | Athyrium americanum | ATAM | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
alpine laurel | Kalmia microphylla | KAMI | Ericaceae | Dicot |
alpine leafybract aster | Symphyotrichum foliaceum | SYFO2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alpine leafybract aster | Symphyotrichum foliaceum var. apricum | SYFOA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alpine lewisia | Lewisia pygmaea | LEPY2 | Portulacaceae | Dicot |
Alpine Meadow-Foxtail | Alopecurus magellanicus | ALMA8 | Poaceae | Monocot |
alpine meadow-rue | Thalictrum alpinum | THAL | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
alpine milkvetch | Astragalus alpinus | ASAL7 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alpine milkvetch | Astragalus alpinus var. alpinus | ASALA4 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alpine mountainsorrel | Oxyria digyna | OXDI3 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
alpine nerve sedge | Carex neurophora | CANE6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
alpine oatgrass | Helictotrichon | HELIC | Poaceae | Monocot |
alpine oreoxis | Oreoxis alpina | ORAL | Apiaceae | Dicot |
alpine oreoxis | Oreoxis alpina ssp. alpina | ORALA | Apiaceae | Dicot |
alpine oreoxis | Oreoxis alpina ssp. puberulenta | ORALP | Apiaceae | Dicot |
alpine pennycress | Noccaea fendleri ssp. glauca | NOFEG | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alpine pondweed | Potamogeton alpinus | POAL8 | Potamogetonaceae | Monocot |
alpine primrose | Primula angustifolia | PRAN | Primulaceae | Dicot |
alpine sagebrush | Artemisia scopulorum | ARSC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alpine sawsepal penstemon | Penstemon glaber var. alpinus | PEGLA | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
alpine sheep sorrel | Rumex paucifolius | RUPA6 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
alpine sheep sorrel | Rumex paucifolius ssp. paucifolius | RUPAP | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
alpine smelowskia | Smelowskia calycina | SMCA | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alpine spicywintergreen | Gaultheria humifusa | GAHU | Ericaceae | Dicot |
alpine springbeauty | Claytonia megarhiza | CLME | Portulacaceae | Dicot |
alpine springbeauty | Claytonia megarhiza var. megarhiza | CLMEM | Portulacaceae | Dicot |
alpine timothy | Phleum alpinum | PHAL2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
alpine tundra draba | Draba streptobrachia | DRST5 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alpine violet | Viola labradorica | VILA10 | Violaceae | Dicot |
alpine willow | Salix petrophila | SAPE18 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
alpine yellowcress | Rorippa alpina | ROAL | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alplily | Lloydia | LLOYD | Liliaceae | Monocot |
alsike clover | Trifolium hybridum | TRHY | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alumroot | Heuchera | HEUCH | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
Alva Day"s gilia | Navarretia sinistra ssp. sinistra | NASIS | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
Alva Day"s pincushionplant | Navarretia sinistra | NASI2 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
alyssum | Alyssum simplex | ALSI8 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
American alpine speedwell | Veronica wormskjoldii | VEWO2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
American alpine speedwell | Veronica wormskjoldii var. wormskjoldii | VEWOW | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
American bistort | Polygonum bistortoides | POBI6 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
American black currant | Ribes americanum | RIAM2 | Grossulariaceae | Dicot |
American black elderberry | Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis | SANIC4 | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
American black nightshade | Solanum americanum | SOAM | Solanaceae | Dicot |
American bugseed | Corispermum americanum | COAM8 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
American bugseed | Corispermum americanum var. americanum | COAMA2 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
American bugseed | Corispermum americanum var. rydbergii | COAMR | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
American common reed | Phragmites australis ssp. americanus | PHAUA6 | Poaceae | Monocot |
American dragonhead | Dracocephalum parviflorum | DRPA2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
American dwarf mistletoe | Arceuthobium americanum | ARAM | Viscaceae | Dicot |
American elm | Ulmus americana | ULAM | Ulmaceae | Dicot |
American false candytuft | Smelowskia calycina var. americana | SMCAA | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
American globeflower | Trollius laxus | TRLA14 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
American globeflower | Trollius laxus ssp. albiflorus | TRLAA2 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
American licorice | Glycyrrhiza lepidota | GLLE3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American mannagrass | Glyceria grandis | GLGR | Poaceae | Monocot |
American mannagrass | Glyceria grandis var. grandis | GLGRG | Poaceae | Monocot |
American milkvetch | Astragalus americanus | ASAM3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American plum | Prunus americana | PRAM | Rosaceae | Dicot |
American red raspberry | Rubus idaeus | RUID | Rosaceae | Dicot |
American rockbrake | Cryptogramma acrostichoides | CRAC3 | Pteridaceae | Fern |
American sloughgrass | Beckmannia syzigachne | BESY | Poaceae | Monocot |
American speedwell | Veronica americana | VEAM2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
American spikenard | Aralia racemosa | ARRA | Araliaceae | Dicot |
American spikenard | Aralia racemosa ssp. bicrenata | ARRAB2 | Araliaceae | Dicot |
American stickseed | Hackelia deflexa var. americana | HADEA | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
American thorow wax | Bupleurum americanum | BUAM2 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
American vetch | Vicia americana | VIAM | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American vetch | Vicia americana ssp. americana | VIAMA3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American water horehound | Lycopus americanus | LYAM | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
American water plantain | Alisma subcordatum | ALSU | Alismataceae | Monocot |
American waterawlwort | Subularia aquatica var. americana | SUAQA2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
American white waterlily | Nymphaea odorata | NYOD | Nymphaeaceae | Dicot |
American white waterlily | Nymphaea odorata ssp. odorata | NYODO | Nymphaeaceae | Dicot |
American woollyfruit sedge | Carex lasiocarpa var. americana | CALAA | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
American yellowrocket | Barbarea orthoceras | BAOR | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
analogue sedge | Carex simulata | CASI2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Andean prairie clover | Dalea cylindriceps | DACY | Fabaceae | Dicot |
anemone | Anemone | ANEMO | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
angelica | Angelica | ANGEL | Apiaceae | Dicot |
annual agoseris | Agoseris heterophylla | AGHE2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual agoseris | Agoseris heterophylla var. heterophylla | AGHEH | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual bluegrass | Poa annua | POAN | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual buckwheat | Eriogonum annuum | ERAN4 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
annual canarygrass | Phalaris canariensis | PHCA5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual candytuft | Iberis amara | IBAM | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
annual honesty | Lunaria annua | LUAN | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
annual marsh elder | Iva annua | IVAN2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual marsh elder | Iva annua var. annua | IVANA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual muhly | Muhlenbergia minutissima | MUMI2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual pearlwort | Sagina apetala | SAAP | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
annual rabbitsfoot grass | Polypogon monspeliensis | POMO5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual ragweed | Ambrosia artemisiifolia | AMAR2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual ragweed | Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior | AMARE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual Townsend daisy | Townsendia annua | TOAN | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual wallrocket | Diplotaxis muralis | DIMU2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
annual wheatgrass | Eremopyrum triticeum | ERTR13 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual windmills | Allionia choisyi | ALCH | Nyctaginaceae | Dicot |
anoda | Anoda | ANODA | Malvaceae | Dicot |
antelope bitterbrush | Purshia tridentata | PUTR2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Apache plume | Fallugia | FALLU | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Apache plume | Fallugia paradoxa | FAPA | Rosaceae | Dicot |
apetalous catchfly | Silene uralensis | SIUR | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
apetalous catchfly | Silene uralensis ssp. montana | SIURM | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
apple | Malus | MALUS | Rosaceae | Dicot |
apple of Peru | Nicandra physalodes | NIPH | Solanaceae | Dicot |
apricot | Prunus armeniaca | PRAR3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Arapaho sedge | Carex arapahoensis | CAAR13 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Arapien blazingstar | Mentzelia argillosa | MEAR5 | Loasaceae | Dicot |
Arboles milkvetch | Astragalus oocalycis | ASOO | Fabaceae | Dicot |
arctic alpine fleabane | Erigeron humilis | ERHU | Asteraceae | Dicot |
arctic alpine forget-me-not | Eritrichium nanum | ERNA | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
arctic alpine forget-me-not | Eritrichium nanum var. argenteum | ERNAA2 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
arctic alpine forget-me-not | Eritrichium nanum var. elongatum | ERNAE | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
arctic bellflower | Campanula uniflora | CAUN2 | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
arctic bluegrass | Poa arctica | POAR2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
arctic bluegrass | Poa arctica ssp. aperta | POARA | Poaceae | Monocot |
arctic bluegrass | Poa arctica ssp. arctica | POARA2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
arctic bluegrass | Poa arctica ssp. grayana | POARG | Poaceae | Monocot |
arctic pearlwort | Sagina saginoides | SASA | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
arctic raspberry | Rubus arcticus | RUAR | Rosaceae | Dicot |
arctic rush | Juncus arcticus | JUAR2 | Juncaceae | Monocot |
arctic sweet coltsfoot | Petasites frigidus | PEFR5 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
arctic yellow violet | Viola biflora | VIBI2 | Violaceae | Dicot |
arctic yellow violet | Viola biflora ssp. biflora | VIBIB2 | Violaceae | Dicot |
aridland goosefoot | Chenopodium desiccatum | CHDE | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
Arizona centaury | Centaurium arizonicum | CEAR12 | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
Arizona cottontop | Digitaria californica | DICA8 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Arizona fescue | Festuca arizonica | FEAR2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Arizona four-nerve daisy | Tetraneuris acaulis var. arizonica | TEACA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Arizona gumweed | Grindelia arizonica | GRAR2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Arizona gumweed | Grindelia arizonica var. stenophylla | GRARS | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Arizona mousetail | Myosurus cupulatus | MYCU | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Arizona mule-ears | Wyethia arizonica | WYAR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Arizona skeletonplant | Lygodesmia arizonica | LYAR2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Arizona spinystar | Escobaria vivipara var. arizonica | ESVIA | Cactaceae | Dicot |
Arizona threeawn | Aristida arizonica | ARAR6 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Arizona valerian | Valeriana arizonica | VAAR3 | Valerianaceae | Dicot |
Arizona willow | Salix arizonica | SAAR14 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
Arkansas River feverfew | Parthenium tetraneuris | PATE12 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
armeria | Armeria | ARMER | Plumbaginaceae | Dicot |
armoracia | Armoracia | ARMOR | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
arnica | Arnica | ARNIC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aromatic aster | Symphyotrichum oblongifolium | SYOB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aromatic Indian breadroot | Pediomelum aromaticum | PEAR7 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
arrow thelypody | Thelypodium sagittatum | THSA2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
arrow thelypody | Thelypodium sagittatum ssp. sagittatum | THSAS | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
arrowgrass | Triglochin | TRIGL | Juncaginaceae | Monocot |
arrowhead | Sagittaria | SAGIT | Alismataceae | Monocot |
arrowleaf balsamroot | Balsamorhiza sagittata | BASA3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
arrowleaf mallow | Malvella sagittifolia | MASA3 | Malvaceae | Dicot |
arrowleaf ragwort | Senecio triangularis | SETR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
arrowleaf sweet coltsfoot | Petasites frigidus var. sagittatus | PEFRS5 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
arrowleaf tearthumb | Polygonum sagittatum | POSA5 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
arumleaf arrowhead | Sagittaria cuneata | SACU | Alismataceae | Monocot |
ash | Fraxinus | FRAXI | Oleaceae | Dicot |
Asian forget-me-not | Myosotis asiatica | MYAS2 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
Asian meadowsweet | Spiraea trilobata | SPTR2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
asparagus | Asparagus | ASPAR | Liliaceae | Monocot |
aspen bluebells | Mertensia arizonica | MEAR6 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
aspen fleabane | Erigeron speciosus | ERSP4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aspen fleabane | Erigeron speciosus var. macranthus | ERSPM | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aspen fleabane | Erigeron speciosus var. speciosus | ERSPS | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aspen pea | Lathyrus laetivirens | LALA6 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
aster | Eucephalus | EUCEP2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aster | Eurybia | EURYB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aster | Aster | ASTER | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aster | Symphyotrichum | SYMPH4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aster | Symphyotrichum ×amethystinum | SYAM3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Atlantic ninebark | Physocarpus opulifolius var. intermedius | PHOPI | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Aunt Lucy | Ellisia nyctelea | ELNY | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
aurinia | Aurinia | AURIN | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Austrian draba | Draba fladnizensis | DRFL | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Austrian draba | Draba fladnizensis var. fladnizensis | DRFLF2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Austrian draba | Draba fladnizensis var. pattersonii | DRFLP | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
autumn dwarf gentian | Gentianella amarella | GEAM3 | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
autumn dwarf gentian | Gentianella amarella ssp. acuta | GEAMA | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
autumn dwarf gentian | Gentianella amarella ssp. heterosepala | GEAMH | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
autumn willow | Salix serissima | SASE2 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
avens | Geum | GEUM | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Avery Peak twinpod | Physaria alpina | PHAL10 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
awlfruit sedge | Carex stipata | CAST5 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
awlwort | Subularia | SUBUL | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
awned halfchaff sedge | Lipocarpha aristulata | LIAR6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Aztec milkvetch | Astragalus proximus | ASPR8 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
azure blue sage | Salvia azurea | SAAZ | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
baby blue eyes | Nemophila | NEMOP | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
baby goldenrod | Solidago nana | SONA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
baby"s breath | Gypsophila paniculata | GYPA | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
baby"s-breath | Gypsophila | GYPSO | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
babyslippers | Hybanthus verticillatus | HYVE | Violaceae | Dicot |
baccharis | Baccharis | BACCH | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Back"s sedge | Carex backii | CABA3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
badlands mule-ears | Scabrethia scabra | SCSC15 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
badlands mule-ears | Scabrethia scabra ssp. canescens | SCSCC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
badlands mule-ears | Scabrethia scabra ssp. scabra | SCSCS5 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Baffin fescue | Festuca baffinensis | FEBA | Poaceae | Monocot |
bahia | Bahia | BAHIA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bahia | Picradeniopsis | PICRA3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bailey"s rabbitbrush | Chrysothamnus baileyi | CHBA11 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Baker"s alpineparsley | Oreoxis bakeri | ORBA | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Baker"s cryptantha | Cryptantha bakeri | CRBA4 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
Baker"s lupine | Lupinus bakeri | LUBA3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Baker"s lupine | Lupinus bakeri ssp. amplus | LUBAA | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Baker"s lupine | Lupinus bakeri ssp. bakeri | LUBAB | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Baker"s paperflower | Psilostrophe bakeri | PSBA2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Baker"s phacelia | Phacelia bakeri | PHBA3 | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
Baker"s wheatgrass | Elymus bakeri | ELBA3 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bald brome | Bromus racemosus | BRRA2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Baldwin"s ironweed | Vernonia baldwinii | VEBA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Balkan catchfly | Silene csereii | SICS | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
ballhead ipomopsis | Ipomopsis congesta | IPCO5 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
ballhead ipomopsis | Ipomopsis congesta ssp. congesta | IPCOC3 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
ballhead ipomopsis | Ipomopsis congesta ssp. crebrifolia | IPCOC | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
ballhead ipomopsis | Ipomopsis congesta ssp. frutescens | IPCOF | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
ballhead ragwort | Senecio sphaerocephalus | SESP4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
ballhead sandwort | Arenaria congesta | ARCO5 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
ballhead sandwort | Arenaria congesta var. congesta | ARCOC4 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
ballhead waterleaf | Hydrophyllum capitatum | HYCA4 | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
ballhead waterleaf | Hydrophyllum capitatum var. capitatum | HYCAC | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
balm-of-Gilead | Populus ×jackii | POJA2 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
balsam groundsel | Packera paupercula | PAPA20 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
balsam poplar | Populus balsamifera | POBA2 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
balsam poplar | Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera | POBAB2 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
balsamroot | Balsamorhiza | BALSA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
banana yucca | Yucca baccata | YUBA | Agavaceae | Monocot |
baneberry | Actaea | ACTAE | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Banff bluegrass | Poa laxa ssp. banffiana | POLAB | Poaceae | Monocot |
barberry | Mahonia | MAHON | Berberidaceae | Dicot |
barberry | Berberis | BERBE | Berberidaceae | Dicot |
barbwire Russian thistle | Salsola paulsenii | SAPA8 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
Barclay"s willow | Salix barclayi | SABA3 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
barley | Hordeum | HORDE | Poaceae | Monocot |
barley | ×Elyhordeum | ELYHO | Poaceae | Monocot |
Barneby"s thistle | Cirsium barnebyi | CIBA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
barnyardgrass | Echinochloa crus-galli | ECCR | Poaceae | Monocot |
bashful ragwort | Senecio pudicus | SEPU3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
basin big sagebrush | Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata | ARTRT | Asteraceae | Dicot |
basin cryptantha | Cryptantha ambigua | CRAM3 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
basin fleabane | Erigeron pulcherrimus | ERPU9 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
basin nemophila | Nemophila breviflora | NEBR | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
basin saltbush | Atriplex tridentata | ATTR3 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
basin wildrye | Leymus cinereus | LECI4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
basindaisy | Platyschkuhria | PLATY5 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
basindaisy | Platyschkuhria integrifolia | PLIN7 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
basket of gold | Aurinia saxatilis | AUSA | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bastard toadflax | Comandra | COMAN | Santalaceae | Dicot |
bastard toadflax | Comandra umbellata | COUM | Santalaceae | Dicot |
Bateman"s buckwheat | Eriogonum batemanii | ERBA5 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
beaded lipfern | Cheilanthes wootonii | CHWO | Pteridaceae | Fern |
beaked hazelnut | Corylus cornuta | COCO6 | Betulaceae | Dicot |
beaked hazelnut | Corylus cornuta var. cornuta | COCOC2 | Betulaceae | Dicot |
beaked skeletonweed | Shinnersoseris | SHINN2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
beaked skeletonweed | Shinnersoseris rostrata | SHRO2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
beaked spikerush | Eleocharis rostellata | ELRO2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
beancaper | Zygophyllum | ZYGOP | Zygophyllaceae | Dicot |
Bear River fleabane | Erigeron ursinus | ERUR2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
beard lichen | Usnea | USNEA2 | Parmeliaceae | Lichen |
bearded beggarticks | Bidens aristosa | BIAR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bearded cinquefoil | Potentilla crinita | POCR4 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bearded cinquefoil | Potentilla crinita var. crinita | POCRC2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bearded fescue | Festuca subulata | FESU | Poaceae | Monocot |
bearded flatsedge | Cyperus squarrosus | CYSQ | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bearded sprangletop | Leptochloa fusca ssp. fascicularis | LEFUF | Poaceae | Monocot |
beardgrass | Bothriochloa | BOTHR | Poaceae | Monocot |
beardless rabbitsfoot grass | Polypogon viridis | POVI9 | Poaceae | Monocot |
beardless wheatgrass | Pseudoroegneria spicata ssp. inermis | PSSPI | Poaceae | Monocot |
beardless wildrye | Leymus triticoides | LETR5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
beardlip penstemon | Penstemon barbatus | PEBA2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
beardlip penstemon | Penstemon barbatus ssp. trichander | PEBAT2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
beardtongue | Penstemon | PENST | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
beargrass | Nolina | NOLIN | Liliaceae | Monocot |
beautiful cinquefoil | Potentilla pulcherrima | POPU9 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
beautiful fleabane | Erigeron formosissimus | ERFO3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
beautiful rockcress | Arabis pulchra | ARPU2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
beautiful rockcress | Arabis pulchra var. pallens | ARPUP | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
beautiful sandwort | Minuartia rubella | MIRU3 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
beautybush | Kolkwitzia amabilis | KOAM80 | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
beavertip draba | Draba globosa | DRGL6 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Bebb willow | Salix bebbiana | SABE2 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
Bebb"s sedge | Carex bebbii | CABE2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bedstraw | Galium | GALIU | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
beebalm | Monarda | MONAR | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
beeblossom | Gaura | GAURA | Onagraceae | Dicot |
beechfern | Phegopteris | PHEGO | Thelypteridaceae | Fern |
beechleaf frangula | Frangula betulifolia | FRBE2 | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
beggarticks | Bidens | BIDEN | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bellardi bog sedge | Kobresia myosuroides | KOMY | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bellflower | Campanula | CAMPA | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
bent two-whorl buckwheat | Stenogonum flexum | STFL2 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bentgrass | Agrostis | AGROS2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bergia | Bergia | BERGI | Elatinaceae | Dicot |
Bering chickweed | Cerastium beeringianum | CEBE2 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
Bering chickweed | Cerastium beeringianum ssp. earlei | CEBEE | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
Berlandier"s sundrops | Calylophus berlandieri | CABE6 | Onagraceae | Dicot |
Berlandier"s sundrops | Calylophus berlandieri ssp. berlandieri | CABEB2 | Onagraceae | Dicot |
Berlandier"s yellow flax | Linum berlandieri | LIBE2 | Linaceae | Dicot |
Berlandier"s yellow flax | Linum berlandieri var. berlandieri | LIBEB2 | Linaceae | Dicot |
Bermudagrass | Cynodon | CYNOD | Poaceae | Monocot |
Bermudagrass | Cynodon dactylon | CYDA | Poaceae | Monocot |
Bessey"s locoweed | Oxytropis besseyi | OXBE2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Bessey"s locoweed | Oxytropis besseyi var. obnapiformis | OXBEO | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Bessey"s stickseed | Hackelia besseyi | HABE3 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
betatakin fiddleleaf | Nama retrorsum | NARE | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
biannual lettuce | Lactuca ludoviciana | LALU | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bicknell"s cranesbill | Geranium bicknellii | GEBI2 | Geraniaceae | Dicot |
biennial cinquefoil | Potentilla biennis | POBI7 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
biennial wormwood | Artemisia biennis | ARBI2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
biennial wormwood | Artemisia biennis var. biennis | ARBIB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
big bluestem | Andropogon gerardii | ANGE | Poaceae | Monocot |
big chickweed | Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare | CEFOV2 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
big devils beggartick | Bidens vulgata | BIVU | Asteraceae | Dicot |
big quakinggrass | Briza maxima | BRMA | Poaceae | Monocot |
big sagebrush | Artemisia tridentata | ARTR2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
big sagebrush | Artemisia tridentata ssp. spiciformis | ARTRS2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
big squirreltail | Elymus multisetus | ELMU3 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bigbract verbena | Verbena bracteata | VEBR | Verbenaceae | Dicot |
Bigelow sage | Artemisia bigelovii | ARBI3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bigelow"s beggarticks | Bidens bigelovii | BIBI | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bigelow"s beggarticks | Bidens bigelovii var. bigelovii | BIBIB2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bigelow"s bluegrass | Poa bigelovii | POBI | Poaceae | Monocot |
Bigelow"s sedge | Carex bigelowii | CABI5 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Bigelow"s tansyaster | Machaeranthera bigelovii | MABI | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bigelow"s tansyaster | Machaeranthera bigelovii var. bigelovii | MABIB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bigelow"s tansyaster | Machaeranthera bigelovii var. commixta | MABIC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bigflower cinquefoil | Potentilla fissa | POFI3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bigfruit dodder | Cuscuta megalocarpa | CUME4 | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
bighead pygmycudweed | Evax prolifera | EVPR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bigseed alfalfa dodder | Cuscuta indecora | CUIN | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
bigseed alfalfa dodder | Cuscuta indecora var. indecora | CUINI | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
bigseed biscuitroot | Lomatium macrocarpum | LOMA3 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
bigseed dodder | Cuscuta indecora var. neuropetala | CUINN | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
bigtooth maple | Acer grandidentatum | ACGR3 | Aceraceae | Dicot |
bigtooth maple | Acer grandidentatum var. grandidentatum | ACGRG | Aceraceae | Dicot |
Bill Williams Mountain giant hyssop | Agastache pallidiflora | AGPA | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
Bill Williams Mountain giant hyssop | Agastache pallidiflora ssp. pallidiflora | AGPAP2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
Bill Williams Mountain giant hyssop | Agastache pallidiflora ssp. pallidiflora var. greenei | AGPAG4 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
Bill"s neoparrya | Neoparrya lithophila | NELI2 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
billion-dollar grass | Echinochloa frumentacea | ECFR | Poaceae | Monocot |
bindweed | Convolvulus | CONVO | Convolvulaceae | Dicot |
bipinnate princesplume | Stanleya pinnata var. bipinnata | STPIB | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
birch | Betula ×utahensis | BEUT | Betulaceae | Dicot |
birch | Betula | BETUL | Betulaceae | Dicot |
birch | Betula ×eastwoodiae | BEEA | Betulaceae | Dicot |
bird"s-beak | Cordylanthus | CORDY | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
bird"s-foot trefoil | Lotus corniculatus | LOCO6 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bird"s-foot trefoil | Lotus corniculatus var. corniculatus | LOCOC5 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
birdbill dayflower | Commelina dianthifolia | CODI4 | Commelinaceae | Monocot |
birdbill dayflower | Commelina dianthifolia var. longispatha | CODIL | Commelinaceae | Monocot |
birdcage evening primrose | Oenothera deltoides | OEDE2 | Onagraceae | Dicot |
birdcage evening primrose | Oenothera deltoides ssp. deltoides | OEDED4 | Onagraceae | Dicot |
birdeye pearlwort | Sagina procumbens | SAPR | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
birdeye speedwell | Veronica persica | VEPE3 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
birdfoot sagebrush | Artemisia pedatifida | ARPE6 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bitter dock | Rumex obtusifolius | RUOB | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bitter fleabane | Erigeron acris | ERAC2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bitter fleabane | Erigeron acris ssp. debilis | ERACD2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bitter fleabane | Erigeron acris ssp. politus | ERACP2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bitter root | Lewisia rediviva | LERE7 | Portulacaceae | Dicot |
bitter root | Lewisia rediviva var. rediviva | LERER | Portulacaceae | Dicot |
bitter rubberweed | Hymenoxys odorata | HYOD | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bitterbrush | Purshia | PURSH | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bittercress | Cardamine | CARDA | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
black alpine sedge | Carex nigricans | CANI2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
black bindweed | Polygonum convolvulus | POCO10 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
black bindweed | Polygonum convolvulus var. convolvulus | POCOC2 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Black Canyon gilia | Aliciella penstemonoides | ALPE11 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
black chokecherry | Prunus virginiana var. melanocarpa | PRVIM | Rosaceae | Dicot |
black elderberry | Sambucus nigra | SANI4 | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
black grama | Bouteloua eriopoda | BOER4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
black henbane | Hyoscyamus niger | HYNI | Solanaceae | Dicot |
black locust | Robinia pseudoacacia | ROPS | Fabaceae | Dicot |
black medick | Medicago lupulina | MELU | Fabaceae | Dicot |
black mustard | Brassica nigra | BRNI | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
black raspberry | Rubus occidentalis | RUOC | Rosaceae | Dicot |
black sagebrush | Artemisia nova | ARNO4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
black sedge | Carex nova | CANO3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
black spleenwort | Asplenium adiantum-nigrum | ASAD | Aspleniaceae | Fern |
black walnut | Juglans nigra | JUNI | Juglandaceae | Dicot |
black willow | Salix nigra | SANI | Salicaceae | Dicot |
blackandwhite sedge | Carex albonigra | CAAL6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
blackberry | Rubus | RUBUS | Rosaceae | Dicot |
blackbrush | Coleogyne ramosissima | CORA | Rosaceae | Dicot |
blackeyed Susan | Rudbeckia hirta | RUHI2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blackeyed Susan | Rudbeckia hirta var. pulcherrima | RUHIP | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blackfoot | Melampodium | MELAM | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blackfoot groundsmoke | Gayophytum racemosum | GARA | Onagraceae | Dicot |
Blackfoot River evening primrose | Camissonia andina | CAAN14 | Onagraceae | Dicot |
blackhead fleabane | Erigeron melanocephalus | ERME2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blackroot sedge | Carex elynoides | CAEL3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
blacksamson echinacea | Echinacea angustifolia | ECAN2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blacksamson echinacea | Echinacea angustifolia var. angustifolia | ECANA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blackspot hornpoppy | Glaucium corniculatum | GLCO3 | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
blackstem spleenwort | Asplenium resiliens | ASRE | Aspleniaceae | Fern |
bladder campion | Silene latifolia | SILA21 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
bladder campion | Silene latifolia ssp. alba | SILAA3 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
bladder senna | Colutea arborescens | COAR6 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bladderfern | Cystopteris | CYSTO | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
bladderpod | Lesquerella | LESQU | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bladderwort | Utricularia | UTRIC | Lentibulariaceae | Dicot |
blanketflower | Gaillardia | GAILL | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blanketflower | Gaillardia aristata | GAAR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blazing star | Liatris | LIATR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blazingstar | Mentzelia | MENTZ | Loasaceae | Dicot |
bleeding heart | Dicentra | DICEN | Fumariaceae | Dicot |
blessed milkthistle | Silybum marianum | SIMA3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blite goosefoot | Chenopodium capitatum | CHCA4 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
blowout grass | Redfieldia | REDFI | Poaceae | Monocot |
blowout grass | Redfieldia flexuosa | REFL | Poaceae | Monocot |
blue elderberry | Sambucus nigra ssp. cerulea | SANIC5 | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
blue eyed Mary | Collinsia | COLLI | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
blue giant hyssop | Agastache foeniculum | AGFO | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
blue grama | Bouteloua gracilis | BOGR2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
blue lettuce | Lactuca tatarica | LATA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blue lettuce | Lactuca tatarica var. pulchella | LATAP | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blue mudplantain | Heteranthera limosa | HELI2 | Pontederiaceae | Monocot |
blue nodding locoweed | Oxytropis deflexa var. sericea | OXDES | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Blue Ridge carrionflower | Smilax lasioneura | SMLA3 | Smilacaceae | Monocot |
blue skullcap | Scutellaria lateriflora | SCLA2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
blue skullcap | Scutellaria lateriflora var. lateriflora | SCLAL2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
blue spruce | Picea pungens | PIPU | Pinaceae | Gymnosperm |
blue threeawn | Aristida purpurea var. nealleyi | ARPUN | Poaceae | Monocot |
blue wildrye | Elymus glaucus | ELGL | Poaceae | Monocot |
blue wildrye | Elymus glaucus ssp. glaucus | ELGLG | Poaceae | Monocot |
blue-eyed grass | Sisyrinchium | SISYR | Iridaceae | Monocot |
bluebell bellflower | Campanula rotundifolia | CARO2 | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
bluebells | Mertensia | MERTE | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
blueberry | Vaccinium | VACCI | Ericaceae | Dicot |
blueberry willow | Salix myrtillifolia | SAMY | Salicaceae | Dicot |
bluebowls | Giliastrum | GILIA2 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
bluebowls | Giliastrum acerosum | GIAC4 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
bluebunch wheatgrass | Pseudoroegneria spicata ssp. spicata | PSSPS | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluebunch wheatgrass | Pseudoroegneria spicata | PSSP6 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluegrass | Poa | POA | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluegrass | Poa ×nematophylla | PONE18 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluejoint | Calamagrostis canadensis | CACA4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluejoint | Calamagrostis canadensis var. canadensis | CACAC10 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluejoint | Calamagrostis canadensis var. langsdorffii | CACAL3 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluestar | Amsonia | AMSON | Apocynaceae | Dicot |
bluestem | Andropogon | ANDRO2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluestem beardtongue | Penstemon cyanocaulis | PECY4 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
blunt spikerush | Eleocharis obtusa | ELOB2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bluntleaf sandwort | Moehringia lateriflora | MOLA6 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
bluntleaf spikemoss | Selaginella mutica | SEMU | Selaginellaceae | Lycopod |
bluntleaf spikemoss | Selaginella mutica var. mutica | SEMUM | Selaginellaceae | Lycopod |
bluntleaf yellowcress | Rorippa curvipes | ROCU2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bluntleaf yellowcress | Rorippa curvipes var. curvipes | ROCUC | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bluntleaf yellowcress | Rorippa curvipes var. truncata | ROCUT | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bluntleaved orchid | Platanthera obtusata | PLOB | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
bluntleaved orchid | Platanthera obtusata ssp. obtusata | PLOBO3 | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
bluntseed sweetroot | Osmorhiza depauperata | OSDE | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Bodin"s milkvetch | Astragalus bodinii | ASBO | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bog alkaligrass | Puccinellia parishii | PUPA | Poaceae | Monocot |
bog sedge | Kobresia | KOBRE | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bog stitchwort | Minuartia stricta | MIST5 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
bog willowherb | Epilobium leptophyllum | EPLE2 | Onagraceae | Dicot |
bog yellowcress | Rorippa palustris | ROPA2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Bolander"s quillwort | Isoetes bolanderi | ISBO | Isoetaceae | Quillwort |
Bolander"s spikerush | Eleocharis bolanderi | ELBO | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Bonneville pea | Lathyrus brachycalyx | LABR | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Booth"s willow | Salix boothii | SABO2 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
boreal bog sedge | Carex magellanica | CAMA12 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
boreal bog sedge | Carex magellanica ssp. irrigua | CAMAI2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
boreal draba | Draba borealis | DRBO | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
boreal locoweed | Oxytropis borealis | OXBO | Fabaceae | Dicot |
boreal sagebrush | Artemisia arctica | ARAR9 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
boreal sagebrush | Artemisia arctica ssp. arctica | ARARA2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
boreal starwort | Stellaria borealis | STBO3 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
boreal starwort | Stellaria borealis ssp. borealis | STBOB | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
bottlebrush sedge | Carex hystericina | CAHY4 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bouncingbet | Saponaria officinalis | SAOF4 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
Bourgeau"s pepperweed | Lepidium ramosissimum var. bourgeauanum | LERAB2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
box knotweed | Polygonum buxiforme | POBU2 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
boxelder | Acer negundo | ACNE2 | Aceraceae | Dicot |
boxelder | Acer negundo var. interius | ACNEI2 | Aceraceae | Dicot |
boxelder | Acer negundo var. negundo | ACNEN | Aceraceae | Dicot |
boxelder | Acer negundo var. violaceum | ACNEV | Aceraceae | Dicot |
brackenfern | Pteridium | PTERI | Dennstaedtiaceae | Fern |
bracted alumroot | Heuchera bracteata | HEBR2 | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
bracted lousewort | Pedicularis bracteosa | PEBR | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
bractless blazingstar | Mentzelia nuda | MENU | Loasaceae | Dicot |
bractless blazingstar | Mentzelia nuda var. nuda | MENUN | Loasaceae | Dicot |
bractless blazingstar | Mentzelia nuda var. stricta | MENUS | Loasaceae | Dicot |
branched centaury | Centaurium pulchellum | CEPU3 | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
branched cinquefoil | Potentilla effusa | POEF | Rosaceae | Dicot |
branched noseburn | Tragia ramosa | TRRA5 | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
Brandegee"s buckwheat | Eriogonum brandegeei | ERBR9 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Brandegee"s buttercup | Ranunculus macauleyi var. brandegeei | RAMAB | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Brandegee"s clover | Trifolium brandegeei | TRBR2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Brandegee"s four-nerve daisy | Tetraneuris brandegeei | TEBR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Brandegee"s fumewort | Corydalis caseana ssp. brandegeei | COCAB2 | Fumariaceae | Dicot |
Brandegee"s Jacob"s-ladder | Polemonium brandegeei | POBR8 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
Brandegee"s milkvetch | Astragalus brandegeei | ASBR5 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Brandegee"s onion | Allium brandegeei | ALBR | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Brandegee"s penstemon | Penstemon glaber var. brandegeei | PEGLB | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Brandegee"s tansyaster | Machaeranthera coloradoensis var. brandegeei | MACOB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Brazilian waterweed | Egeria densa | EGDE | Hydrocharitaceae | Monocot |
Brenda"s yellow cryptantha | Cryptantha flava | CRFL5 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
Brewer"s bittercress | Cardamine breweri | CABR6 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Brewer"s bittercress | Cardamine breweri var. breweri | CABRB | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Brewer"s cliffbrake | Pellaea breweri | PEBR4 | Pteridaceae | Fern |
Brewer"s monkeyflower | Mimulus breweri | MIBR5 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Brewer"s navarretia | Navarretia breweri | NABR | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
brickellbush | Brickellia | BRICK | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bridge penstemon | Penstemon rostriflorus | PERO10 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
brightblue speedwell | Veronica serpyllifolia ssp. humifusa | VESEH2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
brightgreen spleenwort | Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum | ASTR10 | Aspleniaceae | Fern |
brightwhite | Prenanthella exigua | PREX | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bristle flax | Linum aristatum | LIAR3 | Linaceae | Dicot |
bristlecone pine | Pinus aristata | PIAR | Pinaceae | Gymnosperm |
bristlegrass | Setaria | SETAR | Poaceae | Monocot |
bristly locust | Robinia hispida | ROHI | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bristly locust | Robinia hispida var. hispida | ROHIH | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bristly mousetail | Myosurus apetalus | MYAP | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
bristly mousetail | Myosurus apetalus var. borealis | MYAPB | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
bristly mousetail | Myosurus apetalus var. montanus | MYAPM | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
bristly nama | Nama hispidum | NAHI | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
bristly Nootka rose | Rosa nutkana var. hispida | RONUH | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bristly wolfstail | Lycurus setosus | LYSE3 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bristlystalked sedge | Carex leptalea | CALE10 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bristlystalked sedge | Carex leptalea ssp. leptalea | CALEL4 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
brittle bladderfern | Cystopteris fragilis | CYFR2 | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
brittle pricklypear | Opuntia fragilis | OPFR | Cactaceae | Dicot |
brittlebush | Encelia | ENCEL | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Britton"s skullcap | Scutellaria brittonii | SCBR3 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
broadbeard beardtongue | Penstemon angustifolius | PEAN4 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
broadbeard beardtongue | Penstemon angustifolius var. angustifolius | PEANA2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
broadbeard beardtongue | Penstemon angustifolius var. caudatus | PEANC | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
broadbeard beardtongue | Penstemon angustifolius var. venosus | PEANV | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
broadbeard beardtongue | Penstemon angustifolius var. vernalensis | PEANV2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
broadfruit bur-reed | Sparganium eurycarpum | SPEU | Sparganiaceae | Monocot |
broadleaf arnica | Arnica latifolia | ARLA8 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
broadleaf arrowhead | Sagittaria latifolia | SALA2 | Alismataceae | Monocot |
broadleaf cattail | Typha latifolia | TYLA | Typhaceae | Monocot |
broadleaf four o"clock | Mirabilis decipiens | MIDE5 | Nyctaginaceae | Dicot |
broadleaf helleborine | Epipactis helleborine | EPHE | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
broadleaf knotweed | Polygonum minimum | POMI2 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
broadleaf milkvetch | Astragalus lentiginosus var. chartaceus | ASLEC | Fabaceae | Dicot |
broadleaf milkweed | Asclepias latifolia | ASLA4 | Asclepiadaceae | Dicot |
broadleaf pondweed | Stuckenia striata | STST20 | Potamogetonaceae | Monocot |
broadleaved pepperweed | Lepidium latifolium | LELA2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
broadlipped twayblade | Listera convallarioides | LICO5 | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
brome | Bromus | BROMU | Poaceae | Monocot |
brook cinquefoil | Potentilla rivalis | PORI3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
brook saxifrage | Saxifraga odontoloma | SAOD2 | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
brookfoam | Telesonix | TELES2 | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
broom sedge | Carex scoparia | CASC11 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
broom sedge | Carex scoparia var. scoparia | CASCS | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
broom snakeweed | Gutierrezia sarothrae | GUSA2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
broom-like ragwort | Senecio spartioides | SESP3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
broom-like ragwort | Senecio spartioides var. multicapitatus | SESPM | Asteraceae | Dicot |
broom-like ragwort | Senecio spartioides var. spartioides | SESPS2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
broomcorn millet | Panicum miliaceum ssp. miliaceum | PAMIM | Poaceae | Monocot |
broomrape | Orobanche | OROBA | Orobanchaceae | Dicot |
brown mustard | Brassica juncea | BRJU | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
brown sedge | Carex subfusca | CASU6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
browneyed Susan | Rudbeckia triloba | RUTR2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
browneyed Susan | Rudbeckia triloba var. triloba | RUTRT | Asteraceae | Dicot |
brownish sedge | Carex brunnescens | CABR15 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
brownish sedge | Carex brunnescens ssp. sphaerostachya | CABRS | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
brownplume wirelettuce | Stephanomeria pauciflora | STPA4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
browse milkvetch | Astragalus cibarius | ASCI2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
buckbean | Menyanthes | MENYA | Menyanthaceae | Dicot |
buckbean | Menyanthes trifoliata | METR3 | Menyanthaceae | Dicot |
Buckley"s beardtongue | Penstemon buckleyi | PEBU | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
buckthorn | Rhamnus | RHAMN | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
buckthorn | Frangula | FRANG | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
buckwheat | Fagopyrum | FAGOP2 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
buckwheat | Fagopyrum esculentum | FAES2 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
buckwheat | Eriogonum | ERIOG | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
buckwheat | Stenogonum | STENO5 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bud sagebrush | Picrothamnus | PICRO | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bud sagebrush | Picrothamnus desertorum | PIDE4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
buffaloberry | Shepherdia | SHEPH | Elaeagnaceae | Dicot |
buffalobur nightshade | Solanum rostratum | SORO | Solanaceae | Dicot |
buffalograss | Bouteloua dactyloides | BODA2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bugbane | Trautvetteria | TRAUT | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
bugloss | Anchusa | ANCHU | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
buglossoides | Buglossoides | BUGLO | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
bugseed | Corispermum hyssopifolium | COHY | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
bugseed | Corispermum | CORIS | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
Bukhara fleeceflower | Polygonum baldschuanicum | POBA3 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bulbil onion | Allium geyeri var. tenerum | ALGET | Liliaceae | Monocot |
bulbous bluegrass | Poa bulbosa | POBU | Poaceae | Monocot |
bulbous springparsley | Cymopterus bulbosus | CYBU | Apiaceae | Dicot |
bulbous woodland-star | Lithophragma glabrum | LIGL2 | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
bull cottonthistle | Onopordum tauricum | ONTA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bull thistle | Cirsium vulgare | CIVU | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bulrush | Schoenoplectus | SCHOE6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bulrush | Schoenoplectiella | SCHOE7 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bulrush | Scirpus | SCIRP | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bulrush | Trichophorum | TRICH22 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bunchberry dogwood | Cornus canadensis | COCA13 | Cornaceae | Dicot |
bundleflower | Desmanthus | DESMA | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bupleurum | Bupleurum | BUPLE | Apiaceae | Dicot |
bur-reed | Sparganium | SPARG | Sparganiaceae | Monocot |
burdock | Arctium | ARCTI | Asteraceae | Dicot |
burnet | Sanguisorba | SANGU2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
burningbush | Bassia scoparia | BASC5 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
burrograss | Scleropogon | SCLER7 | Poaceae | Monocot |
burrograss | Scleropogon brevifolius | SCBR2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bush morning-glory | Ipomoea leptophylla | IPLE | Convolvulaceae | Dicot |
bush muhly | Muhlenbergia porteri | MUPO2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bush pea | Lathyrus brachycalyx ssp. zionis | LABRZ2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bush vetchling | Lathyrus eucosmus | LAEU | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bushy bird"s beak | Cordylanthus ramosus | CORA5 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
bushy blazingstar | Mentzelia dispersa | MEDI | Loasaceae | Dicot |
bushy blazingstar | Mentzelia dispersa var. dispersa | MEDID | Loasaceae | Dicot |
bushy blazingstar | Mentzelia dispersa var. latifolia | MEDIL | Loasaceae | Dicot |
bushy knotweed | Polygonum ramosissimum | PORA3 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bushy knotweed | Polygonum ramosissimum var. ramosissimum | PORAR | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
buttecandle | Cryptantha celosioides | CRCE | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
butter and eggs | Linaria vulgaris | LIVU2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
butterbur | Petasites | PETAS | Asteraceae | Dicot |
buttercup | Ranunculus | RANUN | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
butterfly milkweed | Asclepias tuberosa | ASTU | Asclepiadaceae | Dicot |
butterfly milkweed | Asclepias tuberosa ssp. interior | ASTUI | Asclepiadaceae | Dicot |
Buxbaum"s sedge | Carex buxbaumii | CABU6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
caespitose four-nerve daisy | Tetraneuris acaulis var. caespitosa | TEACC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Cainville thistle | Cirsium calcareum | CICA10 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
calamus | Acorus calamus | ACCA4 | Acoraceae | Monocot |
calcareous cryptantha | Cryptantha thyrsiflora | CRTH | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
calibrachoa | Calibrachoa | CALIB | Solanaceae | Dicot |
California brickellbush | Brickellia californica | BRCA3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
California brickellbush | Brickellia californica var. californica | BRCAC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
California brome | Bromus carinatus | BRCA5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
California nettle | Urtica dioica ssp. gracilis | URDIG | Urticaceae | Dicot |
California oatgrass | Danthonia californica | DACA3 | Poaceae | Monocot |
California poppy | Eschscholzia | ESCHS | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
California poppy | Eschscholzia californica | ESCA2 | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
California poppy | Eschscholzia californica ssp. californica | ESCAC | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
caltrop | Kallstroemia | KALLS | Zygophyllaceae | Dicot |
camelthorn | Alhagi maurorum | ALMA12 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
camphor daisy | Rayjacksonia phyllocephala | RAPH2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
camphorweed | Heterotheca subaxillaris | HESU3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
campion | Lychnis | LYCHN | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
campsis | Campsis | CAMPS | Bignoniaceae | Dicot |
Canada bluegrass | Poa compressa | POCO | Poaceae | Monocot |
Canada cocklebur | Xanthium strumarium var. canadense | XASTC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canada germander | Teucrium canadense | TECA3 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
Canada goldenrod | Solidago altissima | SOAL6 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canada goldenrod | Solidago canadensis | SOCA6 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canada lettuce | Lactuca canadensis | LACA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canada thistle | Cirsium arvense | CIAR4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canada wildrye | Elymus canadensis | ELCA4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Canadian anemone | Anemone canadensis | ANCA8 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Canadian gooseberry | Ribes oxyacanthoides | RIOX | Grossulariaceae | Dicot |
Canadian horseweed | Conyza canadensis | COCA5 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canadian horseweed | Conyza canadensis var. canadensis | COCAC3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canadian horseweed | Conyza canadensis var. glabrata | COCAG | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canadian lousewort | Pedicularis canadensis | PECA | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Canadian lousewort | Pedicularis canadensis ssp. fluviatilis | PECAF | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Canadian milkvetch | Astragalus canadensis var. canadensis | ASCAC6 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Canadian milkvetch | Astragalus canadensis | ASCA11 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Canadian waterweed | Elodea canadensis | ELCA7 | Hydrocharitaceae | Monocot |
Canadian white violet | Viola canadensis | VICA4 | Violaceae | Dicot |
Canadian white violet | Viola canadensis var. scopulorum | VICAS2 | Violaceae | Dicot |
canaigre dock | Rumex hymenosepalus | RUHY | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
canary violet | Viola praemorsa | VIPR3 | Violaceae | Dicot |
canarygrass | Phalaris | PHALA2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Canby"s aster | Symphyotrichum foliaceum var. canbyi | SYFOC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
cancer-root | Conopholis | CONOP | Orobanchaceae | Dicot |
candle anemone | Anemone cylindrica | ANCY | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
candytuft | Iberis | IBERI | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
candytuft | Smelowskia | SMELO | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
cane bluestem | Bothriochloa barbinodis | BOBA3 | Poaceae | Monocot |
canyon drymary | Drymaria leptophylla | DRLE3 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
Canyonlands biscuitroot | Lomatium latilobum | LOLA4 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
capitate sedge | Carex capitata | CACA13 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
capitate sedge | Carex capitata ssp. arctogena | CACAA2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
capsella | Capsella | CAPSE | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
caraway | Carum carvi | CACA19 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
cardinalflower | Lobelia cardinalis | LOCA2 | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
carelessweed | Amaranthus palmeri | AMPA | Amaranthaceae | Dicot |
carelessweed | Cyclachaena | CYCLA4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Carelessweed | Cyclachaena xanthiifolia | CYXA2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Carleton"s sand verbena | Abronia carletonii | ABCA | Nyctaginaceae | Dicot |
Carolina bugbane | Trautvetteria caroliniensis | TRCA | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Carolina canarygrass | Phalaris caroliniana | PHCA6 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Carolina crabgrass | Digitaria pubiflora | DIPU9 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Carolina draba | Draba reptans | DRRE2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Carolina foxtail | Alopecurus carolinianus | ALCA4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Carolina horsenettle | Solanum carolinense | SOCA3 | Solanaceae | Dicot |
Carolina horsenettle | Solanum carolinense var. carolinense | SOCAC4 | Solanaceae | Dicot |
Carolina larkspur | Delphinium carolinianum | DECA3 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Carolina larkspur | Delphinium carolinianum ssp. virescens | DECAV2 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Carolina puccoon | Lithospermum caroliniense | LICA13 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
Carolina puccoon | Lithospermum caroliniense var. croceum | LICAC9 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
carpet phlox | Phlox hoodii ssp. canescens | PHHOC | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
carpet phlox | Phlox hoodii ssp. glabrata | PHHOG | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
carpetweed | Mollugo | MOLLU | Molluginaceae | Dicot |
carrotleaf biscuitroot | Lomatium dissectum var. multifidum | LODIM | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Carruth"s sagewort | Artemisia carruthii | ARCA14 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
carum | Carum | CARUM | Apiaceae | Dicot |
caryopteris | Caryopteris | CARYO3 | Verbenaceae | Dicot |
caryopteris | Caryopteris ×clandonensis | CACL7 | Verbenaceae | Dicot |
Cascade azalea | Rhododendron albiflorum | RHAL2 | Ericaceae | Dicot |
Cascade azalea | Rhododendron albiflorum var. warrenii | RHALW | Ericaceae | Dicot |
cascade willow | Salix cascadensis | SACA6 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
cat"s ear | Hypochaeris | HYPOC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
catalpa | Catalpa | CATAL | Bignoniaceae | Dicot |
catchfly | Silene | SILEN | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
catchfly prairie gentian | Eustoma exaltatum | EUEX5 | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
Cathedral Bluff dwarf gentian | Gentianella tortuosa | GETO | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
Cathedral Bluff meadow-rue | Thalictrum heliophilum | THHE2 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
catnip | Nepeta | NEPET | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
catnip | Nepeta cataria | NECA2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
cattail | Typha | TYPHA | Typhaceae | Monocot |
Caucasian bluestem | Bothriochloa bladhii | BOBL | Poaceae | Monocot |
Caucasian stonecrop | Phedimus spurius | PHSP9 | Crassulaceae | Dicot |
ceanothus | Ceanothus | CEANO | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
centaury | Centaurium | CENTA2 | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
cereal rye | Secale cereale | SECE | Poaceae | Monocot |
cerro hawthorn | Crataegus erythropoda | CRER | Rosaceae | Dicot |
chaffweed | Anagallis minima | ANMI4 | Primulaceae | Dicot |
chairmaker"s bulrush | Schoenoplectus americanus | SCAM6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Chalk Hill hymenopappus | Hymenopappus tenuifolius | HYTE2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
chamaechaenactis | Chamaechaenactis | CHAMA3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Chamisso arnica | Arnica chamissonis | ARCH3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Chamisso arnica | Arnica chamissonis ssp. foliosa | ARCHF | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Chamisso arnica | Arnica chamissonis ssp. foliosa var. andina | ARCHA2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
chamisso sedge | Carex pachystachya | CAPA14 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Chamisso"s cottongrass | Eriophorum chamissonis | ERCH7 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
chamomile | Anthemis | ANTHE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
chaparral dodder | Cuscuta californica | CUCA | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
chaparral dodder | Cuscuta californica var. breviflora | CUCAB | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
charlock mustard | Sinapis arvensis | SIAR4 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
charming woodyaster | Xylorhiza venusta | XYVE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
cheatgrass | Bromus tectorum | BRTE | Poaceae | Monocot |
checkerbloom | Sidalcea | SIDAL | Malvaceae | Dicot |
cheeseweed mallow | Malva parviflora | MAPA5 | Malvaceae | Dicot |
chestnut rush | Juncus castaneus | JUCA6 | Juncaceae | Monocot |
chestnut rush | Juncus castaneus ssp. castaneus | JUCAC2 | Juncaceae | Monocot |
chestnut rush | Juncus castaneus ssp. castaneus var. castaneus | JUCAC6 | Juncaceae | Monocot |
Chickasaw plum | Prunus angustifolia | PRAN3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Chickasaw plum | Prunus angustifolia var. angustifolia | PRANA | Rosaceae | Dicot |
chickensage | Sphaeromeria | SPHAE3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
chickenthief | Mentzelia oligosperma | MEOL | Loasaceae | Dicot |
chickpea milkvetch | Astragalus cicer | ASCI4 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
chicory | Cichorium | CICHO | Asteraceae | Dicot |
chicory | Cichorium intybus | CIIN | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Chihuahuan groundcherry | Physalis subulata | PHSU7 | Solanaceae | Dicot |
chinchweed | Pectis | PECTI | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Chinese caps | Euphorbia crenulata | EUCR2 | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
Chinese elm | Ulmus parvifolia | ULPA | Ulmaceae | Dicot |
Chinese lantern | Quincula lobata | QULO2 | Solanaceae | Dicot |
Chinese silvergrass | Miscanthus sinensis | MISI | Poaceae | Monocot |
chokecherry | Prunus virginiana | PRVI | Rosaceae | Dicot |
cholla | Cylindropuntia | CYLIN2 | Cactaceae | Dicot |
chorispora | Chorispora | CHORI | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
churchmouse threeawn | Aristida dichotoma | ARDI4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
cicada milkvetch | Astragalus chamaeleuce | ASCH4 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
cicada milkvetch | Astragalus chamaeleuce var. chamaeleuce | ASCHC2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
cinquefoil | Potentilla | POTEN | Rosaceae | Dicot |
clammy groundcherry | Physalis heterophylla | PHHE5 | Solanaceae | Dicot |
clammy groundcherry | Physalis heterophylla var. heterophylla | PHHEH3 | Solanaceae | Dicot |
clammy hedgehyssop | Gratiola neglecta | GRNE | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
clammyweed | Polanisia | POLAN | Capparaceae | Dicot |
clasping pepperweed | Lepidium perfoliatum | LEPE2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
clasping Venus" looking-glass | Triodanis perfoliata | TRPE4 | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
claspleaf twistedstalk | Streptopus amplexifolius | STAM2 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
clawless draba | Draba exunguiculata | DREX3 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
clay hill buckwheat | Eriogonum viridulum | ERVI13 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
clay sand verbena | Abronia argillosa | ABAR | Nyctaginaceae | Dicot |
clay-loving buckwheat | Eriogonum pelinophilum | ERPE10 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
cleftleaf wildheliotrope | Phacelia crenulata | PHCR | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
cleftleaf wildheliotrope | Phacelia crenulata var. corrugata | PHCRC | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
cliff fendlerbush | Fendlera rupicola | FERU | Hydrangeaceae | Dicot |
cliff fern | Woodsia | WOODS | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
Cliff Palace milkvetch | Astragalus deterior | ASDE4 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
cliffbrake | Pellaea | PELLA | Pteridaceae | Fern |
cliffbush | Jamesia | JAMES | Hydrangeaceae | Dicot |
cliffdweller"s cryptantha | Cryptantha elata | CREL4 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
climbing false buckwheat | Polygonum scandens | POSC3 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
climbing false buckwheat | Polygonum scandens var. scandens | POSCS | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
climbing nightshade | Solanum dulcamara | SODU | Solanaceae | Dicot |
climbing nightshade | Solanum dulcamara var. dulcamara | SODUD | Solanaceae | Dicot |
clinopodium | Clinopodium | CLINO | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
cloak fern | Notholaena | NOTHO | Pteridaceae | Fern |
cloaked bulrush | Scirpus pallidus | SCPA8 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
cloakfern | Astrolepis | ASTRO | Pteridaceae | Fern |
Clokey"s gilia | Gilia clokeyi | GICL2 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
closed bottle gentian | Gentiana andrewsii | GEAN | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
closed bottle gentian | Gentiana andrewsii var. andrewsii | GEANA | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
cloud sedge | Carex haydeniana | CAHA6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
clove phlox | Phlox caryophylla | PHCA14 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
clover | Trifolium | TRIFO | Fabaceae | Dicot |
club spikemoss | Selaginella selaginoides | SESE | Selaginellaceae | Lycopod |
clubmoss | Huperzia | HUPER | Lycopodiaceae | Lycopod |
clubmoss | Lycopodium | LYCOP2 | Lycopodiaceae | Lycopod |
cluster mallow | Malva verticillata | MAVE | Malvaceae | Dicot |
clustered broomrape | Orobanche fasciculata | ORFA | Orobanchaceae | Dicot |
clustered field sedge | Carex praegracilis | CAPR5 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
clustered lady"s slipper | Cypripedium fasciculatum | CYFA | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
coastal sand sedge | Carex incurviformis | CAIN8 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
coastal sand sedge | Carex incurviformis var. danaensis | CAIND | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
cobaea beardtongue | Penstemon cobaea | PECO4 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Cochise scaly cloakfern | Astrolepis cochisensis | ASCO42 | Pteridaceae | Fern |
Cochise scaly cloakfern | Astrolepis cochisensis ssp. cochisensis | ASCOC3 | Pteridaceae | Fern |
cocklebur | Xanthium | XANTH2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
cockspur grass | Echinochloa | ECHIN4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
coiled anther penstemon | Penstemon ophianthus | PEOP | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
coleogyne | Coleogyne | COLEO | Rosaceae | Dicot |
collegeflower | Hymenopappus flavescens | HYFL | Asteraceae | Dicot |
collegeflower | Hymenopappus flavescens var. flavescens | HYFLF | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Colorado aletes | Aletes humilis | ALHU | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Colorado barberry | Berberis fendleri | BEFE | Berberidaceae | Dicot |
Colorado beardtongue | Penstemon auriberbis | PEAU2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Colorado bedstraw | Galium coloradoense | GACO2 | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
Colorado blazingstar | Mentzelia marginata | MEMA5 | Loasaceae | Dicot |
Colorado blue columbine | Aquilegia coerulea | AQCO | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Colorado blue columbine | Aquilegia coerulea var. coerulea | AQCOC | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Colorado buckwheat | Eriogonum coloradense | ERCO11 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Colorado buttercup | Ranunculus coloradensis | RACO10 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Colorado butterfly plant | Gaura neomexicana ssp. coloradensis | GANEC | Onagraceae | Dicot |
Colorado cinquefoil | Potentilla subjuga | POSU5 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Colorado false hellebore | Veratrum tenuipetalum | VETE4 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Colorado fescue | Festuca brachyphylla ssp. coloradensis | FEBRC | Poaceae | Monocot |
Colorado feverfew | Parthenium ligulatum | PALI6 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Colorado four o"clock | Mirabilis multiflora | MIMU | Nyctaginaceae | Dicot |
Colorado four o"clock | Mirabilis multiflora var. glandulosa | MIMUG | Nyctaginaceae | Dicot |
Colorado four o"clock | Mirabilis multiflora var. multiflora | MIMUM | Nyctaginaceae | Dicot |
Colorado frasera | Frasera coloradensis | FRCO7 | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
Colorado greenthread | Thelesperma ambiguum | THAM4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Colorado gumweed | Grindelia inornata | GRIN2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Colorado gumweed | Grindelia inornata var. angusta | GRINA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Colorado gumweed | Grindelia inornata var. inornata | GRINI | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Colorado hookless cactus | Sclerocactus glaucus | SCGL3 | Cactaceae | Dicot |
Colorado larkspur | Delphinium alpestre | DEAL | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Colorado ragwort | Senecio soldanella | SESO | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Colorado rubberweed | Hymenoxys richardsonii var. floribunda | HYRIF | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Colorado rush | Juncus confusus | JUCO2 | Juncaceae | Monocot |
Colorado Springs evening primrose | Oenothera harringtonii | OEHA6 | Onagraceae | Dicot |
Colorado starwort | Stellaria irrigua | STIR | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
Colorado tansyaster | Machaeranthera coloradoensis var. coloradoensis | MACOC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Colorado tansyaster | Machaeranthera coloradoensis | MACO13 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Colorado wildrye | Leymus ambiguus | LEAM | Poaceae | Monocot |
Colorado woodrush | Luzula subcapitata | LUSU9 | Juncaceae | Monocot |
Colton"s milkvetch | Astragalus coltonii | ASCO8 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Columbia needlegrass | Achnatherum nelsonii | ACNE9 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Columbia needlegrass | Achnatherum nelsonii ssp. nelsonii | ACNEN2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Columbia ragwort | Senecio integerrimus var. exaltatus | SEINE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Columbian monkshood | Aconitum columbianum | ACCO4 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Columbian monkshood | Aconitum columbianum ssp. columbianum | ACCOC3 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Columbian watermeal | Wolffia columbiana | WOCO | Lemnaceae | Monocot |
columbine | Aquilegia | AQUIL | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
colutea | Colutea | COLUT | Fabaceae | Dicot |
comarum | Comarum | COMAR3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Comb Wash buckwheat | Eriogonum clavellatum | ERCL2 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
combleaf cinquefoil | Potentilla pectinisecta | POPE23 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
comfrey | Symphytum | SYMPH2 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
common alplily | Lloydia serotina | LLSE | Liliaceae | Monocot |
common alplily | Lloydia serotina var. serotina | LLSES2 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
common barberry | Berberis vulgaris | BEVU | Berberidaceae | Dicot |
common barley | Hordeum vulgare | HOVU | Poaceae | Monocot |
common bladderwort | Utricularia macrorhiza | UTMA | Lentibulariaceae | Dicot |
common buckthorn | Rhamnus cathartica | RHCA3 | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
common bugloss | Anchusa officinalis | ANOF | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
common catchfly | Silene gallica | SIGA | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
common chickweed | Stellaria media | STME2 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
common chickweed | Stellaria media ssp. media | STMEM | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
common comfrey | Symphytum officinale | SYOF | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
common corncockle | Agrostemma githago | AGGI | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
common cowparsnip | Heracleum maximum | HEMA80 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
common dandelion | Taraxacum officinale | TAOF | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common dandelion | Taraxacum officinale ssp. ceratophorum | TAOFC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common dandelion | Taraxacum officinale ssp. officinale | TAOFO | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common duckmeat | Spirodela polyrrhiza | SPPO | Lemnaceae | Monocot |
common duckweed | Lemna minor | LEMI3 | Lemnaceae | Monocot |
common dunebroom | Parryella filifolia | PAFI4 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
common flax | Linum usitatissimum | LIUS | Linaceae | Dicot |
common goldstar | Hypoxis hirsuta | HYHI2 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
common hackberry | Celtis occidentalis | CEOC | Ulmaceae | Dicot |
common hardgrass | Sclerochloa dura | SCDU2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
common hop | Humulus lupulus | HULU | Cannabaceae | Dicot |
common hop | Humulus lupulus var. lupuloides | HULUL | Cannabaceae | Dicot |
common hop | Humulus lupulus var. neomexicanus | HULUN | Cannabaceae | Dicot |
common hoptree | Ptelea trifoliata | PTTR | Rutaceae | Dicot |
common juniper | Juniperus communis | JUCO6 | Cupressaceae | Gymnosperm |
common juniper | Juniperus communis var. depressa | JUCOD | Cupressaceae | Gymnosperm |
common ladyfern | Athyrium filix-femina | ATFI | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
common lilac | Syringa vulgaris | SYVU | Oleaceae | Dicot |
common maidenhair | Adiantum capillus-veneris | ADCA | Pteridaceae | Fern |
common mallow | Malva neglecta | MANE | Malvaceae | Dicot |
common mare"s-tail | Hippuris vulgaris | HIVU2 | Hippuridaceae | Dicot |
common moonwort | Botrychium lunaria | BOLU | Ophioglossaceae | Fern |
common motherwort | Leonurus cardiaca | LECA2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
common motherwort | Leonurus cardiaca ssp. cardiaca | LECAC7 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
common mouse-ear chickweed | Cerastium fontanum | CEFO2 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
common mullein | Verbascum thapsus | VETH | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
common ninebark | Physocarpus opulifolius | PHOP | Rosaceae | Dicot |
common nipplewort | Lapsana communis | LACO3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common oat | Avena sativa | AVSA | Poaceae | Monocot |
common pepperweed | Lepidium densiflorum | LEDE | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
common plantain | Plantago major | PLMA2 | Plantaginaceae | Dicot |
common reed | Phragmites australis | PHAU7 | Poaceae | Monocot |
common rush | Juncus effusus | JUEF | Juncaceae | Monocot |
common selfheal | Prunella vulgaris | PRVU | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
common sheep sorrel | Rumex acetosella | RUAC3 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
common sneezeweed | Helenium autumnale | HEAU | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common snowberry | Symphoricarpos albus | SYAL | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
common snowberry | Symphoricarpos albus var. albus | SYALA | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
common snowberry | Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus | SYALL | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
common sowthistle | Sonchus oleraceus | SOOL | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common spikerush | Eleocharis palustris | ELPA3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
common spikerush | Eleocharis palustris var. palustris | ELPAP | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
common St. Johnswort | Hypericum perforatum | HYPE | Clusiaceae | Dicot |
common starlily | Leucocrinum montanum | LEMO4 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
common sunflower | Helianthus annuus | HEAN3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common tansy | Tanacetum vulgare | TAVU | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common threesquare | Schoenoplectus pungens | SCPU10 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
common threesquare | Schoenoplectus pungens var. longispicatus | SCPUL4 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
common threesquare | Schoenoplectus pungens var. pungens | SCPUP5 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
common Townsend daisy | Townsendia leptotes | TOLE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common velvetgrass | Holcus lanatus | HOLA | Poaceae | Monocot |
common viper"s bugloss | Echium vulgare | ECVU | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
common water hyacinth | Eichhornia crassipes | EICR | Pontederiaceae | Monocot |
common wheat | Triticum aestivum | TRAE | Poaceae | Monocot |
common wolfstail | Lycurus phleoides | LYPH | Poaceae | Monocot |
common woodrush | Luzula multiflora | LUMU2 | Juncaceae | Monocot |
common woodrush | Luzula multiflora ssp. frigida | LUMUF | Juncaceae | Monocot |
common yampah | Perideridia gairdneri ssp. borealis | PEGAB | Apiaceae | Dicot |
common yarrow | Achillea millefolium | ACMI2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common yarrow | Achillea millefolium var. alpicola | ACMIA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
common yellow oxalis | Oxalis stricta | OXST | Oxalidaceae | Dicot |
compassplant | Silphium laciniatum | SILA3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
compassplant | Silphium laciniatum var. laciniatum | SILAL2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
composite dropseed | Sporobolus compositus | SPCO16 | Poaceae | Monocot |
composite dropseed | Sporobolus compositus var. compositus | SPCOC2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
coneflower | Rudbeckia | RUDBE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
conimitella | Conimitella | CONIM | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
Constance"s phacelia | Phacelia constancei | PHCO19 | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
Constance"s springparsley | Cymopterus constancei | CYCO22 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
contracted ricegrass | Achnatherum contractum | ACCO22 | Poaceae | Monocot |