List of Common English Adjectives
Word |
able |
acceptable |
according |
accurate |
action |
active |
actual |
additional |
administrative |
adult |
afraid |
after |
afternoon |
agent |
aggressive |
ago |
airline |
alive |
all |
alone |
alternative |
amazing |
angry |
animal |
annual |
another |
anxious |
any |
apart |
appropriate |
asleep |
automatic |
available |
aware |
away |
background |
basic |
beautiful |
beginning |
best |
better |
big |
bitter |
born |
both |
brave |
brief |
bright |
brilliant |
broad |
brown |
budget |
business |
busy |
calm |
capable |
capital |
car |
careful |
certain |
chance |
character |
cheap |
chemical |
chicken |
choice |
civil |
classic |
clean |
clear |
close |
cold |
comfortable |
commercial |
common |
competitive |
complete |
complex |
comprehensive |
confident |
connect |
conscious |
consistent |
constant |
content |
cool |
corner |
correct |
crazy |
creative |
critical |
cultural |
curious |
current |
cute |
dangerous |
dark |
daughter |
day |
dead |
dear |
decent |
deep |
dependent |
designer |
desperate |
different |
difficult |
direct |
dirty |
distinct |
double |
downtown |
dramatic |
dress |
drunk |
dry |
due |
each |
east |
eastern |
easy |
economy |
educational |
effective |
efficient |
either |
electrical |
electronic |
embarrassed |
emergency |
emotional |
empty |
enough |
entire |
environmental |
equal |
equivalent |
even |
evening |
every |
exact |
excellent |
exciting |
existing |
expensive |
expert |
express |
extension |
external |
extra |
extreme |
fair |
false |
familiar |
famous |
far |
fast |
fat |
federal |
feeling |
female |
few |
final |
financial |
fine |
firm |
first |
fit |
flat |
foreign |
formal |
former |
forward |
free |
frequent |
fresh |
friendly |
front |
full |
fun |
funny |
future |
game |
general |
glad |
glass |
global |
gold |
good |
grand |
great |
green |
gross |
guilty |
happy |
hard |
head |
healthy |
heavy |
helpful |
high |
his |
historical |
holiday |
home |
honest |
horror |
hot |
hour |
house |
huge |
human |
hungry |
ideal |
ill |
illegal |
immediate |
important |
impossible |
impressive |
incident |
independent |
individual |
inevitable |
informal |
initial |
inner |
inside |
intelligent |
interesting |
internal |
international |
joint |
junior |
just |
key |
kind |
kitchen |
known |
large |
last |
late |
latter |
leading |
least |
leather |
left |
legal |
less |
level |
life |
little |
live |
living |
local |
logical |
lonely |
long |
loose |
lost |
loud |
low |
lower |
lucky |
mad |
main |
major |
male |
many |
massive |
master |
material |
maximum |
mean |
medical |
medium |
mental |
middle |
minimum |
minor |
minute |
mission |
mobile |
money |
more |
most |
mother |
motor |
mountain |
much |
narrow |
nasty |
national |
native |
natural |
nearby |
neat |
necessary |
negative |
neither |
nervous |
new |
next |
nice |
no |
normal |
north |
novel |
numerous |
objective |
obvious |
obviously |
odd |
official |
ok |
old |
one |
only |
open |
opening |
opposite |
ordinary |
original |
other |
otherwise |
outside |
over |
overall |
own |
parking |
particular |
party |
past |
patient |
perfect |
period |
personal |
physical |
plane |
plastic |
pleasant |
plenty |
plus |
political |
poor |
popular |
positive |
possible |
potential |
powerful |
practical |
pregnant |
present |
pretend |
pretty |
previous |
primary |
prior |
private |
prize |
professional |
proof |
proper |
proud |
psychological |
public |
pure |
purple |
quick |
quiet |
rare |
raw |
ready |
real |
realistic |
reasonable |
recent |
red |
regular |
relative |
relevant |
remarkable |
remote |
representative |
resident |
responsible |
rich |
right |
rough |
round |
routine |
royal |
sad |
safe |
salt |
same |
savings |
scared |
sea |
secret |
secure |
select |
senior |
sensitive |
separate |
serious |
several |
severe |
sexual |
sharp |
short |
shot |
sick |
signal |
significant |
silly |
silver |
similar |
simple |
single |
slight |
slow |
small |
smart |
smooth |
soft |
solid |
some |
sorry |
south |
southern |
spare |
special |
specialist |
specific |
spiritual |
square |
standard |
status |
still |
stock |
straight |
strange |
street |
strict |
strong |
stupid |
subject |
substantial |
successful |
successfully |
such |
sudden |
sufficient |
suitable |
super |
sure |
suspicious |
sweet |
swimming |
tall |
technical |
temporary |
terrible |
that |
then |
these |
thick |
thin |
think |
this |
tight |
time |
tiny |
top |
total |
tough |
traditional |
training |
trick |
true |
typical |
ugly |
unable |
unfair |
unhappy |
unique |
united |
unlikely |
unusual |
upper |
upset |
upstairs |
used |
useful |
usual |
valuable |
various |
vast |
vegetable |
visible |
visual |
warm |
waste |
weak |
weekly |
weird |
west |
western |
what |
which |
white |
whole |
wide |
wild |
willing |
wine |
winter |
wise |
wonderful |
wooden |
work |
working |
worth |
wrong |
yellow |
young |