List of Common English Words
Word | Type |
ability | noun |
able | adjective |
aboard | preposition |
about | preposition |
above | preposition |
abroad | noun |
abuse | noun |
accept | verb |
acceptable | adjective |
access | noun |
accident | noun |
accidentally | adverb |
according | adjective |
according to | preposition |
account | noun |
accurate | adjective |
across | preposition |
act | noun |
action | adjective |
action | noun |
active | adjective |
active | noun |
activity | noun |
actor | noun |
actual | adjective |
ad | noun |
add | verb |
addition | noun |
additional | adjective |
address | noun |
administration | noun |
administrative | adjective |
admire | verb |
admit | verb |
adult | adjective |
adult | noun |
advance | noun |
advantage | noun |
advertising | noun |
advice | noun |
advise | verb |
affair | noun |
affect | noun |
afford | verb |
afraid | adjective |
after | adjective |
after | preposition |
afternoon | noun |
afternoon | adjective |
against | preposition |
age | noun |
agency | noun |
agent | adjective |
agent | noun |
aggressive | adjective |
ago | adjective |
agree | verb |
agreement | noun |
ahead of | preposition |
air | noun |
airline | adjective |
airline | noun |
airport | noun |
alarm | noun |
alcohol | noun |
alert | verb |
alive | adjective |
all | adjective |
allow | verb |
alone | adjective |
along | preposition |
alternative | noun |
alternative | adjective |
amazing | adjective |
ambition | noun |
amid | preposition |
among | preposition |
amount | noun |
amuse | verb |
analyse | verb |
analysis | noun |
analyst | noun |
anger | noun |
angle | noun |
angrily | adverb |
angry | adjective |
animal | adjective |
animal | noun |
announce | verb |
annoy | verb |
annual | noun |
annual | adjective |
another | adjective |
answer | noun |
answer | verb |
anti | preposition |
anxiety | noun |
anxious | adjective |
anxiously | adverb |
any | adjective |
anybody | noun |
anyone | pronoun |
anything | pronoun |
anything | noun |
anywhere | noun |
apart | adjective |
apart from | preposition |
apartment | noun |
apologise | verb |
appeal | noun |
appear | verb |
appearance | noun |
applaud | verb |
apple | noun |
application | noun |
appointment | noun |
appreciate | verb |
appropriate | adjective |
approve | verb |
area | noun |
argue | verb |
argument | noun |
arm | noun |
army | noun |
around | preposition |
arrange | verb |
arrest | verb |
arrival | noun |
arrive | verb |
art | noun |
article | noun |
as | preposition |
as far as | preposition |
as for | preposition |
as long as | preposition |
as of | preposition |
as opposed to | preposition |
as per | preposition |
as regards | preposition |
as soon as | preposition |
as well as | preposition |
aside | noun |
aside from | preposition |
ask | noun |
ask | verb |
asleep | adjective |
aspect | noun |
assignment | noun |
assist | noun |
assistance | noun |
assistant | noun |
associate | noun |
association | noun |
assumption | noun |
astern of | preposition |
at | preposition |
at the behest of | preposition |
atmosphere | noun |
attach | verb |
attack | verb |
attack | noun |
attempt | noun |
attempt | verb |
attend | verb |
attention | noun |
attitude | noun |
attract | verb |
audience | noun |
author | noun |
automatic | adjective |
available | adjective |
average | noun |
avoid | verb |
award | noun |
aware | adjective |
awareness | noun |
away | adjective |
awkwardly | adverb |
baby | noun |
back | verb |
back | noun |
back to | preposition |
background | noun |
background | adjective |
bad | noun |
badly | adverb |
bag | noun |
bake | noun |
bake | verb |
balance | verb |
balance | noun |
ball | noun |
ban | verb |
band | noun |
bang | verb |
bank | noun |
bar | noun |
bare | verb |
base | noun |
baseball | noun |
basic | adjective |
basis | noun |
basket | noun |
bat | noun |
bat | verb |
bath | noun |
bathe | verb |
bathroom | noun |
battle | verb |
battle | noun |
beach | noun |
beam | verb |
bear | noun |
beat | noun |
beautiful | noun |
beautiful | adjective |
beautifully | adverb |
because of | preposition |
bed | noun |
bedroom | noun |
beer | noun |
before | preposition |
beg | verb |
beginning | noun |
beginning | adjective |
behave | verb |
behind | preposition |
being | noun |
bell | noun |
belong | verb |
below | preposition |
belt | noun |
bench | noun |
bend | noun |
beneath | preposition |
benefit | noun |
beside | preposition |
besides | preposition |
best | adjective |
bet | noun |
better | adjective |
between | preposition |
beyond | preposition |
beyond | noun |
bicycle | noun |
bid | noun |
big | noun |
big | adjective |
bike | noun |
bill | noun |
bird | noun |
birth | noun |
birthday | noun |
bit | noun |
bite | noun |
bitter | noun |
bitter | adjective |
black | noun |
blame | noun |
blank | noun |
bleach | verb |
bless | verb |
blind | verb |
blind | noun |
blindly | adverb |
blink | verb |
block | noun |
blood | noun |
blot | verb |
blow | noun |
blue | noun |
blush | verb |
board | noun |
boast | verb |
boat | noun |
body | noun |
boil | verb |
boldly | adverb |
bolt | verb |
bomb | verb |
bone | noun |
bonus | noun |
book | noun |
book | verb |
boot | noun |
border | noun |
bore | verb |
boring | noun |
born | adjective |
borrow | verb |
boss | noun |
both | adjective |
bother | noun |
bottle | noun |
bottom | noun |
bounce | verb |
bow | verb |
bowl | noun |
box | noun |
box | verb |
boy | noun |
boyfriend | noun |
brain | noun |
brake | verb |
branch | verb |
branch | noun |
brave | noun |
brave | adjective |
bravely | adverb |
bread | noun |
break | noun |
breakfast | noun |
breast | noun |
breath | noun |
breathe | verb |
brick | noun |
bridge | noun |
brief | adjective |
brief | noun |
bright | adjective |
brightly | adverb |
brilliant | adjective |
brilliant | noun |
broad | noun |
broad | adjective |
brother | noun |
brown | noun |
brown | adjective |
bruise | verb |
brush | verb |
brush | noun |
bubble | verb |
buddy | noun |
budget | noun |
budget | adjective |
bug | noun |
building | noun |
bump | verb |
bunch | noun |
burn | noun |
burn | verb |
bury | verb |
bus | noun |
busily | adverb |
business | adjective |
business | noun |
busy | adjective |
but | preposition |
button | noun |
buy | noun |
buyer | noun |
buzz | verb |
by | preposition |
by means of | preposition |
by virtue of | preposition |
cabinet | noun |
cable | noun |
cake | noun |
calculate | verb |
calendar | noun |
call | noun |
call | verb |
calm | noun |
calm | adjective |
calmly | adverb |
camera | noun |
camp | verb |
camp | noun |
campaign | noun |
can | noun |
cancel | noun |
cancer | noun |
candidate | noun |
candle | noun |
candy | noun |
cap | noun |
capable | adjective |
capital | adjective |
capital | noun |
car | noun |
car | adjective |
card | noun |
care | noun |
care | verb |
career | noun |
careful | adjective |
carefully | adverb |
carelessly | adverb |
carpet | noun |
carry | noun |
carry | verb |
carve | verb |
case | noun |
cash | noun |
cat | noun |
catch | noun |
category | noun |
cause | noun |
cause | verb |
cautiously | adverb |
celebration | noun |
cell | noun |
certain | adjective |
chain | noun |
chair | noun |
challenge | noun |
challenge | verb |
champion | noun |
championship | noun |
chance | noun |
chance | adjective |
change | noun |
change | verb |
channel | noun |
chapter | noun |
character | adjective |
character | noun |
charge | noun |
charge | verb |
charity | noun |
chart | noun |
chase | verb |
cheap | adjective |
cheat | verb |
check | verb |
check | noun |
cheek | noun |
cheer | verb |
cheerfully | adverb |
chemical | adjective |
chemical | noun |
chemistry | noun |
chest | noun |
chew | verb |
chicken | noun |
chicken | adjective |
child | noun |
childhood | noun |
chip | noun |
chocolate | noun |
choice | adjective |
choice | noun |
choke | verb |
chop | verb |
church | noun |
cigarette | noun |
city | noun |
civil | adjective |
claim | verb |
claim | noun |
clap | verb |
class | noun |
classic | adjective |
classic | noun |
classroom | noun |
clean | adjective |
clean | verb |
clear | verb |
clear | adjective |
clearly | adverb |
clerk | noun |
click | noun |
client | noun |
climate | noun |
clip | verb |
clock | noun |
close | verb |
close | adjective |
close to | preposition |
closely | adverb |
closet | noun |
clothes | noun |
cloud | noun |
club | noun |
clue | noun |
coach | noun |
coach | verb |
coast | noun |
coat | noun |
code | noun |
coffee | noun |
coil | verb |
cold | noun |
cold | adjective |
collar | noun |
collect | verb |
collection | noun |
college | noun |
colour | verb |
comb | verb |
combination | noun |
combine | noun |
comfort | noun |
comfortable | noun |
comfortable | adjective |
command | noun |
command | verb |
comment | noun |
commercial | noun |
commercial | adjective |
commission | noun |
committee | noun |
common | adjective |
common | noun |
communicate | verb |
communication | noun |
community | noun |
company | noun |
compare | verb |
comparison | noun |
compete | verb |
competition | noun |
competitive | adjective |
complain | verb |
complaint | noun |
complete | adjective |
complete | verb |
complex | adjective |
complex | noun |
comprehensive | adjective |
computer | noun |
concentrate | noun |
concentrate | verb |
concept | noun |
concern | noun |
concern | verb |
concerning | preposition |
concert | noun |
conclusion | noun |
condition | noun |
conference | noun |
confess | verb |
confidence | noun |
confident | adjective |
conflict | noun |
confuse | verb |
confusion | noun |
connect | adjective |
connect | verb |
connection | noun |
conscious | adjective |
consequence | noun |
consider | verb |
consideration | noun |
considering | preposition |
consist | noun |
consist | verb |
consistent | adjective |
constant | adjective |
constant | noun |
construction | noun |
contact | noun |
contain | verb |
content | adjective |
contest | noun |
context | noun |
continue | verb |
contract | noun |
contribution | noun |
control | noun |
conversation | noun |
convert | noun |
cook | noun |
cookie | noun |
cool | adjective |
copy | noun |
copy | verb |
corner | noun |
corner | adjective |
correct | adjective |
correct | verb |
correctly | adverb |
cost | noun |
cough | verb |
count | verb |
count | noun |
counter | noun |
country | noun |
county | noun |
couple | noun |
courage | noun |
courageously | adverb |
course | noun |
court | noun |
cousin | noun |
cover | noun |
cover | verb |
cow | noun |
crack | noun |
crack | verb |
craft | noun |
crash | noun |
crash | verb |
crawl | verb |
crazy | noun |
crazy | adjective |
cream | noun |
creative | noun |
creative | adjective |
credit | noun |
crew | noun |
critical | adjective |
criticism | noun |
cross | noun |
cross | verb |
cruelly | adverb |
crush | verb |
cry | verb |
cry | noun |
cultural | adjective |
culture | noun |
cup | noun |
cure | verb |
curious | adjective |
curl | verb |
currency | noun |
current | adjective |
current | noun |
curve | noun |
curve | verb |
customer | noun |
cut | noun |
cute | adjective |
cycle | noun |
cycle | verb |
dad | noun |
dam | verb |
damage | verb |
damage | noun |
dance | noun |
dance | verb |
dangerous | adjective |
dare | verb |
dare | noun |
daringly | adverb |
dark | adjective |
dark | noun |
data | noun |
database | noun |
date | noun |
daughter | noun |
daughter | adjective |
day | noun |
day | adjective |
dead | adjective |
dead | noun |
deal | noun |
dealer | noun |
dear | adjective |
dear | noun |
death | noun |
debate | noun |
debt | noun |
decay | verb |
deceive | verb |
decent | adjective |
decide | verb |
decision | noun |
decorate | verb |
deep | noun |
deep | adjective |
definition | noun |
degree | noun |
delay | noun |
delay | verb |
deliberately | adverb |
delight | verb |
deliver | verb |
delivery | noun |
demand | noun |
department | noun |
departure | noun |
depend | verb |
dependent | noun |
dependent | adjective |
deposit | noun |
depression | noun |
depth | noun |
describe | verb |
description | noun |
desert | verb |
deserve | verb |
design | noun |
designer | adjective |
designer | noun |
desire | noun |
desk | noun |
desperate | adjective |
despite | preposition |
destroy | verb |
detail | noun |
detect | verb |
develop | verb |
development | noun |
device | noun |
devil | noun |
diamond | noun |
diet | noun |
difference | noun |
different | adjective |
difficult | adjective |
difficulty | noun |
dig | noun |
dimension | noun |
dinner | noun |
direct | adjective |
direction | noun |
director | noun |
dirt | noun |
dirty | adjective |
disagree | verb |
disappear | verb |
disapprove | verb |
disarm | verb |
disaster | noun |
discipline | noun |
discount | noun |
discover | verb |
discussion | noun |
disease | noun |
dish | noun |
disk | noun |
dislike | verb |
display | noun |
distance | noun |
distinct | adjective |
distribution | noun |
district | noun |
divide | noun |
divide | verb |
doctor | noun |
document | noun |
dog | noun |
door | noun |
dot | noun |
double | noun |
double | adjective |
double | verb |
doubt | verb |
doubt | noun |
doubtfully | adverb |
down | preposition |
downtown | adjective |
draft | noun |
drag | noun |
drag | verb |
drain | verb |
drama | noun |
dramatic | adjective |
draw | noun |
drawer | noun |
drawing | noun |
dream | noun |
dream | verb |
dress | verb |
dress | noun |
dress | adjective |
drink | noun |
drip | verb |
drive | noun |
driver | noun |
drop | noun |
drop | verb |
drown | verb |
drum | verb |
drunk | noun |
drunk | adjective |
dry | adjective |
dry | verb |
due | adjective |
due | noun |
due to | preposition |
dump | noun |
during | preposition |
dust | noun |
dust | verb |
duty | noun |
each | adjective |
eagerly | adverb |
ear | noun |
earn | verb |
earth | noun |
ease | noun |
easily | adverb |
east | adjective |
east | noun |
eastern | adjective |
easy | adjective |
eat | noun |
economics | noun |
economy | noun |
economy | adjective |
edge | noun |
editor | noun |
educate | verb |
education | noun |
educational | adjective |
effect | noun |
effective | noun |
effective | adjective |
efficiency | noun |
efficient | adjective |
effort | noun |
egg | noun |
either | adjective |
election | noun |
electrical | adjective |
electronic | adjective |
elegantly | adverb |
elevator | noun |
embarrass | verb |
embarrassed | adjective |
emergency | adjective |
emergency | noun |
emotion | noun |
emotional | adjective |
emphasis | noun |
employ | verb |
employ | noun |
employee | noun |
employer | noun |
employment | noun |
empty | adjective |
empty | verb |
encourage | verb |
end | verb |
end | noun |
energy | noun |
engine | noun |
engineer | noun |
engineering | noun |
enjoy | verb |
enormously | adverb |
enough | adjective |
enter | verb |
entertain | verb |
entertainment | noun |
enthusiasm | noun |
enthusiastically | adverb |
entire | adjective |
entrance | noun |
entry | noun |
environment | noun |
environmental | adjective |
equal | adjective |
equal | noun |
equally | adverb |
equipment | noun |
equivalent | adjective |
equivalent | noun |
error | noun |
escape | verb |
escape | noun |
essay | noun |
establishment | noun |
estate | noun |
estimate | noun |
even | adjective |
evening | adjective |
evening | noun |
event | noun |
eventually | adverb |
every | adjective |
everyone | pronoun |
everything | pronoun |
evidence | noun |
exact | adjective |
exactly | adverb |
exam | noun |
examination | noun |
examine | verb |
example | noun |
excellent | adjective |
except | preposition |
except for | preposition |
excepting | preposition |
exchange | noun |
excite | verb |
excitement | noun |
exciting | adjective |
excluding | preposition |
excuse | noun |
excuse | verb |
exercise | verb |
exercise | noun |
exist | verb |
existing | adjective |
exit | noun |
expand | verb |
expect | verb |
expensive | adjective |
experience | noun |
expert | adjective |
expert | noun |
explain | verb |
explanation | noun |
explode | verb |
express | adjective |
expression | noun |
extend | verb |
extension | adjective |
extension | noun |
extent | noun |
external | adjective |
external | noun |
extra | adjective |
extreme | adjective |
extreme | noun |
eye | noun |
face | noun |
face | verb |
fact | noun |
factor | noun |
fade | verb |
fail | verb |
failure | noun |
fair | adjective |
faithfully | adverb |
fall | noun |
false | adjective |
familiar | adjective |
familiar | noun |
family | noun |
famous | adjective |
fan | noun |
fancy | verb |
far | adjective |
far from | preposition |
farm | noun |
farmer | noun |
fast | adverb |
fast | adjective |
fasten | verb |
fat | adjective |
fat | noun |
fatally | adverb |
father | noun |
fault | noun |
fax | verb |
fear | verb |
fear | noun |
feature | noun |
federal | adjective |
fee | noun |
feed | noun |
feedback | noun |
feel | noun |
feeling | noun |
feeling | adjective |
female | adjective |
female | noun |
fence | verb |
fetch | verb |
few | noun |
few | adjective |
field | noun |
fiercely | adverb |
fight | noun |
figure | noun |
file | noun |
file | verb |
fill | verb |
fill | noun |
film | verb |
film | noun |
final | adjective |
final | noun |
finance | noun |
financial | adjective |
finding | noun |
fine | adjective |
finger | noun |
finish | noun |
fire | verb |
fire | noun |
firm | adjective |
first | adjective |
fish | noun |
fishing | noun |
fit | adjective |
fit | verb |
fix | verb |
fix | noun |
flap | verb |
flash | verb |
flat | adjective |
flight | noun |
float | verb |
flood | verb |
floor | noun |
flow | noun |
flow | verb |
flower | verb |
flower | noun |
fly | noun |
focus | noun |
fold | noun |
fold | verb |
follow | verb |
following | preposition |