Source: United Nations Statistics Division: The Energy Statistics Database contains comprehensive energy statistics on the production, trade, conversion and final consumption of primary and secondary; conventional and non-conventional; and new and renewable sources of energy. The Energy Statistics dataset, covering the period from 1990 onwards, is available at UNdata. For data prior to 1990, please refer to
Year | Country | Code | Quantity (Metric Tons-thousand) |
2012 | Russian Federation | RUS | 57080.00 |
2012 | Netherlands | NLD | 28190.00 |
2012 | Singapore | SGP | 23147.00 |
2012 | United States of America | USA | 21580.00 |
2012 | China | CHN | 11616.90 |
2012 | Saudi Arabia | SAU | 10747.00 |
2012 | Venezuela | VEN | 10379.00 |
2012 | Belarus | BLR | 6566.00 |
2012 | India | IND | 5922.00 |
2012 | France | FRA | 5905.00 |
2012 | Iran | IRN | 5797.72 |
2012 | United Kingdom | GBR | 5301.00 |
2012 | Brazil | BRA | 5140.00 |
2012 | Algeria | DZA | 5127.00 |
2012 | Korea, Republic of | KOR | 4267.00 |
2012 | Thailand | THA | 3993.00 |
2012 | Mexico | MEX | 3978.00 |
2012 | Belgium | BEL | 3953.00 |
2012 | Indonesia | IDN | 3950.00 |
2012 | Canada | CAN | 3940.00 |
2012 | Colombia | COL | 3844.00 |
2012 | Sweden | SWE | 3221.00 |
2012 | Kuwait | KWT | 3167.00 |
2012 | Italy | ITA | 3145.00 |
2012 | Netherlands Antilles | ANT | 3020.00 |
2012 | Greece | GRC | 2731.00 |
2012 | Japan | JPN | 2691.00 |
2012 | Bahrain | BHR | 2686.00 |
2012 | Denmark | DNK | 2645.00 |
2012 | Kazakhstan | KAZ | 2600.00 |
2012 | Poland | POL | 2310.00 |
2010 | Libya | LBY | 2220.00 |
2012 | Germany | DEU | 2057.00 |
2012 | Trinidad and Tobago | TTO | 2039.00 |
2012 | Norway | NOR | 1659.00 |
2012 | Lithuania | LTU | 1590.00 |
2012 | Peru | PER | 1465.00 |
2012 | Portugal | PRT | 1439.00 |
2012 | Spain | ESP | 1438.00 |
2012 | Bulgaria | BGR | 1394.00 |
2012 | Ecuador | ECU | 1287.00 |
2012 | Turkey | TUR | 1204.00 |
2012 | Finland | FIN | 1097.00 |
2012 | South Africa | ZAF | 1042.00 |
2012 | Malaysia | MYS | 1026.00 |
2012 | Ireland | IRL | 984.00 |
2012 | Turkmenistan | TKM | 970.00 |
2012 | Israel | ISR | 630.00 |
2012 | Yemen | YEM | 606.00 |
2012 | Estonia | EST | 581.00 |
2012 | Suriname | SUR | 576.16 |
2012 | Tunisia | TUN | 573.00 |
2011 | Syrian Arab Republic | SYR | 554.00 |
2012 | Ukraine | UKR | 509.00 |
2012 | Oman | OMN | 492.00 |
2007 | Egypt | EGY | 489.00 |
2012 | Hong Kong | HKG | 485.00 |
2012 | Australia | AUS | 458.00 |
2012 | Slovakia | SVK | 352.00 |
2012 | Nigeria | NGA | 332.00 |
2012 | Côte d'Ivoire | CIV | 332.00 |
2012 | Qatar | QAT | 329.00 |
2012 | Croatia | HRV | 326.00 |
2012 | Bolivia | BOL | 317.00 |
2012 | Romania | ROU | 304.00 |
2012 | Congo (Brazzaville) | COG | 270.00 |
2012 | Angola | AGO | 262.00 |
2012 | New Zealand | NZL | 254.00 |
2012 | Jamaica | JAM | 233.14 |
2012 | Gabon | GAB | 232.00 |
2012 | Viet Nam | VNM | 232.00 |
2012 | Austria | AUT | 220.00 |
2012 | Philippines | PHL | 202.30 |
2012 | Switzerland | CHE | 169.00 |
2012 | Chile | CHL | 146.00 |
2012 | Cameroon | CMR | 128.00 |
2012 | Iraq | IRQ | 118.00 |
2004 | Madagascar | MDG | 111.60 |
2012 | Azerbaijan | AZE | 107.00 |
2010 | Jordan | JOR | 104.80 |
1994 | Cuba | CUB | 89.00 |
2012 | Czech Republic | CZE | 73.00 |
2012 | Benin | BEN | 70.00 |
2010 | Kenya | KEN | 66.00 |
1997 | Ethiopia | ETH | 62.00 |
2011 | El Salvador | SLV | 57.00 |
2007 | Bahamas | BHS | 50.00 |
2012 | Argentina | ARG | 50.00 |
2012 | Serbia | SRB | 49.00 |
2007 | Papua New Guinea | PNG | 48.19 |
2012 | Morocco | MAR | 47.00 |
2012 | Zambia | ZMB | 44.00 |
2012 | Ghana | GHA | 43.30 |
2011 | Sudan | SDN | 37.00 |
2012 | Martinique | MTQ | 33.61 |
2011 | Sri Lanka | LKA | 25.50 |
2012 | Republic of Macedonia | MKD | 24.39 |
2012 | Hungary | HUN | 24.00 |
1994 | Albania | ALB | 20.00 |
1995 | Paraguay | PRY | 20.00 |
2006 | Nicaragua | NIC | 16.00 |
2012 | Senegal | SEN | 15.00 |
2005 | Uruguay | URY | 14.00 |
1999 | United Republic of Tanzania | TZA | 13.00 |
1999 | Barbados | BRB | 9.00 |
2012 | Costa Rica | CRI | 8.27 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH | 8.00 |
2012 | Moldova | MDA | 8.00 |
1997 | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | PRK | 8.00 |
2003 | Congo (Kinshasa) | COD | 5.00 |
1998 | Uzbekistan | UZB | 5.00 |
2008 | Slovenia | SVN | 3.00 |
2004 | Eritrea | ERI | 3.00 |
2012 | Kyrgyzstan | KGZ | 2.00 |
2012 | Georgia | GEO | 1.20 |
2012 | Guatemala | GTM | 1.00 |
2009 | Honduras | HND | 1.00 |
2012 | Latvia | LVA | 1.00 |
2012 | Montenegro | MNE | 1.00 |
1990 | Luxembourg | LUX | 1.00 |
2011 | Pakistan | PAK | 1.00 |
2003 | Panama | PAN | 1.00 |