List of Greek Mythological Figures
Name | Description |
Achelous | River god; son of Oceanus and Tethys and said to be the father of the Sirens. |
Acheron | One of several Rivers of Underworld [woe]. |
Achilles | Greek warrior; slew Hector at Troy; slain by Paris, who wounded him in his vulnerable heel. |
Actaeon | Hunter; surprised Artemis bathing; changed by her to stag; and killed by his dogs. |
Admetus | King of Thessaly; his wife, Alcestis, offered to die in his place. |
Adonis | Beautiful youth loved by Aphrodite. |
Aeacus | One of three judges of dead in Hades; son of Zeus. |
Aeëtes | King of Colchis; father of Medea; keeper of Golden Fleece. |
Aegeus | Father of Theseus; believing Theseus killed in Crete, he drowned himself; Aegean Sea named for him. |
Aegisthus | Son of Thyestes; slew Atreus; with Clytemnestra, his paramour, slew Agamemnon; slain by Orestes. |
Aegyptus | Brother of Danaus; his sons, except Lynceus, slain by Danaides. |
Aeneas | Trojan; son of Anchises and Aphrodite; after fall of Troy, led his followers eventually to Italy; loved and deserted Dido. |
Aeolus | One of several Winds. |
Aeson | King of Ioclus; father of Jason; overthrown by his brother Pelias; restored to youth by Medea. |
Aether | Personification of sky. |
Aethra | Mother of Theseus. |
Agamemnon | King of Mycenae; son of Atreus; brother of Menelaus; leader of Greeks against Troy; slain on his return home by Clytemnestra and Aegisthus. |
Aglaia | One of several Graces. |
Ajax | Greek warrior; killed himself at Troy because Achilles's armor was awarded to Odysseus. |
Alcestis | Wife of Admetus; offered to die in his place but saved from death by Hercules. |
Alcmene | Wife of Amphitryon; mother by Zeus of Hercules. |
Alcyone | One of several Pleiades. |
Alecto | One of several Furies. |
Alectryon | Youth changed by Ares into cock. |
Althaea | Wife of Oeneus; mother of Meleager. |
Amazons | Female warriors in Asia Minor; supported Troy against Greeks. |
Amphion | Musician; husband of Niobe; charmed stones to build fortifications for Thebes. |
Amphitrite | Sea goddess; wife of Poseidon. |
Amphitryon | Husband of Alcmene. |
Anchises | Father of Aeneas. |
Ancile | Sacred shield that fell from heavens; palladium of Rome. |
Andraemon | Husband of Dryope. |
Andromache | Wife of Hector. |
Andromeda | Daughter of Cepheus; chained to cliff for monster to devour; rescued by Perseus. |
Anteia | Wife of Proetus; tried to induce Bellerophon to elope with her. |
Anteros | God who avenged unrequited love. |
Antigone | Daughter of Oedipus; accompanied him to Colonus; performed burial rite for Polynices and hanged herself. |
Antinoüs | Leader of suitors of Penelope; slain by Odysseus. |
Aphrodite | Goddess of love and beauty; daughter of Zeus and Dione; mother of Eros. |
Apollo | God of beauty, poetry, music; later identified with Helios as Phoebus Apollo; son of Zeus and Leto. |
Aquilo | One of several Winds. |
Arachne | Maiden who challenged Athena to weaving contest; changed to spider. |
Ares | God of war; son of Zeus and Hera. |
Argo | Ship in which Jason and followers sailed to Colchis for Golden Fleece. |
Argus | Monster with hundred eyes; slain by Hermes; his eyes placed by Hera into peacock's tail. |
Ariadne | Daughter of Minos; aided Theseus in slaying Minotaur; deserted by him on island of Naxos and married to Dionysus. |
Arion | Musician; thrown overboard by pirates but saved by dolphin. |
Artemis | Goddess of moon; huntress; twin sister of Apollo. |
Asclepius | Mortal son of Apollo; slain by Zeus for raising dead; later deified as god of medicine. Also known as Asklepios. |
Astarte | Phoenician goddess of love; variously identified with Aphrodite, Selene, and Artemis. |
Astraea | Goddess of Justice; daughter of Zeus and Themis. |
Atalanta | Princess who challenged her suitors to a foot race; Hippomenes won race and married her. |
Athena | Goddess of wisdom; known poetically as Pallas Athene; sprang fully armed from head of Zeus. |
Atlas | Titan; held world on his shoulders as punishment for warring against Zeus; son of Iapetus. |
Atreus | King of Mycenae; father of Menelaus and Agamemnon; brother of Thyestes, three of whose sons he slew and served to him at banquet; slain by Aegisthus. |
Atropos | One of several Fates - Atropos - Cutter of thread) [also called Moirae by the Greeks and Parcae by the Romans]. |
Auster | One of several Winds. |
Avernus | Infernal regions; name derived from small vaporous lake near Vesuvius which was fabled to kill birds and vegetation. |
Bellerophon | Corinthian hero; killed Chimera with aid of Pegasus; tried to reach Olympus on Pegasus and was thrown to his death. |
Bellona | Roman goddess of war. |
Boreas | One of several Winds. |
Briareus | Monster of hundred hands; son of Uranus and Gaea. |
Briseis | Captive maiden given to Achilles; taken by Agamemnon in exchange for loss of Chryseis, which caused Achilles to cease fighting, until death of Patroclus. |
Cadmus | Brother of Europa; planter of dragon seeds from which first Thebans sprang. |
Calliope | One of several Muses. |
Calypso | Sea nymph; kept Odysseus on her island Ogygia for seven years. |
Cassandra | Daughter of Priam; prophetess who was never believed; slain with Agamemnon. |
Castor | One of Dioscuri. |
Celaeno | One of several Pleiades. |
Centaurs | Beings half man and half horse; lived in mountains of Thessaly. |
Cephalus | Hunter; accidentally killed his wife Procris with his spear. |
Cepheus | King of Ethiopia; father of Andromeda. |
Cerberus | Three-headed dog guarding entrance to Hades. |
Chaos | Formless void; personified as first of gods. |
Charon | Boatman on Styx who carried souls of dead to Hades; son of Erebus. |
Charybdis | Female monster; personification of whirlpool. |
Chimera | Female monster with head of lion, body of goat, tail of serpent; killed by Bellerophon. |
Chiron | Most famous of centaurs. |
Chronos | Personification of time. |
Chryseis | Captive maiden given to Agamemnon; his refusal to accept ransom from her father Chryses caused Apollo to send plague on Greeks besieging Troy. |
Circe | Sorceress; daughter of Helios; changed Odysseus's men into swine. |
Clio | One of several Muses. |
Clotho | One of several Fates - Spinner of thread of life. |
Clytemnestra | Wife of Agamemnon, whom she slew with aid of her paramour, Aegisthus; slain by her son Orestes. |
Cocytus | One of several Rivers of Underworld [wailing]. |
Creon | Father of Jocasta; forbade burial of Polynices; ordered burial alive of Antigone. |
Creusa | Wife of Aeneas; died fleeing Troy. |
Creüsa | Princess of Corinth, for whom Jason deserted Medea; slain by Medea, who sent her poisoned robe; also known as Glaüke. |
Cronus | Titan; god of harvests; son of Uranus and Gaea; dethroned by his son Zeus. |
Cybele | Anatolian nature goddess; adopted by Greeks and identified with Rhea. |
Cyclopes | Race of one-eyed giants - singular=Cyclops |
Daedalus | Athenian artificer; father of Icarus; builder of Labyrinth in Crete; devised wings attached with wax for him and Icarus to escape Crete. |
Danae | Princess of Argos; mother of Perseus by Zeus, who appeared to her in form of golden shower. |
Danaïdes | Daughters of Danaüs; at his command, all except Hypermnestra slew their husbands, the sons of Aegyptus. |
Danaüs | Brother of Aegyptus; father of Danaïdes; slain by Lynceus. |
Daphne | Nymph; pursued by Apollo; changed to laurel tree. |
Decuma | One of several Fates. |
Deino | One of several Graeae. |
Demeter | Goddess of agriculture; mother of Persephone. |
Dido | Founder and queen of Carthage; stabbed herself when deserted by Aeneas. |
Diomedes | Greek hero; with Odysseus, entered Troy and carried off Palladium, sacred statue of Athena. |
Dione | Titan goddess; mother by Zeus of Aphrodite. |
Dionysus | God of wine; son of Zeus and Semele. |
Dioscuri | Twins Castor and Pollux; sons of Leda by Zeus. |
Dryads | Wood nymphs. |
Dryope | Maiden changed to Hamadryad. |
Echo | Nymph who fell hopelessly in love with Narcissus; faded away except for her voice. |
Electra | Daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra; sister of Orestes; urged Orestes to slay Clytemnestra and Aegisthus. |
Elysium | Abode of blessed dead. |
Endymion | Mortal loved by Selene. |
Enyo | One of several Graeae. |
Eos | Goddess of dawn. |
Epimetheus | Brother of Prometheus; husband of Pandora. |
Erato | One of several Muses. |
Erebus | Spirit of darkness; son of Chaos. |
Erinyes | One of several Furies. |
Eris | Goddess of discord. |
Eros | God of love; son of Aphrodite. |
Eteocles | Son of Oedipus, whom he succeeded to rule alternately with Polynices; refused to give up throne at end of year; he and Polynices slew each other. |
Eumenides | One of several Furies. |
Euphrosyne | One of several Graces. |
Europa | Mortal loved by Zeus, who, in form of white bull, carried her off to Crete. |
Eurus | One of several Winds. |
Euryale | One of several Gorgons. |
Eurydice | Nymph; wife of Orpheus. |
Eurystheus | King of Argos; imposed twelve labors on Hercules. |
Euterpe | One of several Muses. |
Fates | Goddesses of destiny. |
Fauns | Roman deities of woods and groves. |
Favonius | One of several Winds. |
Flora | Roman goddess of flowers. |
Fortuna | Roman goddess of fortune. |
Furies | Avenging spirits; Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone; known also as Erinyes or Eumenides. |
Gaea | Goddess of earth; daughter of Chaos; mother of Titans; known also as Ge, Gea, Gaia, etc. |
Galatea | Statue of maiden carved from ivory by Pygmalion; given life by Aphrodite. |
Ganymede | Beautiful boy; successor to Hebe as cupbearer of gods. |
Glaucus | Mortal who became sea divinity by eating magic grass. |
Golden Fleece | Fleece from ram that flew Phrixos to Colchis; Aeëtes placed it under guard of dragon; carried off by Jason. |
Gorgons | Female monsters; Euryale, Medusa, and Stheno; had snakes for hair; their glances turned mortals to stone. |
Graces | Beautiful goddesses| Aglaia, Euphrosyne (Joy), and Thalia (Bloom); daughters of Zeus. |
Graeae | Sentinels for Gorgons.; Deino, Enyo, and Pephredo; had one eye among them, which passed from one to another. |
Hades | Name sometimes given Pluto; also, abode of dead, ruled by Pluto. |
Haemon | Son of Creon; promised husband of Antigone; killed himself in her tomb. |
Hamadryads | Tree nymphs. |
Harpies | Monsters with heads of women and bodies of birds. |
Hebe | Goddess of youth; cupbearer of gods before Ganymede; daughter of Zeus and Hera. |
Hecate | Goddess of sorcery and witchcraft. |
Hector | Son of Priam; slayer of Patroclus; slain by Achilles. |
Hecuba | Wife of Priam. |
Helen | Fairest woman in world; daughter of Zeus and Leda; wife of Menelaus; carried to Troy by Paris, causing Trojan War. |
Heliades | Daughters of Helios; mourned for Phaëthon and were changed to poplar trees. |
Helios | God of sun; later identified with Apollo. |
Helle | Sister of Phrixos; fell from ram of Golden Fleece; water where she fell named Hellespont. |
Hephaestus | God of fire; celestial blacksmith; son of Zeus and Hera; husband of Aphrodite. |
Hera | Queen of heaven; wife of Zeus. |
Heracles | Hero and strong man; son of Zeus and Alcmene; performed twelve labors or deeds to be free from bondage under Eurystheus; after death, his mortal share was destroyed, and he became immortal. |
Hermes | God of physicians and thieves; messenger of gods; son of Zeus and Maia. |
Hero | Priestess of Aphrodite; Leander swam Hellespont nightly to see her; drowned herself at his death. |
Hesperus | Evening star. |
Hestia | Goddess of hearth; sister of Zeus. |
Hippolyte | Queen of Amazons; wife of Theseus. |
Hippolytus | Son of Theseus and Hippolyte; falsely accused by Phaedra of trying to kidnap her; slain by Poseidon at request of Theseus. |
Hippomenes | Husband of Atalanta, whom he beat in race by dropping golden apples, which she stopped to pick up. |
Hyacinthus | Beautiful youth accidentally killed by Apollo, who caused flower to spring up from his blood. |
Hydra | Nine-headed monster in marsh of Lerna; slain by Hercules. |
Hygeia | Personification of health. |
Hymen | God of marriage. |
Hyperion | Titan; early sun god; father of Helios. |
Hypermnestra | Daughter of Danaüs; refused to kill her husband Lynceus. |
Hypnos | God of sleep. |
Iapetus | Titan; father of Atlas, Epimetheus, and Prometheus. |
Icarus | Son of Daedalus; flew too near sun with wax-attached wings and fell into sea and was drowned. |
Io | Mortal maiden loved by Zeus; changed by Hera into heifer. |
Iobates | King of Lycia; sent Bellerophon to slay Chimera. |
Iphigenia | Daughter of Agamemnon; offered as sacrifice to Artemis at Aulis; carried by Artemis to Tauris where she became priestess; escaped from there with Orestes. |
Iris | Goddess of rainbow; messenger of Zeus and Hera. |
Ismene | Daughter of Oedipus; sister of Antigone. |
Iulus | Son of Aeneas. |
Ixion | King of Lapithae; for making love to Hera he was bound to endlessly revolving wheel in Tartarus. |
Janus | Roman god of gates and doors; represented with two opposite faces. |
Jason | Son of Aeson; to gain throne of Ioclus from Pelias, went to Colchis and brought back Golden Fleece; married Medea; deserted her for Creüsa. |
Jocasta | Wife of Laius; mother of Oedipus; unwittingly became wife of Oedipus; hanged herself when relationship was discovered. |
Lachesis | One of several Fates - Determiner of length. |
Laius | Father of Oedipus, by whom he was slain. |
Laocoön | Priest of Apollo at Troy; warned against bringing wooden horse into Troy; destroyed with his two sons by serpents sent by Athena. |
Lares | Roman ancestral spirits protecting descendants and homes. |
Lavinia | Wife of Aeneas after defeat of Turnus. |
Leander | Swam Hellespont nightly to see Hero; drowned in storm. |
Leda | Mortal loved by Zeus in form of swan; mother of Helen, Clytemnestra, Dioscuri. |
Lethe | One of several Rivers of Underworld [forgetfulness]. |
Leto | Mother by Zeus of Artemis and Apollo. |
Lucina | Roman goddess of childbirth; identified with Juno. |
Lynceus | Son of Aegyptus; husband of Hypermnestra; slew Danaüs. |
Maia | Daughter of Atlas; mother of Hermes. |
Manes | Souls of dead Romans, particularly of ancestors. |
Marsyas | Shepherd; challenged Apollo to music contest and lost; flayed alive by Apollo. |
Medea | Sorceress; daughter of Aeëtes; helped Jason obtain Golden Fleece; when deserted by him for Creüsa, killed her children and Creüsa. |
Medusa | One of several Gorgons. slain by Perseus, who cut off her head. |
Megaera | One of several Furies. |
Meleager | Son of Althaea; his life would last as long as brand burning at his birth; Althaea quenched and saved it but destroyed it when Meleager slew his uncles. |
Melpomene | One of several Muses. |
Memnon | Ethiopian king; made immortal by Zeus; son of Tithonus and Eos. |
Menelaus | King of Sparta; son of Atreus; brother of Agamemnon; husband of Helen. |
Mentor | Tutor of Telemachus and friend of Odysseus. In the Odyssey, on several occasions, Athena assumes form of Mentor to give advice to Telemachus or Odysseus |
Merope | One of several Pleiades. Merope is said to have hidden in shame for loving a mortal. |
Mezentius | Cruel Etruscan king; ally of Turnus against Aeneas; slain by Aeneas. |
Midas | King of Phrygia; given gift of turning to gold all he touched. |
Minos | King of Crete; after death, one of three judges of dead in Hades; son of Zeus and Europa. |
Minotaur | Monster, half man and half beast, kept in Labyrinth in Crete; slain by Theseus. |
Mnemosyne | Goddess of memory; mother by Zeus of Muses. |
Moirae | One of several Fates. |
Momus | God of ridicule. |
Morpheus | God of dreams. |
Morta | One of several Fates. |
Muses | Goddesses presiding over arts and sciences| Calliope, Clio (history), Erato (lyric and love poetry), Euterpe (music), Melpomene (tragedy), Polymnia or Polyhymnia (sacred poetry), Terpsichore (choral dance and song), Thalia (comedy and bucolic poetry), Urania (astronomy); daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. |
Naiads | Nymphs of waters, streams, and fountains. |
Napaeae | Wood nymphs. |
Narcissus | Beautiful youth loved by Echo; in punishment for not returning her love, he was made to fall in love with his image reflected in pool; pined away and became flower. |
Nemesis | Goddess of retribution. |
Neoptolemus | Son of Achilles; slew Priam; also known as Pyrrhus. |
Nereids | Sea nymphs; attendants on Poseidon. |
Nestor | King of Pylos; noted for wise counsel in expedition against Troy. |
Nike | Goddess of victory. |
Niobe | Daughter of Tantalus; wife of Amphion; her children slain by Apollo and Artemis; changed to stone but continued to weep her loss. |
Nona | One of several Fates. |
Notus | One of several Winds. |
Nymphs | Beautiful maidens; minor deities of nature. |
Nyx | Goddess of night. |
Oceanids | Ocean nymphs; daughters of Oceanus. |
Oceanus | Eldest of Titans; god of waters. |
Odysseus | King of Ithaca; husband of Penelope; wandered ten years after fall of Troy before arriving home. |
Oedipus | King of Thebes; son of Laius and Jocasta; unwittingly murdered Laius and married Jocasta; tore his eyes out when relationship was discovered. |
Oenone | Nymph of Mount Ida; wife of Paris, who abandoned her; refused to cure him when he was poisoned by arrow of Philoctetes at Troy. |
Oreads | Mountain nymphs. |
Orestes | Son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra; brother of Electra; slew Clytemnestra and Aegisthus; pursued by Furies until his purification by Apollo. |
Orion | Hunter; slain by Artemis and made heavenly constellation. |
Orpheus | Famed musician; son of Apollo and Muse Calliope; husband of Eurydice. |
Pales | Roman goddess of shepherds and herdsmen. |
Palinurus | Aeneas' pilot; fell overboard in his sleep and was drowned. |
Pan | God of woods and fields; part goat; son of Hermes. |
Pandora | Opener of box containing human ills; mortal wife of Epimetheus. |
Parcae | One of several Fates. |
Paris | Son of Priam; gave apple of discord to Aphrodite, for which she enabled him to carry off Helen; slew Achilles at Troy; slain by Philoctetes. |
Patroclus | Great friend of Achilles; wore Achilles' armor and was slain by Hector. |
Pegasus | Winged horse that sprang from Medusa's body at her death; ridden by Bellerophon when he slew Chimera. |
Pelias | King of Ioclus; seized throne from his brother Aeson; sent Jason for Golden Fleece; slain unwittingly by his daughters at instigation of Medea. |
Pelops | Son of Tantalus; his father cooked and served him to gods; restored to life; Peloponnesus named for him. |
Penates | Roman household gods. |
Penelope | Wife of Odysseus; waited faithfully for him for many years while putting off numerous suitors. |
Pephredo | One of several Graeae. |
Periphetes | Giant; son of Hephaestus; slain by Theseus. |
Persephone | Queen of infernal regions; daughter of Zeus and Demeter; wife of Pluto. |
Perseus | Son of Zeus and Danaë; slew Medusa; rescued Andromeda from monster and married her. |
Phaedra | Daughter of Minos; wife of Theseus; caused the death of her stepson, Hippolytus. |
Phaethon | Son of Helios; drove his father's sun chariot and was struck down by Zeus before he set world on fire. |
Philoctetes | Greek warrior who possessed Hercules' bow and arrows; slew Paris at Troy with poisoned arrow. |
Phineus | Betrothed of Andromeda; tried to slay Perseus but turned to stone by Medusa's head. |
Phlegethon | One of several Rivers of Underworld [fire]. |
Phosphor | Morning star. |
Phrixos | Brother of Helle; carried by ram of Golden Fleece to Colchis. |
Pirithous | Son of Ixion; friend of Theseus; tried to carry off Persephone from Hades; bound to enchanted rock by Pluto. |
Pleiades | Alcyone, Celaeno, Electra, Maia, Merope, Sterope or Asterope, Taygeta; seven daughters of Atlas; transformed into heavenly constellation, of which six stars are visible - Merope is said to have hidden in shame for loving a mortal. |
Pluto | God of Hades; brother of Zeus. |
Plutus | God of wealth. |
Pollux | One of Dioscuri. |
Polymnia | One of several Muses. |
Polynices | Son of Oedipus; he and his brother Eteocles killed each other; burial rite, forbidden by Creon, performed by his sister Antigone. |
Polyphemus | Cyclops; devoured six of Odysseus's men; blinded by Odysseus. |
Polyxena | Daughter of Priam; betrothed to Achilles, whom Paris slew at their betrothal; sacrificed to shade of Achilles. |
Pomona | Roman goddess of fruits. |
Pontus | Sea god; son of Gaea. |
Poseidon | God of sea; brother of Zeus. |
Priam | King of Troy; husband of Hecuba; ransomed Hector's body from Achilles; slain by Neoptolemus. |
Priapus | God of regeneration. |
Procris | Wife of Cephalus, who accidentally slew her. |
Procrustes | Giant; stretched or cut off legs of victims to make them fit iron bed; slain by Theseus. |
Proetus | Husband of Anteia; sent Bellerophon to Iobates to be put to death. |
Prometheus | Titan; stole fire from heaven for man. Zeus punished him by chaining him to rock in Caucasus where vultures devoured his liver daily. |
Proteus | Sea god; assumed various shapes when called on to prophesy. |
Psyche | Beloved of Eros; punished by jealous Aphrodite; made immortal and united with Eros. |
Pygmalion | King of Cyprus; carved ivory statue of maiden which Aphrodite gave life as Galatea. |
Pyramus | Babylonian youth; made love to Thisbe through hole in wall; thinking Thisbe slain by lion, killed himself. |
Python | Serpent born from slime left by Deluge; slain by Apollo. |
Quirinus | Roman war god. |
Remus | Brother of Romulus; slain by him. |
Rhadamanthus | One of three judges of dead in Hades; son of Zeus and Europa. |
Rhea | Daughter of Uranus and Gaea; wife of Cronus; mother of Zeus; identified with Cybele. |
Romulus | Founder of Rome; he and Remus suckled in infancy by she-wolf; slew Remus; deified by Romans. |
Sarpedon | King of Lycia; son of Zeus and Europa; slain by Patroclus at Troy. |
Satyrs | Hoofed demigods of woods and fields; companions of Dionysus. |
Sciron | Robber; forced strangers to wash his feet, then hurled them into sea where tortoise devoured them; slain by Theseus. |
Scylla | Female monster inhabiting rock opposite Charybdis; menaced passing sailors. |
Selene | Goddess of moon. |
Semele | Daughter of Cadmus; mother by Zeus of Dionysus; demanded Zeus appear before her in all his splendor and was destroyed by his lightning bolts. |
Sibyis | Various prophetesses; most famous, Cumaean sibyl, accompanied Aeneas into Hades. |
Sileni | Minor woodland deities similar to satyrs [singular=silenus]. Sometimes Silenus refers to eldest of satyrs, son of Hermes or of Pan. |
Silvanus | Roman god of woods and fields. |
Sinis | Giant; bent pines, with which he hurled victims against side of mountain; slain by Theseus. |
Sirens | Minor deities who lured sailors to destruction with their singing. |
Sisyphus | King of Corinth; condemned in Tartarus to roll huge stone to top of hill; it always rolled back down again. |
Sphinx | Monster of Thebes; killed those who could not answer her riddle; slain by Oedipus. Name also refers to other monsters having body of lion, wings, and head and bust of woman. |
Sterope | One of several Pleiades. |
Stheno | One of several Gorgons. |
Styx | One of several Rivers of Underworld. The souls of the dead were ferried across the Styx by Charon. |
Symplegades | Clashing rocks at entrance to Black Sea; Argo passed through, causing them to become forever fixed. |
Syrinx | Nymph pursued by Pan; changed to reeds, from which he made his pipes. |
Tantalus | Cruel king; father of Pelops and Niobe; condemned in Tartarus to stand chin-deep in lake surrounded by fruit branches; as he tried to eat or drink, water or fruit always receded. |
Tartarus | Underworld below Hades; often refers to Hades. |
Taygeta | One of several Pleiades. |
Telemachus | Son of Odysseus; made unsuccessful journey to find his father. |
Tellus | Roman goddess of earth. |
Terminus | Roman god of boundaries and landmarks. |
Terpsichore | One of several Muses. |
Terra | Roman earth goddess. |
Thalia | One of several Graces. Also one of several Muses. |
Thanatos | God of death. |
Themis | Titan goddess of laws of physical phenomena; daughter of Uranus; mother of Prometheus. |
Theseus | Son of Aegeus; slew Minotaur; married and deserted Ariadne; later married Phaedra. |
Thisbe | Beloved of Pyramus; killed herself at his death. |
Thyestes | Brother of Atreus; Atreus killed three of his sons and served them to him at banquet. |
Tiresias | Blind soothsayer of Thebes. |
Tisiphone | One of several Furies. |
Titans | Early gods from which Olympian gods were derived; children of Uranus and Gaea. |
Tithonus | Mortal loved by Eos; changed into grasshopper. |
Triton | Demigod of sea; son of Poseidon. |
Turnus | King of Rutuli in Italy; betrothed to Lavinia; slain by Aeneas. |
Urania | One of several Muses. |
Uranus | Personification of Heaven; husband of Gaea; father of Titans; dethroned by his son Cronus. |
Vertumnus | Roman god of fruits and vegetables; husband of Pomona. |
Zeus | Chief of Olympian gods; son of Cronus and Rhea; husband of Hera. |