State Plants: Hawaii

List of Hawaii Plants

Showing 10 of 3,836 records (Sample Data)

Plant Name Scientific Name Plant CD Family Type
"ahakea Bobea timonioides BOTI Rubiaceae Dicot
"ahakea Bobea BOBEA Rubiaceae Dicot
"ahakea lau nui Bobea elatior BOEL3 Rubiaceae Dicot
"aiakanene Coprosma ernodeoides COER3 Rubiaceae Dicot
"akala Rubus macraei RUMA6 Rosaceae Dicot
"akoko Chamaesyce arnottiana CHAR17 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
"aku Cyanea angustifolia CYAN6 Campanulaceae Dicot
"aku "aku Cyanea tritomantha CYTR6 Campanulaceae Dicot
"akupa Bobea brevipes BOBR3 Rubiaceae Dicot
"ala"a Pouteria sandwicensis POSA11 Sapotaceae Dicot


  • Last updated on November 6, 2014