State Plants: Hawaii

List of Hawaii Plants

Showing 1,000 of 3,836 records

Plant Name Scientific Name Plant CD Family Type
"ahakea Bobea BOBEA Rubiaceae Dicot
"ahakea Bobea timonioides BOTI Rubiaceae Dicot
"ahakea lau nui Bobea elatior BOEL3 Rubiaceae Dicot
"aiakanene Coprosma ernodeoides COER3 Rubiaceae Dicot
"akala Rubus macraei RUMA6 Rosaceae Dicot
"akoko Chamaesyce arnottiana CHAR17 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
"aku Cyanea angustifolia CYAN6 Campanulaceae Dicot
"aku "aku Cyanea tritomantha CYTR6 Campanulaceae Dicot
"akupa Bobea brevipes BOBR3 Rubiaceae Dicot
"ala"a Pouteria sandwicensis POSA11 Sapotaceae Dicot
"ape"ape Gunnera kauaiensis GUKA2 Gunneraceae Dicot
"awikiwiki Canavalia galeata CAGA Fabaceae Dicot
"awiwi Hedyotis cookiana HECO13 Rubiaceae Dicot
"ekoko Chamaesyce celastroides CHCE Euphorbiaceae Dicot
"ekoko Chamaesyce celastroides var. amplectens CHCEA Euphorbiaceae Dicot
"ekoko Chamaesyce celastroides var. celastroides CHCEC Euphorbiaceae Dicot
"ekoko Chamaesyce celastroides var. hanapepensis CHCEH Euphorbiaceae Dicot
"ekoko Chamaesyce celastroides var. kaenana CHCEK Euphorbiaceae Dicot
"ekoko Chamaesyce celastroides var. laehiensis CHCEL Euphorbiaceae Dicot
"ekoko Chamaesyce celastroides var. lorifolia CHCEL2 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
"ekoko Chamaesyce celastroides var. stokesii CHCES Euphorbiaceae Dicot
"ekoko Chamaesyce celastroides var. tomentella CHCET Euphorbiaceae Dicot
"ena"ena Pseudognaphalium sandwicensium PSSA8 Asteraceae Dicot
"ena"ena Pseudognaphalium sandwicensium var. hawaiiense PSSAH2 Asteraceae Dicot
"ena"ena Pseudognaphalium sandwicensium var. kilaueanum PSSAK2 Asteraceae Dicot
"ena"ena Pseudognaphalium sandwicensium var. molokaiense PSSAM2 Asteraceae Dicot
"ena"ena Pseudognaphalium sandwicensium var. sandwicensium PSSAS4 Asteraceae Dicot
"ie"ie Freycinetia arborea FRAR Pandanaceae Monocot
"ihi Portulaca molokiniensis POMO15 Portulacaceae Dicot
"ihi makole Portulaca sclerocarpa POSC9 Portulacaceae Dicot
"ilihia Cyrtandra platyphylla CYPL5 Gesneriaceae Dicot
"oha kepau Clermontia hawaiiensis CLHA4 Campanulaceae Dicot
"oha wai nui Clermontia arborescens CLAR4 Campanulaceae Dicot
"oha wai nui Clermontia arborescens ssp. arborescens CLARA Campanulaceae Dicot
"oha wai nui Clermontia arborescens ssp. waihiae CLARW Campanulaceae Dicot
"oha wai nui Clermontia arborescens ssp. waikoluensis CLARW2 Campanulaceae Dicot
"ohe Joinvillea ascendens JOAS Joinvilleaceae Monocot
"ohe kiko "ola Tetraplasandra waimeae TEWA3 Araliaceae Dicot
"ohe makai Reynoldsia sandwicensis RESA Araliaceae Dicot
"ohe mauka Tetraplasandra oahuensis TEOA Araliaceae Dicot
"ohe naupaka Scaevola glabra SCGL5 Goodeniaceae Dicot
"ohe"ohe Tetraplasandra kavaiensis TEKA3 Araliaceae Dicot
"ohi"a Metrosideros macropus MEMA4 Myrtaceae Dicot
"ohi"a ha Syzygium sandwicense SYSA Myrtaceae Dicot
"ohi"a lehua Metrosideros polymorpha MEPO5 Myrtaceae Dicot
"ohi"a lehua Metrosideros polymorpha var. dieteri MEPOD Myrtaceae Dicot
"ohi"a lehua Metrosideros polymorpha var. glaberrima MEPOG Myrtaceae Dicot
"ohi"a lehua Metrosideros polymorpha var. incana MEPOI2 Myrtaceae Dicot
"ohi"a lehua Metrosideros polymorpha var. macrophylla MEPOM Myrtaceae Dicot
"ohi"a lehua Metrosideros polymorpha var. newellii MEPON Myrtaceae Dicot
"ohi"a lehua Metrosideros polymorpha var. polymorpha MEPOP2 Myrtaceae Dicot
"ohi"a lehua Metrosideros polymorpha var. pseudorugosa MEPOP3 Myrtaceae Dicot
"ohi"a lehua Metrosideros polymorpha var. pumila MEPOP4 Myrtaceae Dicot
"olena Coprosma waimeae COWA4 Rubiaceae Dicot
"opiko Psychotria mauiensis PSMA7 Rubiaceae Dicot
"uiwi Hedyotis elatior HEEL4 Rubiaceae Dicot
"uki"uki Dianella sandwicensis DISA6 Liliaceae Monocot
?ilima Sida cordifolia SICO Malvaceae Dicot
aboriginal willowherb Epilobium billardierianum EPBI2 Onagraceae Dicot
aboriginal willowherb Epilobium billardierianum ssp. cinereum EPBIC Onagraceae Dicot
abrus Abrus ABRUS Fabaceae Dicot
acacia Acacia ACACI Fabaceae Dicot
acaena Acaena ACAEN Rosaceae Dicot
acorn peperomia Peperomia tetraphylla PETE8 Piperaceae Dicot
adderstongue Ophioglossum OPHIO Ophioglossaceae Fern
aerva Aerva AERVA Amaranthaceae Dicot
African basil Ocimum gratissimum OCGR Lamiaceae Dicot
African Bermudagrass Cynodon nlemfuensis CYNL80 Poaceae Monocot
African Bermudagrass Cynodon nlemfuensis var. nlemfuensis CYNLN Poaceae Monocot
African couchgrass Digitaria abyssinica DIAB Poaceae Monocot
African feathergrass Pennisetum macrourum PEMA80 Poaceae Monocot
African olive Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata OLEUC Oleaceae Dicot
African pepperwort Lepidium africanum LEAF Brassicaceae Dicot
African senna Senna didymobotrya SEDI8 Fabaceae Dicot
African tuliptree Spathodea campanulata SPCA2 Bignoniaceae Dicot
agave Agave AGAVE Agavaceae Monocot
aiea Nothocestrum NOTHO3 Solanaceae Dicot
ailanthus Ailanthus AILAN Simaroubaceae Dicot
Ainahou Valley woodfern Dryopteris subbipinnata DRSU8 Dryopteridaceae Fern
air fern Pneumatopteris PNEUM Thelypteridaceae Fern
air yam Dioscorea bulbifera DIBU Dioscoreaceae Monocot
aka"aka"aka Hillebrandia sandwicensis HISA Begoniaceae Dicot
akolea Athyrium microphyllum ATMI Dryopteridaceae Fern
alahe"e Psydrax odorata PSOD Rubiaceae Dicot
Alakai Swamp island-daisy Keysseria erici KEER Asteraceae Dicot
alakai swamp lobelia Lobelia villosa LOVI3 Campanulaceae Dicot
Alakai Swamp pritchardia Pritchardia minor PRMI3 Arecaceae Monocot
Alakai Swamp violet Viola wailenalenae VIWA2 Violaceae Dicot
alani Melicope mucronulata MEMU4 Rutaceae Dicot
alani wai Melicope waialealae MEWA2 Rutaceae Dicot
alaweo Chenopodium oahuense CHOA Chenopodiaceae Dicot
albizia Albizia ALBIZ Fabaceae Dicot
alder Alnus ALNUS Betulaceae Dicot
ale Plantago princeps PLPR Plantaginaceae Dicot
ale Plantago princeps var. anomala PLPRA2 Plantaginaceae Dicot
ale Plantago princeps var. laxiflora PLPRL Plantaginaceae Dicot
ale Plantago princeps var. longibracteata PLPRL2 Plantaginaceae Dicot
ale Plantago princeps var. princeps PLPRP Plantaginaceae Dicot
alectryon Alectryon ALECT Sapindaceae Dicot
alena Boerhavia herbstii BOHE2 Nyctaginaceae Dicot
aleurites Aleurites ALEUR Euphorbiaceae Dicot
Alexandra palm Archontophoenix alexandrae ARAL Arecaceae Monocot
Alexandrian laurel Calophyllum inophyllum CAIN4 Clusiaceae Dicot
alfalfa Medicago sativa MESA Fabaceae Dicot
alfalfa Medicago sativa ssp. sativa MESAS Fabaceae Dicot
alfalfa Medicago MEDIC Fabaceae Dicot
alkali seaheath Frankenia salina FRSA Frankeniaceae Dicot
alkaliweed Cressa CRESS Convolvulaceae Dicot
allspice Pimenta dioica PIDI2 Myrtaceae Dicot
aloe Aloe ALOE Aloaceae Monocot
aloha fescue Festuca aloha FEAL4 Poaceae Monocot
alphitonia Alphitonia ALPHI Rhamnaceae Dicot
alpine bur cucumber Sicyos macrophyllus SIMA6 Cucurbitaceae Dicot
alpine catchfly Silene struthioloides SIST2 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
alpine false ohelo Wikstroemia bicornuta WIBI Thymelaeaceae Dicot
alpine flatsedge Cyperus fauriei CYFA3 Cyperaceae Monocot
alpine hairgrass Deschampsia nubigena DENU6 Poaceae Monocot
alpine mirrorplant Coprosma montana COMO3 Rubiaceae Dicot
alpine sandmat Chamaesyce olowaluana CHOL3 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
alpine tetramolopium Tetramolopium humile TEHU Asteraceae Dicot
alpine tetramolopium Tetramolopium humile ssp. humile TEHUH2 Asteraceae Dicot
alpine tetramolopium Tetramolopium humile ssp. humile var. humile TEHUH3 Asteraceae Dicot
alpine tetramolopium Tetramolopium humile ssp. humile var. sublaeve TEHUS2 Asteraceae Dicot
alpine woodfern Dryopteris wallichiana DRWA Dryopteridaceae Fern
alpinia Alpinia ALPIN Zingiberaceae Monocot
alsike clover Trifolium hybridum TRHY Fabaceae Dicot
alsinidendron Alsinidendron ALSIN Caryophyllaceae Dicot
alstonia Alstonia ALSTO Apocynaceae Dicot
alyxia Alyxia ALYXI Apocynaceae Dicot
ama"u Sadleria pallida SAPA11 Blechnaceae Fern
amaumau fern Sadleria cyatheoides SACY3 Blechnaceae Fern
American black elderberry Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis SANIC4 Caprifoliaceae Dicot
American black nightshade Solanum americanum SOAM Solanaceae Dicot
American burnweed Erechtites hieraciifolia ERHI2 Asteraceae Dicot
American burnweed Erechtites hieraciifolia var. hieraciifolia ERHIH Asteraceae Dicot
American century plant Agave americana AGAM Agavaceae Monocot
American century plant Agave americana ssp. americana AGAMA Agavaceae Monocot
American century plant Agave americana ssp. americana var. americana AGAMA2 Agavaceae Monocot
American wild carrot Daucus pusillus DAPU3 Apiaceae Dicot
anaunau Lepidium serra LESE4 Brassicaceae Dicot
Andes berry Rubus glaucus RUGL5 Rosaceae Dicot
anemone Anemone ANEMO Ranunculaceae Dicot
anena Boerhavia repens BORE4 Nyctaginaceae Dicot
angel"s-trumpet Brugmansia ×candida BRCA31 Solanaceae Dicot
angiopteris fern Angiopteris ANGIO Marattiaceae Fern
anglestem beaksedge Rhynchospora caduca RHCA9 Cyperaceae Monocot
Angleton bluestem Dichanthium aristatum DIAR5 Poaceae Monocot
angularfruit ma"oloa Neraudia angulata NEAN Urticaceae Dicot
angularfruit ma"oloa Neraudia angulata var. angulata NEANA Urticaceae Dicot
angularfruit ma"oloa Neraudia angulata var. dentata NEAND Urticaceae Dicot
anil de pasto Indigofera suffruticosa INSU Fabaceae Dicot
anini Eurya sandwicensis EUSA6 Theaceae Dicot
annual bastardcabbage Rapistrum rugosum RARU Brassicaceae Dicot
annual blue-eyed grass Sisyrinchium rosulatum SIRO5 Iridaceae Monocot
annual bluegrass Poa annua POAN Poaceae Monocot
annual canarygrass Phalaris canariensis PHCA5 Poaceae Monocot
annual fescue Vulpia myuros VUMY Poaceae Monocot
annual nehe Lipochaeta remyi LIRE5 Asteraceae Dicot
annual rabbitsfoot grass Polypogon monspeliensis POMO5 Poaceae Monocot
annual ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia AMAR2 Asteraceae Dicot
annual ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior AMARE Asteraceae Dicot
annual silver hairgrass Aira elegans AIEL4 Poaceae Monocot
annual yellow sweetclover Melilotus indicus MEIN2 Fabaceae Dicot
anoectochilus Anoectochilus ANOEC Orchidaceae Monocot
antigonon Antigonon ANTIG Polygonaceae Dicot
antlerfern Ceratopteris CERAT2 Parkeriaceae Fern
apple of Peru Nicandra physalodes NIPH Solanaceae Dicot
applebox Eucalyptus bridgesiana EUBR2 Myrtaceae Dicot
applecactus Harrisia HARRI2 Cactaceae Dicot
applecactus Harrisia pomanensis HAPO6 Cactaceae Dicot
Arabian coffee Coffea arabica COAR2 Rubiaceae Dicot
archontophoenix Archontophoenix ARCHO2 Arecaceae Monocot
Argentine pepperweed Lepidium bonariense LEBO2 Brassicaceae Dicot
argyle apple Eucalyptus cinerea EUCI80 Myrtaceae Dicot
argyreia Argyreia ARGYR2 Convolvulaceae Dicot
arhyrautia ×Argyrautia ARGYR4 Asteraceae Dicot
arid-land peperomia Peperomia blanda PEBL Piperaceae Dicot
aridland peperomia Peperomia blanda var. floribunda PEBLF Piperaceae Dicot
aristea Aristea ARIST3 Iridaceae Monocot
arrasa con todo Gomphrena serrata GOSE Amaranthaceae Dicot
arrocillo Paspalum paniculatum PAPA11 Poaceae Monocot
arrowhead Sagittaria SAGIT Alismataceae Monocot
arrowleaf cyrtandra Cyrtandra propinqua CYPR6 Gesneriaceae Dicot
arsenic bush Senna septemtrionalis SESE13 Fabaceae Dicot
arthrostemma Arthrostemma ARTHR3 Melastomataceae Dicot
ash Fraxinus FRAXI Oleaceae Dicot
ashy pipewort Eriocaulon cinereum ERCI4 Eriocaulaceae Monocot
Asia Minor bluegrass Polypogon fugax POFU7 Poaceae Monocot
Asian bushbeech Gmelina asiatica GMAS Verbenaceae Dicot
Asian Indian mallow Abutilon auritum ABAU Malvaceae Dicot
Asian melastome Melastoma candidum MECA9 Melastomataceae Dicot
Asian nakedwood Colubrina asiatica COAS3 Rhamnaceae Dicot
Asian pigeonwings Clitoria ternatea CLTE3 Fabaceae Dicot
Asian swordfern Nephrolepis multiflora NEMU Dryopteridaceae Fern
Asian ticktrefoil Desmodium heterocarpon DEHE80 Fabaceae Dicot
Asian ticktrefoil Desmodium heterocarpon var. strigosum DEHES Fabaceae Dicot
Asian watermeal Wolffia globosa WOGL3 Lemnaceae Monocot
asparagus Asparagus ASPAR Liliaceae Monocot
aster Kalimeris KALIM Asteraceae Dicot
aster Symphyotrichum SYMPH4 Asteraceae Dicot
asthmaweed Conyza floribunda COFL Asteraceae Dicot
asystasia Asystasia ASYST Acanthaceae Dicot
attorney Clusia CLUSI Clusiaceae Dicot
au Hedyotis acuminata HEAC3 Rubiaceae Dicot
aulu Pisonia sandwicensis PISA5 Nyctaginaceae Dicot
Australasian catchbirdtree Pisonia brunoniana PIBR3 Nyctaginaceae Dicot
Australasian geranium Geranium homeanum GEHO5 Geraniaceae Dicot
Australian amaranth Amaranthus lineatus AMLI2 Amaranthaceae Dicot
Australian cheesewood Pittosporum undulatum PIUN2 Pittosporaceae Dicot
Australian fingergrass Chloris truncata CHTR Poaceae Monocot
Australian flatsedge Cyperus trinervis CYTR3 Cyperaceae Monocot
Australian lovegrass Eragrostis leptostachya ERLE4 Poaceae Monocot
Australian panicgrass Entolasia marginata ENMA5 Poaceae Monocot
Australian redcedar Toona ciliata TOCI Meliaceae Dicot
Australian redcedar Toona ciliata ssp. ciliata TOCIC Meliaceae Dicot
Australian redcedar Toona ciliata ssp. ciliata var. australis TOCIA Meliaceae Dicot
Australian saltbush Atriplex semibaccata ATSE Chenopodiaceae Dicot
Australian tallowwood Eucalyptus microcorys EUMI Myrtaceae Dicot
Australian waterbuttons Cotula australis COAU3 Asteraceae Dicot
autumn olive Elaeagnus umbellata ELUM Elaeagnaceae Dicot
autumn olive Elaeagnus umbellata var. parvifolia ELUMP Elaeagnaceae Dicot
auwahi melicope Melicope adscendens MEAD Rutaceae Dicot
Auwahi schiedea Schiedea implexa SCIM Caryophyllaceae Dicot
avian goosefoot Chenopodium hircinum CHHI2 Chenopodiaceae Dicot
avocado Persea americana PEAM3 Lauraceae Dicot
Awalua Ridge tetramolopium Tetramolopium remyi TERE3 Asteraceae Dicot
awl-leaf pearlwort Sagina subulata SASU5 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
bahiagrass Paspalum notatum PANO2 Poaceae Monocot
bahiagrass Paspalum notatum var. saurae PANOS Poaceae Monocot
bald spikerush Eleocharis erythropoda ELER Cyperaceae Monocot
baldhead false buttonweed Spermacoce capitata SPCA18 Rubiaceae Dicot
Baldwin"s dwarf polypody Grammitis baldwinii GRBA2 Grammitidaceae Fern
Balkan pincushions Scabiosa palaestrina SCPA22 Dipsacaceae Dicot
balloon vine Cardiospermum halicacabum CAHA13 Sapindaceae Dicot
balloonplant Asclepias physocarpa ASPH2 Asclepiadaceae Dicot
balloonvine Cardiospermum CARDI2 Sapindaceae Dicot
Ballou"s melicope Melicope balloui MEBA2 Rutaceae Dicot
balsampear Momordica charantia MOCH2 Cucurbitaceae Dicot
baltimora Baltimora BALTI Asteraceae Dicot
bamboo Bambusa BAMBU Poaceae Monocot
bamboo Phyllostachys PHYLL6 Poaceae Monocot
bamboo orchid Arundina ARUND Orchidaceae Monocot
bamboo orchid Arundina graminifolia ARGR6 Orchidaceae Monocot
banana Musa MUSA2 Musaceae Monocot
banana passionflower Passiflora tarminiana PATA6 Passifloraceae Dicot
Barbados aloe Aloe vera ALVE2 Aloaceae Monocot
Barbados nut Jatropha curcas JACU2 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
Barbary fig Opuntia ficus-indica OPFI Cactaceae Dicot
barbwire grass Cymbopogon refractus CYRE Poaceae Monocot
barley Hordeum HORDE Poaceae Monocot
barnyardgrass Echinochloa crus-galli ECCR Poaceae Monocot
Barundi dropseed Sporobolus piliferus SPPI2 Poaceae Monocot
basella Basella BASEL Basellaceae Dicot
basil Ocimum OCIMU Lamiaceae Dicot
basketgrass Oplismenus OPLIS Poaceae Monocot
basketgrass Oplismenus hirtellus OPHI Poaceae Monocot
basketgrass Oplismenus hirtellus ssp. hirtellus OPHIH Poaceae Monocot
basketplant Callisia fragrans CAFR6 Commelinaceae Monocot
bastardcabbage Rapistrum RAPIS Brassicaceae Dicot
batflower Tacca leontopetaloides TALE2 Taccaceae Monocot
Bauer"s bristle fern Trichomanes bauerianum TRBA3 Hymenophyllaceae Fern
bauhinia Bauhinia BAUHI Fabaceae Dicot
bay Persea PERSE Lauraceae Dicot
Bay Biscayne creeping-oxeye Sphagneticola trilobata SPTR6 Asteraceae Dicot
bayberry Morella MOREL2 Myricaceae Dicot
bayhops Ipomoea pes-caprae IPPE Convolvulaceae Dicot
beach moonflower Ipomoea violacea IPVI Convolvulaceae Dicot
beach morning-glory Ipomoea imperati IPIM Convolvulaceae Dicot
beach naupaka Scaevola sericea SCSE6 Goodeniaceae Dicot
beach naupaka Scaevola sericea var. sericea SCSES Goodeniaceae Dicot
beach naupaka Scaevola sericea var. taccada SCSET Goodeniaceae Dicot
beach sandmat Chamaesyce degeneri CHDE6 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
beach sheoak Casuarina equisetifolia CAEQ Casuarinaceae Dicot
beach strawberry Fragaria chiloensis FRCH Rosaceae Dicot
beachgrass Ammophila AMMOP Poaceae Monocot
beadfern Hypolepis HYPOL Dennstaedtiaceae Fern
beadtree Adenanthera ADENA Fabaceae Dicot
beaksedge Rhynchospora RHYNC3 Cyperaceae Monocot
beardgrass Bothriochloa BOTHR Poaceae Monocot
beardless rabbitsfoot grass Polypogon viridis POVI9 Poaceae Monocot
beardless wildrye Leymus triticoides LETR5 Poaceae Monocot
beautyhead Baltimora recta BARE2 Asteraceae Dicot
Beauverd"s widow"s-thrill Kalanchoe beauverdii KABE Crassulaceae Dicot
bedstraw Galium GALIU Rubiaceae Dicot
beggarticks Bidens BIDEN Asteraceae Dicot
begonia Begonia BEGON Begoniaceae Dicot
bellis Bellis BELLI Asteraceae Dicot
bellorita Erigeron bellioides ERBE6 Asteraceae Dicot
bellyache bush Jatropha gossypiifolia JAGO Euphorbiaceae Dicot
bellyache bush Jatropha gossypiifolia var. gossypiifolia JAGOG Euphorbiaceae Dicot
Bengal trumpet Thunbergia grandiflora THGR3 Acanthaceae Dicot
benincasa Benincasa BENIN Cucurbitaceae Dicot
bentgrass Agrostis AGROS2 Poaceae Monocot
Bermudagrass Cynodon CYNOD Poaceae Monocot
Bermudagrass Cynodon dactylon CYDA Poaceae Monocot
Berteron"s rattlebox Crotalaria berteriana CRBE8 Fabaceae Dicot
big chickweed Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare CEFOV2 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
Big Island ma"oloa Neraudia ovata NEOV Urticaceae Dicot
big quakinggrass Briza maxima BRMA Poaceae Monocot
big saltbush Atriplex lentiformis ATLE Chenopodiaceae Dicot
big saltbush Atriplex lentiformis ssp. lentiformis ATLEL Chenopodiaceae Dicot
big trefoil Lotus pedunculatus LOPE80 Fabaceae Dicot
bigleaf paspalum Paspalum macrophyllum PAMA80 Poaceae Monocot
bindweed Convolvulus CONVO Convolvulaceae Dicot
bird vetch Vicia cracca VICR Fabaceae Dicot
bird vetch Vicia cracca ssp. cracca VICRC Fabaceae Dicot
birdcatching sedge Uncinia UNCIN Cyperaceae Monocot
birdnest fern Asplenium polyodon var. nitidulum ASPON Aspleniaceae Fern
birdnest fern Asplenium polyodon var. sectum ASPOS Aspleniaceae Fern
birdnest fern Asplenium polyodon var. subcaudatum ASPOS2 Aspleniaceae Fern
birdwood grass Cenchrus setiger CESE10 Poaceae Monocot
bishopwood Bischofia BISCH Euphorbiaceae Dicot
bitter dock Rumex obtusifolius RUOB Polygonaceae Dicot
bitter ginger Zingiber zerumbet ZIZE Zingiberaceae Monocot
bittercress Cardamine CARDA Brassicaceae Dicot
bixa Bixa BIXA Bixaceae Dicot
black bamboo Phyllostachys nigra PHNI80 Poaceae Monocot
black bindweed Polygonum convolvulus POCO10 Polygonaceae Dicot
black bindweed Polygonum convolvulus var. convolvulus POCOC2 Polygonaceae Dicot
black elderberry Sambucus nigra SANI4 Caprifoliaceae Dicot
black ironbox Eucalyptus raveretiana EURA4 Myrtaceae Dicot
black medick Medicago lupulina MELU Fabaceae Dicot
black mustard Brassica nigra BRNI Brassicaceae Dicot
black nightshade Solanum nigrum SONI Solanaceae Dicot
black peppermint Eucalyptus salicifolia EUSA17 Myrtaceae Dicot
black poui Jacaranda mimosifolia JAMI Bignoniaceae Dicot
black spleenwort Asplenium adiantum-nigrum ASAD Aspleniaceae Fern
black wattle Acacia mearnsii ACME80 Fabaceae Dicot
blackbead Pithecellobium PITHE Fabaceae Dicot
blackberry Rubus RUBUS Rosaceae Dicot
blackbutt Eucalyptus pilularis EUPI Myrtaceae Dicot
blackeyed Susan vine Thunbergia alata THAL3 Acanthaceae Dicot
blackwood Acacia melanoxylon ACME Fabaceae Dicot
bladderfern Cystopteris CYSTO Dryopteridaceae Fern
bladdermallow Herissantia crispa HECR3 Malvaceae Dicot
bladderwort Utricularia UTRIC Lentibulariaceae Dicot
blanketflower Gaillardia GAILL Asteraceae Dicot
blechum Blechum BLECH2 Acanthaceae Dicot
blood sage Salvia coccinea SACO5 Lamiaceae Dicot
bloodflower Asclepias curassavica ASCU Asclepiadaceae Dicot
bloodgrass Isachne ISACH Poaceae Monocot
bloodleaf Iresine IRESI Amaranthaceae Dicot
bloodwoodtree Haematoxylum campechianum HACA2 Fabaceae Dicot
blue fieldmadder Sherardia arvensis SHAR2 Rubiaceae Dicot
blue lawngrass Garnotia stricta GAST3 Poaceae Monocot
blue panicum Panicum antidotale PAAN4 Poaceae Monocot
blue rattlesnake Crotalaria verrucosa CRVE5 Fabaceae Dicot
blue-eyed grass Sisyrinchium SISYR Iridaceae Monocot
blueberry Vaccinium VACCI Ericaceae Dicot
bluegrass Poa POA Poaceae Monocot
bluehead gilia Gilia capitata GICA5 Polemoniaceae Dicot
bluehead gilia Gilia capitata ssp. capitata GICAC3 Polemoniaceae Dicot
bluehearts Buchnera BUCHN Scrophulariaceae Dicot
bluemink Ageratum houstonianum AGHO3 Asteraceae Dicot
bluestem Andropogon ANDRO2 Poaceae Monocot
bluestem Dichanthium DICHA3 Poaceae Monocot
blunt chaff flower Achyranthes mutica ACMU2 Amaranthaceae Dicot
blunt spikerush Eleocharis obtusa ELOB2 Cyperaceae Monocot
bluntlobe cyanea Cyanea obtusa CYOB4 Campanulaceae Dicot
blutaparon Blutaparon BLUTA Amaranthaceae Dicot
boatlily Tradescantia spathacea TRSP8 Commelinaceae Monocot
bocconia Bocconia BOCCO Papaveraceae Dicot
bog beggarticks Bidens conjuncta BICO4 Asteraceae Dicot
bog bulrush Schoenoplectiella mucronata SCMU15 Cyperaceae Monocot
bog clermontia Clermontia grandiflora CLGR3 Campanulaceae Dicot
bog clermontia Clermontia grandiflora ssp. grandiflora CLGRG Campanulaceae Dicot
bog clermontia Clermontia grandiflora ssp. maxima CLGRM2 Campanulaceae Dicot
bog clermontia Clermontia grandiflora ssp. munroi CLGRM Campanulaceae Dicot
bog colicwood Myrsine denticulata MYDE3 Myrsinaceae Dicot
bog cyrtandra Cyrtandra procera CYPR5 Gesneriaceae Dicot
bog dubautia Dubautia imbricata DUIM Asteraceae Dicot
bog dubautia Dubautia imbricata ssp. acronaea DUIMA Asteraceae Dicot
bog dubautia Dubautia imbricata ssp. imbricata DUIMI Asteraceae Dicot
bog korthal mistletoe Korthalsella remyana KORE Viscaceae Dicot
bog labordia Labordia hedyosmifolia LAHE2 Loganiaceae Dicot
bog lobelia Lobelia gloria-montis LOGL4 Campanulaceae Dicot
bog mirrorplant Coprosma elliptica COEL3 Rubiaceae Dicot
bog orchid Habenaria HABEN Orchidaceae Monocot
bog orchid Habenaria rodeiensis HARO3 Orchidaceae Monocot
bog rosette grass Dichanthelium hillebrandianum DIHI2 Poaceae Monocot
bog stenogyne Stenogyne calaminthoides STCA9 Lamiaceae Dicot
bogrush Schoenus SCHOE4 Cyperaceae Monocot
Bolivian fuchsia Fuchsia boliviana FUBO Onagraceae Dicot
Bonsey"s hollyfern Polystichum bonseyi POBO8 Dryopteridaceae Fern
Boston swordfern Nephrolepis exaltata NEEX Dryopteridaceae Fern
Boston swordfern Nephrolepis exaltata ssp. hawaiiensis NEEXH Dryopteridaceae Fern
bothriospermum Bothriospermum BOTHR2 Boraginaceae Dicot
boxfruit alani Melicope peduncularis MEPE9 Rutaceae Dicot
Boyd"s maiden fern Thelypteris boydiae THBO Thelypteridaceae Fern
brackenfern Pteridium PTERI Dennstaedtiaceae Fern
Brackenridge"s rosemallow Hibiscus brackenridgei HIBR Malvaceae Dicot
Brackenridge"s rosemallow Hibiscus brackenridgei ssp. brackenridgei HIBRB Malvaceae Dicot
Brackenridge"s rosemallow Hibiscus brackenridgei ssp. molokaianus HIBRM3 Malvaceae Dicot
bracted fanpetals Sida ciliaris SICI Malvaceae Dicot
bracted phyllostegia Phyllostegia bracteata PHBR6 Lamiaceae Dicot
brake fern Pteris ×hillebrandii PTHI Pteridaceae Fern
brake fern Pteris PTERI2 Pteridaceae Fern
branched porterweed Stachytarpheta australis STAU Verbenaceae Dicot
Brazilian bayhops Ipomoea pes-caprae ssp. brasiliensis IPPEB Convolvulaceae Dicot
Brazilian begonia Begonia hirtella BEHI2 Begoniaceae Dicot
Brazilian joyweed Alternanthera brasiliana ALBR5 Amaranthaceae Dicot
Brazilian nightshade Solanum seaforthianum SOSE7 Solanaceae Dicot
Brazilian peppertree Schinus terebinthifolius SCTE Anacardiaceae Dicot
Brazilian peppertree Schinus terebinthifolius var. raddianus SCTER2 Anacardiaceae Dicot
Brazilian vervain Verbena brasiliensis VEBR2 Verbenaceae Dicot
Brazilian waterweed Egeria densa EGDE Hydrocharitaceae Monocot
Brazilian wild petunia Ruellia devosiana RUDE13 Acanthaceae Dicot
breynia Breynia BREYN Euphorbiaceae Dicot
brighamia Brighamia BRIGH Campanulaceae Dicot
bright green spikerush Eleocharis olivacea ELOL Cyperaceae Monocot
bright green spikerush Eleocharis olivacea var. olivacea ELOLO Cyperaceae Monocot
brighteyes Reichardia REICH Asteraceae Dicot
bristle fern Trichomanes TRICH5 Hymenophyllaceae Fern
bristlegrass Setaria SETAR Poaceae Monocot
bristlemallow Modiola MODIO Malvaceae Dicot
bristletips Oxyspora paniculata OXPA3 Melastomataceae Dicot
brittle bladderfern Cystopteris fragilis CYFR2 Dryopteridaceae Fern
brittlebush Encelia ENCEL Asteraceae Dicot
brittlebush Encelia farinosa ENFA Asteraceae Dicot
Britton"s wild petunia Ruellia caerulea RUCA19 Acanthaceae Dicot
broad-leaf yellow loosestrife Lysimachia pendens LYPE3 Primulaceae Dicot
broadleaf aiea Nothocestrum latifolium NOLA Solanaceae Dicot
broadleaf arrowhead Sagittaria latifolia SALA2 Alismataceae Monocot
broadleaf cattail Typha latifolia TYLA Typhaceae Monocot
broadleaf false buttonweed Spermacoce ovalifolia SPOV3 Rubiaceae Dicot
broadleaf papala Charpentiera obovata CHOB2 Amaranthaceae Dicot
broadleaf rush Juncus planifolius JUPL Juncaceae Monocot
brome Bromus BROMU Poaceae Monocot
brome fescue Vulpia bromoides VUBR Poaceae Monocot
broom Spartium SPART2 Fabaceae Dicot
broom Cytisus CYTIS Fabaceae Dicot
broom teatree Leptospermum scoparium LESC2 Myrtaceae Dicot
broomcorn millet Panicum miliaceum ssp. miliaceum PAMIM Poaceae Monocot
broomsedge bluestem Andropogon virginicus ANVI2 Poaceae Monocot
broomsedge bluestem Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus ANVIV Poaceae Monocot
broussaisia Broussaisia BROUS2 Hydrangeaceae Dicot
broussonetia Broussonetia BROUS Moraceae Dicot
brown mustard Brassica juncea BRJU Brassicaceae Dicot
brown sedge Carex subfusca CASU6 Cyperaceae Monocot
Brown"s amaranth Amaranthus brownii AMBR5 Amaranthaceae Dicot
Browne"s blechum Blechum pyramidatum BLPY Acanthaceae Dicot
Browne"s dock Rumex brownei RUBR2 Polygonaceae Dicot
brownhead rush Juncus phaeocephalus JUPH Juncaceae Monocot
brownhead rush Juncus phaeocephalus var. phaeocephalus JUPHP2 Juncaceae Monocot
brugmansia Brugmansia BRUGM Solanaceae Dicot
bruguiera Bruguiera BRUGU Rhizophoraceae Dicot
Bryan"s flatsedge Cyperus pennatiformis var. bryanii CYPEB Cyperaceae Monocot
buckthorn Frangula FRANG Rhamnaceae Dicot
buffelgrass Pennisetum ciliare PECI Poaceae Monocot
bugle-lily Watsonia WATSO Iridaceae Monocot
bulbous canarygrass Phalaris aquatica PHAQ Poaceae Monocot
bull thistle Cirsium vulgare CIVU Asteraceae Dicot
bulrush Schoenoplectus SCHOE6 Cyperaceae Monocot
bulrush Schoenoplectiella SCHOE7 Cyperaceae Monocot
bundleflower Desmanthus DESMA Fabaceae Dicot
bur cucumber Sicyos SICYO Cucurbitaceae Dicot
bur grass Tragus TRAGU Poaceae Monocot
bur parsley Caucalis CAUCA Apiaceae Dicot
burbark Triumfetta TRIUM Tiliaceae Dicot
burclover Medicago polymorpha MEPO3 Fabaceae Dicot
burdock Arctium ARCTI Asteraceae Dicot
burgan Kunzea ericoides KUER Myrtaceae Dicot
burhead Echinodorus ECHIN6 Alismataceae Monocot
Burmann"s basketgrass Oplismenus burmannii OPBU2 Poaceae Monocot
burnweed Erechtites ERECH Asteraceae Dicot
burr daisytree Fitchia speciosa FISP3 Asteraceae Dicot
burrweed Soliva SOLIV Asteraceae Dicot
bush morning-glory Ipomoea ×leucantha IPLE4 Convolvulaceae Dicot
bushbean Macroptilium MACRO4 Fabaceae Dicot
bushmint Hyptis HYPTI Lamiaceae Dicot
bushweed Flueggea FLUEG Euphorbiaceae Dicot
bushy bluestem Andropogon glomeratus ANGL2 Poaceae Monocot
bushy bluestem Andropogon glomeratus var. glomeratus ANGLG2 Poaceae Monocot
butterbur Petasites PETAS Asteraceae Dicot
buttercup Ranunculus RANUN Ranunculaceae Dicot
butterfly pea Centrosema CENTR2 Fabaceae Dicot
butterflybush Buddleja BUDDL2 Buddlejaceae Dicot
button fern Tectaria cicutaria TECI Dryopteridaceae Fern
button mangrove Conocarpus erectus COER2 Combretaceae Dicot
buzzy lizzy Impatiens walleriana IMWA Balsaminaceae Dicot
cabbage on a stick Brighamia insignis BRIN4 Campanulaceae Dicot
Caesarweed Urena lobata URLO Malvaceae Dicot
cajanus Cajanus CAJAN Fabaceae Dicot
calathea Calathea CALAT Marantaceae Monocot
calicoplant Alternanthera bettzichiana ALBE Amaranthaceae Dicot
California buckthorn Frangula californica FRCA12 Rhamnaceae Dicot
California buckthorn Frangula californica ssp. californica FRCAC5 Rhamnaceae Dicot
California bulrush Schoenoplectus californicus SCCA11 Cyperaceae Monocot
California poppy Eschscholzia ESCHS Papaveraceae Dicot
California poppy Eschscholzia californica ESCA2 Papaveraceae Dicot
California poppy Eschscholzia californica ssp. californica ESCAC Papaveraceae Dicot
calla lily Zantedeschia ZANTE Araceae Monocot
calla lily Zantedeschia aethiopica ZAAE Araceae Monocot
callingcard vine Entada ENTAD2 Fabaceae Dicot
calophyllum Calophyllum CALOP Clusiaceae Dicot
calotropis Calotropis CALOT Asclepiadaceae Dicot
calyptocarpus Calyptocarpus CALYP2 Asteraceae Dicot
camphortree Cinnamomum camphora CICA Lauraceae Dicot
camphorweed Pluchea PLUCH Asteraceae Dicot
Canada bluegrass Poa compressa POCO Poaceae Monocot
Canada cocklebur Xanthium strumarium var. canadense XASTC Asteraceae Dicot
Canada goldenrod Solidago altissima SOAL6 Asteraceae Dicot
Canada spikesedge Eleocharis geniculata ELGE Cyperaceae Monocot
Canadian honewort Cryptotaenia canadensis CRCA9 Apiaceae Dicot
Canadian horseweed Conyza canadensis COCA5 Asteraceae Dicot
Canadian horseweed Conyza canadensis var. canadensis COCAC3 Asteraceae Dicot
Canadian horseweed Conyza canadensis var. pusilla COCAP3 Asteraceae Dicot
Canary Island St. Johnswort Hypericum canariense HYCA11 Clusiaceae Dicot
canarygrass Phalaris PHALA2 Poaceae Monocot
cane bluestem Bothriochloa barbinodis BOBA3 Poaceae Monocot
canereed Costus speciosus COSP8 Costaceae Monocot
canna Canna CANNA2 Cannaceae Monocot
canyon schiedea Schiedea spergulina SCSP Caryophyllaceae Dicot
canyon schiedea Schiedea spergulina var. leiopoda SCSPL Caryophyllaceae Dicot
canyon schiedea Schiedea spergulina var. spergulina SCSPS Caryophyllaceae Dicot
Cape blue waterlily Nymphaea capensis NYCA2 Nymphaeaceae Dicot
Cape bugle-lily Watsonia borbonica WABO Iridaceae Monocot
Cape cheesewood Pittosporum viridiflorum PIVI5 Pittosporaceae Dicot
Cape leadwort Plumbago auriculata PLAU6 Plumbaginaceae Dicot
Cape Province pygmyweed Crassula multicava CRMU10 Crassulaceae Dicot
Cape-ivy Delairea DELAI2 Asteraceae Dicot
Cape-ivy Delairea odorata DEOD Asteraceae Dicot
caper Capparis CAPPA Capparaceae Dicot
capsella Capsella CAPSE Brassicaceae Dicot
Caracas rattlebox Crotalaria micans CRMI9 Fabaceae Dicot
Caribbean pine Pinus caribaea PICA18 Pinaceae Gymnosperm
Carlson"s cyanea Cyanea hamatiflora ssp. carlsonii CYHAC Campanulaceae Dicot
Carolina bristlemallow Modiola caroliniana MOCA Malvaceae Dicot
carpetgrass Axonopus AXONO Poaceae Monocot
carpetweed Mollugo MOLLU Molluginaceae Dicot
carpgrass Arthraxon ARTHR Poaceae Monocot
carrot bur parsley Caucalis platycarpos CAPL11 Apiaceae Dicot
cassava Manihot MANIH Euphorbiaceae Dicot
cassava Manihot esculenta MAES Euphorbiaceae Dicot
cassytha Cassytha CASSY Lauraceae Dicot
Castle Trail yellow loosestrife Lysimachia forbesii LYFO Primulaceae Dicot
castorbean Ricinus communis RICO3 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
cat"s ear Hypochaeris HYPOC Asteraceae Dicot
catchbirdtree Pisonia PISON Nyctaginaceae Dicot
catchfly Silene SILEN Caryophyllaceae Dicot
catclawvine Macfadyena unguis-cati MAUN3 Bignoniaceae Dicot
cathedral bells Kalanchoe pinnata KAPI Crassulaceae Dicot
cattail Typha TYPHA Typhaceae Monocot
Caucasian bluestem Bothriochloa bladhii BOBL Poaceae Monocot
cayenne pepper Capsicum annuum CAAN4 Solanaceae Dicot
cayenne pepper Capsicum annuum var. annuum CAANA4 Solanaceae Dicot
cayratia Cayratia CAYRA Vitaceae Dicot
ceara rubbertree Manihot glaziovii MAGL5 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
centaury Centaurium CENTA2 Gentianaceae Dicot
centella Centella CENTE Apiaceae Dicot
centipede tongavine Epipremnum pinnatum EPPI Araceae Monocot
Central America grass Ixophorus IXOPH Poaceae Monocot
centranthus Centranthus CENTR Valerianaceae Dicot
centratherum Centratherum CENTR6 Asteraceae Dicot
Ceylon gooseberry Dovyalis DOVYA Flacourtiaceae Dicot
Ceylon gooseberry Dovyalis hebecarpa DOHE2 Flacourtiaceae Dicot
Ceylon spinach Basella alba BAAL2 Basellaceae Dicot
Ceylon spinach Talinum triangulare TATR2 Portulacaceae Dicot
chaff flower Achyranthes ACHYR2 Amaranthaceae Dicot
Chamisso"s manfern Cibotium chamissoi CICH Dicksoniaceae Fern
chamomile Anthemis ANTHE Asteraceae Dicot
chandelier plant Kalanchoe delagoensis KADE Crassulaceae Dicot
changeable velvetberry Stachytarpheta mutabilis STMU2 Verbenaceae Dicot
changing forget-me-not Myosotis discolor MYDI Boraginaceae Dicot
charlock mustard Sinapis arvensis SIAR4 Brassicaceae Dicot
chastetree Vitex VITEX Verbenaceae Dicot
chayote Sechium edule SEED Cucurbitaceae Dicot
cheatgrass Bromus tectorum BRTE Poaceae Monocot
cheeseweed mallow Malva parviflora MAPA5 Malvaceae Dicot
cheesewood Pittosporum PITTO Pittosporaceae Dicot
cheesewood Pittosporum halophilum PIHA3 Pittosporaceae Dicot
cheesewood Pittosporum ×monae PIMO4 Pittosporaceae Dicot
cheirodendron Cheirodendron CHEIR Araliaceae Dicot
Cherokee rose Rosa laevigata ROLA Rosaceae Dicot
chestnutleaf trumpetbush Tecoma castanifolia TECA9 Bignoniaceae Dicot
chewstick Gouania GOUAN Rhamnaceae Dicot
Chilean evening primrose Oenothera stricta OEST Onagraceae Dicot
Chinaberrytree Melia azedarach MEAZ Meliaceae Dicot
chinalaurel Antidesma ANTID Euphorbiaceae Dicot
chinalaurel Antidesma ×kapuae ANKA Euphorbiaceae Dicot
chinchweed Pectis PECTI Asteraceae Dicot
Chinese albizia Albizia chinensis ALCH2 Fabaceae Dicot
Chinese banyan Ficus microcarpa FIMI2 Moraceae Dicot
Chinese creepingfern Odontosoria chinensis ODCH Dennstaedtiaceae Fern
Chinese firethorn Pyracantha fortuneana PYFO Rosaceae Dicot
Chinese foldwing Dicliptera chinensis DICH2 Acanthaceae Dicot
Chinese hatplant Holmskioldia sanguinea HOSA2 Verbenaceae Dicot
Chinese hound"s tongue Cynoglossum amabile CYAM3 Boraginaceae Dicot
Chinese knotweed Polygonum chinense POCH6 Polygonaceae Dicot
Chinese lovegrass Eragrostis unioloides ERUN Poaceae Monocot
Chinese photinia Photinia davidiana PHDA5 Rosaceae Dicot
Chinese privet Ligustrum sinense LISI Oleaceae Dicot
Chinese raspwort Gonocarpus chinensis GOCH Haloragaceae Dicot
Chinese raspwort Gonocarpus chinensis ssp. verrucosus GOCHV Haloragaceae Dicot
Chinese violet Asystasia gangetica ASGA2 Acanthaceae Dicot
Chinese wisteria Wisteria sinensis WISI Fabaceae Dicot
Chinese yellowcress Rorippa cantoniensis ROCA8 Brassicaceae Dicot
chokeberry Photinia PHOTI Rosaceae Dicot
Christmas candlestick Leonotis nepetifolia LENE Lamiaceae Dicot
chrysophyllum Chrysophyllum CHRYS5 Sapotaceae Dicot
cigar flower Cuphea ignea CUIG Lythraceae Dicot
cinchona Cinchona CINCH Rubiaceae Dicot
cindercone isodendrion Isodendrion hosakae ISHO2 Violaceae Dicot
cinderslope dubautia Dubautia platyphylla DUPL2 Asteraceae Dicot
cinnamon Cinnamomum verum CIVE2 Lauraceae Dicot
cinnamon Cinnamomum CINNA2 Lauraceae Dicot
citron zephyrlily Zephyranthes citrina ZECI Liliaceae Monocot
clammy goosefoot Dysphania pumilio DYPU Chenopodiaceae Dicot
claoxylon Claoxylon CLAOX Euphorbiaceae Dicot
clasping heliotrope Heliotropium amplexicaule HEAM4 Boraginaceae Dicot
claybank beaksedge Rhynchospora rugosa RHRU3 Cyperaceae Monocot
claybank beaksedge Rhynchospora rugosa ssp. lavarum RHRUL Cyperaceae Monocot
clearweed Pilea PILEA Urticaceae Dicot
clermontia Clermontia CLERM Campanulaceae Dicot
clermontia Clermontia ×leptoclada CLLE3 Campanulaceae Dicot
clidemia Clidemia CLIDE Melastomataceae Dicot
cliff schiedea Schiedea sarmentosa SCSA4 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
cliff-dwelling starviolet Hedyotis flynnii HEFL16 Rubiaceae Dicot
cliffbrake Pellaea PELLA Pteridaceae Fern
cliffface catchfly Silene perlmanii SIPE5 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
cliffs flatsedge Cyperus sandwicensis CYSA Cyperaceae Monocot
cliffside cyrtandra Cyrtandra paliku CYPA27 Gesneriaceae Dicot
climbing alsinidendron Alsinidendron viscosum ALVI6 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
climbing dayflower Commelina diffusa CODI5 Commelinaceae Monocot
climbing dayflower Commelina diffusa var. diffusa CODID3 Commelinaceae Monocot
climbing fern Lygodium LYGOD2 Lygodiaceae Fern
climbing ilang-ilang Artabotrys hexapetalus ARHE11 Annonaceae Dicot
climbingfig Ficus pumila FIPU2 Moraceae Dicot
cloudswept colicwood Myrsine juddii MYJU Myrsinaceae Dicot
clovenfoot plumegrass Dichelachne crinita DICR7 Poaceae Monocot
clover Trifolium TRIFO Fabaceae Dicot
clover ash Tetrazygia TETRA7 Melastomataceae Dicot
clubed begonia Begonia cucullata BECU Begoniaceae Dicot
clubmoss Lycopodiella LYCOP6 Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
clubmoss Lycopodium LYCOP2 Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
clubmoss Huperzia HUPER Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
clubmoss Huperzia ×carlquistii HUCA6 Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
clubmoss Huperzia ×erubescens HUER2 Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
clubmoss Huperzia ×gillettii HUGI Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
clubmoss Huperzia ×koolauensis HUKO Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
clubmoss Huperzia ×medeirosii HUME3 Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
clustered clover Trifolium glomeratum TRGL4 Fabaceae Dicot
clustered dock Rumex conglomeratus RUCO2 Polygonaceae Dicot
clustered flatsedge Cyperus congestus CYCO3 Cyperaceae Monocot
clustered yellowtops Flaveria trinervia FLTR Asteraceae Dicot
clustervine Jacquemontia JACQU Convolvulaceae Dicot
coast cockspur grass Echinochloa walteri ECWA Poaceae Monocot
coast tarweed Madia sativa MASA Asteraceae Dicot
coastal bluff beggarticks Bidens forbesii BIFO Asteraceae Dicot
coastal bluff beggarticks Bidens forbesii ssp. forbesii BIFOF Asteraceae Dicot
coastal flatsedge Cyperus pennatiformis CYPE3 Cyperaceae Monocot
coastal flatsedge Cyperus pennatiformis var. pennatiformis CYPEP Cyperaceae Monocot
coastal nehe Lipochaeta lavarum LILA6 Asteraceae Dicot
coastal phyllostegia Phyllostegia variabilis PHVA5 Lamiaceae Dicot
coastal sandalwood Santalum ellipticum SAEL2 Santalaceae Dicot
coastal sandmat Chamaesyce skottsbergii CHSK Euphorbiaceae Dicot
coastal sandmat Chamaesyce skottsbergii var. skottsbergii CHSKS Euphorbiaceae Dicot
coastal sandmat Chamaesyce skottsbergii var. vaccinioides CHSKV Euphorbiaceae Dicot
coatbuttons Tridax procumbens TRPR5 Asteraceae Dicot
coccinia Coccinia COCCI Cucurbitaceae Dicot
coccoloba Coccoloba COCCO Polygonaceae Dicot
cochineal nopal cactus Opuntia cochenillifera OPCO4 Cactaceae Dicot
cocklebur Xanthium XANTH2 Asteraceae Dicot
cockroach berry Solanum capsicoides SOCA10 Solanaceae Dicot
cockspur grass Echinochloa ECHIN4 Poaceae Monocot
coco yam Colocasia esculenta COES Araceae Monocot
coco yam Colocasia esculenta var. esculenta COESE Araceae Monocot
coconut palm Cocos COCOS Arecaceae Monocot
coconut palm Cocos nucifera CONU Arecaceae Monocot
coffee Coffea COFFE Rubiaceae Dicot
colicwood Myrsine MYRSI Myrsinaceae Dicot
colocasia Colocasia COLOC Araceae Monocot
Colombian bluestem Schizachyrium condensatum SCCO10 Poaceae Monocot
Colombian waxweed Cuphea carthagenensis CUCA4 Lythraceae Dicot
colonial bentgrass Agrostis capillaris AGCA5 Poaceae Monocot
comb bushmint Hyptis pectinata HYPE3 Lamiaceae Dicot
Comb-Leaf Philodendron Philodendron pinnatifidum PHPI7 Araceae Monocot
common asparagus fern Asparagus setaceus ASSE12 Liliaceae Monocot
common Australian buttercup Ranunculus plebeius RAPL2 Ranunculaceae Dicot
common bamboo Bambusa vulgaris BAVU2 Poaceae Monocot
common barley Hordeum vulgare HOVU Poaceae Monocot
common brighteyes Reichardia picroides REPI Asteraceae Dicot
common carpetgrass Axonopus fissifolius AXFI Poaceae Monocot
common catchfly Silene gallica SIGA Caryophyllaceae Dicot
common chickweed Stellaria media STME2 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
common chickweed Stellaria media ssp. media STMEM Caryophyllaceae Dicot
common coleus Solenostemon scutellarioides SOSC7 Lamiaceae Dicot
common dandelion Taraxacum officinale TAOF Asteraceae Dicot
common dandelion Taraxacum officinale ssp. officinale TAOFO Asteraceae Dicot
common duckmeat Spirodela polyrrhiza SPPO Lemnaceae Monocot
common fiddleneck Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia AMMEI2 Boraginaceae Dicot
common globe amaranth Gomphrena globosa GOGL Amaranthaceae Dicot
common gorse Ulex europaeus ULEU Fabaceae Dicot
common maidenhair Adiantum capillus-veneris ADCA Pteridaceae Fern
common mallow Malva neglecta MANE Malvaceae Dicot
common medicineplant Adenostemma lavenia ADLA2 Asteraceae Dicot
common mouse-ear chickweed Cerastium fontanum CEFO2 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
common mullein Verbascum thapsus VETH Scrophulariaceae Dicot
common nipplewort Lapsana communis LACO3 Asteraceae Dicot
common oat Avena sativa AVSA Poaceae Monocot
common pepperweed Lepidium densiflorum LEDE Brassicaceae Dicot
common plantain Plantago major PLMA2 Plantaginaceae Dicot
common pricklypear Opuntia monacantha OPMO5 Cactaceae Dicot
common reed Phragmites australis PHAU7 Poaceae Monocot
common rush Juncus effusus JUEF Juncaceae Monocot
common selfheal Prunella vulgaris PRVU Lamiaceae Dicot
common selfheal Prunella vulgaris ssp. vulgaris PRVUV Lamiaceae Dicot
common sheep sorrel Rumex acetosella RUAC3 Polygonaceae Dicot
common sowthistle Sonchus oleraceus SOOL Asteraceae Dicot
common spikerush Eleocharis palustris ELPA3 Cyperaceae Monocot
common spikerush Eleocharis palustris var. palustris ELPAP Cyperaceae Monocot
common St. Johnswort Hypericum perforatum HYPE Clusiaceae Dicot
common St. Paul"s wort Sigesbeckia orientalis SIOR2 Asteraceae Dicot
common sunflower Helianthus annuus HEAN3 Asteraceae Dicot
common tansy Tanacetum vulgare TAVU Asteraceae Dicot
common teatree Leptospermum petersonii LEPE23 Myrtaceae Dicot
common teatree Leptospermum polygalifolim LEPO22 Myrtaceae Dicot
common turmeric Curcuma longa CULO Zingiberaceae Monocot
common velvetgrass Holcus lanatus HOLA Poaceae Monocot
common water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes EICR Pontederiaceae Monocot
common wheat Triticum aestivum TRAE Poaceae Monocot
common wireweed Sida acuta SIAC3 Malvaceae Dicot
common wormwood Artemisia vulgaris ARVU Asteraceae Dicot
common yarrow Achillea millefolium ACMI2 Asteraceae Dicot
common yarrow Achillea millefolium var. millefolium ACMIM2 Asteraceae Dicot
compact brome Bromus madritensis BRMA3 Poaceae Monocot
conch apple Passiflora maliformis PAMA8 Passifloraceae Dicot
coniogramme Coniogramme CONIO2 Pteridaceae Fern
Cook"s spleenwort Asplenium cookii ASCO59 Aspleniaceae Fern
coon"s tail Ceratophyllum demersum CEDE4 Ceratophyllaceae Dicot
Cooper"s cyathea Cyathea cooperi CYCO18 Cyatheaceae Fern
coral vine Antigonon leptopus ANLE4 Polygonaceae Dicot
coralbead Cocculus COCCU Menispermaceae Dicot
corchorus Corchorus CORCH Tiliaceae Dicot
cordia Cordia CORDI Boraginaceae Dicot
cordyline Cordyline CORDY2 Liliaceae Monocot
coriander Coriandrum CORIA Apiaceae Dicot
coriander Coriandrum sativum COSA Apiaceae Dicot
cork oak Quercus suber QUSU5 Fagaceae Dicot
corkscrew beggarticks Bidens torta BITO Asteraceae Dicot
corkystem passionflower Passiflora suberosa PASU3 Passifloraceae Dicot
corn brome Bromus squarrosus BRSQ2 Poaceae Monocot
corn chamomile Anthemis arvensis ANAR6 Asteraceae Dicot
corn speedwell Veronica arvensis VEAR Scrophulariaceae Dicot
corn spurry Spergula arvensis SPAR Caryophyllaceae Dicot
corymbia Corymbia CORYM3 Myrtaceae Dicot
corynocarpus Corynocarpus CORYN2 Corynocarpaceae Dicot
cosmopolitan bulrush Schoenoplectus maritimus SCMA8 Cyperaceae Monocot
cosmosflower beggarticks Bidens cosmoides BICO6 Asteraceae Dicot
Costa Rica nightblooming cactus Hylocereus costaricensis HYCO17 Cactaceae Dicot
costus Costus COSTU Costaceae Monocot
cotoneaster Cotoneaster COTON Rosaceae Dicot
cotton Gossypium GOSSY Malvaceae Dicot
cottonleaf passionflower Passiflora foetida var. gossypiifolia PAFOG Passifloraceae Dicot
cottonrose Logfia LOGFI2 Asteraceae Dicot
cow soapwort Vaccaria hispanica VAHI2 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
cow vetch Vicia cracca ssp. tenuifolia VICRT Fabaceae Dicot
cowpea Vigna VIGNA Fabaceae Dicot
crabgrass Digitaria DIGIT2 Poaceae Monocot
cream cheesewood Pittosporum terminalioides PITE5 Pittosporaceae Dicot
cream garland-lily Hedychium flavescens HEFL5 Zingiberaceae Monocot
creeping bentgrass Agrostis stolonifera AGST2 Poaceae Monocot
creeping buttercup Ranunculus repens RARE3 Ranunculaceae Dicot
creeping necklace fern Lindsaea repens LIRE2 Dennstaedtiaceae Fern
creeping necklace fern Lindsaea repens var. macraeana LIREM Dennstaedtiaceae Fern
creeping tonguefern Elaphoglossum aemulum ELAE Dryopteridaceae Fern
creeping woodsorrel Oxalis corniculata OXCO Oxalidaceae Dicot
creeping-bluet Oldenlandiopsis OLDEN2 Rubiaceae Dicot
creeping-bluet Oldenlandiopsis callitrichoides OLCA4 Rubiaceae Dicot
creeping-oxeye Sphagneticola SPHAG3 Asteraceae Dicot
creepingfern Odontosoria ODONT Dennstaedtiaceae Fern
Creole cotton Gossypium barbadense GOBA Malvaceae Dicot
creole tea Sauvagesia erecta SAER4 Ochnaceae Dicot
crested Philippine violet Barleria cristata BACR Acanthaceae Dicot
Cretan brake Pteris cretica PTCR2 Pteridaceae Fern
Cretan brake Pteris cretica var. cretica PTCRC Pteridaceae Fern
crimson clover Trifolium incarnatum TRIN3 Fabaceae Dicot
crimson fountaingrass Pennisetum setaceum PESE3 Poaceae Monocot
crocosmia Crocosmia CROCO Iridaceae Monocot
crowfoot grass Dactyloctenium DACTY2 Poaceae Monocot
crownbeard Verbesina VERBE2 Asteraceae Dicot
crowned woodfern Dryopteris fuscoatra DRFU Dryopteridaceae Fern
crowngrass Paspalum PASPA2 Poaceae Monocot
crownvetch Securigera SECUR3 Fabaceae Dicot
crownvetch Securigera varia SEVA4 Fabaceae Dicot
cryptocarya Cryptocarya CRYPT2 Lauraceae Dicot
Cuban jute Sida rhombifolia SIRH Malvaceae Dicot
cudweed Pseudognaphalium PSEUD43 Asteraceae Dicot
cultivated radish Raphanus sativus RASA2 Brassicaceae Dicot
cultivated tobacco Nicotiana tabacum NITA Solanaceae Dicot
Cuming"s lovegrass Eragrostis cumingii ERCU5 Poaceae Monocot
cupgrass Eriochloa ERIOC2 Poaceae Monocot
cupscale grass Sacciolepis SACCI Poaceae Monocot
curcuma Curcuma CURCU Zingiberaceae Monocot
cure for all Pluchea carolinensis PLCA10 Asteraceae Dicot
curly dock Rumex crispus RUCR Polygonaceae Dicot
curly dock Rumex crispus ssp. crispus RUCRC Polygonaceae Dicot
curly dock Rumex crispus ssp. fauriei RUCRF Polygonaceae Dicot
curlygrass fern Schizaea SCHIZ2 Schizaeaceae Fern
currant tomato Solanum pimpinellifolium SOPI7 Solanaceae Dicot
cutleaf delissea Delissea laciniata DELA4 Campanulaceae Dicot
cutleaf evening primrose Oenothera laciniata OELA Onagraceae Dicot
cutleaf false oxtongue Blumea laciniata BLLA Asteraceae Dicot
cutleaf geranium Geranium dissectum GEDI Geraniaceae Dicot
cutleaf groundcherry Physalis angulata PHAN5 Solanaceae Dicot
cutleaf island spleenwort Diellia laciniata DILA7 Aspleniaceae Fern
cyanea Cyanea CYANE Campanulaceae Dicot
cymbalaria Cymbalaria CYMBA Scrophulariaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×waihoiensis CYWA10 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×opaeulae CYOP Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×malacophylla CYMA7 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×mannii CYMA8 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra nanawalensis CYNA4 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×nutans CYNU2 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×subintegra CYSU4 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×turbiniformis CYTU Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×umbraculiflora CYUM2 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×villicalyx CYVI4 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×pubens CYPU5 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×ramosissima CYRA3 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×rockii CYRO4 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×scabrella CYSC6 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra CYRTA Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×alata CYAL3 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×alnea CYAL4 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×ambigua CYAM4 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×atomigyna CYAT2 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×axilliflora CYAX Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×basipartita CYBA5 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×carinata CYCA11 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×caudatisepala CYCA12 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×caulescens CYCA13 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×christophersenii CYCH4 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×cladantha CYCL Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×conradtii CYCO8 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×crassifolia CYCR7 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×crassior CYCR3 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×cupuliformis CYCU2 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×ferrocolorata CYFE5 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×ferruginosa CYFE6 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×forbesii CYFO2 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×georgiana CYGE Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×hillebrandii CYHI6 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×honolulensis CYHO3 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×hosakae CYHO4 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×kaalae CYKA Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×kahanaensis CYKA2 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×kipahuluensis CYKI Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×kipapaensis CYKI2 Gesneriaceae Dicot
cyrtandra Cyrtandra ×laevis CYLA6 Gesneriaceae Dicot
daggerleaf clubmoss Huperzia phyllantha HUPH Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
dahoon Ilex cassine ILCA Aquifoliaceae Dicot
daisy Leucanthemum LEUCA4 Asteraceae Dicot
daisybush Osteospermum OSTEO2 Asteraceae Dicot
dallisgrass Paspalum dilatatum PADI3 Poaceae Monocot
dandelion Taraxacum TARAX Asteraceae Dicot
Darnel ryegrass Lolium temulentum LOTE2 Poaceae Monocot
Darnel ryegrass Lolium temulentum ssp. temulentum LOTET Poaceae Monocot
date palm Phoenix PHOEN2 Arecaceae Monocot
date palm Phoenix dactylifera PHDA4 Arecaceae Monocot
day jessamine Cestrum diurnum CEDI6 Solanaceae Dicot
dayflower Commelina COMME Commelinaceae Monocot
deadnettle Lamium LAMIU Lamiaceae Dicot
decomposition brackenfern Pteridium aquilinum var. decompositum PTAQD Dennstaedtiaceae Fern
deflexed spikemoss Selaginella deflexa SEDE4 Selaginellaceae Lycopod
Degener"s argyrautia ×Argyrautia degeneri ARDE4 Asteraceae Dicot
Degener"s cyanea Cyanea floribunda CYFL4 Campanulaceae Dicot
Degener"s korthal mistletoe Korthalsella degeneri KODE Viscaceae Dicot
Degener"s labordia Labordia degeneri LADE6 Loganiaceae Dicot
delicate lacefern Ctenitis latifrons CTLA Dryopteridaceae Fern
delissea Delissea DELIS Campanulaceae Dicot
delissea Delissea niihauensis DENI Campanulaceae Dicot
delonix Delonix DELON Fabaceae Dicot
delta maidenhair Adiantum raddianum ADRA Pteridaceae Fern
dense silkybent Apera interrupta APIN Poaceae Monocot
dense spleenwort Asplenium trichomanes ssp. densum ASTRD3 Aspleniaceae Fern
densetuft hairsedge Bulbostylis capillaris BUCA2 Cyperaceae Monocot
densetuft hairsedge Bulbostylis capillaris ssp. capillaris BUCAC Cyperaceae Monocot
Deptford pink Dianthus armeria DIAR Caryophyllaceae Dicot
desert horsepurslane Trianthema portulacastrum TRPO2 Aizoaceae Dicot
desert-thorn Lycium LYCIU Solanaceae Dicot
devil"s backbone Kalanchoe daigremontiana KADA Crassulaceae Dicot
devil"s gut Cassytha filiformis CAFI4 Lauraceae Dicot
devil"s horsewhip Achyranthes aspera ACAS Amaranthaceae Dicot
devil"s horsewhip Achyranthes aspera var. aspera ACASA Amaranthaceae Dicot
devil"s horsewhip Achyranthes aspera var. pubescens ACASP Amaranthaceae Dicot
devil"s-pepper Rauvolfia RAUVO Apocynaceae Dicot
devil"s-pepper Rauvolfia sandwicensis RASA3 Apocynaceae Dicot
Devils Slide schiedea Schiedea verticillata SCVE3 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
deviltree Alstonia macrophylla ALMA16 Apocynaceae Dicot
diamond burbark Triumfetta rhomboidea TRRH Tiliaceae Dicot
Diamond Head schiedea Schiedea adamantis SCAD Caryophyllaceae Dicot
diamond spleenwort Asplenium rhomboideum ASRH3 Aspleniaceae Fern
dianella Dianella DIANE Liliaceae Monocot
digitgrass Digitaria eriantha DIER Poaceae Monocot
dill Anethum ANETH Apiaceae Dicot
dill Anethum graveolens ANGR2 Apiaceae Dicot
dillenia Dillenia DILLE2 Dilleniaceae Dicot
dioclea Dioclea DIOCL Fabaceae Dicot
diospyros Diospyros DIOSP Ebenaceae Dicot
diplopterygium Diplopterygium DIPLO2 Gleicheniaceae Fern
dissotis Dissotis DISSO2 Melastomataceae Dicot
ditch fimbry Fimbristylis schoenoides FISC Cyperaceae Monocot
ditch rabbitsfoot grass Polypogon interruptus POIN7 Poaceae Monocot
divine nightshade Solanum nigrescens SONI3 Solanaceae Dicot
Dixie rosemallow Hibiscus mutabilis HIMU3 Malvaceae Dicot
Dixie silverback fern Pityrogramma calomelanos PICA4 Pteridaceae Fern
dixie ticktrefoil Desmodium tortuosum DETO Fabaceae Dicot
dock Rumex RUMEX Polygonaceae Dicot
dodder Cuscuta CUSCU Cuscutaceae Dicot
dodonaea Dodonaea DODON Sapindaceae Dicot
dog"s-tongue Pseudelephantopus PSEUD17 Asteraceae Dicot
dog"s-tongue Pseudelephantopus spicatus PSSP4 Asteraceae Dicot
dogtail Buddleja asiatica BUAS Buddlejaceae Dicot
Domin"s club Cheirodendron dominii CHDO3 Araliaceae Dicot
dopatrium Dopatrium DOPAT Scrophulariaceae Dicot
doryopteris Doryopteris DORYO Pteridaceae Fern
dotted beadfern Hypolepis hawaiiensis HYHA71 Dennstaedtiaceae Fern
dotted colicwood Myrsine punctata MYPU3 Myrsinaceae Dicot
dotted duckmeat Landoltia punctata LAPU12 Lemnaceae Monocot
dotted polypody Polypodium pellucidum POPE5 Polypodiaceae Fern
dotted polypody Polypodium pellucidum var. pellucidum POPEP2 Polypodiaceae Fern
dotted polypody Polypodium pellucidum var. vulcanicum POPEV Polypodiaceae Fern
dotted smartweed Polygonum punctatum POPU5 Polygonaceae Dicot
dotted smartweed Polygonum punctatum var. punctatum POPUP4 Polygonaceae Dicot
Douglas" bladderfern Cystopteris douglasii CYDO Dryopteridaceae Fern
dovefoot geranium Geranium molle GEMO Geraniaceae Dicot
downy maiden fern Thelypteris dentata THDE4 Thelypteridaceae Fern
dropseed Sporobolus SPORO Poaceae Monocot
dry land woodfern Dryopteris nuda DRNU Dryopteridaceae Fern
drymary Drymaria DRYMA Caryophyllaceae Dicot
dubautia Dubautia DUBAU Asteraceae Dicot
dubautia Dubautia ×thyrsiflora DUTH Asteraceae Dicot
dubautia Dubautia ×media DUME Asteraceae Dicot
dubautia Dubautia ×molokaiensis DUMO Asteraceae Dicot
dubautia Dubautia ×montana DUMO2 Asteraceae Dicot
dubautia Dubautia ×demissifolia DUDE Asteraceae Dicot
dubautia Dubautia ×fallax DUFA2 Asteraceae Dicot
duckmeat Landoltia LANDO2 Lemnaceae Monocot
duckmeat Spirodela SPIRO Lemnaceae Monocot
duckweed Lemna LEMNA Lemnaceae Monocot
dune tetramolopium Tetramolopium rockii TERO Asteraceae Dicot
dune tetramolopium Tetramolopium rockii var. calcisabulorum TEROC Asteraceae Dicot
dune tetramolopium Tetramolopium rockii var. rockii TEROR Asteraceae Dicot
duranta Duranta DURAN Verbenaceae Dicot
dutchman"s pipe Aristolochia ARIST2 Aristolochiaceae Dicot
dwarf iliau Wilkesia hobdyi WIHO3 Asteraceae Dicot
dwarf naupaka Scaevola coriacea SCCO7 Goodeniaceae Dicot
dwarf nettle Urtica urens URUR Urticaceae Dicot
dwarf netvein hollyfern Cyrtomium caryotideum CYCA7 Dryopteridaceae Fern
dwarf polypody Grammitis GRAMM Grammitidaceae Fern
dwarf spikemoss Selaginella arbuscula SEAR5 Selaginellaceae Lycopod
dwarf St. Johnswort Hypericum mutilum HYMU Clusiaceae Dicot
dysphania Dysphania DYSPH Chenopodiaceae Dicot
eared flatsedge Cyperus auriculatus CYAU2 Cyperaceae Monocot
earleaf nightshade Solanum mauritianum SOMA3 Solanaceae Dicot
early water grass Echinochloa oryzoides ECOR Poaceae Monocot
East Indian almond Terminalia myriocarpa TEMY Combretaceae Dicot
East Indian crabgrass Digitaria setigera DISE6 Poaceae Monocot
eclipta Eclipta ECLIP Asteraceae Dicot
edging lobelia Lobelia erinus LOER Campanulaceae Dicot
egeria Egeria EGERI Hydrocharitaceae Monocot
eggshape melicope Melicope ovata MEOV2 Rutaceae Dicot
Egyptian grass Dactyloctenium aegyptium DAAE Poaceae Monocot
Egyptian lotus Nymphaea caerulea NYCA3 Nymphaeaceae Dicot
Egyptian riverhemp Sesbania sesban SESE8 Fabaceae Dicot
Egyptian spleenwort Asplenium aethiopicum ASAE2 Aspleniaceae Fern
Egyptian starcluster Pentas lanceolata PELA19 Rubiaceae Dicot
ekaha Elaphoglossum hirtum ELHI3 Dryopteridaceae Fern
ekaha Elaphoglossum hirtum var. micans ELHIM Dryopteridaceae Fern
eke silversword Argyroxiphium caliginis ARCA22 Asteraceae Dicot
elaeocarpus Elaeocarpus ELAEO Elaeocarpaceae Dicot
elama Diospyros hillebrandii DIHI4 Ebenaceae Dicot
elastic grass Eragrostis tenuifolia ERTE19 Poaceae Monocot
elderberry Sambucus SAMBU Caprifoliaceae Dicot
eleele cyanea Cyanea eleeleensis CYEL8 Campanulaceae Dicot
elegant bristle fern Trichomanes cyrtotheca TRCY2 Hymenophyllaceae Fern
elegant dutchman"s pipe Aristolochia elegans AREL10 Aristolochiaceae Dicot
elegant kihifern Adenophorus abietinus ADAB Grammitidaceae Fern
elephant creeper Argyreia nervosa ARNE4 Convolvulaceae Dicot
elephant grass Pennisetum purpureum PEPU2 Poaceae Monocot
elephant"s ear Xanthosoma XANTH4 Araceae Monocot
elephantsfoot Elephantopus ELEPH Asteraceae Dicot
elkhorn fern Platycerium bifurcatum PLBI3 Polypodiaceae Fern
ellipticleaf cyanea Cyanea elliptica CYEL5 Campanulaceae Dicot
ellipticleaf papala Charpentiera elliptica CHEL Amaranthaceae Dicot
elongate dropseed Sporobolus elongatus SPEL Poaceae Monocot
embelia Embelia EMBEL Myrsinaceae Dicot
embrert Clerodendrum inerme CLIN2 Verbenaceae Dicot
emperor"s candlesticks Senna alata SEAL4 Fabaceae Dicot
English holly Ilex aquifolium ILAQ80 Aquifoliaceae Dicot
English ivy Hedera helix HEHE Araliaceae Dicot
English sundew Drosera anglica DRAN Droseraceae Dicot
enterolobium Enterolobium ENTER Fabaceae Dicot
entolasia Entolasia ENTOL Poaceae Monocot
erect island spleenwort Diellia erecta DIER3 Aspleniaceae Fern
eryngo Eryngium ERYNG Apiaceae Dicot
erythrina Erythrina ERYTH Fabaceae Dicot
Ethiopian dogstooth grass Cynodon aethiopicus CYAE2 Poaceae Monocot
Ethiopian rattlebox Crotalaria brevidens CRBR8 Fabaceae Dicot


  • Last updated on November 6, 2014