Hog Sales By Year (1992) (U.S.)

Data is included from both Survey and Census USDA source records. Data categories (sales, quantities, prices, facilities) are combined from multiple source records. Not all types of data are available for all years.

Showing 10 of 50 records (Sample Data)

Year State Commodity Quantity (Head) Total Sales ($) Avg. Price ($) # of Operations
1992 AK HOGS 1,900 262,000 69.00 false
1992 AL HOGS 526,000 81,272,000 36.90 false
1992 AR HOGS 1,506,000 120,537,000 35.50 false
1992 AZ HOGS 191,000 19,253,000 42.00 false
1992 CA HOGS 404,000 41,432,000 47.10 false
1992 CO HOGS 724,000 73,999,000 43.90 false
1992 CT HOGS 10,600 948,000 38.00 false
1992 DE HOGS 63,000 5,191,000 38.70 false
1992 FL HOGS 209,000 13,126,000 36.60 false
1992 GA HOGS 1,794,000 168,410,000 39.80 false


  • Last updated on July 21, 2015
  • Hog Sales By Year (1992) (U.S.) data as of July 21, 2015 courtesy of USDA.gov.