Human Bones

List of Human Bones By Body Area

55 records

Bone Name Alternate Name Area Count
calcaneus or heel bone Feet/Ankles 2
capitate bone Hands/Wrists 2
cervical vertebrae Spine 7
clavicle collarbone Shoulder 2
coccyx or tailbone [1] Pelvis 1
cuboid bone Feet/Ankles 2
distal phalanges Fingers 10
Ethmoid bone Cranial 1
femur Legs 2
fibula Legs 2
Frontal bone Cranial 1
hamate bone Hands/Wrists 2
Humerus Arms 2
hyoid bone Throat 1
incus Ears 2
Inferior Nasal Conchae Facial 2
intermediate cuneiform bone Feet/Ankles 2
intermediate phalanges Fingers 8
Lacrimal bone Facial 2
lateral cuneiform bone Feet/Ankles 2
lumbar vertebrae Spine 5
lunate bone Hands/Wrists 2
malleus Ears 2
mandible Facial 1
Maxilla 2 Facial 2
medial cuneiform bone Feet/Ankles 2
metacarpal bones Hands/Wrists 10
metatarsal bone Feet/Ankles 10
Nasal bone Facial 2
navicular bone Feet/Ankles 2
Occipital bone Cranial 1
os coxae or hipbone Pelvis 2
Palatine bone Facial 2
Parietal bone Cranial 2
patella Legs 2
pisiform bone Hands/Wrists 2
proximal phalanges Fingers 10
radius Arms 2
ribs thorax 24
sacrum [1] Pelvis 1
scaphoid bone Hands/Wrists 2
scapula shoulder blade Shoulder 2
Sphenoid bone Cranial 1
stapes Ears 2
sternum breastbone thorax 1
talus Feet/Ankles 2
Temporal bone Cranial 2
thoracic vertebrae Spine 12
tibia Legs 2
trapezium Hands/Wrists 2
trapezoid bone Hands/Wrists 2
triquetrum bone Hands/Wrists 2
ulna Arms 2
Vomer Facial 1
Zygomatic bone Facial 2


  • Last updated on November 19, 2013
  • Human Bones data as of November 19, 2013 courtesy of Wikipedia.