Movie Quotes - Famous Lines

List of U.S. Famous Movie Quotes

Showing 10 of 101 records (Sample Data)

Year Movie Quote
2002 The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers My precious.
1999 The Sixth Sense I see dead people.
1997 Titanic I'm king of the world!
1996 Jerry Maguire Show me the money!
1996 Jerry Maguire You had me at “hello.”
1995 Apollo 13 Houston, we have a problem.
1994 Forrest Gump Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.
1992 A Few Good Men You can't handle the truth!
1992 A League of Their Own There's no crying in baseball!
1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day Hasta la vista, baby.


  • Last updated on November 27, 2016