Mythology Matching Figures

List of Matching Greek and Roman Gods

27 records

Greek Name Roman Name Description Major Olympian
Aphrodite Venus Goddess of love and beauty; daughter of Zeus and Dione; mother of Eros. Y Y
Apollo Apollo God of beauty, poetry, music; later identified with Helios as Phoebus Apollo; son of Zeus and Leto. Y Y
Ares Mars God of war; son of Zeus and Hera. Y Y
Artemis Diana Goddess of moon; huntress; twin sister of Apollo. Y Y
Athena Minerva Goddess of wisdom; known poetically as Pallas Athene; sprang fully armed from head of Zeus. Y Y
Charites Gratiae The goddesses of charm and beauty. N N
Cronus Saturn Titan. Y N
Demeter Ceres Goddess of agriculture; mother of Persephone. Y Y
Dionysus Bacchus God of wine; son of Zeus and Semele. Y Y
Erinyes Furiae The Furies were three sisters who at the behest of the gods, sought vengeance for wrongs. N N
Eris Discordia The goddess of discord, who caused trouble, especially if you were foolish enough to ignore her. N N
Eros Cupid The god of love and desire. N N
Hades Pluto Name sometimes given Pluto; also, abode of dead, ruled by Pluto. Y N
Helios Sol Titan. God of the sun and great-uncle or cousin of Apollo and Artemis. N N
Hephaestus Vulcan God of fire; celestial blacksmith; son of Zeus and Hera; husband of Aphrodite. Y Y
Hera Juno Queen of heaven; wife of Zeus. Y Y
Hermes Mercury God of physicians and thieves; messenger of gods; son of Zeus and Maia. Y Y
Hestia Vesta Goddess of hearth; sister of Zeus. Y Y
Horai Horae The goddesses of the seasons. N N
Moirae Parcae The goddesses of fate. N N
Pan Faunus The goat-footed shepherd, bringer of music, and the god of pastures and woods. N N
Persephone Proserpina Wife of Hades. Y N
Poseidon Neptune God of sea; brother of Zeus. Y Y
Rhea Ops Titan. Y N
Selene Luna Titan. Great-aunt or cousin of Apollo and Artemis. N N
Tyche Fortuna The goddess of chance and good fortune. N N
Zeus Jupiter Chief of Olympian gods; son of Cronus and Rhea; husband of Hera. Y Y


  • Last updated on April 4, 2024