List of Matching Greek and Roman Gods
Greek Name | Roman Name | Description | Major | Olympian |
Aphrodite | Venus | Goddess of love and beauty; daughter of Zeus and Dione; mother of Eros. | Y | Y |
Apollo | Apollo | God of beauty, poetry, music; later identified with Helios as Phoebus Apollo; son of Zeus and Leto. | Y | Y |
Ares | Mars | God of war; son of Zeus and Hera. | Y | Y |
Artemis | Diana | Goddess of moon; huntress; twin sister of Apollo. | Y | Y |
Athena | Minerva | Goddess of wisdom; known poetically as Pallas Athene; sprang fully armed from head of Zeus. | Y | Y |
Charites | Gratiae | The goddesses of charm and beauty. | N | N |
Cronus | Saturn | Titan. | Y | N |
Demeter | Ceres | Goddess of agriculture; mother of Persephone. | Y | Y |
Dionysus | Bacchus | God of wine; son of Zeus and Semele. | Y | Y |
Erinyes | Furiae | The Furies were three sisters who at the behest of the gods, sought vengeance for wrongs. | N | N |