List of New York Plants
Plant Name | Scientific Name | Plant CD | Family | Type |
Aaron"s rod | Thermopsis villosa | THVI | Fabaceae | Dicot |
absinthium | Artemisia absinthium | ARAB3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Acadian quillwort | Isoetes acadiensis | ISAC | Isoetaceae | Quillwort |
acaulon moss | Acaulon | ACAUL | Pottiaceae | Moss |
acaulon moss | Acaulon muticum | ACMU5 | Pottiaceae | Moss |
acinos | Acinos | ACINO | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
actinidia | Actinidia | ACTIN3 | Actinidiaceae | Dicot |
acuminate brachythecium moss | Brachythecium acuminatum | BRAC3 | Brachytheciaceae | Moss |
acute brachythecium moss | Brachythecium acutum | BRAC4 | Brachytheciaceae | Moss |
Adam and Eve | Aplectrum | APLEC | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
Adam and Eve | Aplectrum hyemale | APHY | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
Adam"s needle | Yucca filamentosa | YUFI | Agavaceae | Monocot |
adder"s-mouth orchid | Malaxis | MALAX | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
addersmeat | Stellaria holostea | STHO2 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
adderstongue | Ophioglossum | OPHIO | Ophioglossaceae | Fern |
Addison"s rosette grass | Dichanthelium ovale var. addisonii | DIOVA | Poaceae | Monocot |
Adirondack blackberry | Rubus lawrencei | RULA7 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
adlumia | Adlumia | ADLUM | Fumariaceae | Dicot |
adorned hawthorn | Crataegus compta | CRCO7 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
adoxa | Adoxa | ADOXA | Adoxaceae | Dicot |
aethusa | Aethusa | AETHU | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Afghan erysimum | Erysimum perofskianum | ERPE18 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
agrimony | Agrimonia | AGRIM | Rosaceae | Dicot |
agueweed | Gentianella quinquefolia | GEQU2 | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
agueweed | Gentianella quinquefolia ssp. quinquefolia | GEQUQ | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
ailanthus | Ailanthus | AILAN | Simaroubaceae | Dicot |
albizia | Albizia | ALBIZ | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alder | Alnus | ALNUS | Betulaceae | Dicot |
alder | Alnus ×fallacina | ALFA4 | Betulaceae | Dicot |
alderleaf buckthorn | Rhamnus alnifolia | RHAL | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
alfalfa | Medicago | MEDIC | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alfalfa | Medicago sativa | MESA | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alfalfa | Medicago sativa ssp. sativa | MESAS | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alkali buttercup | Ranunculus cymbalaria | RACY | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
alkali sacaton | Sporobolus airoides | SPAI | Poaceae | Monocot |
alkaligrass | Puccinellia | PUCCI | Poaceae | Monocot |
Allegheny blackberry | Rubus allegheniensis | RUAL | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Allegheny blackberry | Rubus allegheniensis var. allegheniensis | RUALA | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Allegheny hawkweed | Hieracium paniculatum | HIPA2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Allegheny monkeyflower | Mimulus ringens | MIRI | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Allegheny monkeyflower | Mimulus ringens var. ringens | MIRIR | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Allegheny Mountain buttercup | Ranunculus allegheniensis | RAAL2 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Allegheny plum | Prunus alleghaniensis | PRAL5 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Allegheny plum | Prunus alleghaniensis var. alleghaniensis | PRALA | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Allegheny serviceberry | Amelanchier laevis | AMLA | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Allegheny stonecrop | Hylotelephium telephioides | HYTE9 | Crassulaceae | Dicot |
allegheny vine | Adlumia fungosa | ADFU | Fumariaceae | Dicot |
Allegheny-spurge | Pachysandra procumbens | PAPR7 | Buxaceae | Dicot |
alliaria | Alliaria | ALLIA | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
allseed | Radiola linoides | RALI | Linaceae | Dicot |
alpine azalea | Loiseleuria procumbens | LOPR | Ericaceae | Dicot |
alpine bulrush | Trichophorum alpinum | TRAL7 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
alpine pondweed | Potamogeton alpinus | POAL8 | Potamogetonaceae | Monocot |
alpine rattlesnakeroot | Prenanthes boottii | PRBO2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alpine rockcress | Arabis alpina | ARAL8 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
alpine sweetgrass | Anthoxanthum monticola | ANMO7 | Poaceae | Monocot |
alpine sweetgrass | Anthoxanthum monticola ssp. alpinum | ANMOA3 | Poaceae | Monocot |
alpine sweetgrass | Anthoxanthum monticola ssp. monticola | ANMOM2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
alpine violet | Viola labradorica | VILA10 | Violaceae | Dicot |
alpine woodsia | Woodsia alpina | WOAL | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
Alps wormwood | Artemisia umbelliformis | ARUM | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Alps yarrow | Achillea distans | ACDI6 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
alsike clover | Trifolium hybridum | TRHY | Fabaceae | Dicot |
alternateflower watermilfoil | Myriophyllum alterniflorum | MYAL3 | Haloragaceae | Dicot |
alternateleaf dogwood | Cornus alternifolia | COAL2 | Cornaceae | Dicot |
alumroot | Heuchera | HEUCH | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
amberique-bean | Strophostyles helvola | STHE9 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
amblystegium moss | Amblystegium | AMBLY4 | Amblystegiaceae | Moss |
amblystegium moss | Amblystegium serpens | AMSE3 | Amblystegiaceae | Moss |
amblystegium moss | Amblystegium varium | AMVA | Amblystegiaceae | Moss |
American alumroot | Heuchera americana | HEAM6 | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
American alumroot | Heuchera americana var. americana | HEAMA2 | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
American basswood | Tilia americana | TIAM | Tiliaceae | Dicot |
American basswood | Tilia americana var. americana | TIAMA | Tiliaceae | Dicot |
American basswood | Tilia americana var. heterophylla | TIAMH | Tiliaceae | Dicot |
American beachgrass | Ammophila breviligulata | AMBR | Poaceae | Monocot |
American beech | Fagus grandifolia | FAGR | Fagaceae | Dicot |
American bellflower | Campanulastrum americanum | CAAM18 | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
American bird"s-foot trefoil | Lotus unifoliolatus | LOUN | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American bird"s-foot trefoil | Lotus unifoliolatus var. unifoliolatus | LOUNU | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American bittercress | Cardamine rotundifolia | CARO3 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
American bittersweet | Celastrus scandens | CESC | Celastraceae | Dicot |
American black currant | Ribes americanum | RIAM2 | Grossulariaceae | Dicot |
American black elderberry | Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis | SANIC4 | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
American bladdernut | Staphylea trifolia | STTR | Staphyleaceae | Dicot |
American bluehearts | Buchnera americana | BUAM | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
American bugseed | Corispermum americanum | COAM8 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
American bugseed | Corispermum americanum var. americanum | COAMA2 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
American bur-reed | Sparganium americanum | SPAM | Sparganiaceae | Monocot |
American burnweed | Erechtites hieraciifolia | ERHI2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
American burnweed | Erechtites hieraciifolia var. hieraciifolia | ERHIH | Asteraceae | Dicot |
American burnweed | Erechtites hieraciifolia var. megalocarpa | ERHIM | Asteraceae | Dicot |
American cancer-root | Conopholis americana | COAM | Orobanchaceae | Dicot |
American chestnut | Castanea dentata | CADE12 | Fagaceae | Dicot |
American climacium moss | Climacium americanum | CLAM3 | Climaciaceae | Moss |
American climbing fern | Lygodium palmatum | LYPA3 | Lygodiaceae | Fern |
American columbo | Frasera caroliniensis | FRCA2 | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
American common reed | Phragmites australis ssp. americanus | PHAUA6 | Poaceae | Monocot |
American cranberrybush | Viburnum opulus var. americanum | VIOPA2 | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
American dragonhead | Dracocephalum parviflorum | DRPA2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
American eelgrass | Vallisneria americana | VAAM3 | Hydrocharitaceae | Monocot |
American elm | Ulmus americana | ULAM | Ulmaceae | Dicot |
American false pennyroyal | Hedeoma pulegioides | HEPU | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
American featherfoil | Hottonia inflata | HOIN | Primulaceae | Dicot |
American fly honeysuckle | Lonicera canadensis | LOCA7 | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
American ginseng | Panax quinquefolius | PAQU | Araliaceae | Dicot |
American globeflower | Trollius laxus | TRLA14 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
American globeflower | Trollius laxus ssp. laxus | TRLAL | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
American golden saxifrage | Chrysosplenium americanum | CHAM2 | Saxifragaceae | Dicot |
American hazelnut | Corylus americana | COAM3 | Betulaceae | Dicot |
American hogpeanut | Amphicarpaea bracteata | AMBR2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American hogpeanut | Amphicarpaea bracteata var. bracteata | AMBRB | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American hogpeanut | Amphicarpaea bracteata var. comosa | AMBRC | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American holly | Ilex opaca | ILOP | Aquifoliaceae | Dicot |
American holly | Ilex opaca var. opaca | ILOPO | Aquifoliaceae | Dicot |
American hornbeam | Carpinus caroliniana | CACA18 | Betulaceae | Dicot |
American hornbeam | Carpinus caroliniana ssp. virginiana | CACAV | Betulaceae | Dicot |
American ipecac | Euphorbia ipecacuanhae | EUIP | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
American ipecac | Gillenia stipulata | GIST5 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
American licorice | Glycyrrhiza lepidota | GLLE3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American lopseed | Phryma leptostachya | PHLE5 | Verbenaceae | Dicot |
American lotus | Nelumbo lutea | NELU | Nelumbonaceae | Dicot |
American mannagrass | Glyceria grandis | GLGR | Poaceae | Monocot |
American mannagrass | Glyceria grandis var. grandis | GLGRG | Poaceae | Monocot |
American marshpennywort | Hydrocotyle americana | HYAM | Apiaceae | Dicot |
American milletgrass | Milium effusum | MIEF | Poaceae | Monocot |
American milletgrass | Milium effusum var. cisatlanticum | MIEFC | Poaceae | Monocot |
American mountain ash | Sorbus americana | SOAM3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
American plum | Prunus americana | PRAM | Rosaceae | Dicot |
American pokeweed | Phytolacca americana | PHAM4 | Phytolaccaceae | Dicot |
American pokeweed | Phytolacca americana var. americana | PHAMA3 | Phytolaccaceae | Dicot |
American red raspberry | Rubus idaeus | RUID | Rosaceae | Dicot |
American red raspberry | Rubus idaeus ssp. idaeus | RUIDI | Rosaceae | Dicot |
American searocket | Cakile edentula | CAED | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
American searocket | Cakile edentula ssp. edentula | CAEDE | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
American searocket | Cakile edentula ssp. edentula var. edentula | CAEDE2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
American searocket | Cakile edentula ssp. edentula var. lacustris | CAEDL2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
American senna | Senna hebecarpa | SEHE3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American shoreweed | Littorella uniflora | LIUN | Plantaginaceae | Dicot |
American sloughgrass | Beckmannia syzigachne | BESY | Poaceae | Monocot |
American speedwell | Veronica americana | VEAM2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
American spikenard | Aralia racemosa | ARRA | Araliaceae | Dicot |
American spikenard | Aralia racemosa ssp. racemosa | ARRAR | Araliaceae | Dicot |
American spongeplant | Limnobium spongia | LISP2 | Hydrocharitaceae | Monocot |
American spurred gentian | Halenia deflexa | HADE2 | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
American spurred gentian | Halenia deflexa ssp. deflexa | HADED2 | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
American star-thistle | Centaurea americana | CEAM2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
American stickseed | Hackelia deflexa var. americana | HADEA | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
American stoneseed | Lithospermum latifolium | LILA2 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
American sycamore | Platanus occidentalis | PLOC | Platanaceae | Dicot |
American vetch | Vicia americana | VIAM | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American vetch | Vicia americana ssp. americana | VIAMA3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American water horehound | Lycopus americanus | LYAM | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
American water plantain | Alisma subcordatum | ALSU | Alismataceae | Monocot |
American water-willow | Justicia americana | JUAM | Acanthaceae | Dicot |
American waterawlwort | Subularia aquatica var. americana | SUAQA2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
American waterwort | Elatine americana | ELAM3 | Elatinaceae | Dicot |
American white waterlily | Nymphaea odorata | NYOD | Nymphaeaceae | Dicot |
American white waterlily | Nymphaea odorata ssp. odorata | NYODO | Nymphaeaceae | Dicot |
American white waterlily | Nymphaea odorata ssp. tuberosa | NYODT | Nymphaeaceae | Dicot |
American wintergreen | Pyrola americana | PYAM | Pyrolaceae | Dicot |
American wisteria | Wisteria frutescens | WIFR | Fabaceae | Dicot |
American witchhazel | Hamamelis virginiana | HAVI4 | Hamamelidaceae | Dicot |
American woollyfruit sedge | Carex lasiocarpa var. americana | CALAA | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
amerorchis | Amerorchis | AMERO | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
Ames" quillwort | Isoetes riparia var. amesii | ISRIA | Isoetaceae | Quillwort |
amianthium | Amianthium | AMIAN | Liliaceae | Monocot |
amphidium moss | Amphidium | AMPHI10 | Orthotrichaceae | Moss |
Amur corktree | Phellodendron amurense | PHAM2 | Rutaceae | Dicot |
Amur honeysuckle | Lonicera maackii | LOMA6 | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
Amur maple | Acer ginnala | ACGI | Aceraceae | Dicot |
Amur peppervine | Ampelopsis brevipedunculata | AMBR7 | Vitaceae | Dicot |
Amur privet | Ligustrum amurense | LIAM | Oleaceae | Dicot |
Amur silvergrass | Miscanthus sacchariflorus | MISA | Poaceae | Monocot |
andreaea moss | Andreaea rupestris | ANRU7 | Andreaeaceae | Moss |
andreaea moss | Andreaea | ANDRE2 | Andreaeaceae | Moss |
Andrews" blackberry | Rubus andrewsianus | RUAN2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
anemone | Anemone | ANEMO | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
angelica | Angelica | ANGEL | Apiaceae | Dicot |
anisescented goldenrod | Solidago odora | SOOD | Asteraceae | Dicot |
anisescented goldenrod | Solidago odora var. odora | SOODO | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual bastardcabbage | Rapistrum rugosum | RARU | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
annual bluegrass | Poa annua | POAN | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual canarygrass | Phalaris canariensis | PHCA5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual fescue | Vulpia myuros | VUMY | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual hairgrass | Deschampsia danthonioides | DEDA | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual hedgenettle | Stachys annua | STAN | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
annual honesty | Lunaria annua | LUAN | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
annual mercury | Mercurialis annua | MEAN | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
annual rabbitsfoot grass | Polypogon monspeliensis | POMO5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual ragweed | Ambrosia artemisiifolia | AMAR2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual ragweed | Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. artemisiifolia | AMARA2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual ragweed | Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior | AMARE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual ragweed | Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. paniculata | AMARP | Asteraceae | Dicot |
annual seepweed | Suaeda linearis | SULI | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
annual vernalgrass | Anthoxanthum aristatum | ANAR7 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual wallrocket | Diplotaxis muralis | DIMU2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
annual wheatgrass | Eremopyrum triticeum | ERTR13 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual wildrice | Zizania aquatica | ZIAQ | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual wildrice | Zizania aquatica var. aquatica | ZIAQA2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
annual yellow sweetclover | Melilotus indicus | MEIN2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
anoda | Anoda | ANODA | Malvaceae | Dicot |
anomodon moss | Anomodon | ANOMO | Anomodontaceae | Moss |
anomodon moss | Anomodon attenuatus | ANAT4 | Anomodontaceae | Moss |
anomodon moss | Anomodon rostratus | ANRO6 | Anomodontaceae | Moss |
antifever fontinalis moss | Fontinalis antipyretica | FOAN2 | Fontinalaceae | Moss |
aphanorrhegma moss | Aphanorrhegma | APHAN5 | Funariaceae | Moss |
Appalachia false bindweed | Calystegia sepium ssp. appalachiana | CASEA4 | Convolvulaceae | Dicot |
Appalachian barren strawberry | Waldsteinia fragarioides | WAFR | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Appalachian barren strawberry | Waldsteinia fragarioides ssp. fragarioides | WAFRF | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Appalachian clubmoss | Huperzia appalachiana | HUAP | Lycopodiaceae | Lycopod |
Appalachian gooseberry | Ribes rotundifolium | RIRO2 | Grossulariaceae | Dicot |
Appalachian polypody | Polypodium appalachianum | POAP | Polypodiaceae | Fern |
Appalachian quillwort | Isoetes engelmannii | ISEN | Isoetaceae | Quillwort |
Appalachian sedge | Carex appalachica | CAAP5 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Appalachian shoestring fern | Vittaria appalachiana | VIAP2 | Vittariaceae | Fern |
Appalachian stitchwort | Minuartia glabra | MIGL5 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
apple | Malus | MALUS | Rosaceae | Dicot |
apple mint | Mentha suaveolens | MESU5 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
apple of Peru | Nicandra physalodes | NIPH | Solanaceae | Dicot |
apple rose | Rosa villosa | ROVI80 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
arborvitae | Thuja | THUJA | Cupressaceae | Gymnosperm |
arborvitae | Thuja occidentalis | THOC2 | Cupressaceae | Gymnosperm |
arching dewberry | Rubus recurvicaulis | RURE2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
arctic brome | Bromus kalmii | BRKA2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
arctic cudweed | Omalotheca | OMALO | Asteraceae | Dicot |
arctic daisy | Chrysanthemum arcticum | CHAR13 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
arctic daisy | Chrysanthemum arcticum ssp. polare | CHARP3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
arctic reedgrass | Calamagrostis coarctata | CACO71 | Poaceae | Monocot |
arctic rush | Juncus arcticus | JUAR2 | Juncaceae | Monocot |
arctic sweet coltsfoot | Petasites frigidus | PEFR5 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
arctic sweet coltsfoot | Petasites frigidus var. palmatus | PEFRP | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Argentine fingergrass | Eustachys retusa | EURE5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Arkansas ironweed | Vernonia arkansana | VEAR3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Arkansas mannagrass | Glyceria arkansana | GLAR | Poaceae | Monocot |
armoracia | Armoracia | ARMOR | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
arnica | Arnica | ARNIC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Arnold hawthorn | Crataegus ×anomala | CRAN6 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
arnoseris | Arnoseris | ARNOS | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aromatic aster | Symphyotrichum oblongifolium | SYOB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
arrow arum | Peltandra | PELTA | Araceae | Monocot |
arrow bamboo | Pseudosasa | PSEUD9 | Poaceae | Monocot |
arrow bamboo | Pseudosasa japonica | PSJA | Poaceae | Monocot |
arrowfeather threeawn | Aristida purpurascens | ARPU8 | Poaceae | Monocot |
arrowfeather threeawn | Aristida purpurascens var. purpurascens | ARPUP4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
arrowfeather threeawn | Aristida purpurascens var. virgata | ARPUV | Poaceae | Monocot |
arrowgrass | Triglochin | TRIGL | Juncaginaceae | Monocot |
arrowhead | Sagittaria | SAGIT | Alismataceae | Monocot |
arrowhead rattlebox | Crotalaria sagittalis | CRSA4 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
arrowleaf tearthumb | Polygonum sagittatum | POSA5 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
arrowleaf violet | Viola sagittata | VISA2 | Violaceae | Dicot |
arrowleaf violet | Viola sagittata var. ovata | VISAO | Violaceae | Dicot |
arrowleaf violet | Viola sagittata var. sagittata | VISAS5 | Violaceae | Dicot |
artichoke betony | Stachys affinis | STAF2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
arumleaf arrowhead | Sagittaria cuneata | SACU | Alismataceae | Monocot |
aruncus | Aruncus | ARUNC | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Ascherson"s orchardgrass | Dactylis glomerata ssp. aschersoniana | DAGLA | Poaceae | Monocot |
ash | Fraxinus | FRAXI | Oleaceae | Dicot |
ashy cinquefoil | Potentilla inclinata | POIN10 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
ashy sunflower | Helianthus mollis | HEMO2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Asian copperleaf | Acalypha australis | ACAU6 | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
Asian flatsedge | Cyperus amuricus | CYAM2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Asian meadowsweet | Spiraea trilobata | SPTR2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Asian white birch | Betula platyphylla | BEPL2 | Betulaceae | Dicot |
Asian white birch | Betula platyphylla var. platyphylla | BEPLP | Betulaceae | Dicot |
Asiatic dayflower | Commelina communis | COCO3 | Commelinaceae | Monocot |
Asiatic tearthumb | Polygonum perfoliatum | POPE10 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
asparagus | Asparagus | ASPAR | Liliaceae | Monocot |
asplenium ladyfern | Athyrium filix-femina ssp. asplenioides | ATFIA2 | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
aster | Eurybia ×herveyi | EUHE9 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aster | Eurybia | EURYB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aster | Oclemena | OCLEM | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aster | Oclemena ×blakei | OCBL | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aster | Ionactis | IONAC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aster | Symphyotrichum | SYMPH4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
aster | Symphyotrichum ×amethystinum | SYAM3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
astomum moss | Astomum | ASTOM | Pottiaceae | Moss |
astomum moss | Astomum phascoides | ASPH7 | Pottiaceae | Moss |
Atlantic goldenrod | Solidago arguta | SOAR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Atlantic goldenrod | Solidago arguta var. arguta | SOARA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Atlantic Ivy | Hedera hibernica | HEHI12 | Araliaceae | Dicot |
Atlantic mannagrass | Glyceria obtusa | GLOB | Poaceae | Monocot |
Atlantic ninebark | Physocarpus opulifolius var. intermedius | PHOPI | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Atlantic pigeonwings | Clitoria mariana | CLMA4 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Atlantic sphagnum | Sphagnum atlanticum | SPAT3 | Sphagnaceae | Moss |
Atlantic white cedar | Chamaecyparis thyoides | CHTH2 | Cupressaceae | Gymnosperm |
atrichum moss | Atrichum | ATRIC2 | Polytrichaceae | Moss |
atrichum moss | Atrichum angustatum | ATAN3 | Polytrichaceae | Moss |
atrichum moss | Atrichum crispum | ATCR | Polytrichaceae | Moss |
aulacomnium moss | Aulacomnium | AULAC2 | Aulacomniaceae | Moss |
aulacomnium moss | Aulacomnium heterostichum | AUHE | Aulacomniaceae | Moss |
aulacomnium moss | Aulacomnium palustre | AUPA70 | Aulacomniaceae | Moss |
Aunt Lucy | Ellisia nyctelea | ELNY | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
auricled twayblade | Listera auriculata | LIAU2 | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
aurinia | Aurinia | AURIN | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Australian tobacco | Nicotiana suaveolens | NISU | Solanaceae | Dicot |
Austrian pine | Pinus nigra | PINI | Pinaceae | Gymnosperm |
Austrian yellowcress | Rorippa austriaca | ROAU | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
autumn coralroot | Corallorhiza odontorhiza | COOD7 | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
autumn coralroot | Corallorhiza odontorhiza var. odontorhiza | COODO2 | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
autumn coralroot | Corallorhiza odontorhiza var. pringlei | COODP2 | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
autumn crocus | Colchicum autumnale | COAU4 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
autumn olive | Elaeagnus umbellata | ELUM | Elaeagnaceae | Dicot |
autumn olive | Elaeagnus umbellata var. parvifolia | ELUMP | Elaeagnaceae | Dicot |
autumn willow | Salix serissima | SASE2 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
avens | Geum | GEUM | Rosaceae | Dicot |
avens | Geum ×aurantiacum | GEAU2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
awl-leaf arrowhead | Sagittaria subulata | SASU | Alismataceae | Monocot |
awlfruit sedge | Carex stipata | CAST5 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
awlwort | Subularia | SUBUL | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
awned bedstraw | Galium aristatum | GAAR5 | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
Aztec marigold | Tagetes erecta | TAER | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Aztec tobacco | Nicotiana rustica | NIRU | Solanaceae | Dicot |
azure blue sage | Salvia azurea | SAAZ | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
azure bluet | Houstonia caerulea | HOCA4 | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
baby"s breath | Gypsophila paniculata | GYPA | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
baby"s-breath | Gypsophila | GYPSO | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
baccharis | Baccharis | BACCH | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Back"s sedge | Carex backii | CABA3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Bailey"s dewberry | Rubus baileyanus | RUBA2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Bailey"s sedge | Carex baileyi | CABA7 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bald brome | Bromus racemosus | BRRA2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bald cypress | Taxodium | TAXOD | Cupressaceae | Gymnosperm |
bald cypress | Taxodium distichum | TADI2 | Cupressaceae | Gymnosperm |
bald spikerush | Eleocharis erythropoda | ELER | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Balkan catchfly | Silene csereii | SICS | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
ballmustard | Neslia paniculata | NEPA3 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
balloon vine | Cardiospermum halicacabum | CAHA13 | Sapindaceae | Dicot |
balloon-flower | Platycodon grandiflorus | PLGR7 | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
balloonvine | Cardiospermum | CARDI2 | Sapindaceae | Dicot |
balm | Melissa | MELIS | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
balm-of-Gilead | Populus ×jackii | POJA2 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
balsam fir | Abies balsamea | ABBA | Pinaceae | Gymnosperm |
balsam fir | Abies balsamea var. balsamea | ABBAB | Pinaceae | Gymnosperm |
balsam groundsel | Packera paupercula | PAPA20 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
balsam poplar | Populus balsamifera | POBA2 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
balsam poplar | Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera | POBAB2 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
balsam willow | Salix pyrifolia | SAPY | Salicaceae | Dicot |
bamboo | Phyllostachys | PHYLL6 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bamboo vine | Smilax pseudochina | SMPS | Smilacaceae | Monocot |
baneberry | Actaea | ACTAE | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
baneberry | Actaea ×ludovici | ACLU | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
barbed bristlegrass | Setaria verticilliformis | SEVE5 | Poaceae | Monocot |
barbed goatgrass | Aegilops triuncialis | AETR | Poaceae | Monocot |
barbedbristle bulrush | Scirpus ancistrochaetus | SCAN5 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
barberry | Berberis | BERBE | Berberidaceae | Dicot |
barberry | Mahonia | MAHON | Berberidaceae | Dicot |
barberry hawthorn | Crataegus berberifolia | CRBE2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
barbula moss | Barbula | BARBU2 | Pottiaceae | Moss |
barbula moss | Barbula unguiculata | BAUN6 | Pottiaceae | Moss |
barestem teesdalia | Teesdalia nudicaulis | TENU | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
barley | Hordeum | HORDE | Poaceae | Monocot |
barnyardgrass | Echinochloa crus-galli | ECCR | Poaceae | Monocot |
Barratt"s sedge | Carex barrattii | CABA9 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
barren strawberry | Waldsteinia | WALDS | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bartramia moss | Bartramia | BARTR2 | Bartramiaceae | Moss |
bartramia moss | Bartramia pomiformis | BAPO70 | Bartramiaceae | Moss |
bashful bulrush | Trichophorum planifolium | TRPL6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
basil | Ocimum | OCIMU | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
basil mountainmint | Pycnanthemum clinopodioides | PYCL | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
basil thyme | Acinos arvensis | ACAR2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
basket of gold | Aurinia saxatilis | AUSA | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
basket willow | Salix viminalis | SAVI2 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
basswood | Tilia | TILIA | Tiliaceae | Dicot |
bastard toadflax | Comandra | COMAN | Santalaceae | Dicot |
bastard toadflax | Comandra umbellata | COUM | Santalaceae | Dicot |
bastard toadflax | Comandra umbellata ssp. umbellata | COUMU | Santalaceae | Dicot |
bastardcabbage | Rapistrum | RAPIS | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bats in the belfry | Campanula trachelium | CATR4 | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
bay forget-me-not | Myosotis laxa | MYLA | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
Bayard"s adder"s-mouth orchid | Malaxis bayardii | MABA6 | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
bayberry | Morella | MOREL2 | Myricaceae | Dicot |
bayonet rush | Juncus militaris | JUMI2 | Juncaceae | Monocot |
beach false foxglove | Agalinis fasciculata | AGFA2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
beach pea | Lathyrus japonicus | LAJA | Fabaceae | Dicot |
beach pea | Lathyrus japonicus var. maritimus | LAJAM | Fabaceae | Dicot |
beach pea | Lathyrus japonicus var. pellitus | LAJAP2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
beach pinweed | Lechea maritima | LEMA | Cistaceae | Dicot |
beach pinweed | Lechea maritima var. maritima | LEMAM | Cistaceae | Dicot |
beach plum | Prunus maritima | PRMA2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
beach plum | Prunus maritima var. maritima | PRMAM | Rosaceae | Dicot |
beach sedge | Carex silicea | CASI6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
beach strawberry | Fragaria chiloensis | FRCH | Rosaceae | Dicot |
beachgrass | Ammophila | AMMOP | Poaceae | Monocot |
beaked agrimony | Agrimonia rostellata | AGRO3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
beaked hawksbeard | Crepis vesicaria | CRVE3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
beaked hawksbeard | Crepis vesicaria ssp. taraxacifolia | CRVET | Asteraceae | Dicot |
beaked hazelnut | Corylus cornuta | COCO6 | Betulaceae | Dicot |
beaked hazelnut | Corylus cornuta var. cornuta | COCOC2 | Betulaceae | Dicot |
beaked panicgrass | Panicum anceps | PAAN | Poaceae | Monocot |
beaked sedge | Carex rostrata | CARO6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
beaked spikerush | Eleocharis rostellata | ELRO2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
beakgrain | Diarrhena | DIARR | Poaceae | Monocot |
beaksedge | Rhynchospora | RHYNC3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bean | Phaseolus | PHASE | Fabaceae | Dicot |
beancaper | Zygophyllum | ZYGOP | Zygophyllaceae | Dicot |
bear oak | Quercus ilicifolia | QUIL | Fagaceae | Dicot |
bearberry willow | Salix uva-ursi | SAUV | Salicaceae | Dicot |
beard lichen | Usnea | USNEA2 | Parmeliaceae | Lichen |
bearded beggarticks | Bidens aristosa | BIAR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bearded flatsedge | Cyperus squarrosus | CYSQ | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bearded shorthusk | Brachyelytrum erectum | BRER2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bearded sprangletop | Leptochloa fusca ssp. fascicularis | LEFUF | Poaceae | Monocot |
beardgrass | Bothriochloa | BOTHR | Poaceae | Monocot |
beardtongue | Penstemon | PENST | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Bebb willow | Salix bebbiana | SABE2 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
Bebb"s sedge | Carex bebbii | CABE2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Beck"s water-marigold | Bidens beckii | BIBE2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bedstraw | Cruciata | CRUCI2 | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
bedstraw | Galium | GALIU | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
bedstraw | Galium ×pomeranicum | GAPO3 | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
beebalm | Monarda | MONAR | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
beeblossom | Gaura | GAURA | Onagraceae | Dicot |
beech | Fagus | FAGUS | Fagaceae | Dicot |
beechdrops | Epifagus | EPIFA | Orobanchaceae | Dicot |
beechdrops | Epifagus virginiana | EPVI2 | Orobanchaceae | Dicot |
beechfern | Phegopteris | PHEGO | Thelypteridaceae | Fern |
beefsteakplant | Perilla frutescens | PEFR4 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
beefsteakplant | Perilla frutescens var. crispa | PEFRC2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
beefsteakplant | Perilla frutescens var. frutescens | PEFRF2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
beet | Beta | BETA | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
beetleweed | Galax urceolata | GAUR2 | Diapensiaceae | Dicot |
beggarslice | Hackelia virginiana | HAVI2 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
beggarticks | Bidens | BIDEN | Asteraceae | Dicot |
belamcanda | Belamcanda | BELAM | Iridaceae | Monocot |
belladonna | Atropa | ATROP | Solanaceae | Dicot |
belladonna | Atropa bella-donna | ATBE | Solanaceae | Dicot |
bellflower | Campanulastrum | CAMPA2 | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
bellflower | Campanula | CAMPA | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
bellis | Bellis | BELLI | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bellwort | Uvularia | UVULA | Liliaceae | Monocot |
bent sedge | Carex styloflexa | CAST9 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bent-foot speedwell | Veronica campylopoda | VECA19 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
bentgrass | Agrostis | AGROS2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Bermudagrass | Cynodon | CYNOD | Poaceae | Monocot |
Bermudagrass | Cynodon dactylon | CYDA | Poaceae | Monocot |
Bethlehem lungwort | Pulmonaria saccharata | PUSA2 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
Beyrich"s fleabane | Erigeron strigosus var. beyrichii | ERSTB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Bicknell"s cranesbill | Geranium bicknellii | GEBI2 | Geraniaceae | Dicot |
Bicknell"s sedge | Carex bicknellii | CABI3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
biennial beeblossom | Gaura biennis | GABI2 | Onagraceae | Dicot |
biennial wormwood | Artemisia biennis | ARBI2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
biennial wormwood | Artemisia biennis var. biennis | ARBIB | Asteraceae | Dicot |
big blue birch | Betula ×caerulea var. grandis | BECAG | Betulaceae | Dicot |
big bluestem | Andropogon gerardii | ANGE | Poaceae | Monocot |
big chickweed | Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare | CEFOV2 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
big cordgrass | Spartina cynosuroides | SPCY | Poaceae | Monocot |
big devils beggartick | Bidens vulgata | BIVU | Asteraceae | Dicot |
big quakinggrass | Briza maxima | BRMA | Poaceae | Monocot |
big-sage | Stachys macrantha | STMA12 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
bigbract verbena | Verbena bracteata | VEBR | Verbenaceae | Dicot |
Bigelow"s sedge | Carex bigelowii | CABI5 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bigfruit dodder | Cuscuta megalocarpa | CUME4 | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
bigfruit hawthorn | Crataegus macrosperma | CRMA3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bigleaf aster | Eurybia macrophylla | EUMA27 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bigleaf lupine | Lupinus polyphyllus | LUPO2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bigleaf lupine | Lupinus polyphyllus ssp. polyphyllus | LUPOP2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bigleaf lupine | Lupinus polyphyllus ssp. polyphyllus var. polyphyllus | LUPOP4 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bigleaf magnolia | Magnolia macrophylla | MAMA2 | Magnoliaceae | Dicot |
bigleaf periwinkle | Vinca major | VIMA | Apocynaceae | Dicot |
bigpod sesbania | Sesbania herbacea | SEHE8 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bigtooth aspen | Populus grandidentata | POGR4 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
Billings" Sedge | Carex billingsii | CABI22 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
billion-dollar grass | Echinochloa frumentacea | ECFR | Poaceae | Monocot |
bindweed | Convolvulus | CONVO | Convolvulaceae | Dicot |
birch | Betula | BETUL | Betulaceae | Dicot |
birch | Betula ×purpusii | BEPU3 | Betulaceae | Dicot |
bird vetch | Vicia cracca | VICR | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bird vetch | Vicia cracca ssp. cracca | VICRC | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bird"s-foot | Ornithopus | ORNIT2 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bird"s-foot trefoil | Lotus corniculatus | LOCO6 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bird"s-foot trefoil | Lotus corniculatus var. corniculatus | LOCOC5 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
birdeye pearlwort | Sagina procumbens | SAPR | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
birdeye speedwell | Veronica persica | VEPE3 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
birdfoot violet | Viola pedata | VIPE | Violaceae | Dicot |
birthwort | Aristolochia clematitis | ARCL | Aristolochiaceae | Dicot |
bishop"s goutweed | Aegopodium podagraria | AEPO | Apiaceae | Dicot |
bitter dock | Rumex obtusifolius | RUOB | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bitter panicgrass | Panicum amarum var. amarum | PAAMA3 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bitter panicgrass | Panicum amarum | PAAM2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bittercress | Cardamine | CARDA | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bittercress | Cardamine ×anomala | CAAN12 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bittercress | Cardamine ×incisa | CAIN20 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bitternut hickory | Carya cordiformis | CACO15 | Juglandaceae | Dicot |
bittersweet | Celastrus | CELAS | Celastraceae | Dicot |
black ash | Fraxinus nigra | FRNI | Oleaceae | Dicot |
black baneberry | Actaea racemosa | ACRA7 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
black bindweed | Polygonum convolvulus | POCO10 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
black bindweed | Polygonum convolvulus var. convolvulus | POCOC2 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
black bugbane | Actaea racemosa var. racemosa | ACRAR | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
black cherry | Prunus serotina | PRSE2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
black cherry | Prunus serotina var. serotina | PRSES | Rosaceae | Dicot |
black chokeberry | Photinia melanocarpa | PHME13 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
black crowberry | Empetrum nigrum | EMNI | Empetraceae | Dicot |
black crowberry | Empetrum nigrum ssp. hermaphroditum | EMNIH | Empetraceae | Dicot |
black edge sedge | Carex nigromarginata | CANI3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
black elderberry | Sambucus nigra | SANI4 | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
black hellebore | Helleborus niger | HENI6 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
black henbane | Hyoscyamus niger | HYNI | Solanaceae | Dicot |
black highbush blueberry | Vaccinium fuscatum | VAFU | Ericaceae | Dicot |
black horehound | Ballota nigra | BANI | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
black horehound | Ballota nigra var. nigra | BANIN | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
black huckleberry | Gaylussacia baccata | GABA | Ericaceae | Dicot |
black locust | Robinia pseudoacacia | ROPS | Fabaceae | Dicot |
black maple | Acer nigrum | ACNI5 | Aceraceae | Dicot |
black medick | Medicago lupulina | MELU | Fabaceae | Dicot |
black mustard | Brassica nigra | BRNI | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
black nightshade | Solanum nigrum | SONI | Solanaceae | Dicot |
black oak | Quercus velutina | QUVE | Fagaceae | Dicot |
black raspberry | Rubus occidentalis | RUOC | Rosaceae | Dicot |
black spruce | Picea mariana | PIMA | Pinaceae | Gymnosperm |
black walnut | Juglans nigra | JUNI | Juglandaceae | Dicot |
black willow | Salix nigra | SANI | Salicaceae | Dicot |
blackberry | Rubus | RUBUS | Rosaceae | Dicot |
blackberry lily | Belamcanda chinensis | BECH | Iridaceae | Monocot |
blackeyed Susan | Rudbeckia hirta | RUHI2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blackeyed Susan | Rudbeckia hirta var. hirta | RUHIH | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blackeyed Susan | Rudbeckia hirta var. pulcherrima | RUHIP | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blackfruit spikerush | Eleocharis melanocarpa | ELME | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
blackgirdle bulrush | Scirpus atrocinctus | SCAT4 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
blackgum | Nyssa sylvatica | NYSY | Cornaceae | Dicot |
blackhaw | Viburnum prunifolium | VIPR | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
blackjack oak | Quercus marilandica | QUMA3 | Fagaceae | Dicot |
blackjack oak | Quercus marilandica var. marilandica | QUMAM2 | Fagaceae | Dicot |
blackseed plantain | Plantago rugelii | PLRU | Plantaginaceae | Dicot |
blackseed plantain | Plantago rugelii var. rugelii | PLRUR | Plantaginaceae | Dicot |
blackseed ricegrass | Patis racemosa | PARA2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
blackseed speargrass | Piptochaetium avenaceum | PIAV | Poaceae | Monocot |
blackspot hornpoppy | Glaucium corniculatum | GLCO3 | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
blackthorn | Prunus spinosa | PRSP | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bladder campion | Silene latifolia | SILA21 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
bladder campion | Silene latifolia ssp. alba | SILAA3 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
bladder senna | Colutea arborescens | COAR6 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bladderfern | Cystopteris | CYSTO | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
bladdernut | Staphylea | STAPH | Staphyleaceae | Dicot |
bladderwort | Utricularia | UTRIC | Lentibulariaceae | Dicot |
Blanchard"s hawthorn | Crataegus irrasa | CRIR2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
blanketflower | Gaillardia | GAILL | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blanketflower | Gaillardia aristata | GAAR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blanketflower | Gaillardia ×grandiflora | GAGR11 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blazing star | Liatris | LIATR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bleeding heart | Lamprocapnos | LAMPR2 | Fumariaceae | Dicot |
bleeding heart | Lamprocapnos spectabilis | LASP8 | Fumariaceae | Dicot |
bleeding heart | Dicentra | DICEN | Fumariaceae | Dicot |
blessed milkthistle | Silybum marianum | SIMA3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blessed thistle | Cnicus benedictus | CNBE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blindeyes | Papaver dubium | PADU | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
blister sedge | Carex vesicaria | CAVE6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
blisterwort | Ranunculus recurvatus | RARE2 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
blisterwort | Ranunculus recurvatus var. recurvatus | RARER2 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
blite goosefoot | Chenopodium capitatum | CHCA4 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
bloodroot | Sanguinaria | SANGU | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
bloodroot | Sanguinaria canadensis | SACA13 | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
bloody geranium | Geranium sanguineum | GESA2 | Geraniaceae | Dicot |
blue birch | Betula ×caerulea | BECA4 | Betulaceae | Dicot |
blue birch | Betula ×caerulea var. caerulea | BECAC | Betulaceae | Dicot |
blue bugle | Ajuga genevensis | AJGE | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
blue cohosh | Caulophyllum thalictroides | CATH2 | Berberidaceae | Dicot |
blue eyed Mary | Collinsia | COLLI | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
blue fenugreek | Trigonella caerulea | TRCA14 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
blue fieldmadder | Sherardia arvensis | SHAR2 | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
blue flax | Linum perenne | LIPE2 | Linaceae | Dicot |
blue giant hyssop | Agastache foeniculum | AGFO | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
blue grama | Bouteloua gracilis | BOGR2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
blue huckleberry | Gaylussacia frondosa | GAFR2 | Ericaceae | Dicot |
blue lettuce | Lactuca tatarica | LATA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blue lettuce | Lactuca tatarica var. pulchella | LATAP | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blue maidencane | Amphicarpum purshii | AMPU6 | Poaceae | Monocot |
blue mistflower | Conoclinium coelestinum | COCO13 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
blue plantain lily | Hosta ventricosa | HOVE | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Blue Ridge blueberry | Vaccinium pallidum | VAPA4 | Ericaceae | Dicot |
Blue Ridge sedge | Carex lucorum | CALU17 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Blue Ridge sedge | Carex lucorum var. lucorum | CALUL | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
blue sedge | Carex glaucodea | CAGL6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
blue skullcap | Scutellaria lateriflora | SCLA2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
blue skullcap | Scutellaria lateriflora var. lateriflora | SCLAL2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
blue spruce | Picea pungens | PIPU | Pinaceae | Gymnosperm |
blue waxweed | Cuphea viscosissima | CUVI | Lythraceae | Dicot |
blue wild indigo | Baptisia australis | BAAU | Fabaceae | Dicot |
blue wild indigo | Baptisia australis var. australis | BAAUA | Fabaceae | Dicot |
blue wildrye | Elymus glaucus | ELGL | Poaceae | Monocot |
blue wildrye | Elymus glaucus ssp. glaucus | ELGLG | Poaceae | Monocot |
blue woodruff | Asperula arvensis | ASAR2 | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
blue-eyed grass | Sisyrinchium | SISYR | Iridaceae | Monocot |
bluebead | Clintonia | CLINT | Liliaceae | Monocot |
bluebead | Clintonia borealis | CLBO3 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
bluebell bellflower | Campanula rotundifolia | CARO2 | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
bluebells | Mertensia | MERTE | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
blueberry | Vaccinium ×marianum | VAMA2 | Ericaceae | Dicot |
blueberry | Vaccinium | VACCI | Ericaceae | Dicot |
blueberry | Vaccinium ×atlanticum | VAAT3 | Ericaceae | Dicot |
blueberry | Vaccinium ×dobbinii | VADO | Ericaceae | Dicot |
bluecurls | Trichostema | TRICH9 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
bluegrass | Poa | POA | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluehead gilia | Gilia capitata | GICA5 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
bluehead gilia | Gilia capitata ssp. capitata | GICAC3 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
bluehearts | Buchnera | BUCHN | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
bluejacket | Tradescantia ohiensis | TROH | Commelinaceae | Monocot |
bluejoint | Calamagrostis canadensis | CACA4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluejoint | Calamagrostis canadensis var. canadensis | CACAC10 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluejoint | Calamagrostis canadensis var. langsdorffii | CACAL3 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluestar | Amsonia | AMSON | Apocynaceae | Dicot |
bluestem | Andropogon | ANDRO2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bluestem pricklypoppy | Argemone albiflora | ARAL3 | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
bluestem pricklypoppy | Argemone albiflora ssp. albiflora | ARALA2 | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
bluet | Houstonia | HOUST | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
blunt broom sedge | Carex tribuloides | CATR7 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
blunt broom sedge | Carex tribuloides var. tribuloides | CATRT2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
blunt spikerush | Eleocharis obtusa | ELOB2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bluntleaf bedstraw | Galium obtusum | GAOB | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
bluntleaf bedstraw | Galium obtusum ssp. obtusum | GAOBO | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
bluntleaf pondweed | Potamogeton obtusifolius | POOB2 | Potamogetonaceae | Monocot |
bluntleaf sandwort | Moehringia lateriflora | MOLA6 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
bluntleaf waterleaf | Hydrophyllum canadense | HYCA3 | Hydrophyllaceae | Dicot |
bluntleaved orchid | Platanthera obtusata | PLOB | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
bluntleaved orchid | Platanthera obtusata ssp. obtusata | PLOBO3 | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
bluntlobe cliff fern | Woodsia obtusa | WOOB2 | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
bluntlobe cliff fern | Woodsia obtusa ssp. obtusa | WOOBO | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
bluntlobe grapefern | Botrychium oneidense | BOON | Ophioglossaceae | Fern |
bog aster | Oclemena nemoralis | OCNE2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bog birch | Betula pumila | BEPU4 | Betulaceae | Dicot |
bog birch | Betula pumila var. glandulifera | BEPUG | Betulaceae | Dicot |
bog birch | Betula pumila var. pumila | BEPUP2 | Betulaceae | Dicot |
bog blueberry | Vaccinium uliginosum | VAUL | Ericaceae | Dicot |
bog bluegrass | Poa paludigena | POPA | Poaceae | Monocot |
bog bulrush | Schoenoplectiella mucronata | SCMU15 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bog chickweed | Stellaria alsine | STAL4 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
bog fern | Thelypteris simulata | THSI2 | Thelypteridaceae | Fern |
bog goldenrod | Solidago uliginosa | SOUL | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bog goldenrod | Solidago uliginosa var. levipes | SOULL | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bog goldenrod | Solidago uliginosa var. linoides | SOULL2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bog goldenrod | Solidago uliginosa var. uliginosa | SOULU | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bog Labrador tea | Ledum groenlandicum | LEGR | Ericaceae | Dicot |
bog laurel | Kalmia polifolia | KAPO | Ericaceae | Dicot |
bog muhly | Muhlenbergia uniflora | MUUN | Poaceae | Monocot |
bog rosemary | Andromeda | ANDRO | Ericaceae | Dicot |
bog rosemary | Andromeda polifolia | ANPO | Ericaceae | Dicot |
bog rosemary | Andromeda polifolia var. glaucophylla | ANPOG | Ericaceae | Dicot |
bog rosemary | Andromeda polifolia var. polifolia | ANPOP | Ericaceae | Dicot |
bog rush | Juncus biflorus | JUBI | Juncaceae | Monocot |
bog smartweed | Polygonum setaceum | POSE6 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bog white violet | Viola lanceolata | VILA4 | Violaceae | Dicot |
bog white violet | Viola lanceolata ssp. lanceolata | VILAL | Violaceae | Dicot |
bog willow | Salix pedicellaris | SAPE2 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
bog willowherb | Epilobium leptophyllum | EPLE2 | Onagraceae | Dicot |
bog yellowcress | Rorippa palustris | ROPA2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bog yellowcress | Rorippa palustris ssp. palustris | ROPAP | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bog yelloweyed grass | Xyris difformis | XYDI | Xyridaceae | Monocot |
bog yelloweyed grass | Xyris difformis var. difformis | XYDID | Xyridaceae | Monocot |
Bohemian knotweed | Polygonum ×bohemicum | POBO10 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
Bonjean"s dicranum moss | Dicranum bonjeanii | DIBO70 | Dicranaceae | Moss |
borage | Borago | BORAG | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
border privet | Ligustrum obtusifolium | LIOB | Oleaceae | Dicot |
boreal bedstraw | Galium kamtschaticum | GAKA | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
boreal bog sedge | Carex magellanica | CAMA12 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
boreal bog sedge | Carex magellanica ssp. irrigua | CAMAI2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
boreal starwort | Stellaria borealis | STBO3 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
boreal starwort | Stellaria borealis ssp. borealis | STBOB | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
Bosc"s panicgrass | Dichanthelium boscii | DIBO2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Boston ivy | Parthenocissus tricuspidata | PATR6 | Vitaceae | Dicot |
bottle gentian | Gentiana clausa | GECL | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
bottle gourd | Lagenaria siceraria | LASI | Cucurbitaceae | Dicot |
bottlebrush buckeye | Aesculus parviflora | AEPA2 | Hippocastanaceae | Dicot |
bottlebrush sedge | Carex hystericina | CAHY4 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bottomland aster | Symphyotrichum ontarionis | SYON2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bouncingbet | Saponaria officinalis | SAOF4 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
Bourbon rose | Rosa ×borboniana | ROBO3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Bourgeau"s pepperweed | Lepidium ramosissimum var. bourgeauanum | LERAB2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Bowman"s root | Gillenia trifoliata | GITR6 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
box knotweed | Polygonum buxiforme | POBU2 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
boxelder | Acer negundo | ACNE2 | Aceraceae | Dicot |
boxelder | Acer negundo var. negundo | ACNEN | Aceraceae | Dicot |
boxelder | Acer negundo var. violaceum | ACNEV | Aceraceae | Dicot |
boxwood | Buxus | BUXUS | Buxaceae | Dicot |
brachythecium moss | Brachythecium | BRACH10 | Brachytheciaceae | Moss |
brachythecium moss | Brachythecium oxycladon | BROX2 | Brachytheciaceae | Moss |
brachythecium moss | Brachythecium plumosum | BRPL5 | Brachytheciaceae | Moss |
brachythecium moss | Brachythecium populeum | BRPO4 | Brachytheciaceae | Moss |
brachythecium moss | Brachythecium rivulare | BRRI5 | Brachytheciaceae | Moss |
brachythecium moss | Brachythecium rutabulum | BRRU5 | Brachytheciaceae | Moss |
brachythecium moss | Brachythecium salebrosum | BRSA7 | Brachytheciaceae | Moss |
brachythecium moss | Brachythecium velutinum | BRVE7 | Brachytheciaceae | Moss |
brackenfern | Pteridium | PTERI | Dennstaedtiaceae | Fern |
Bradley"s spleenwort | Asplenium bradleyi | ASBR2 | Aspleniaceae | Fern |
Brainerd"s hawthorn | Crataegus brainerdii | CRBR3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
brake fern | Pteris | PTERI2 | Pteridaceae | Fern |
branched bur-reed | Sparganium androcladum | SPAN | Sparganiaceae | Monocot |
branched centaury | Centaurium pulchellum | CEPU3 | Gentianaceae | Dicot |
brasenia | Brasenia | BRASE | Cabombaceae | Dicot |
Braun"s hollyfern | Polystichum braunii | POBR4 | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
Brazilian watermeal | Wolffia brasiliensis | WOBR | Lemnaceae | Monocot |
Brazilian waterweed | Egeria densa | EGDE | Hydrocharitaceae | Monocot |
bridalwreath spirea | Spiraea prunifolia | SPPR | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bride"s feathers | Aruncus dioicus | ARDI8 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bride"s feathers | Aruncus dioicus var. dioicus | ARDID2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bride"s feathers | Aruncus dioicus var. vulgaris | ARDIV | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bright green spikerush | Eleocharis olivacea | ELOL | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bright green spikerush | Eleocharis olivacea var. olivacea | ELOLO | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
brightblue speedwell | Veronica serpyllifolia ssp. humifusa | VESEH2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
brightgreen spleenwort | Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum | ASTR10 | Aspleniaceae | Fern |
brightwhite | Prenanthella exigua | PREX | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bristle berry | Rubus notatus | RUNO2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bristle fern | Trichomanes | TRICH5 | Hymenophyllaceae | Fern |
bristlefruit hedgeparsley | Torilis leptophylla | TOLE2 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
bristlegrass | Setaria | SETAR | Poaceae | Monocot |
bristleleaf sedge | Carex eburnea | CAEB2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bristly buttercup | Ranunculus hispidus | RAHI | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
bristly buttercup | Ranunculus hispidus var. caricetorum | RAHIC | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
bristly buttercup | Ranunculus hispidus var. hispidus | RAHIH | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
bristly buttercup | Ranunculus hispidus var. nitidus | RAHIN | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
bristly dewberry | Rubus hispidus | RUHI | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bristly dogstail grass | Cynosurus echinatus | CYEC | Poaceae | Monocot |
bristly greenbrier | Smilax tamnoides | SMTA2 | Smilacaceae | Monocot |
bristly hawkbit | Leontodon hispidus | LEHI | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bristly hawkbit | Leontodon hispidus ssp. danubialis | LEHID | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bristly hawkbit | Leontodon hispidus ssp. hispidus | LEHIH | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bristly hawksbeard | Crepis setosa | CRSE2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bristly locust | Robinia hispida | ROHI | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bristly locust | Robinia hispida var. hispida | ROHIH | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bristly Oswego blackberry | Rubus dissimilis | RUDI3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
bristly oxtongue | Picris echioides | PIEC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bristly sarsaparilla | Aralia hispida | ARHI2 | Araliaceae | Dicot |
bristly scaleseed | Spermolepis echinata | SPEC2 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
bristlystalked sedge | Carex leptalea | CALE10 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bristlystalked sedge | Carex leptalea ssp. leptalea | CALEL4 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
British alkaligrass | Puccinellia rupestris | PURU | Poaceae | Monocot |
British soldier lichen | Cladonia cristatella | CLCR2 | Cladoniaceae | Lichen |
British timothy | Phleum paniculatum | PHPA8 | Poaceae | Monocot |
British yellowhead | Inula britannica | INBR | Asteraceae | Dicot |
brittle bladderfern | Cystopteris fragilis | CYFR2 | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
brittle waternymph | Najas minor | NAMI | Najadaceae | Monocot |
brittlestem hempnettle | Galeopsis tetrahit | GATE2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
brittlestem hempnettle | Galeopsis tetrahit var. tetrahit | GATET2 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
broad beechfern | Phegopteris hexagonoptera | PHHE11 | Thelypteridaceae | Fern |
broad looseflower sedge | Carex laxiflora | CALA19 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
broad looseflower sedge | Carex laxiflora var. laxiflora | CALAL5 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
broadfruit bur-reed | Sparganium eurycarpum | SPEU | Sparganiaceae | Monocot |
broadleaf arrowhead | Sagittaria latifolia | SALA2 | Alismataceae | Monocot |
broadleaf bluegrass | Poa chaixii | POCH | Poaceae | Monocot |
broadleaf cattail | Typha latifolia | TYLA | Typhaceae | Monocot |
broadleaf enchanter"s nightshade | Circaea lutetiana | CILU | Onagraceae | Dicot |
broadleaf enchanter"s nightshade | Circaea lutetiana ssp. canadensis | CILUC | Onagraceae | Dicot |
broadleaf hawthorn | Crataegus dilatata | CRDI | Rosaceae | Dicot |
broadleaf helleborine | Epipactis helleborine | EPHE | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
broadleaf rosette grass | Dichanthelium latifolium | DILA8 | Poaceae | Monocot |
broadleaf sedge | Carex platyphylla | CAPL5 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
broadleaf Solomon"s seal | Polygonatum hirsutum | POHI13 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
broadleaf speedwell | Veronica austriaca | VEAU | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
broadleaf speedwell | Veronica austriaca ssp. teucrium | VEAUT | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
broadleaf spurge | Euphorbia platyphyllos | EUPL | Euphorbiaceae | Dicot |
broadleaf wild leek | Allium ampeloprasum | ALAM | Liliaceae | Monocot |
broadleaved pepperweed | Lepidium latifolium | LELA2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
broadlipped twayblade | Listera convallarioides | LICO5 | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
broadwing sedge | Carex alata | CAAL3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
brome | Bromus | BROMU | Poaceae | Monocot |
brome fescue | Vulpia bromoides | VUBR | Poaceae | Monocot |
brome-like sedge | Carex bromoides | CABR14 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
brome-like sedge | Carex bromoides ssp. bromoides | CABRB6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
brook cinquefoil | Potentilla rivalis | PORI3 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
brookweed | Samolus | SAMOL | Primulaceae | Dicot |
broom | Genista | GENIS | Fabaceae | Dicot |
broom | Cytisus | CYTIS | Fabaceae | Dicot |
broom brome | Bromus scoparius | BRSC3 | Poaceae | Monocot |
broom crowberry | Corema conradii | COCO9 | Empetraceae | Dicot |
broom sedge | Carex scoparia | CASC11 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
broom sedge | Carex scoparia var. scoparia | CASCS | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
broom sedge | Carex scoparia var. tessellata | CASCT | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
broom snakeweed | Gutierrezia sarothrae | GUSA2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
broomcorn millet | Panicum miliaceum ssp. miliaceum | PAMIM | Poaceae | Monocot |
broomrape | Orobanche | OROBA | Orobanchaceae | Dicot |
broomsedge bluestem | Andropogon virginicus | ANVI2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
broomsedge bluestem | Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus | ANVIV | Poaceae | Monocot |
brotherella moss | Brotherella | BROTH2 | Sematophyllaceae | Moss |
broussonetia | Broussonetia | BROUS | Moraceae | Dicot |
brown beaksedge | Rhynchospora fusca | RHFU | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
brown mustard | Brassica juncea | BRJU | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
brown widelip orchid | Liparis liliifolia | LILI3 | Orchidaceae | Monocot |
browneyed Susan | Rudbeckia triloba | RUTR2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
browneyed Susan | Rudbeckia triloba var. triloba | RUTRT | Asteraceae | Dicot |
brownfruit rush | Juncus pelocarpus | JUPE | Juncaceae | Monocot |
brownish beaksedge | Rhynchospora capitellata | RHCA12 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
brownish sedge | Carex brunnescens | CABR15 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
brownish sedge | Carex brunnescens ssp. brunnescens | CABRB3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
brownish sedge | Carex brunnescens ssp. sphaerostachya | CABRS | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
brownray knapweed | Centaurea jacea | CEJA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
browntop | Microstegium | MICRO7 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bruchia moss | Bruchia | BRUCH | Bruchiaceae | Moss |
bruchia moss | Bruchia flexuosa | BRFL3 | Bruchiaceae | Moss |
brunnera | Brunnera | BRUNN2 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
bryhnia moss | Bryhnia | BRYHN | Brachytheciaceae | Moss |
bryoandersonia moss | Bryoandersonia | BRYOA | Brachytheciaceae | Moss |
bryoandersonia moss | Bryoandersonia illecebra | BRIL | Brachytheciaceae | Moss |
bryoid fissidens moss | Fissidens bryoides | FIBR70 | Fissidentaceae | Moss |
bryum moss | Bryum | BRYUM2 | Bryaceae | Moss |
bryum moss | Bryum lisae | BRLI3 | Bryaceae | Moss |
buckbean | Menyanthes | MENYA | Menyanthaceae | Dicot |
buckbean | Menyanthes trifoliata | METR3 | Menyanthaceae | Dicot |
buckeye | Aesculus | AESCU | Hippocastanaceae | Dicot |
buckhorn plantain | Plantago coronopus | PLCO3 | Plantaginaceae | Dicot |
buckthorn | Rhamnus | RHAMN | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
buckthorn | Frangula | FRANG | Rhamnaceae | Dicot |
buckwheat | Fagopyrum | FAGOP2 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
buckwheat | Fagopyrum esculentum | FAES2 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
buffalo hawthorn | Crataegus xanthophylla | CRXA | Rosaceae | Dicot |
buffalo nut | Pyrularia pubera | PYPU | Santalaceae | Dicot |
buffaloberry | Shepherdia | SHEPH | Elaeagnaceae | Dicot |
buffalobur nightshade | Solanum rostratum | SORO | Solanaceae | Dicot |
buffelgrass | Pennisetum ciliare | PECI | Poaceae | Monocot |
bugle | Ajuga | AJUGA | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
bugloss | Anchusa | ANCHU | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
buglossoides | Buglossoides | BUGLO | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
bugseed | Corispermum hyssopifolium | COHY | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
bugseed | Corispermum | CORIS | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
Bukhara fleeceflower | Polygonum baldschuanicum | POBA3 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bulblet bladderfern | Cystopteris bulbifera | CYBU3 | Dryopteridaceae | Fern |
bulblet-bearing water hemlock | Cicuta bulbifera | CIBU | Apiaceae | Dicot |
bulbous bittercress | Cardamine bulbosa | CABU3 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
bulbous bluegrass | Poa bulbosa | POBU | Poaceae | Monocot |
bulbous woodrush | Luzula bulbosa | LUBU | Juncaceae | Monocot |
bull thistle | Cirsium vulgare | CIVU | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bulrush | Schoenoplectus | SCHOE6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bulrush | Schoenoplectus ×carinatus | SCCA25 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bulrush | Schoenoplectiella | SCHOE7 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bulrush | Schoenoplectus ×oblongus | SCOB10 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bulrush | Scirpoides | SCIRP2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bulrush | Scirpus | SCIRP | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bulrush | Scirpus ×peckii | SCPE2 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bulrush | Trichophorum | TRICH22 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bunchberry dogwood | Cornus canadensis | COCA13 | Cornaceae | Dicot |
bunched beaksedge | Rhynchospora cephalantha | RHCE | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bupleurum | Bupleurum | BUPLE | Apiaceae | Dicot |
bur chervil | Anthriscus caucalis | ANCA14 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
bur cucumber | Sicyos | SICYO | Cucurbitaceae | Dicot |
bur grass | Tragus | TRAGU | Poaceae | Monocot |
bur oak | Quercus macrocarpa | QUMA2 | Fagaceae | Dicot |
bur oak | Quercus macrocarpa var. macrocarpa | QUMAM | Fagaceae | Dicot |
bur-reed | Sparganium | SPARG | Sparganiaceae | Monocot |
bur-reed sedge | Carex sparganioides | CASP3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
burclover | Medicago polymorpha | MEPO3 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
burdock | Arctium | ARCTI | Asteraceae | Dicot |
burhead | Echinodorus | ECHIN6 | Alismataceae | Monocot |
burnet | Sanguisorba | SANGU2 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
burnet saxifrage | Pimpinella | PIMPI | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Burnham"s blackberry | Rubus burnhamii | RUBU | Rosaceae | Dicot |
burningbush | Euonymus atropurpureus | EUAT5 | Celastraceae | Dicot |
burningbush | Euonymus alatus | EUAL13 | Celastraceae | Dicot |
burningbush | Euonymus alatus var. alatus | EUALA2 | Celastraceae | Dicot |
burningbush | Bassia scoparia | BASC5 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
burnweed | Erechtites | ERECH | Asteraceae | Dicot |
bursting-heart | Euonymus americanus | EUAM9 | Celastraceae | Dicot |
bush honeysuckle | Diervilla | DIERV | Caprifoliaceae | Dicot |
bush vetch | Vicia sepium | VISE | Fabaceae | Dicot |
bush vetch | Vicia sepium var. sepium | VISES | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Bush"s goosefoot | Chenopodium berlandieri var. bushianum | CHBEB3 | Chenopodiaceae | Dicot |
Bush"s sedge | Carex bushii | CABU5 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
bushy bluestem | Andropogon glomeratus | ANGL2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bushy bluestem | Andropogon glomeratus var. glomeratus | ANGLG2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
bushy frostweed | Helianthemum dumosum | HEDU | Cistaceae | Dicot |
bushy knotweed | Polygonum ramosissimum | PORA3 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bushy knotweed | Polygonum ramosissimum var. prolificum | PORAP | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bushy knotweed | Polygonum ramosissimum var. ramosissimum | PORAR | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
bushy St. Johnswort | Hypericum densiflorum | HYDE | Clusiaceae | Dicot |
butomus | Butomus | BUTOM | Butomaceae | Monocot |
butter and eggs | Linaria vulgaris | LIVU2 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
butterbur | Petasites | PETAS | Asteraceae | Dicot |
buttercup | Ranunculus | RANUN | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
butterfly milkweed | Asclepias tuberosa | ASTU | Asclepiadaceae | Dicot |
butterfly milkweed | Asclepias tuberosa ssp. interior | ASTUI | Asclepiadaceae | Dicot |
butterfly milkweed | Asclepias tuberosa ssp. tuberosa | ASTUT2 | Asclepiadaceae | Dicot |
butterflybush | Buddleja | BUDDL2 | Buddlejaceae | Dicot |
butternut | Juglans cinerea | JUCI | Juglandaceae | Dicot |
butterwort | Pinguicula | PINGU | Lentibulariaceae | Dicot |
button sedge | Carex bullata | CABU7 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
buttonbush | Cephalanthus | CEPHA | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
buttonbush dodder | Cuscuta cephalanthi | CUCE | Cuscutaceae | Dicot |
buttonweed | Diodia | DIODI | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
Buxbaum"s sedge | Carex buxbaumii | CABU6 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
buxbaumia moss | Buxbaumia | BUXBA2 | Buxbaumiaceae | Moss |
buxbaumia moss | Buxbaumia aphylla | BUAP70 | Buxbaumiaceae | Moss |
cabbage | Brassica oleracea | BROL | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
cabbage rose | Rosa centifolia | ROCE | Rosaceae | Dicot |
calamint | Calamintha | CALAM4 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
calamus | Acorus calamus | ACCA4 | Acoraceae | Monocot |
calcareous brachythecium moss | Brachythecium calcareum | BRCA70 | Brachytheciaceae | Moss |
calibrachoa | Calibrachoa | CALIB | Solanaceae | Dicot |
calico aster | Symphyotrichum lateriflorum | SYLA4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
calico aster | Symphyotrichum lateriflorum var. angustifolium | SYLAA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
calico aster | Symphyotrichum lateriflorum var. horizontale | SYLAH5 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
calico aster | Symphyotrichum lateriflorum var. lateriflorum | SYLAL7 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
calico aster | Symphyotrichum lateriflorum var. tenuipes | SYLAT | Asteraceae | Dicot |
California gilia | Gilia achilleifolia | GIAC2 | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
California gilia | Gilia achilleifolia ssp. achilleifolia | GIACA | Polemoniaceae | Dicot |
California nettle | Urtica dioica ssp. gracilis | URDIG | Urticaceae | Dicot |
California poppy | Eschscholzia | ESCHS | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
California poppy | Eschscholzia californica | ESCA2 | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
California poppy | Eschscholzia californica ssp. californica | ESCAC | Papaveraceae | Dicot |
California privet | Ligustrum ovalifolium | LIOV | Oleaceae | Dicot |
California red fir | Abies magnifica | ABMA | Pinaceae | Gymnosperm |
callalily | Calla | CALLA | Araceae | Monocot |
Callery pear | Pyrus calleryana | PYCA80 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
callicladium moss | Callicladium | CALLI9 | Hypnaceae | Moss |
callicladium moss | Callicladium haldanianum | CAHA32 | Hypnaceae | Moss |
calliergon moss | Calliergon | CALLI10 | Amblystegiaceae | Moss |
calliergon moss | Calliergon cordifolium | CACO70 | Amblystegiaceae | Moss |
calliergonella moss | Calliergonella | CALLI11 | Amblystegiaceae | Moss |
calliergonella moss | Calliergonella cuspidata | CACU18 | Amblystegiaceae | Moss |
callistephus | Callistephus | CALLI8 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
camphorweed | Pluchea | PLUCH | Asteraceae | Dicot |
camphorweed | Heterotheca subaxillaris | HESU3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
campion | Lychnis | LYCHN | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
campsis | Campsis | CAMPS | Bignoniaceae | Dicot |
campylium moss | Campylium | CAMPY3 | Amblystegiaceae | Moss |
campylium moss | Campylium radicale | CARA18 | Amblystegiaceae | Moss |
Canada bluegrass | Poa compressa | POCO | Poaceae | Monocot |
Canada cocklebur | Xanthium strumarium var. canadense | XASTC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canada germander | Teucrium canadense | TECA3 | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
Canada germander | Teucrium canadense var. canadense | TECAC | Lamiaceae | Dicot |
Canada goldenrod | Solidago altissima | SOAL6 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canada goldenrod | Solidago canadensis | SOCA6 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canada goldenrod | Solidago canadensis var. canadensis | SOCAC3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canada lettuce | Lactuca canadensis | LACA | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canada lily | Lilium canadense | LICA3 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Canada lily | Lilium canadense ssp. canadense | LICAC | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Canada lily | Lilium canadense ssp. editorum | LICAE | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Canada mayflower | Maianthemum canadense | MACA4 | Liliaceae | Monocot |
Canada thistle | Cirsium arvense | CIAR4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canada toadflax | Nuttallanthus canadensis | NUCA | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Canada wildrye | Elymus canadensis | ELCA4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Canada yew | Taxus canadensis | TACA7 | Taxaceae | Gymnosperm |
Canadian anemone | Anemone canadensis | ANCA8 | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
Canadian blacksnakeroot | Sanicula canadensis | SACA15 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Canadian blacksnakeroot | Sanicula canadensis var. canadensis | SACAC2 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Canadian blacksnakeroot | Sanicula canadensis var. grandis | SACAG2 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Canadian burnet | Sanguisorba canadensis | SACA14 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Canadian clearweed | Pilea pumila var. pumila | PIPUP | Urticaceae | Dicot |
Canadian clearweed | Pilea pumila | PIPU2 | Urticaceae | Dicot |
Canadian hawkweed | Hieracium kalmii var. fasciculatum | HIKAF | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canadian honewort | Cryptotaenia canadensis | CRCA9 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
Canadian horseweed | Conyza canadensis | COCA5 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canadian horseweed | Conyza canadensis var. canadensis | COCAC3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canadian horseweed | Conyza canadensis var. pusilla | COCAP3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canadian lousewort | Pedicularis canadensis | PECA | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Canadian lousewort | Pedicularis canadensis ssp. canadensis | PECAC3 | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
Canadian milkvetch | Astragalus canadensis | ASCA11 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Canadian milkvetch | Astragalus canadensis var. canadensis | ASCAC6 | Fabaceae | Dicot |
Canadian plum | Prunus nigra | PRNI | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Canadian pussytoes | Antennaria howellii ssp. canadensis | ANHOC | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Canadian ricegrass | Piptatheropsis canadensis | PICA19 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Canadian rush | Juncus canadensis | JUCA3 | Juncaceae | Monocot |
Canadian sandspurry | Spergularia canadensis | SPCA3 | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
Canadian sandspurry | Spergularia canadensis var. canadensis | SPCAC | Caryophyllaceae | Dicot |
Canadian serviceberry | Amelanchier canadensis | AMCA4 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Canadian summer bluet | Houstonia canadensis | HOCA5 | Rubiaceae | Dicot |
Canadian waterweed | Elodea canadensis | ELCA7 | Hydrocharitaceae | Monocot |
Canadian white violet | Viola canadensis | VICA4 | Violaceae | Dicot |
Canadian white violet | Viola canadensis var. canadensis | VICAC | Violaceae | Dicot |
Canadian wildginger | Asarum canadense | ASCA | Aristolochiaceae | Dicot |
Canadian woodnettle | Laportea canadensis | LACA3 | Urticaceae | Dicot |
canary violet | Viola ×primulifolia | VIPR4 | Violaceae | Dicot |
canarygrass | Phalaris | PHALA2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
cancer-root | Conopholis | CONOP | Orobanchaceae | Dicot |
cancerwort | Kickxia | KICKX | Scrophulariaceae | Dicot |
candle anemone | Anemone cylindrica | ANCY | Ranunculaceae | Dicot |
candytuft | Iberis | IBERI | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
cane | Arundinaria | ARUND2 | Poaceae | Monocot |
cankerweed | Prenanthes serpentaria | PRSE | Asteraceae | Dicot |
canna | Canna | CANNA2 | Cannaceae | Monocot |
canna lily | Canna ×generalis | CAGE3 | Cannaceae | Monocot |
cantaloupe | Cucumis melo | CUME | Cucurbitaceae | Dicot |
capsella | Capsella | CAPSE | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
caraway | Carum carvi | CACA19 | Apiaceae | Dicot |
cardinalflower | Lobelia cardinalis | LOCA2 | Campanulaceae | Dicot |
carelessweed | Cyclachaena | CYCLA4 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Carelessweed | Cyclachaena xanthiifolia | CYXA2 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
carelessweed | Amaranthus palmeri | AMPA | Amaranthaceae | Dicot |
Carey"s sedge | Carex careyana | CACA14 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Carey"s smartweed | Polygonum careyi | POCA8 | Polygonaceae | Dicot |
carline thistle | Carlina | CARLI | Asteraceae | Dicot |
carline thistle | Carlina vulgaris | CAVU3 | Asteraceae | Dicot |
carline thistle | Carlina vulgaris ssp. longifolia | CAVUL | Asteraceae | Dicot |
Carolina draba | Draba reptans | DRRE2 | Brassicaceae | Dicot |
Carolina fanwort | Cabomba caroliniana | CACA | Cabombaceae | Dicot |
Carolina fanwort | Cabomba caroliniana var. caroliniana | CACAC4 | Cabombaceae | Dicot |
Carolina fimbry | Fimbristylis caroliniana | FICA3 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Carolina foxtail | Alopecurus carolinianus | ALCA4 | Poaceae | Monocot |
Carolina geranium | Geranium carolinianum | GECA5 | Geraniaceae | Dicot |
Carolina geranium | Geranium carolinianum var. carolinianum | GECAC4 | Geraniaceae | Dicot |
Carolina geranium | Geranium carolinianum var. sphaerospermum | GECAS | Geraniaceae | Dicot |
Carolina hawthorn | Crataegus arcana | CRAR7 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Carolina horsenettle | Solanum carolinense | SOCA3 | Solanaceae | Dicot |
Carolina horsenettle | Solanum carolinense var. carolinense | SOCAC4 | Solanaceae | Dicot |
Carolina mosquitofern | Azolla caroliniana | AZCA | Azollaceae | Fern |
Carolina nutrush | Scleria pauciflora var. caroliniana | SCPAC | Cyperaceae | Monocot |
Carolina poplar | Populus ×canadensis | POCA19 | Salicaceae | Dicot |
Carolina puccoon | Lithospermum caroliniense | LICA13 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
Carolina puccoon | Lithospermum caroliniense var. croceum | LICAC9 | Boraginaceae | Dicot |
Carolina redroot | Lachnanthes caroliana | LACA5 | Haemodoraceae | Monocot |
Carolina rose | Rosa carolina | ROCA4 | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Carolina rose | Rosa carolina var. carolina | ROCAC | Rosaceae | Dicot |
Carolina sedge | Carex caroliniana | CACA15 | Cyperaceae | Monocot |