State Plants: New York

List of New York Plants

Showing 10 of 6,153 records (Sample Data)

Plant Name Scientific Name Plant CD Family Type
Aaron"s rod Thermopsis villosa THVI Fabaceae Dicot
absinthium Artemisia absinthium ARAB3 Asteraceae Dicot
Acadian quillwort Isoetes acadiensis ISAC Isoetaceae Quillwort
acaulon moss Acaulon muticum ACMU5 Pottiaceae Moss
acaulon moss Acaulon ACAUL Pottiaceae Moss
acinos Acinos ACINO Lamiaceae Dicot
actinidia Actinidia ACTIN3 Actinidiaceae Dicot
acuminate brachythecium moss Brachythecium acuminatum BRAC3 Brachytheciaceae Moss
acute brachythecium moss Brachythecium acutum BRAC4 Brachytheciaceae Moss
Adam and Eve Aplectrum hyemale APHY Orchidaceae Monocot


  • Last updated on November 6, 2014