State Plants: Oregon

List of Oregon Plants

Showing 10 of 7,110 records (Sample Data)

Plant Name Scientific Name Plant CD Family Type
Aaron"s beard Hypericum calycinum HYCA10 Clusiaceae Dicot
abruptbeak sedge Carex abrupta CAAB2 Cyperaceae Monocot
absinthium Artemisia absinthium ARAB3 Asteraceae Dicot
acacia Acacia ACACI Fabaceae Dicot
acaena Acaena ACAEN Rosaceae Dicot
achlys Achlys ACHLY Berberidaceae Dicot
acuminate cotoneaster Cotoneaster acuminatus COAC7 Rosaceae Dicot
acute Indian paintbrush Castilleja hispida ssp. acuta CAHIA2 Scrophulariaceae Dicot
adderstongue Ophioglossum OPHIO Ophioglossaceae Fern
African mustard Malcolmia africana MAAF Brassicaceae Dicot


  • Last updated on November 6, 2014