List of Commodity Imports By Country [Peat] (2008)
Year | Country | Code | Quantity (Metric Tons-thousand) |
2008 | Sweden | SWE | 364.00 |
2008 | Finland | FIN | 205.00 |
2008 | Romania | ROU | 30.00 |
2008 | Ukraine | UKR | 13.00 |
2008 | Republic of Macedonia | MKD | 4.25 |
2008 | Viet Nam | VNM | 3.00 |
2008 | Uruguay | URY | 1.90 |
2008 | Singapore | SGP | 0.40 |
2008 | Georgia | GEO | 0.04 |
2008 | Armenia | ARM | 0.03 |