Recent Extinctions

List of Recent Extinctions

Showing 10 of 332 records (Sample Data)

Common Name Scientific Name Est. Year/Date Reference
Pinta Island Tortoise Chelonoidis abingdoni 06/24/2012 Edwards et al. (2013)
Vietnamese Rhinoceros Rhinoceros sondaicus annamiticus 04/29/2010 Brook et al. (2011)
Christmas Island Pipistrelle Pipistrellus murrayi 08/27/2009 Lumsden et al. (2009)
Chinese Paddlefish Psephurus gladius  01/08/2007 Gao et al. (2009)
Yangtze River Dolphin Lipotes vexillifer  Turvey (2009), Turvey (2008), WWF (2007)
Po'o-uli Melamprosops phaeosoma 11/28/2004 Tyrberg (2009), BirdLife International (2010b)
Saint Helena Olive Nesiota elliptica 12/01/2003 IUCN (2011)
Vine Raiatea Tree Snail Partula labrusca  06/24/1905 Coote (2007)
Pyrenean Ibex Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica  Caprinae Specialist Group (2000)
Sri Lanka Legume Tree Crudia zeylanica 06/20/1905 IUCN (2011); Maricar (2009)


  • Last updated on June 21, 2015
  • Recent Extinctions data as of June 21, 2015 courtesy of The Sixth Extinction.