Function | Description |
ASCII | Returns the ASCII value for the specific character |
CHAR | Returns the character based on the ASCII code |
CHARINDEX | Returns the position of a substring in a string |
CONCAT | Adds two or more strings together |
Concat with + | Adds two or more strings together |
CONCAT_WS | Adds two or more strings together with a separator |
DATALENGTH | Returns the number of bytes used to represent an expression |
DIFFERENCE | Compares two SOUNDEX values, and returns an integer value |
FORMAT | Formats a value with the specified format |
LEFT | Extracts a number of characters from a string (starting from left) |
LEN | Returns the length of a string |
LOWER | Converts a string to lower-case |
LTRIM | Removes leading spaces from a string |
NCHAR | Returns the Unicode character based on the number code |
PATINDEX | Returns the position of a pattern in a string |
QUOTENAME | Returns a Unicode string with delimiters added to make the string a valid SQL Server delimited identifier |
REPLACE | Replaces all occurrences of a substring within a string, with a new substring |
REPLICATE | Repeats a string a specified number of times |
REVERSE | Reverses a string and returns the result |
RIGHT | Extracts a number of characters from a string (starting from right) |
RTRIM | Removes trailing spaces from a string |
SOUNDEX | Returns a four-character code to evaluate the similarity of two strings |
SPACE | Returns a string of the specified number of space characters |
STR | Returns a number as string |
STUFF | Deletes a part of a string and then inserts another part into the string, starting at a specified position |
SUBSTRING | Extracts some characters from a string |
TRANSLATE | Returns the string from the first argument after the characters specified in the second argument are translated into the characters specified in the third argument. |
TRIM | Removes leading and trailing spaces (or other specified characters) from a string |
UNICODE | Returns the Unicode value for the first character of the input expression |
UPPER | Converts a string to upper-case |