Starbucks Stores (U.S) (MN)

List of Starbucks Stores (U.S) (MN)

Showing 10 of 149 records (Sample Data)

Site Name Address City State Code Postal Code Phone Number Days Open
22nd and Hennepin II 2212 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis MN 55405 MTWRFSU
25th & Riverside 815 25th Ave. Minneapolis MN 55454 612-305-0235 MTWRFSU
50th & France 3939 W 50th St Edina MN 55424 9529277055 MTWRFSU
54th & Lyndale 5351 Lyndale Ave South Minneapolis MN 55419 612-821-0686 MTWRFSU
98th & Lyndale-Bloomington 704-708 West 98th Street Bloomington MN 55420 952-881-9877 MTWRFSU
Anderson Lakes Parkway 9639 Anderson Lakes Parkway Eden Prairie MN 55344 9529448646 MTWRFSU
Arden Hills Lexington and Red Fox 3833 Lexington Ave N Arden Hills MN 55126 651-486-3805 MTWRFSU
Bass Lake Rd and Broadway 5596 W. Broadway Ave. Crystal MN 55428 7635334869 MTWRFSU
Baxter-Hwy 371 & Woida Rd 15091 Edgewood Dr Baxter MN 56425 218-828-2978 MTWRFSU
Blaine - 109th Retail Center 1384 109th Avenue Blaine MN 55434 7637676833 MTWRFSU


  • Last updated on July 7, 2015