LOC Codes (Australia)

Uses in this list have been translated from the UN Codes: 1:port, 2:rail terminal, 3:road terminal, 4:airport, 5:postal exchange office, 6:Inland Clearance Depot – ICD or Dry Port, etc., 7:fixed transport functions such as oil platform see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UN/LOCODE

Showing 1,000 of 1,931 records

Place Name Codes Uses GEO Coordinates
Abbot Point 1------- port
Abell Point 1-3----- port, road 2016S 1484
Abingdon ---4---- airport
Acacia Ridge --3----- road 2735S 1530
Adelaide 12345--- port, rail, road, airport, PO 3455S 1383
Adelaide Apt ---4---- airport
Adelong --3----- road 3519S 1480
Agnew ---4---- airport
Airlie Beach ---4---- airport
Airlie Terminal 1------- port 2120S 1151
Airport West --3----- road 3744S 1445
Albany 1--4---- port, airport
Albany Creek -----6-- ICD 2721S 1525
Albion Park --3----- road 3434S 1504
Albury -234---- rail, road, airport 3605S 1465
Aldgate 1----6-- port, ICD 3501S 1384
Alexandra -----6-- ICD 3711S 1454
Alexandria ---4---- airport
Alexandria --3----- road 3354S 1511
Alice Springs ---4---- airport
Allambie Heights --3----- road 3345S 1511
Allansford --3----- road 3824S 1423
Alpha ---4---- airport
Alphington -----6-- ICD 3746S 1450
Alpine --3----- road 3424S 1503
Alroy Downs ---4---- airport
Alstonville --3----- road 2850S 1532
Alton Downs ---4---- airport
Altona --3----- road 3752S 1445
Altona North -----6-- ICD 3749S 1445
Alvie -----6-- ICD 3814S 1433
Amata ---4---- airport
Amberley ---4---- airport
American River ---4---- airport
Ammaroo ---4---- airport
Andamooka ---4---- airport
Andrews -23----- rail, road 3336S 1383
Angaston --3----- road 3430S 1390
Angle Vale --3----- road 3438S 1383
Angus Downs ---4---- airport
Annandale 1----6-- port, ICD 3353S 1511
Annerley --3----- road 2729S 1530
Anthony Lagoon ---4---- airport
Applecross 1----6-- port, ICD 3201S 1155
Aramac ---4---- airport
Ararat ---4---- airport
Archerfield -23----- rail, road 2734S 1530
Ardlethan -23----- rail, road 3421S 1465
Ardrossan 1------- port
Argyle ---4---- airport
Argyle Downs ---4---- airport
Armadale --3----- road 3751S 1450
Armadale 1------- port 3209S 1160
Armidale ---4---- airport
Arncliffe --3----- road 3356S 1510
Arndell Park 123----- port, rail, road 3378N 1508
Arrabury ---4---- airport
Artarmon --3----- road 3349S 1511
Arundel --3----- road
Ascot -----6-- ICD 3156S 1155
Ashfield -23----- rail, road 3155S 1155
Ashgrove/Brisbane --3----- road 2726S 1525
Ashton 1----6-- port, ICD 3456S 1384
Ashwood -----6-- ICD 3752S 1456
Asquith -----6-- ICD 3341S 1510
Athelstone --3----- road 3452S 1384
Atherton -23----- rail, road 1716S 1452
Athol Park --3----- road 3451S 1383
Attadale 1----6-- port, ICD 3201S 1154
Au-Rose Bay ---4---- airport
Aubin Grove --3----- road 3210S 1155
Auburn --3----- road 3351S 1510
Auburn --3----- road 3401S 1384
Augusta 1-3----- port, road 3419S 1151
Augustus Downs ---4---- airport
Auldana -----6-- ICD
Aurukun Mission ---4---- airport
Austral Downs ---4---- airport
Australind 1-3----- port, road 3317S 1154
Auvergne ---4---- airport
Avalon ---4---- airport
Ayers Rock ---4---- airport
Ayr ---4---- airport
Bacchus Marsh --3----- road 3740S 1442
Badger Creek --3----- road 3742S 1453
Badu Island ---4---- airport
Baerami 1----6-- port, ICD 3224S 1502
Bairnsdale ---4---- airport
Bakers Creek --3----- road
Balaklava --3----- road 3409S 1382
Balcanoona ---4---- airport
Balcatta --3----- road 3151S 1155
Balgo Hills ---4---- airport
Balgowlah --3----- road 3348S 1511
Balhannah 1----6-- port, ICD 3459S 1385
Ballarat -23----- rail, road
Ballast Head 1------- port
Ballina 1--4---- port, airport
Balmain --3----- road 3352S 1511
Balnarring 1----6-- port, ICD 3822S 1450
Balranald ---4---- airport
Balwyn -----6-- ICD 3748S 1450
Bamaga ---4---- airport
Bandiana --3----- road 3609S 1465
Bangalow -23----- rail, road 2841S 1533
Bangholme 1------- port
Baniyala ---4---- airport
Banksmeadow --3----- road 3357S 1511
Bankstown ---4---- airport
Bannockburn 1----6-- port, ICD 3803S 1441
Banyo --3----- road 2722S 1530
Barcaldine ---4---- airport
Barellan -23----- rail, road 3418S 1463
Barkly Downs ---4---- airport
Barnawartha -----6-- ICD 3606S 1464
Barney Point --3----- road 2350S 1511
Barrow Island 1--4---- port, airport
Barry Beach 1-3----- port, road 3842S 1462
Barwon Heads --3----- road 3817S 1443
Bass Hill --3----- road 3358S 1510
Bassendean --3----- road 3154S 1155
Batavia Downs ---4---- airport
Batemans Bay --3----- road 3543S 1501
Bathurst ---4---- airport
Bathurst Island 1--4---- port, airport
Batlow --3----- road 3531S 1480
Baulkham Hills --3----- road 3345S 1510
Baxter -23--6-- rail, road, ICD 3812S 1450
Bayswater --3----- road 3750S 1451
Bayswater --3----- road 3154N 1155
Bayview --3----- road 3339S 1511
Beachport 1------- port
Beacon Hill --3----- road 3345S 1511
Beaconsfield --3----- road 4112S 1464
Beaconsfield Upper -----6-- ICD 3800N 1452
Beagle Bay ---4---- airport
Beaudesert 0-------
Beauty Point 1------- port
Beckenham --3----- road 3102S 1155
Beckom -23----- rail, road 3420S 1465
Bedford Downs ---4---- airport
Bedford Park --3--6-- road, ICD 3502S 1383
Bedourie ---4---- airport
Beechworth -----6-- ICD 3622N 1464
Beelbangera 1------- port 3416S 1460
Beenleigh -23----- rail, road 2743S 1531
Beerwah --3----- road 2685S 1529
Bega --3----- road 3640S 1495
Bell Bay 123----- port, rail, road
Bella Vista --3----- road 3344S 1505
Bellevue --3----- road 3154S 1160
Bellevue Hill --3----- road 3352S 1511
Belmont --3----- road 3156S 1155
Belmont ---4---- airport
Belmore -23----- rail, road 3355S 1510
Belrose 1----6-- port, ICD 3344S 1511
Belvidere 1----6-- port, ICD 3518S 1385
Bemboka --3----- road 3638S 1493
Benalla -2------ rail
Bencubbin -23----- rail, road 3049S 1175
Bendick Murrell -23----- rail, road 3410S 1482
Bendigo --34---- road, airport
Bennetts Green --3----- road
Bentliegh Vic --3----- road 3755S 1450
Beresfield 1----6-- port, ICD 3248S 1513
Berkeley Vale 1----6-- port, ICD 3321S 1512
Berri --3----- road 3417S 1403
Berridale --3----- road 3622S 1484
Berrigan --3----- road 3540S 1454
Berrimah --3----- road 1225S 1305
Berrinba --3----- road 2739S 1530
Berrys Creek 1----6-- port, ICD 3825S 1460
Betoota ---4---- airport
Beverley -23----- rail, road 3453S 1383
Beverley Springs ---4---- airport
Bexley --3----- road 3357S 1510
Bibbenluke --3----- road 3649S 1491
Bibra Lake -23--6-- rail, road, ICD 3204S 1154
Bicheno 1----6-- port, ICD 4152S 1481
Bickerton Island ---4---- airport
Bicton -----6-- ICD 3201S 1154
Big Bell ---4---- airport
Biggera Waters --3----- road 2755S 1532
Billiluna ---4---- airport
Biloela --34---- road, airport
Binalong -23----- rail, road 3440S 1483
Bing Bong 1------- port 1536S 1362
Binna Burra -23----- rail, road 2842S 1533
Binningup --3----- road 3309S 1154
Binnum -----6-- ICD 3648S 1405
Binya -23----- rail, road 3414S 1462
Birdsville ---4---- airport
Birkenhead -----6-- ICD 3450S 1383
Bizant ---4---- airport
Black Point 1------- port 1109S 1320
Blackall ---4---- airport
Blackmans Bay 1-3----- port, road 4259S 1471
Blacktip Terminal 1------- port 1424S 1292
Blacktown -23--6-- rail, road, ICD 3346S 1505
Blackwater ---4---- airport
Blackwood -----6-- ICD 3501S 1383
Blayney 123--6-- port, rail, road, ICD 3332S 1491
Blewitts Springs 1----6-- port, ICD 3510S 1383
Blighty --3----- road 3535S 1452
Bloomfield ---4---- airport
Bobin 1-----7- port, transport 3143S 1521
Bohle --3----- road 1912S 1464
Boigu Island ---4---- airport
Bollon ---4---- airport
Bolwarra ---4---- airport
Bomaderry 1----6-- port, ICD 3451S 1503
Bombala --3----- road 3655S 1491
Bondi Beach --3----- road 3353S 1511
Bondi Junction -23----- rail, road 3353S 1511
Bonnells Bay --3----- road 3305S 1513
Bonnie Vale -23----- rail, road 3050S 1211
Booby Island 1-3----- port, road 1036S 1415
Boondall 1----6-- port, ICD 2720S 1530
Booragoon --3----- road 3202S 1155
Boort 1----6-- port, ICD 3607S 1434
Boronia 1------- port
Borroloola ---4---- airport
Bossley Park --3----- road 3351S 1505
Botany Bay 1------- port
Boulder --3----- road 3047S 1212
Boulia ---4---- airport
Boundary Bend 1----6-- port, ICD 3442S 1430
Bourke ---4---- airport
Bowen 1--4---- port, airport
Bowning -23----- rail, road 3446S 1484
Bowral -23----- rail, road 3428S 1502
Box Hill --3----- road 3339S 1505
Boyanup -23----- rail, road 3329S 1154
Boyer 1----6-- port, ICD 4250S 1471
Boyne Island --3----- road 2356S 1512
Boyup Brook -23----- rail, road 3350S 1162
Braeside -----6-- ICD 3759S 1450
Brampton ---4---- airport
Braybrook --3----- road 3747S 1445
Bremer Bay 1-3----- port, road 3423S 1192
Brendale --3----- road 2719S 1525
Brewarrina ---4---- airport
Bridgetown -23----- rail, road 3358S 1160
Bridgewater -23----- rail, road
Bridgewater-on-Loddon 1----6-- port, ICD 3636S 1435
Brigalow --3----- road 3110S 1484
Brigalow --3----- road 2651S 1504
Bright ---4---- airport
Brighton --3----- road 3501S 1383
Brighton --3----- road 3755S 1450
Brighton Downs ---4---- airport
Brighton-Le-Sands 1----6-- port, ICD 3357S 1510
Bringelly --3----- road 3356S 1504
Brisbane 12345--- port, rail, road, airport, PO 2728S 1530
Brisbane Apt ---4---- airport
Broadford -23----- rail, road 3712S 1450
Broadmeadows 1------- port
Broadmeadows --3----- road 2951S 1521
Broadwood --3--6-- road, ICD 3047S 1212
Broke 1----6-- port, ICD 3245S 1510
Broken Hill ---4---- airport
Brooklyn -23----- rail, road 3749S 1445
Brooklyn Park --3----- road 3455S 1383
Brookton -23----- rail, road 3223S 1170
Brookvale/Sidney --3--6-- road, ICD 3345S 1511
Brookville --3----- road 3719S 1473
Broome 1--4---- port, airport
Brunette Downs ---4---- airport
Brunswich -23----- rail, road 3746S 1445
Brunswick --3----- road 3746S 1445
Buderim --3----- road 2641S 1530
Buffalo Venture 1------- port
Bulahdelah --3----- road 3225S 1521
Bulimba ---4---- airport
Bulleen --3----- road 3746S 1450
Bulli 1-3----- port, road 3418S 1505
Bullsbrook 1----6-- port, ICD 3140S 1160
Bulwer 1------- port 2704S 1532
Bunbury 1--4---- port, airport
Bundaberg 1--4---- port, airport
Bundall 0-------
Bundamba --3----- road 2737S 1524
Bundoora -----6-- ICD 3741S 1450
Bungalow --3----- road 1655N 1454
Bungwahl --3----- road 3223S 1522
Buninyong --3----- road 3740S 1435
Burketown 1-34---- port, road, airport 1744S 1393
Burleigh Heads --3----- road 2806S 1532
Burnie 1--4---- port, airport
Burnside --3----- road 3456S 1484
Buronga --3----- road 3401S 1421
Burren Junction -23----- rail, road 3006S 1485
Burringbar --3----- road 2826S 1532
Burrup --3----- road 2034S 1164
Burswood --3----- road 3157S 1155
Burton --3----- road 3444S 1383
Burwood --3----- road 3353S 1510
Burwood --3----- road 3751S 1450
Burwood East --3----- road 3751S 1450
Bushy Park 1----6-- port, ICD 3752S 1470
Busselton 1------- port
Byron Bay -----6-- ICD 2839S 1533
Caboolture --3----- road 2705S 1525
Caiguna ---4---- airport
Cairns 1--4---- port, airport
Caloundra ---4---- airport
Caloundra Head 1------- port
Camberwell -23----- rail, road 3750S 1450
Cambridge 1----6-- port, ICD 4250S 1472
Camden ---4---- airport
Camellia -23----- rail, road 3349S 1510
Camfield ---4---- airport
Camooweal ---4---- airport
Campania --3----- road 4240N 1472
Campbellfield --3----- road 3741N 1445
Campbells Creek --3----- road 3706S 1441
Campbelltown --3----- road
Camperdown --3----- road 3814S 1430
Camperdown 1------- port 3353S 1511
Canberra 1--45--- port, airport, PO
Canning Vale/Perth --3----- road 3204S 1155
Cannington --3----- road 3201S 1155
Cannon Hill -23----- rail, road 2728S 1530
Canobie ---4---- airport
Canoelands --3----- road 3330S 1510
Canterbury -----6-- ICD 3354S 1510
Capalaba 1-3----- port, road 2731S 1531
Cape Barren Island ---4---- airport
Cape Cuvier 1------- port
Cape Don 1------- port 1119S 1314
Cape Flattery 1------- port
Cape Lambert 1------- port
Cape Leeuwin 1------- port
Cape Preston 1------- port
Capel -23----- rail, road 3334S 1153
Carboor 1----6-- port, ICD 3638S 1463
Carbrook --3----- road 2741S 1531
Cardiff --3----- road 3257S 1514
Carina Heights 1------- port 2730S 1530
Carindale --3----- road 2730S 1530
Caringbah -23--6-- rail, road, ICD 3403S 1510
Carlingford 1------- port 3347S 1510
Carlton -----6-- ICD 3748S 1445
Carlton Hill ---4---- airport
Carnarvon 1--4---- port, airport
Carole Park -----6-- ICD
Caroline Springs --3----- road 3744S 1444
Carpentaria Downs ---4---- airport
Carrara --3----- road 2801S 1532
Carrington -----6-- ICD 3240S 1521
Carrum Downs --3----- road 3805S 1451
Casino ---4---- airport
Castle Hill --3----- road 3344S 1510
Castlemaine -23----- rail, road 3703S 1441
Castlereagh -----6-- ICD 3340S 1504
Cataby --3----- road 3043S 1153
Catherine Hill Bay 1------- port
Cattle Creek ---4---- airport
Caufield North 1------- port 3752S 0145
Caulfield -2------ rail 3753S 1450
Cavan --3----- road 3449S 1383
Caversham 1----6-- port, ICD 3153S 1155
Ceduna ---4---- airport
Cessnock ---4---- airport
Chadstone/Melbourne -23----- rail, road 3753S 1450
Challis Venture (oil terminal) 1------- port
Chandlers Hill -----6-- ICD 3505S 1383
Charleville ---4---- airport
Charters Towers ---4---- airport
Chatswood 1-3----- port, road
Chatsworth Island --3----- road 2923S 1531
Cheltenham/Melbourne --3----- road 3758S 1450
Chermside 1------- port 2723S 1531
Cherrabun ---4---- airport
Cherribah ---4---- airport
Cherrybook --3----- road 3343S 1510
Chester Hill -----6-- ICD 3352S 1510
Chifley -----6-- ICD 3358S 1511
Chillagoe ---4---- airport
Chinchilla ---4---- airport
Chinderah 1-3----- port, road 2814S 1533
Chippendale -----6-- ICD 3353N 1511
Chipping Norton --3----- road 3354S 1505
Chittering 1----6-- port, ICD 3129S 1160
Christmas Creek ---4---- airport
Chullora -23----- rail, road 3354S 1510
Churchill --3----- road 3819S 1462
Clare 1----6-- port, ICD 3350S 1383
Claremont 123-5--- port, rail, road, PO 3159S 1154
Clarence River 1------- port
Clarendon 1------- port 3507S 1383
Clayton --3----- road 2456S 1522
Clayton/Melbourne --3----- road 3755S 1450
Clermont ---4---- airport
Cleve ---4---- airport
Cleveland 1-3--6-- port, road, ICD 2732S 1531
Clifton Hills ---4---- airport
Cloncurry ---4---- airport
Clontarf -----6-- ICD 3348S 1511
Clontarf -----6-- ICD 2758S 1511
Clovelly 1------- port 3354S 1511
Clovelly Park --3----- road 3500S 1383
Clunes --3----- road 2844S 1532
Cluny ---4---- airport
Clyde --3----- road 3350S 1510
Cobar ---4---- airport
Cobram -----6-- ICD 3555S 1453
Coburg -23--6-- rail, road, ICD 3745S 1445
Cockatoo Island 1------- port 1606S 1233
Coconut Island ---4---- airport
Coen ---4---- airport
Coffs Harbour 1--4---- port, airport
Colac ---4---- airport
Colbinabbin -23----- rail, road 3636S 1444
Coldstream 1----6-- port, ICD 3743S 1452
Collan Islands 1------- port
Collarenebri ---4---- airport
Collie ---4---- airport
Collingwood -----6-- ICD 3748S 1445
Collinsville ---4---- airport
Collinswood --3----- road 3453S 1383
Columboola -23----- rail, road 2641S 1502
Como 1----6-- port, ICD 3400S 1510
Condamine 1-3----- port, road 2656S 1500
Condobolin ---4---- airport
Coober Pedy ---4---- airport
Cooee -----6-- ICD 4104S 1455
Cooinda ---4---- airport
Cooktown 1--4---- port, airport
Coolabah -23----- rail, road 3101S 1464
Coolah ---4---- airport
Coolamon -23----- rail, road 3449S 1471
Coolaroo --3----- road 3739S 1445
Coolawanyah ---4---- airport
Coolgardie -23----- rail, road 3057S 1210
Coolibah ---4---- airport 1534S 1305
Coolum 1----6-- port, ICD 2633S 1530
Cooma ---4---- airport 3614S 1490
Coomera 123----- port, rail, road 2753S 1531
Coominya -----6-- ICD 2723S 1523
Coonabarabran ---4---- airport
Coonamble ---4---- airport
Coonawarra 1----6-- port, ICD 3718S 1404
Coopers Plains --3----- road
Coorabie ---4---- airport
Coorparoo 1----6-- port, ICD 2730S 1530
Cootamundra ---4---- airport
Coral Bay 1------- port 2308S 1134
Coral Sea 1--4---- port, airport 1905S 1505
Cordillo Downs ---4---- airport
Corio Bay 1------- port 3807S 1442
Coromandel Valley 1----6-- port, ICD 3503S 1383
Corowa ---4---- airport
Corryong ---4---- airport
Cossack Pioneer (oil terminal) 1------- port
Cottesloe 1----6-- port, ICD 3200S 1154
Cottles Bridge 1----6-- port, ICD 3738S 1451
Cowandilla 1----6-- port, ICD 3455S 1383
Cowaramup 1----6-- port, ICD 3352S 1150
Cowarie ---4---- airport
Cowell ---4---- airport
Cowra ---4---- airport
Crafers 1----6-- port, ICD 3500S 1384
Craigieburn -23----- rail, road 3736S 1445
Crawley --3----- road 3159S 1154
Cremorne --3----- road 3350S 1511
Cremorne --3----- road 3750S 1450
Cresswell Downs ---4---- airport
Cressy --3----- road 4141S 1470
Crestmead 1----6-- port, ICD 2741S 1530
Cringila --3----- road 3428S 1505
Croker Island ---4---- airport
Cromer 1------- port 3446S 1390
Cronulla 1----6-- port, ICD 3403S 1510
Crows Nest -----6-- ICD 3349S 1511
Croydon ---4---- airport
Croydon --3----- road 3353S 1510
Croydon --3----- road 3453S 1383
Croydon --3----- road 3748S 1451
Cudal ---4---- airport
Cudlee Creek -----6-- ICD 3450S 1384
Cue ---4---- airport
Culcairn -23----- rail, road 3540S 1470
Cullen Bullen --3----- road 3318S 1500
Cunderdin -23----- rail, road 3139S 1171
Cunnamulla ---4---- airport
Currency Creek --3----- road 3527S 1384
Currumbin Waters --3----- road 2809S 1532
Daisy Hill --3----- road
Dalby ---4---- airport
Dalmore --3----- road 3811S 1452
Dalrymple Islet 1------- port 0936S 1431
Dalton 1-----7- port, transport 3443S 1491
Daly River ---4---- airport
Daly Waters ---4---- airport
Dampier 1------- port
Dandenong --3----- road
Dandenong South --3----- road 3801S 1451
Dapto -23----- rail, road 3430S 1504
Dardanup 1----6-- port, ICD 3324S 1154
Darling Point --3----- road 3352S 1511
Darlinghurst -----6-- ICD 3353S 1511
Darlington -----6-- ICD 3155S 1160
Darlington Point --3----- road 3434S 1460
Darnley Island ---4---- airport
Darra 1------- port
Darwin 12345--- port, rail, road, airport, PO 1227S 1305
Dauan Island ---4---- airport
Davenport Downs ---4---- airport
Dayboro --3----- road 2711S 1525
Daydream Is ---4---- airport
Deception Bay --3----- road 2712S 1530
Deer Park --3----- road 3746S 1444
Deewhy --3----- road 3345S 1511
Delissaville ---4---- airport
Deloraine --3----- road 4132S 1464
Delta Downs ---4---- airport
Denham ---4---- airport
Deniliquin ---4---- airport
Denman --3----- road 3223S 1504
Denmark -23----- rail, road 3458S 1172
Derby 1--4---- port, airport
Derrimut --3----- road 3749S 1444
Deviot -----6-- ICD 4114S 1465
Devonport 1--4---- port, airport
Dhipirrinjura 1------- port 1215S 1350
Diamantina Lakes ---4---- airport
Diamond Creek 1----6-- port, ICD 3740S 1450
Dickson --3----- road 3515S 1490
Dingley Village --3--6-- road, ICD 3759S 1450
Direk --3----- road 3443S 1383
Dirranbandi ---4---- airport
Dixie ---4---- airport
Docker River ---4---- airport
Docklands --3----- road 3749S 1445
Doncaster -23----- rail, road 3747S 1450
Dongara ---4---- airport
Doodlakine --3----- road 3135S 1175
Doomadgee ---4---- airport
Dorunda Station ---4---- airport
Double Bay --3----- road 3352S 1511
Doveton --3----- road 3759S 1451
Drouin -23----- rail, road 3808S 1455
Drumduff ---4---- airport
Drummoyne/Sydney --3----- road 3351S 1510
Dry Creek --3----- road 3450S 1383
Dry Creek -----6-- ICD 3657S 1455
Drysdale 1----6-- port, ICD 3810S 1443
Dubbo ---4---- airport
Dudley Park --3----- road 3452S 1383
Dulkaninna ---4---- airport
Dulwich --3----- road 3456S 1383
Dunbar ---4---- airport
Duncraig --3----- road 3149S 1154
Dunedoo -23----- rail, road 3201S 1492
Dungog -23----- rail, road 3225S 1514
Dunk Island ---4---- airport
Dunsborough --3----- road 3336S 1150
Durham Downs ---4---- airport
Durrie ---4---- airport
Dysart ---4---- airport
Eagle Farm --3----- road 2726S 1530
East Arm --3----- road 1228S 1305
East Brisbane --3----- road 2729S 1530
East Devonport --3----- road 4111S 1462
East Jindabyne --3----- road 3624S 1484
East Maitland --3----- road 3245S 1513
East Perth --3----- road 3157S 1155
Eastern Creek --3----- road 3347S 1505
Eastern Creek --3----- road 2141S 1203
Eastwood --3----- road 3348S 1510
Echuca ---4---- airport
Eden 1--4---- port, airport
Eden Valley 1----6-- port, ICD 3439S 1390
Edi -----6-- ICD 3639S 1462
Edinburgh ---4---- airport
Edithburgh 1------- port
Edward River ---4---- airport
Edwardstown -23----- rail, road 3458S 1383
Einasleigh ---4---- airport
Elcho Island ---4---- airport
Electrona 1------- port
Elizabeth -23--6-- rail, road, ICD 3443S 1383
Elizabeth Bay 1------- port 1154S 1363
Elkedra ---4---- airport
Elsternwick -23----- rail, road 3753S 1450
Eltham 1----6-- port, ICD 3744S 1450
Elwood -----6-- ICD 3753S 1445
Emerald ---4---- airport
Eneabba --3----- road 2948S 1150
Eneabba West ---4---- airport
Epping --3----- road 3347S 1510
Epping --3----- road 3739S 1450
Epsom --3----- road 3643S 1441
Erina --3----- road 3326S 1512
Erldunda ---4---- airport
Ermington --3----- road 3349S 1510
Ernabella ---4---- airport
Erskine Park --3----- road 3348S 1504
Erskineville --3----- road 3354S 1511
Esperance 1--4---- port, airport
Essendon Apt/Melbourne ---4---- airport
Etadunna ---4---- airport
Euabalong --3----- road 3307S 1462
Eucla ---4---- airport
Eumundi --3----- road 2629S 1525
Euroa --3----- road 3645S 1453
Eva Downs ---4---- airport
Evandale -----6-- ICD 4135S 1471
Evans Head ---4---- airport
Evans Landing 1-3----- port, road 1240S 1415
Exmouth 1------- port
Exmouth Gulf 1--4---- port, airport
Fairbarn ---4---- airport
Fairfield --3----- road 3747S 1450
Fairfield -23----- rail, road 3352S 1505
Falls Creek ---4---- airport
Felixstow -----6-- ICD 5158N 0012
Ferryden Park --3----- road 3451S 1383
Fig Tree Pocket -----6-- ICD 2731S 1525
Findon 1----6-- port, ICD 3454S 1383
Finke ---4---- airport
Finley ---4---- airport
Fisherman Islands 123----- port, rail, road
Fitzroy -23----- rail, road 3748S 1445
Flinders --3----- road 3828S 1450
Flinders Island ---4---- airport
Flynn 1----6-- port, ICD 3810S 1464
Footscray -23--6-- rail, road, ICD 3748S 1445
Forbes ---4---- airport
Forest Glen --3----- road 2640S 1530
Forrest ---4---- airport
Forrestdale --3----- road 3208S 1155
Forrestfield -----6-- ICD 3159S 1160
Forster ---4---- airport
Fossil Downs ---4---- airport
Fountaindale --3----- road 3320S 1512
Four Vanguard ------7- transport 2054S 1145
Frankland 1----6-- port, ICD 3422S 1140
Frankston East --3----- road 3808S 1450
Fremantle 1--4---- port, airport
Frenchs Forest --3----- road 3344S 1511
Freshwater 1----6-- port, ICD 3346S 1511
Frewville --3----- road 3457S 1383
Front Puffin FPSO ------7- transport 1217S 1241
Fullerton --3----- road 3413S 1493
Furnissdale -----6-- ICD 3233S 1154
Fyshwick -23--6-- rail, road, ICD 3519S 1490
Galong -23----- rail, road 3436S 1483
Gamboola ---4---- airport
Ganmain -23----- rail, road 3448S 1470
Gapstead -23----- rail, road 3631S 1464
Garbutt 1-3----- port, road 1916S 1464
Garden Point ---4---- airport
Gascoyne Junction ---4---- airport
Gatton --3----- road 2733S 1521
Gayndah ---4---- airport
Geebung -23----- rail, road 2722S 1530
Geelong 1--4---- port, airport
Geelong West -----6-- ICD 3808S 1442
Gembrook 1----6-- port, ICD 3757S 1453
George Town 1--4---- port, airport
Georgetown ---4---- airport
Gepps Cross --3----- road 3451S 1383
Geraldton 1--4---- port, airport
Gibb River ---4---- airport
Gilberton -----6-- ICD 3454S 1383
Gillman --3----- road 3449S 1383
Gingin -23----- rail, road 3121S 1155
Girraween --3----- road 3348N 1505
Gisborne --3----- road
Gladesville --3----- road 3350S 1518
Gladstone 1--4---- port, airport
Glebe Island 123----- port, rail, road
Glen Forbes -----6-- ICD 3827S 1453
Glen Innes ---4---- airport
Glen Iris --3----- road 3320S 1154
Glen Waverley -23-5--- rail, road, PO 3753S 1451
Glendenning -----6-- ICD 3344S 1505
Glengyle ---4---- airport
Glenhaven --3----- road 3342S 1510
Glenorchy --3----- road 4250S 1471
Glenormiston ---4---- airport
Gloucester -23----- rail, road 3201S 1515
Glynde --3----- road 3453S 1383
Gnowangerup -23----- rail, road 3357S 1180
Gold Coast --3----- road 2800S 1532
Gold Coast Apt/Coolangatta ---4---- airport 2809S 1533
Goldsworthy ---4---- airport
Goodna --3----- road 2737S 1525
Goods Is 1------- port
Goolwa 1-34---- port, road, airport 3530S 1384
Goondiwindi ---4---- airport
Gordon 1----6-- port, ICD 3735S 1440
Gordon Downs ---4---- airport
Gosford ---4---- airport
Goulburn ---4---- airport
Goulburn Island ---4---- airport
Gove 1--4---- port, airport
Gracemere --3--6-- road, ICD 2326S 1502
Grafton ---4---- airport
Grange -----6-- ICD 3454S 1382
Granites ---4---- airport
Grantham 1-3----- port, road 2735S 1521
Granville --3----- road 3350S 1510
Grass Valley --3----- road 3139S 1164
Grassy -23----- rail, road 4003S 1440
Gravelly Beach 1----6-- port, ICD 4118S 1465
Great Keppel Island ---4---- airport
Great Western 1----6-- port, ICD 3709S 1425
Green Fields -----6-- ICD 3447S 1383
Greenacre --3----- road 3354S 1510
Greenfields --3----- road 3231S 1154
Greenhead 1------- port
Greenock 1----6-- port, ICD 3428S 1385
Greenough --3----- road 2852S 1144
Greenslopes --3----- road 2730S 1530
Greenvale ---4---- airport
Greenwich --3----- road 3350S 1511
Gregory Downs ---4---- airport
Grenfell ---4---- airport
Greystanes --3----- road 3349S 1505
Griffin Venture (oil terminal) 1------- port
Griffith ---4---- airport
Grong Grong -23----- rail, road 3445S 1464
Groote Eylandt 1--4---- port, airport
Gruyere 1----6-- port, ICD 3744S 1452
Guildford --3----- road
Guildford --3----- road 3154S 1155
Gumeracha 1----6-- port, ICD 3450S 1385
Gundagai -23----- rail, road 3504S 1480
Gunnedah ---4---- airport
Gunning -23----- rail, road 3447S 1491
Gympie ---4---- airport
Haberfield -23----- rail, road 3352S 1510
Hahndorf 1----6-- port, ICD 3502S 1384
Halifax --3----- road 1835S 1461
Hallam -23----- rail, road
Halletts Cove 1----6-- port, ICD 3504S 1383
Halls Creek ---4---- airport
Hamilton ---4---- airport
Hamilton --3----- road 2726S 1530
Hamilton -2------ rail 3255S 1514
Hamilton Hill -----6-- ICD 3204S 1154
Hamilton Island ---4---- airport
Hampton --3----- road 3339S 1500
Hampton 1------- port 3820S 1451
Hanwood 1----6-- port, ICD 3420S 1460
Happy Valley 1----6-- port, ICD 3505S 1383
Harcourt --3----- road 3659N 1441
Harden -23----- rail, road 3433S 1482
Hardy Island 1------- port
Harvey -23----- rail, road 3305S 1155
Hastings 1------- port 3818S 1451
Hastings Point --3----- road 2821S 1533
Hawker ---4---- airport
Hawks Nest --3----- road 3240S 1521
Hawthorn --3----- road 3749S 1450
Hay ---4---- airport
Hay Point 1------- port
Hayman Island ---4---- airport
Haymarket --3----- road 3352S 1511
Hazelmere --3----- road 3154S 1155
Headingly ---4---- airport
Healesville --3----- road 3739S 1453
Heathcote 1----6-- port, ICD 3655S 1444
Heatherbrae 1----6-- port, ICD 3247S 1514
Heatherton --3----- road 3757S 1450
Heathlands ---4---- airport
Heathmont -----6-- ICD 3750S 1451
Heathwood --3----- road 2728S 1525
Hectorville -----6-- ICD 3453S 1383
Heidelberg -----6-- ICD 3745S 1450
Heidelberg West --3----- road 3744S 1450
Helenvale ---4---- airport
Helidon --3--6-- road, ICD 2733S 1520
Hemmant -23----- rail, road 2727S 1530
Henbury ---4---- airport
Henderson 1---5--- port, PO 3210S 1154
Hendra --3----- road 2725S 1531
Henley Beach -----6-- ICD 3455S 1382
Henty -23----- rail, road 3532S 1470
Hermannsburg ---4---- airport
Heron Island ---4---- airport
Hervey Bay ---4---- airport
High Wycombe --3----- road 3156S 1160
Highbury ---4---- airport
Highett/Melbourne --3----- road 3756S 1450
Hillarys -----6-- ICD 3148S 1154
Hillcrest -----6-- ICD 1722S 1453
Hillside -----6-- ICD 3750S 1473
Hillside ---4---- airport
Hilton --3----- road 3455S 1383
Hinchinbrook Island 1--4---- port, airport 1823S 1461
Hindmarsh -----6-- ICD 3454S 1383
Hobart 1-345--- port, road, airport, PO 4252S 1471
Hoddles Creek 1----6-- port, ICD 3750S 1453
Holden Hill --3----- road 3451S 1384
Holland Park --3----- road 2731S 1530
Homebush/Sydney --3----- road 3352S 1510
Hook Island ---4---- airport
Hooker Creek ---4---- airport
Hope Island --3----- road 2752S 1532
Hope Tun 1------- port
Hope Vale ---4---- airport
Hopetoun ---4---- airport
Hoppers Crossing -23----- rail, road 3752S 1444
Horn Island ---4---- airport
Hornsby -23----- rail, road 3342S 1510
Horsham ---4---- airport
Horsley Park --3----- road 3351S 1505
Howlong --3----- road 3559S 1463
Hughenden ---4---- airport
Hughesdale -----6-- ICD 3753S 1455
Humbert River ---4---- airport
Hume --3----- road 3523S 1491
Humpty Doo --3----- road 1235S 1310
Hunters Hill -----6-- ICD 3350S 1510
Huntingwood --3----- road 3347S 1505
Huonville --3----- road 4302S 1470
Hurstville -23----- rail, road 3357S 1510
Hyden -23----- rail, road 3227S 1185
Iffley ---4---- airport
Indulkana ---4---- airport
Ingham ---4---- airport
Ingle Farm 1----6-- port, ICD 3450S 1383
Ingleburn -23----- rail, road 3400S 1505
Injune ---4---- airport
Inkerman ---4---- airport
Innaloo --3----- road 3153S 1154
Innamincka ---4---- airport
Innisfail ---4---- airport
Inverell ---4---- airport
Inverloch --3----- road 3838S 1454
Inverway ---4---- airport
Ipswich 1------- port
Irymple 1----6-- port, ICD 3415S 1421
Isisford ---4---- airport
Ivanhoe -23----- rail, road 3256S 1441
Jabiru ---4---- airport
Jabiru Venture (oil terminal) 1------- port
Jackson --3----- road 2639S 1493
Jamboree Heights --3----- road 2733S 1525
Jamestown --3----- road 3312S 1383
Jandakot ---4---- airport
Jarrahdale 1----6-- port, ICD 3221S 1160
Jerilderie -23----- rail, road 3521S 1454
Jerry Plains --3----- road 3230S 1505
Jervis Bay --3----- road 3507S 1504
Joondalup --3----- road 3144S 1154
Julia Creek ---4---- airport
Jundah ---4---- airport
Junee -23----- rail, road 3452S 1473
Jurien Bay ---4---- airport
Kadina --3----- road 3358S 1374
Kalbarri ---4---- airport
Kalgoorlie ---4---- airport
Kalkadoon --3----- road 2230S 1422
Kalkurung ---4---- airport
Kalpowar ---4---- airport
Kalumburu ---4---- airport
Kamaran Downs ---4---- airport
Kambalda ---4---- airport
Kamileroi ---4---- airport
Kangarilla 1----6-- port, ICD 3509S 1383
Kangaroo Flat --3----- road 3647S 1441
Kangaroo Ground --3----- road 3740S 1451
Kanimbla --3----- road 1655S 1454
Karawatha --3----- road 2738S 1530
Kardinya --3----- road 3204S 1154
Karratha ---4---- airport
Karumba 1-34---- port, road, airport 1729S 1405
Katanning ---4---- airport
Katherine 1--4---- port, airport
Katoomba -23----- rail, road 3343S 1501
Kawana --3----- road 2645S 1530
Kayena 1----6-- port, ICD 4111S 1465
Kedron --3----- road 2723S 1530
Keilor -23----- rail, road 3743S 1445
Keilor Park -----6-- ICD 3743S 1445
Keith 1----6-- port, ICD 3606S 1402
Kellerberrin -23----- rail, road 3138S 1174
Kelso -23----- rail, road 3325S 1493
Kembla -23--6-- rail, road, ICD 3426S 1504
Kemblawarra --3----- road 3429S 1505
Kempsey ---4---- airport
Kendall -23----- rail, road 3136S 1524
Kenmore -----6-- ICD 2731S 1525
Kensington --3----- road 3747S 1445
Kent Town --3----- road 3455S 1383
Kenthurst ------7- transport 3340S 1510
Keon Park --3----- road 3741S 1450
Kerang ---4---- airport
Kew --3----- road 3749S 1450
Kewdale -----6-- ICD 3197S 1159
Keyneton 1----6-- port, ICD 3434S 1390
Keysborough --3----- road 3801S 1451
Kidman Park -----6-- ICD 3454S 1383
Kilburn --3----- road 3451S 1383
Kilmore --3----- road 3718S 1445
Kilsyth --3----- road 3748S 1451
Kimberley Downs ---4---- airport
King Bay 1------- port
King Is ---4---- airport
Kingaroy ---4---- airport
Kings Canyon ---4---- airport
Kings Creek Station ---4---- airport
Kings Park --3----- road 4126S 1470
Kings Park -23----- rail, road 3344S 1505
Kingscote 1--4---- port, airport
Kingsford 1----6-- port, ICD
Kingsgrove -23--6-- rail, road, ICD 3357S 1510
Kingston --3----- road 3518S 1490
Kingston 1------- port
Kirkimbie ---4---- airport
Kirrawee --3----- road 3402S 1510
Kitan FPSO ------7- transport 1036S 1261
Klein Point 1------- port
Klemzig -----6-- ICD 3452S 1383
Knockrow --3----- road 2846S 1533
Knowsley --3----- road 3648S 1444
Knoxfield ----56-- PO, ICD 3749S 1445
Kogarah -----6-- ICD 3359S 1510
Kongwak -----6-- ICD 3831S 1454
Koo-Wee-Rup --3----- road 3812S 1452
Koolan Island 1------- port
Koolatah ---4---- airport
Koolburra ---4---- airport
Koolyanbobbing -23----- rail, road 3050S 1193
Koonibba ---4---- airport
Koonoomoo -----6-- ICD 3612S 1468
Koorawatha -23----- rail, road 3402S 1483
Kotara -----6-- ICD 3257S 1514
Kowanyama ---4---- airport
Kubin Island ---4---- airport
Kulgera ---4---- airport
Kulnura --3----- road 3313S 1511
Kunda Park -23----- rail, road 2639S 1530
Kundabung --3----- road 3112S 1525
Kununurra ---4---- airport
Kurnell 1------- port
Kurraba Point -----6-- ICD 3350S 1511
Kurri Kurri --3----- road 3249S 1512
Kurundi ---4---- airport
Kwinana 1------- port
Kyabram --3----- road 3619S 1450
Laanecoorie --3----- road 3649S 1435
Labrador --3----- road 2757S 1532
Lady Barron 1------- port
Lady Elliot Island ---4---- airport
Lake Cargelligo -23----- rail, road 3319S 1462
Lake Evella ---4---- airport
Lake Macquarie 1-3----- port, road 3304S 1513
Lake Nash ---4---- airport
Lakefield ---4---- airport
Lakeland Downs ---4---- airport
Lakemba -----6-- ICD 3355S 1510
Lakes Entrance 1-3----- port, road 3753S 1475
Lalla -----6-- ICD 4115N 1471
Lamplough --3----- road 3708S 1433
Lane Cove --3----- road 3349S 1511
Langarra 1------- port 1205S 1352
Langhorne Creek -----6-- ICD 3517S 1392
Lansdowne ---4---- airport
Lansvale --3----- road 3353S 1505
Lara --3----- road 3800S 1442
Larapinta --3----- road 2739S 1530
Largs Bay --3----- road 3449S 1382
Largs North --3----- road 3449S 1382
Latrobe ---4---- airport
Launceston 1--4---- port, airport
Laura ---4---- airport
Laura Station ---4---- airport
Laurel Hill --3----- road 3536S 1480
Laurieton 1----6-- port, ICD 3139N 1524
Laverton --3----- road 2837S 1222
Laverton ---4---- airport
Laverton North --3----- road 3750S 1444
Lavington --3----- road 3603S 1465
Lawn Hill ---4---- airport
Lawnton --3----- road 2717S 1525
Learmonth ---4---- airport
Leeton -23----- rail, road 3434S 1462
Legendre Terminal 1------- port
Leichhardt --3----- road 3353S 1510
Leigh Creek ---4---- airport
Leinster ---4---- airport
Lenswood --3----- road 3455S 1384
Leongatha --3----- road 3828S 1455
Leonora ---4---- airport
Lidcombe --3----- road 3352S 1510
Lightning Ridge ---4---- airport
Lilydale 123--6-- port, rail, road, ICD 3745S 1452
Lilyfield -----6-- ICD 3352S 1510
Limbunya ---4---- airport
Linda Downs ---4---- airport
Lindeman Island ---4---- airport
Lindisfarne --3----- road 4250S 1472
Lisarow 123----- port, rail, road 3323S 1512
Lismore ---4---- airport


  • Last updated on June 22, 2015
  • LOC Codes (Australia) data as of June 22, 2015 courtesy of United Nations.