State Plants: U.S. Virgin Islands

List of U.S. Virgin Islands Plants

Showing 1,000 of 2,187 records

Plant Name Scientific Name Plant CD Family Type
?ilima Sida cordifolia SICO Malvaceae Dicot
abey amarillo Ouratea littoralis OULI Ochnaceae Dicot
abrojo colorado Krameria ixine KRIX Krameriaceae Dicot
abrus Abrus ABRUS Fabaceae Dicot
acacia Acacia ACACI Fabaceae Dicot
aceitillo Pilocarpus racemosus PIRA3 Rutaceae Dicot
achicoria azul Launaea intybacea LAIN7 Asteraceae Dicot
achiotillo Alchornea latifolia ALLA Euphorbiaceae Dicot
acnistus Acnistus ACNIS Solanaceae Dicot
acrocomia Acrocomia ACROC Arecaceae Monocot
adderstongue Ophioglossum OPHIO Ophioglossaceae Fern
African bonebract Sclerocarpus africanus SCAF Asteraceae Dicot
African rattlebox Crotalaria saltiana CRSA8 Fabaceae Dicot
African tuliptree Spathodea campanulata SPCA2 Bignoniaceae Dicot
agave Agave AGAVE Agavaceae Monocot
agracejo rastrero Evolvulus nummularius EVNU2 Convolvulaceae Dicot
aguacatillo Meliosma herbertii MEHE Sabiaceae Dicot
aguinaldo blanco Convolvulus nodiflorus CONO Convolvulaceae Dicot
airplant Tillandsia TILLA2 Bromeliaceae Monocot
Alabama swamp flatsedge Cyperus ligularis CYLI Cyperaceae Monocot
albahaca Celosia virgata CEVI4 Amaranthaceae Dicot
albizia Albizia ALBIZ Fabaceae Dicot
alchornea Alchornea ALCHO Euphorbiaceae Dicot
aleurites Aleurites ALEUR Euphorbiaceae Dicot
Alexandrian senna Senna alexandrina SEAL5 Fabaceae Dicot
alfalfa Medicago MEDIC Fabaceae Dicot
alfalfa Medicago sativa MESA Fabaceae Dicot
alfalfa Medicago sativa ssp. sativa MESAS Fabaceae Dicot
alfilerillo Machaonia woodburyana MAWO3 Rubiaceae Dicot
algarrobilla Senna sophera SESO2 Fabaceae Dicot
allamanda Allamanda ALLAM Apocynaceae Dicot
Allegheny onion Allium allegheniense ALAL4 Liliaceae Monocot
allophylus Allophylus ALLOP Sapindaceae Dicot
allspice Pimenta dioica PIDI2 Myrtaceae Dicot
almex Celtis trinervia CETR3 Ulmaceae Dicot
aloe Aloe ALOE Aloaceae Monocot
aloe yucca Yucca aloifolia YUAL Agavaceae Monocot
alpine clubrush Trichostigma TRICH11 Phytolaccaceae Dicot
altea Nepsera aquatica NEAQ Melastomataceae Dicot
alternateleaf jessamine Cestrum alternifolium CEAL3 Solanaceae Dicot
amansa guapo Savia sessiliflora SASE6 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
amate Ficus obtusifolia FIOB Moraceae Dicot
Amazonvine Stigmaphyllon STIGM Malpighiaceae Dicot
American black elderberry Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis SANIC4 Caprifoliaceae Dicot
American black nightshade Solanum americanum SOAM Solanaceae Dicot
American brunfelsia Brunfelsia americana BRAM4 Solanaceae Dicot
American burnweed Erechtites hieraciifolia ERHI2 Asteraceae Dicot
American burnweed Erechtites hieraciifolia var. cacalioides ERHIC Asteraceae Dicot
American century plant Agave americana AGAM Agavaceae Monocot
American century plant Agave americana ssp. americana AGAMA Agavaceae Monocot
American century plant Agave americana ssp. americana var. americana AGAMA2 Agavaceae Monocot
American dodder Cuscuta americana CUAM3 Cuscutaceae Dicot
American evergreen Syngonium podophyllum SYPO Araceae Monocot
American grama Bouteloua americana BOAM2 Poaceae Monocot
American melonleaf Cayaponia americana CAAM15 Cucurbitaceae Dicot
American muskwood Guarea guidonia GUGU Meliaceae Dicot
amphitecna Amphitecna AMPHI7 Bignoniaceae Dicot
anacardium Anacardium ANACA Anacardiaceae Dicot
andira Andira ANDIR Fabaceae Dicot
angelica tree Dendropanax arboreus DEAR Araliaceae Dicot
angled mistletoe Phoradendron trinervium PHTR2 Viscaceae Dicot
anil de pasto Indigofera suffruticosa INSU Fabaceae Dicot
anil falso Coursetia caribaea COCA31 Fabaceae Dicot
anil falso Coursetia caribaea var. caribaea COCAC6 Fabaceae Dicot
anil racimillo Tephrosia senna TESE2 Fabaceae Dicot
annona Annona ANNON Annonaceae Dicot
antigonon Antigonon ANTIG Polygonaceae Dicot
Antilles bean Vigna antillana VIAN3 Fabaceae Dicot
Antilles calophyllum Calophyllum antillanum CAAN22 Clusiaceae Dicot
Antilles cherry Prunus pleuradenia PRPL3 Rosaceae Dicot
Antilles velvetshrub Piptocoma antillana PIAN4 Asteraceae Dicot
appendage orchid Prosthechea PROST Orchidaceae Monocot
Arabian coffee Coffea arabica COAR2 Rubiaceae Dicot
Arabian jasmine Jasminum sambac JASA Oleaceae Dicot
aridland stopper Eugenia xerophytica EUXE Myrtaceae Dicot
arrabidaea Arrabidaea ARRAB Bignoniaceae Dicot
arrasa con todo Gomphrena serrata GOSE Amaranthaceae Dicot
arrocillo Paspalum paniculatum PAPA11 Poaceae Monocot
arrowleaf elephant"s ear Xanthosoma sagittifolium XASA2 Araceae Monocot
ashen hoarypea Tephrosia cinerea TECI2 Fabaceae Dicot
Asian pigeonwings Clitoria ternatea CLTE3 Fabaceae Dicot
Asian spiderflower Cleome viscosa CLVI9 Capparaceae Dicot
Asian swordfern Nephrolepis multiflora NEMU Dryopteridaceae Fern
asthmaweed Conyza floribunda COFL Asteraceae Dicot
asystasia Asystasia ASYST Acanthaceae Dicot
attorney Clusia CLUSI Clusiaceae Dicot
avocado Persea americana PEAM3 Lauraceae Dicot
ayenia Ayenia AYENI Sterculiaceae Dicot
Aztec marigold Tagetes erecta TAER Asteraceae Dicot
babeiro Prestonia agglutinata PRAG Apocynaceae Dicot
baby jump-up Mecardonia procumbens MEPR2 Scrophulariaceae Dicot
babybonnets Coursetia COURS Fabaceae Dicot
baccharis Baccharis BACCH Asteraceae Dicot
Bahama fimbry Fimbristylis inaguensis FIIN Cyperaceae Monocot
bahiagrass Paspalum notatum PANO2 Poaceae Monocot
bahiagrass Paspalum notatum var. notatum PANON Poaceae Monocot
Balbis" maiden fern Thelypteris balbisii THBA2 Thelypteridaceae Fern
balloon vine Cardiospermum halicacabum CAHA13 Sapindaceae Dicot
balloonvine Cardiospermum CARDI2 Sapindaceae Dicot
balsamillo Hamelia axillaris HAAX Rubiaceae Dicot
balsampear Momordica charantia MOCH2 Cucurbitaceae Dicot
bamboo Bambusa BAMBU Poaceae Monocot
Barbados aloe Aloe vera ALVE2 Aloaceae Monocot
Barbados cherry Malpighia emarginata MAEM Malpighiaceae Dicot
Barbados lily Hippeastrum puniceum HIPU Liliaceae Monocot
Barbados nut Jatropha curcas JACU2 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
Barbados shrub Pereskia aculeata PEAC2 Cactaceae Dicot
barbas de indio Andropogon bicornis ANBI Poaceae Monocot
basil Ocimum OCIMU Lamiaceae Dicot
basketgrass Oplismenus OPLIS Poaceae Monocot
basketgrass Oplismenus hirtellus OPHI Poaceae Monocot
basketgrass Oplismenus hirtellus ssp. setarius OPHIS Poaceae Monocot
basketplant Callisia fragrans CAFR6 Commelinaceae Monocot
basketwood Serjania polyphylla SEPO4 Sapindaceae Dicot
basora Cordia angustifolia COAN11 Boraginaceae Dicot
bastard cherry Malpighia linearis MALI2 Malpighiaceae Dicot
bastard copperleaf Acalypha chamaedryfolia ACCH2 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
bastard gregre Ginoria rohrii GIRO Lythraceae Dicot
bastard hogberry Margaritaria nobilis MANO Euphorbiaceae Dicot
bastard redwood Chrysophyllum argenteum CHAR6 Sapotaceae Dicot
bastard stopper Petitia domingensis PEDO Verbenaceae Dicot
bastardcedar Guazuma ulmifolia GUUL Sterculiaceae Dicot
bastardia Bastardia BASTA Malvaceae Dicot
bauhinia Bauhinia BAUHI Fabaceae Dicot
bay Persea PERSE Lauraceae Dicot
Bay Biscayne creeping-oxeye Sphagneticola trilobata SPTR6 Asteraceae Dicot
bay cedar Suriana maritima SUMA2 Surianaceae Dicot
baybean Canavalia rosea CARO26 Fabaceae Dicot
bayhops Ipomoea pes-caprae IPPE Convolvulaceae Dicot
bayrumtree Pimenta racemosa PIRA Myrtaceae Dicot
bayrumtree Pimenta racemosa var. grisea PIRAG Myrtaceae Dicot
bayrumtree Pimenta racemosa var. racemosa PIRAR Myrtaceae Dicot
beach milkvine Matelea maritima MAMA15 Asclepiadaceae Dicot
beach moonflower Ipomoea violacea IPVI Convolvulaceae Dicot
beach morning-glory Ipomoea imperati IPIM Convolvulaceae Dicot
beach sheoak Casuarina equisetifolia CAEQ Casuarinaceae Dicot
beadtree Adenanthera ADENA Fabaceae Dicot
beaksedge Rhynchospora RHYNC3 Cyperaceae Monocot
bean Phaseolus PHASE Fabaceae Dicot
bearded sprangletop Leptochloa fusca ssp. fascicularis LEFUF Poaceae Monocot
beardgrass Bothriochloa BOTHR Poaceae Monocot
beautyberry Callicarpa CALLI2 Verbenaceae Dicot
beechleaf croton Croton betulinus CRBE4 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
beggarticks Bidens BIDEN Asteraceae Dicot
beilschmiedia Beilschmiedia BEILS Lauraceae Dicot
bejuco colorado Ipomoea repanda IPRE Convolvulaceae Dicot
bejuco de lira Marcgravia rectiflora MARE3 Marcgraviaceae Dicot
bejuco de puerco Ipomoea setifera IPSE2 Convolvulaceae Dicot
bejuco de santiago Aristolochia trilobata ARTR5 Aristolochiaceae Dicot
bejuco de sopla Tetrapterys inaequalis TEIN5 Malpighiaceae Dicot
bejuco de sopla Securidaca virgata SEVI5 Polygalaceae Dicot
bellisima grande Antigonon guatemalense ANGU Polygonaceae Dicot
bellyache bush Jatropha gossypiifolia JAGO Euphorbiaceae Dicot
bellyache bush Jatropha gossypiifolia var. gossypiifolia JAGOG Euphorbiaceae Dicot
Bermudagrass Cynodon CYNOD Poaceae Monocot
Bermudagrass Cynodon dactylon CYDA Poaceae Monocot
big caltrop Kallstroemia maxima KAMA Zygophyllaceae Dicot
big yellow velvetleaf Wissadula amplissima WIAM Malvaceae Dicot
bigleaf mistletoe Phoradendron racemosum PHRA7 Viscaceae Dicot
bigseed alfalfa dodder Cuscuta indecora CUIN Cuscutaceae Dicot
bigseed dodder Cuscuta indecora var. neuropetala CUINN Cuscutaceae Dicot
bijao Renealmia occidentalis REOC Zingiberaceae Monocot
bindweed Convolvulus CONVO Convolvulaceae Dicot
bindweed dwarf morning-glory Evolvulus convolvuloides EVCO Convolvulaceae Dicot
bird beaksedge Rhynchospora filiformis RHFI2 Cyperaceae Monocot
birdcherry Eugenia monticola EUMO Myrtaceae Dicot
birdwing fern Campyloneurum latum CALA28 Polypodiaceae Fern
bitter ash Picrasma antillana PIAN2 Simaroubaceae Dicot
bitterbush Picramnia PICRA Simaroubaceae Dicot
bitterwood Picrasma excelsa PIEX Simaroubaceae Dicot
bixa Bixa BIXA Bixaceae Dicot
black ambret Mimosa ceratonia MICE Fabaceae Dicot
black calabash Amphitecna latifolia AMLA4 Bignoniaceae Dicot
black elderberry Sambucus nigra SANI4 Caprifoliaceae Dicot
black mampoo Guapira fragrans GUFR Nyctaginaceae Dicot
black mangrove Avicennia germinans AVGE Verbenaceae Dicot
black nightshade Solanum nigrum SONI Solanaceae Dicot
black poui Jacaranda mimosifolia JAMI Bignoniaceae Dicot
black-sage Cordia polycephala COPO3 Boraginaceae Dicot
blackbead Pithecellobium PITHE Fabaceae Dicot
blackeyed Susan vine Thunbergia alata THAL3 Acanthaceae Dicot
blackfoot Melampodium MELAM Asteraceae Dicot
blackrodwood Eugenia biflora EUBI Myrtaceae Dicot
blackroot Pterocaulon PTERO2 Asteraceae Dicot
blacktorch Erithalis ERITH Rubiaceae Dicot
blacktorch Erithalis fruticosa ERFR4 Rubiaceae Dicot
bladdermallow Herissantia crispa HECR3 Malvaceae Dicot
blechum Blechum BLECH2 Acanthaceae Dicot
blood sage Salvia coccinea SACO5 Lamiaceae Dicot
blood-red pricklypear Opuntia sanguinea OPSA3 Cactaceae Dicot
bloodflower Asclepias curassavica ASCU Asclepiadaceae Dicot
bloodleaf Iresine IRESI Amaranthaceae Dicot
bloodwoodtree Haematoxylum campechianum HACA2 Fabaceae Dicot
blue crowngrass Paspalum caespitosum PACA12 Poaceae Monocot
blue rattlesnake Crotalaria verrucosa CRVE5 Fabaceae Dicot
blue wiss Teramnus labialis TELA2 Fabaceae Dicot
bluestem Andropogon ANDRO2 Poaceae Monocot
bluntleaf silverbush Argythamnia stahlii ARST7 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
blutaparon Blutaparon BLUTA Amaranthaceae Dicot
boatlily Tradescantia spathacea TRSP8 Commelinaceae Monocot
bodywood Bourreria succulenta BOSU2 Boraginaceae Dicot
bog orchid Habenaria HABEN Orchidaceae Monocot
bois bande Jacquinia berteroi JABE Theophrastaceae Dicot
Bolivian panicgrass Panicum boliviense PABO7 Poaceae Monocot
bonebract Sclerocarpus SCLER3 Asteraceae Dicot
bontia Bontia BONTI Myoporaceae Dicot
Boston swordfern Nephrolepis exaltata NEEX Dryopteridaceae Fern
Boston swordfern Nephrolepis exaltata ssp. exaltata NEEXE Dryopteridaceae Fern
boton de oro Melampodium divaricatum MEDI4 Asteraceae Dicot
bottle gourd Lagenaria siceraria LASI Cucurbitaceae Dicot
bouchea Bouchea BOUCH Verbenaceae Dicot
bougainvillea Bougainvillea BOUGA Nyctaginaceae Dicot
boxleaf Tetrapterys buxifolia TEBU2 Malpighiaceae Dicot
boxleaf stopper Eugenia foetida EUFO3 Myrtaceae Dicot
boxwood Buxus BUXUS Buxaceae Dicot
braceletwood Jacquinia armillaris JAAR2 Theophrastaceae Dicot
brachychiton Brachychiton BRACH13 Sterculiaceae Dicot
bracted fanpetals Sida ciliaris SICI Malvaceae Dicot
brake fern Pteris PTERI2 Pteridaceae Fern
brassavola Brassavola BRASS3 Orchidaceae Monocot
Brazilian bayhops Ipomoea pes-caprae ssp. brasiliensis IPPEB Convolvulaceae Dicot
Brazilian bristlegrass Setaria rariflora SERA2 Poaceae Monocot
Brazilian jackbean Canavalia brasiliensis CABR21 Fabaceae Dicot
Brazilian joyweed Alternanthera brasiliana ALBR5 Amaranthaceae Dicot
Brazilian nightshade Solanum seaforthianum SOSE7 Solanaceae Dicot
Brazilian peppertree Schinus terebinthifolius SCTE Anacardiaceae Dicot
Brazilian peppertree Schinus terebinthifolius var. raddianus SCTER2 Anacardiaceae Dicot
Brazilian rosemallow Hibiscus phoeniceus HIPH Malvaceae Dicot
bread and cheese Paullinia PAULL Sapindaceae Dicot
bread and cheese Paullinia pinnata PAPI4 Sapindaceae Dicot
breadfruit Artocarpus ARTOC Moraceae Dicot
breadfruit Artocarpus altilis ARAL7 Moraceae Dicot
breakbill Sideroxylon obovatum SIOB Sapotaceae Dicot
bretonica prieta Melochia nodiflora MENO Sterculiaceae Dicot
bridalveil Gibasis GIBAS Commelinaceae Monocot
bridgotree Chionanthus compactus CHCO12 Oleaceae Dicot
brisselet Erythroxylum brevipes ERBR11 Erythroxylaceae Dicot
bristle fern Trichomanes TRICH5 Hymenophyllaceae Fern
bristlegrass Setaria SETAR Poaceae Monocot
Britton"s centaury Centaurium quitense CEQU Gentianaceae Dicot
Britton"s wild petunia Ruellia caerulea RUCA19 Acanthaceae Dicot
broadleaf caper Capparis hastata CAHA9 Capparaceae Dicot
broadleaf carpetgrass Axonopus compressus AXCO Poaceae Monocot
broadleaf maiden fern Thelypteris angustifolia THAN Thelypteridaceae Fern
broadleaf maidenhair Adiantum latifolium ADLA Pteridaceae Fern
bromelia Bromelia BROME Bromeliaceae Monocot
broom silverbush Argythamnia fasciculata ARFA Euphorbiaceae Dicot
broombush false willow Baccharis dioica BADI3 Asteraceae Dicot
broomcorn millet Panicum miliaceum ssp. miliaceum PAMIM Poaceae Monocot
broomstick Trichilia hirta TRHI3 Meliaceae Dicot
brown mustard Brassica juncea BRJU Brassicaceae Dicot
brown-flower butterfly orchid Epidendrum anceps EPAN3 Orchidaceae Monocot
Browne"s blechum Blechum pyramidatum BLPY Acanthaceae Dicot
Browne"s wild coffee Psychotria brownei PSBR3 Rubiaceae Dicot
brownseed paspalum Paspalum plicatulum PAPL3 Poaceae Monocot
browntop signalgrass Urochloa fusca URFU2 Poaceae Monocot
bucayo Erythrina fusca ERFU2 Fabaceae Dicot
buchenavia Buchenavia BUCHE Combretaceae Dicot
bucida Bucida BUCID Combretaceae Dicot
buffelgrass Pennisetum ciliare PECI Poaceae Monocot
bulbous yam Dioscorea pilosiuscula DIPI Dioscoreaceae Monocot
bull withe Heteropterys purpurea HEPU17 Malpighiaceae Dicot
bulletwood Manilkara bidentata MABI5 Sapotaceae Dicot
bullsuckers Opuntia ×cubensis OPCU Cactaceae Dicot
bully Sideroxylon SIDER2 Sapotaceae Dicot
bullytree Pouteria multiflora POMU6 Sapotaceae Dicot
bundleflower Desmanthus DESMA Fabaceae Dicot
bur grass Tragus TRAGU Poaceae Monocot
bur mallow Urena sinuata URSI Malvaceae Dicot
burbark Triumfetta TRIUM Tiliaceae Dicot
burhead Echinodorus ECHIN6 Alismataceae Monocot
burn nose Daphnopsis americana DAAM2 Thymelaeaceae Dicot
burnweed Erechtites ERECH Asteraceae Dicot
burro blanco Capparis amplissima CAAM13 Capparaceae Dicot
bursera Bursera BURSE Burseraceae Dicot
bushbean Macroptilium MACRO4 Fabaceae Dicot
bushmint Hyptis HYPTI Lamiaceae Dicot
bushweed Flueggea FLUEG Euphorbiaceae Dicot
bushy bluestem Andropogon glomeratus ANGL2 Poaceae Monocot
bushy bluestem Andropogon glomeratus var. pumilus ANGLP Poaceae Monocot
bushy heliotrope Heliotropium ternatum HETE10 Boraginaceae Dicot
butterbough Exothea paniculata EXPA Sapindaceae Dicot
butterfly pea Centrosema CENTR2 Fabaceae Dicot
button mangrove Conocarpus erectus COER2 Combretaceae Dicot
buttonsage Lantana involucrata LAIN2 Verbenaceae Dicot
buttonsage Lantana involucrata var. involucrata LAINI Verbenaceae Dicot
buttonweed Diodia DIODI Rubiaceae Dicot
byrsonima Byrsonima BYRSO Malpighiaceae Dicot
cabbagebark tree Andira inermis ANIN Fabaceae Dicot
caca ravet Forestiera rhamnifolia FORH Oleaceae Dicot
cacao Theobroma cacao THCA Sterculiaceae Dicot
cacao rojo Ziziphus reticulata ZIRE Rhamnaceae Dicot
Caesarweed Urena lobata URLO Malvaceae Dicot
cafe forastero Bunchosia glandulosa BUGL Malpighiaceae Dicot
cafeillo Drypetes alba DRAL5 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
cajanus Cajanus CAJAN Fabaceae Dicot
cakalaka berry Solanum polygamum SOPO Solanaceae Dicot
caladium Caladium CALAD Araceae Monocot
calicoplant Alternanthera bettzichiana ALBE Amaranthaceae Dicot
California fan palm Washingtonia filifera WAFI Arecaceae Monocot
calophyllum Calophyllum CALOP Clusiaceae Dicot
calotropis Calotropis CALOT Asclepiadaceae Dicot
caltrop Kallstroemia KALLS Zygophyllaceae Dicot
camasey cuatrocanales Miconia mirabilis MIMI3 Melastomataceae Dicot
camasey de costilla Miconia impetiolaris MIIM Melastomataceae Dicot
camasey tomaso Miconia thomasiana MITH Melastomataceae Dicot
cambustera de costa Jacquemontia solanifolia JASO Convolvulaceae Dicot
camito de perro Chrysophyllum pauciflorum CHPA31 Sapotaceae Dicot
camphortree Cinnamomum camphora CICA Lauraceae Dicot
camphorweed Pluchea PLUCH Asteraceae Dicot
Canada spikesedge Eleocharis geniculata ELGE Cyperaceae Monocot
Canadian horseweed Conyza canadensis COCA5 Asteraceae Dicot
Canadian horseweed Conyza canadensis var. pusilla COCAP3 Asteraceae Dicot
canker berry Solanum racemosum SORA2 Solanaceae Dicot
canna Canna CANNA2 Cannaceae Monocot
caparosa Callicarpa ampla CAAM14 Verbenaceae Dicot
capberry Nectandra patens NEPA4 Lauraceae Dicot
Cape Francais stalkgrass Pharus lappulaceus PHLA21 Poaceae Monocot
Cape leadwort Plumbago auriculata PLAU6 Plumbaginaceae Dicot
caper Capparis baducca CABA2 Capparaceae Dicot
caper Capparis CAPPA Capparaceae Dicot
capitaneja Verbesina alata VEAL4 Asteraceae Dicot
cappel Palicourea PALIC Rubiaceae Dicot
capraria Capraria CAPRA2 Scrophulariaceae Dicot
Caribbean bristlegrass Setaria utowanaea SEUT2 Poaceae Monocot
Caribbean burn nose Daphnopsis americana ssp. caribaea DAAMC Thymelaeaceae Dicot
Caribbean caltrop Kallstroemia pubescens KAPU Zygophyllaceae Dicot
Caribbean clearweed Pilea herniarioides PIHE Urticaceae Dicot
Caribbean mayten Maytenus cymosa MACY2 Celastraceae Dicot
Caribbean milkweed Asclepias nivea ASNI3 Asclepiadaceae Dicot
Caribbean princewood Exostema caribaeum EXCA Rubiaceae Dicot
Caribbean seagrass Halophila decipiens HADE5 Hydrocharitaceae Monocot
Caribbean spiderlily Hymenocallis caribaea HYCA19 Liliaceae Monocot
Caribbean spiritweed Aegiphila martinicensis AEMA Verbenaceae Dicot
Caribbean thoroughwort Chromolaena corymbosa CHCO9 Asteraceae Dicot
Caribbean trumpet-tree Tabebuia aurea TAAU2 Bignoniaceae Dicot
carpetgrass Axonopus AXONO Poaceae Monocot
carpetweed Mollugo MOLLU Molluginaceae Dicot
Carribean island spikesedge Kyllinga vaginata KYVA Cyperaceae Monocot
carry me seed Phyllanthus amarus PHAM5 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
carrycillo Olyra OLYRA Poaceae Monocot
carrycillo Olyra latifolia OLLA Poaceae Monocot
Cartagena prairie clover Dalea carthagenensis DACA9 Fabaceae Dicot
Cartagena prairie clover Dalea carthagenensis var. carthagenensis DACAC3 Fabaceae Dicot
cascabelillo axilar Crotalaria lotifolia CRLO4 Fabaceae Dicot
casearia Casearia CASEA Flacourtiaceae Dicot
cashew Anacardium occidentale ANOC Anacardiaceae Dicot
cassava Manihot MANIH Euphorbiaceae Dicot
cassava Manihot esculenta MAES Euphorbiaceae Dicot
cassia Cassia CASSI Fabaceae Dicot
cassine Cassine CASSI2 Celastraceae Dicot
cassytha Cassytha CASSY Lauraceae Dicot
castela Castela CASTE2 Simaroubaceae Dicot
castorbean Ricinus communis RICO3 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
catalpa Catalpa CATAL Bignoniaceae Dicot
catch and keep Acacia retusa ACRE4 Fabaceae Dicot
catchbirdtree Pisonia PISON Nyctaginaceae Dicot
catclaw blackbead Pithecellobium unguis-cati PIUN Fabaceae Dicot
catclawvine Macfadyena unguis-cati MAUN3 Bignoniaceae Dicot
catechu tree Acacia polyacantha ACPO3 Fabaceae Dicot
cathedral bells Kalanchoe pinnata KAPI Crassulaceae Dicot
catstongue Priva lappulacea PRLA2 Verbenaceae Dicot
cattail Typha TYPHA Typhaceae Monocot
cayenne pepper Capsicum annuum CAAN4 Solanaceae Dicot
cayenne pepper Capsicum annuum var. annuum CAANA4 Solanaceae Dicot
cayenne porterweed Stachytarpheta cayennensis STCA8 Verbenaceae Dicot
cedrela Cedrela CEDRE Meliaceae Dicot
ceiba Ceiba CEIBA Bombacaceae Dicot
centaury Centaurium CENTA2 Gentianaceae Dicot
cercipo Myrospermum frutescens MYFR2 Fabaceae Dicot
Ceylon spinach Talinum triangulare TATR2 Portulacaceae Dicot
Ceylon swamplily Crinum zeylanicum CRZE Liliaceae Monocot
chaff flower Achyranthes ACHYR2 Amaranthaceae Dicot
chamissoa Chamissoa CHAMI Amaranthaceae Dicot
chancleta Hybanthus linearifolius HYLI3 Violaceae Dicot
charlock mustard Sinapis arvensis SIAR4 Brassicaceae Dicot
chastetree Vitex VITEX Verbenaceae Dicot
cheakyberry Psychotria domingensis PSDO2 Rubiaceae Dicot
Cheesman"s swallow-wort Cynanchum cheesmanii CYCH Asclepiadaceae Dicot
cheesytoes Stylosanthes hamata STHA Fabaceae Dicot
chewstick Gouania GOUAN Rhamnaceae Dicot
chicharron amarillo Ouratea ilicifolia OUIL Ochnaceae Dicot
chickenclaws Sarcocornia perennis SAPE11 Chenopodiaceae Dicot
chickenweed Portulaca quadrifida POQU2 Portulacaceae Dicot
chiggery grapes Tournefortia hirsutissima TOHI Boraginaceae Dicot
Chinaberrytree Melia azedarach MEAZ Meliaceae Dicot
chinchweed Pectis PECTI Asteraceae Dicot
Chinese box Murraya exotica MUEX2 Rutaceae Dicot
Chinese chastetree Vitex negundo VINE2 Verbenaceae Dicot
Chinese chastetree Vitex negundo var. intermedia VINEI Verbenaceae Dicot
Chinese violet Asystasia gangetica ASGA2 Acanthaceae Dicot
chione Chione CHION3 Rubiaceae Dicot
Christmas candlestick Leonotis nepetifolia LENE Lamiaceae Dicot
Christmas cherry Eugenia pseudopsidium EUPS Myrtaceae Dicot
Christmasbush Senna bicapsularis SEBI5 Fabaceae Dicot
chrysobalanus Chrysobalanus CHRYS3 Chrysobalanaceae Dicot
chrysophyllum Chrysophyllum CHRYS5 Sapotaceae Dicot
cinnamon Cinnamomum verum CIVE2 Lauraceae Dicot
cinnamon Cinnamomum CINNA2 Lauraceae Dicot
circular paspalum Paspalum orbiculatum PAOR4 Poaceae Monocot
cissampelos Cissampelos CISSA Menispermaceae Dicot
citronella grass Cymbopogon nardus CYNA Poaceae Monocot
citrus Citrus CITRU2 Rutaceae Dicot
clamshell orchid Prosthechea cochleata PRCO4 Orchidaceae Monocot
clamshell orchid Prosthechea cochleata var. cochleata PRCOC Orchidaceae Monocot
clavel de muerto Tithonia rotundifolia TIRO Asteraceae Dicot
clearweed Pilea PILEA Urticaceae Dicot
clibadium Clibadium CLIBA Asteraceae Dicot
clidemia Clidemia CLIDE Melastomataceae Dicot
climbing bamboo Arthrostylidium ARTHR2 Poaceae Monocot
climbing dayflower Commelina diffusa CODI5 Commelinaceae Monocot
climbing dayflower Commelina diffusa var. diffusa CODID3 Commelinaceae Monocot
climbing wartclub Boerhavia scandens BOSC Nyctaginaceae Dicot
clinging snakefern Microgramma heterophylla MIHE2 Polypodiaceae Fern
clover ash Tetrazygia TETRA7 Melastomataceae Dicot
clubbed creepingfern Odontosoria clavata ODCL Dennstaedtiaceae Fern
clubmoss Lycopodiella LYCOP6 Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
clubmoss Huperzia HUPER Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
clubmoss snakefern Microgramma lycopodioides MILY Polypodiaceae Fern
clustered fanpetals Sida glomerata SIGL5 Malvaceae Dicot
clustervine Jacquemontia JACQU Convolvulaceae Dicot
Coamo River pouzolzsbush Pouzolzia occidentalis POOC4 Urticaceae Dicot
coastal beach sandmat Chamaesyce mesembrianthemifolia CHME7 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
coastal plain creepingoxeye Wedelia fruticosa WEFR Asteraceae Dicot
coastal plain spikerush Eleocharis retroflexa ELRE2 Cyperaceae Monocot
coastal ragweed Ambrosia hispida AMHI3 Asteraceae Dicot
coastal sandbur Cenchrus spinifex CESP4 Poaceae Monocot
coastal searocket Cakile lanceolata CALA2 Brassicaceae Dicot
coastal searocket Cakile lanceolata ssp. lanceolata CALAL2 Brassicaceae Dicot
coatbuttons Tridax procumbens TRPR5 Asteraceae Dicot
cobana negra Stahlia monosperma STMO Fabaceae Dicot
coca Erythroxylum ERYTH5 Erythroxylaceae Dicot
coccinia Coccinia COCCI Cucurbitaceae Dicot
coccoloba Coccoloba COCCO Polygonaceae Dicot
cochineal nopal cactus Opuntia cochenillifera OPCO4 Cactaceae Dicot
cock"s comb Celosia CELOS Amaranthaceae Dicot
cock"s spur Erythrina eggersii EREG Fabaceae Dicot
cocklebur Xanthium XANTH2 Asteraceae Dicot
cockroach berry Solanum capsicoides SOCA10 Solanaceae Dicot
cockspur grass Echinochloa ECHIN4 Poaceae Monocot
coco plum Chrysobalanus icaco CHIC Chrysobalanaceae Dicot
coconut palm Cocos COCOS Arecaceae Monocot
coconut palm Cocos nucifera CONU Arecaceae Monocot
coconut paspalum Paspalum laxum PALA12 Poaceae Monocot
coffee Coffea COFFE Rubiaceae Dicot
coinvine Dalbergia ecastaphyllum DAEC Fabaceae Dicot
cojite morado Callisia monandra CAMO25 Commelinaceae Monocot
cold withe Tournefortia filiflora TOFI Boraginaceae Dicot
colicwood Myrsine MYRSI Myrsinaceae Dicot
comb bushmint Hyptis pectinata HYPE3 Lamiaceae Dicot
common bamboo Bambusa vulgaris BAVU2 Poaceae Monocot
common calabash tree Crescentia cujete CRCU Bignoniaceae Dicot
common coleus Solenostemon scutellarioides SOSC7 Lamiaceae Dicot
common globe amaranth Gomphrena globosa GOGL Amaranthaceae Dicot
common plantain Plantago major PLMA2 Plantaginaceae Dicot
common sowthistle Sonchus oleraceus SOOL Asteraceae Dicot
common water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes EICR Pontederiaceae Monocot
common wireweed Sida acuta SIAC3 Malvaceae Dicot
conch apple Passiflora maliformis PAMA8 Passifloraceae Dicot
Congo mahoe Hibiscus clypeatus HICL2 Malvaceae Dicot
connate erythrina Erythrina corallodendron var. connata ERCOC6 Fabaceae Dicot
coon"s tail Ceratophyllum demersum CEDE4 Ceratophyllaceae Dicot
copey vera Ternstroemia peduncularis TEPE Theaceae Dicot
copperleaf Acalypha ACALY Euphorbiaceae Dicot
coral erythrina Erythrina corallodendron ERCO22 Fabaceae Dicot
coral vine Antigonon leptopus ANLE4 Polygonaceae Dicot
coralbush Jatropha multifida JAMU Euphorbiaceae Dicot
coralfruit Doyerea emetocathartica DOEM Cucurbitaceae Dicot
corchorus Corchorus CORCH Tiliaceae Dicot
cordgrass Spartina SPART Poaceae Monocot
cordia Cordia CORDI Boraginaceae Dicot
cordobancillo Rondeletia RONDE Rubiaceae Dicot
cordobancillo peludo Rondeletia pilosa ROPI3 Rubiaceae Dicot
corita Agave missionum AGMI4 Agavaceae Monocot
corkystem passionflower Passiflora pallida PAPA22 Passifloraceae Dicot
corkystem passionflower Passiflora suberosa PASU3 Passifloraceae Dicot
corn Zea ZEA Poaceae Monocot
corn Zea mays ZEMA Poaceae Monocot
corn Zea mays ssp. mays ZEMAM2 Poaceae Monocot
corrida yerba de guava Geophila repens GERE3 Rubiaceae Dicot
cortadora blanca Scleria pterota SCPT Cyperaceae Monocot
cortadora blanca Scleria pterota var. melaleuca SCPTM Cyperaceae Monocot
cosmos Cosmos COSMO Asteraceae Dicot
cotton Gossypium GOSSY Malvaceae Dicot
coughbush Ernodea littoralis ERLI5 Rubiaceae Dicot
cowhage cherry Malpighia infestissima MAIN5 Malpighiaceae Dicot
cowpea Vigna unguiculata VIUN Fabaceae Dicot
cowpea Vigna VIGNA Fabaceae Dicot
crabgrass Digitaria DIGIT2 Poaceae Monocot
crabseye Rhynchosia phaseoloides RHPH Fabaceae Dicot
crackopen Casearia sylvestris CASY2 Flacourtiaceae Dicot
cranichis-like ladies"-tresses Cyclopogon cranichoides CYCR10 Orchidaceae Monocot
creeping charlie Pilea nummulariifolia PINU Urticaceae Dicot
creeping inchplant Callisia repens CARE8 Commelinaceae Monocot
creeping woodsorrel Oxalis corniculata OXCO Oxalidaceae Dicot
creeping-bluet Oldenlandiopsis OLDEN2 Rubiaceae Dicot
creeping-bluet Oldenlandiopsis callitrichoides OLCA4 Rubiaceae Dicot
creeping-oxeye Sphagneticola SPHAG3 Asteraceae Dicot
creepingfern Odontosoria ODONT Dennstaedtiaceae Fern
creepingfern Bolbitis BOLBI Dryopteridaceae Fern
creepingoxeye Wedelia WEDEL Asteraceae Dicot
Creole cotton Gossypium barbadense GOBA Malvaceae Dicot
crescentia Crescentia CRESC Bignoniaceae Dicot
crested saltbush Atriplex cristata ATCR2 Chenopodiaceae Dicot
crevajosa Polygala penaea POPE13 Polygalaceae Dicot
crevajosa Polygala penaea ssp. portoricensis POPEP Polygalaceae Dicot
crevice flatsedge Cyperus tenuis CYTE4 Cyperaceae Monocot
cricketvine Arrabidaea chica ARCH5 Bignoniaceae Dicot
crimson bluestem Schizachyrium sanguineum SCSA Poaceae Monocot
crimson bluestem Schizachyrium sanguineum var. sanguineum SCSAS Poaceae Monocot
crookneck squash Cucurbita moschata CUMO Cucurbitaceae Dicot
crossopetalum Crossopetalum CROSS Celastraceae Dicot
croton Croton CROTO Euphorbiaceae Dicot
crowfoot grass Dactyloctenium DACTY2 Poaceae Monocot
crownbeard Verbesina VERBE2 Asteraceae Dicot
crowngrass Paspalum PASPA2 Poaceae Monocot
Cuban jute Sida rhombifolia SIRH Malvaceae Dicot
cucubano de vieques Guettarda odorata GUOD Rubiaceae Dicot
cudweed Pseudognaphalium PSEUD43 Asteraceae Dicot
cultivated tobacco Nicotiana tabacum NITA Solanaceae Dicot
cupania Cupania CUPAN Sapindaceae Dicot
cupgrass Eriochloa ERIOC2 Poaceae Monocot
curaciao bush Cordia globosa COGL6 Boraginaceae Dicot
cure for all Pluchea carolinensis PLCA10 Asteraceae Dicot
custard apple Annona reticulata ANRE Annonaceae Dicot
cutleaf groundcherry Physalis angulata PHAN5 Solanaceae Dicot
cutleaf spleenwort Asplenium abscissum ASAB2 Aspleniaceae Fern
cymodocea Cymodocea CYMOD Cymodoceaceae Monocot
cypress peperomia Peperomia glabella PEGL7 Piperaceae Dicot
cypressvine Ipomoea quamoclit IPQU Convolvulaceae Dicot
cypselea Cypselea CYPSE Aizoaceae Dicot
daddy longlegs orchid Brassavola cucullata BRCU Orchidaceae Monocot
dalechampia Dalechampia DALEC Euphorbiaceae Dicot
damiana Turnera diffusa TUDI Turneraceae Dicot
damiana Turnera diffusa var. diffusa TUDID Turneraceae Dicot
dancing-lady orchid Tolumnia TOLUM Orchidaceae Monocot
dancing-lady orchid Oncidium ONCID Orchidaceae Monocot
daphnopsis Daphnopsis DAPHN Thymelaeaceae Dicot
darkgreen maiden fern Thelypteris poiteana THPO5 Thelypteridaceae Fern
darlingplum Reynosia REYNO2 Rhamnaceae Dicot
day jessamine Cestrum diurnum CEDI6 Solanaceae Dicot
dayflower Commelina COMME Commelinaceae Monocot
delicate violet orchid Ionopsis utricularioides IOUT Orchidaceae Monocot
delonix Delonix DELON Fabaceae Dicot
deltoid maiden fern Thelypteris deltoidea THDE3 Thelypteridaceae Fern
dendropanax Dendropanax DENDR2 Araliaceae Dicot
desert horsepurslane Trianthema portulacastrum TRPO2 Aizoaceae Dicot
desert lovegrass Eragrostis pectinacea var. miserrima ERPEM Poaceae Monocot
devil"s gut Cassytha filiformis CAFI4 Lauraceae Dicot
devil"s horsewhip Achyranthes aspera ACAS Amaranthaceae Dicot
devil"s horsewhip Achyranthes aspera var. aspera ACASA Amaranthaceae Dicot
devil"s-pepper Rauvolfia RAUVO Apocynaceae Dicot
diamond burbark Triumfetta rhomboidea TRRH Tiliaceae Dicot
diamondleaf fogfruit Phyla fruticosa PHFR11 Verbenaceae Dicot
dieffenbachia Dieffenbachia DIEFF Araceae Monocot
digit fern Doryopteris pedata DOPE Pteridaceae Fern
dill Anethum ANETH Apiaceae Dicot
dill Anethum graveolens ANGR2 Apiaceae Dicot
distictis Distictis DISTI2 Bignoniaceae Dicot
divi divi Caesalpinia coriaria CACO28 Fabaceae Dicot
Dixie silverback fern Pityrogramma calomelanos PICA4 Pteridaceae Fern
dixie ticktrefoil Desmodium tortuosum DETO Fabaceae Dicot
doctorbush Plumbago scandens PLSC4 Plumbaginaceae Dicot
dodder Cuscuta CUSCU Cuscutaceae Dicot
dodonaea Dodonaea DODON Sapindaceae Dicot
dog"s-tongue Pseudelephantopus PSEUD17 Asteraceae Dicot
dog"s-tongue Pseudelephantopus spicatus PSSP4 Asteraceae Dicot
Dominican cudweed Pseudognaphalium domingense PSDO4 Asteraceae Dicot
Dominican signalgrass Urochloa adspersa URAD Poaceae Monocot
doncella Byrsonima spicata BYSP Malpighiaceae Dicot
doryopteris Doryopteris DORYO Pteridaceae Fern
dotleaf waterlily Nymphaea ampla NYAM2 Nymphaeaceae Dicot
dotleaf waterlily Nymphaea ampla var. ampla NYAMA Nymphaeaceae Dicot
dotleaf waterlily Nymphaea ampla var. pulchella NYAMP Nymphaeaceae Dicot
dotted bristle fern Trichomanes punctatum TRPU5 Hymenophyllaceae Fern
dotted bristle fern Trichomanes punctatum ssp. punctatum TRPUP Hymenophyllaceae Fern
dotted pricklyash Zanthoxylum punctatum ZAPU2 Rutaceae Dicot
downy maiden fern Thelypteris dentata THDE4 Thelypteridaceae Fern
doyeria Doyerea DOYER Cucurbitaceae Dicot
dragon withe Heteropterys laurifolia HELA22 Malpighiaceae Dicot
droophead tufted airplant Guzmania lingulata GULI Bromeliaceae Monocot
dropseed Sporobolus SPORO Poaceae Monocot
drymary Drymaria DRYMA Caryophyllaceae Dicot
drypetes Drypetes DRYPE Euphorbiaceae Dicot
duckweed Lemna LEMNA Lemnaceae Monocot
dumbcane Dieffenbachia seguine DISE7 Araceae Monocot
duranta Duranta DURAN Verbenaceae Dicot
dutchman"s laudanum Passiflora rubra PARU3 Passifloraceae Dicot
dutchman"s pipe Aristolochia ARIST2 Aristolochiaceae Dicot
dwarf ayenia Ayenia insulicola AYIN2 Sterculiaceae Dicot
dwarf morning-glory Evolvulus EVOLV Convolvulaceae Dicot
dwarf spleenwort Asplenium pumilum ASPU10 Aspleniaceae Fern
dysphania Dysphania DYSPH Chenopodiaceae Dicot
Earhart"s stopper Eugenia earhartii EUEA Myrtaceae Dicot
East Indian island pea Christia verspertilionis CHVE6 Fabaceae Dicot
Easter flower Securidaca diversifolia SEDI6 Polygalaceae Dicot
eclipta Eclipta ECLIP Asteraceae Dicot
Egger"s morning-glory Ipomoea eggersii IPEG3 Convolvulaceae Dicot
Eggers" century plant Agave eggersiana AGEG Agavaceae Monocot
Eggers" crabgrass Digitaria eggersii DIEG Poaceae Monocot
Eggers" milkpea Galactia eggersii GAEG Fabaceae Dicot
Egyptian grass Dactyloctenium aegyptium DAAE Poaceae Monocot
Egyptian panicgrass Paspalidium geminatum PAGE2 Poaceae Monocot
Egyptian panicgrass Paspalidium geminatum var. geminatum PAGEG Poaceae Monocot
Egyptian riverhemp Sesbania sesban SESE8 Fabaceae Dicot
elderberry Sambucus SAMBU Caprifoliaceae Dicot
elegant dutchman"s pipe Aristolochia elegans AREL10 Aristolochiaceae Dicot
elegant zinnia Zinnia violacea ZIVI2 Asteraceae Dicot
elephant grass Pennisetum purpureum PEPU2 Poaceae Monocot
elephant"s ear Xanthosoma XANTH4 Araceae Monocot
elephantsfoot Elephantopus ELEPH Asteraceae Dicot
eleutheranthera Eleutheranthera ELEUT2 Asteraceae Dicot
eleutherine Eleutherine ELEUT Iridaceae Monocot
embrert Clerodendrum inerme CLIN2 Verbenaceae Dicot
emperor"s candlesticks Senna alata SEAL4 Fabaceae Dicot
entireleaf spiritweed Aegiphila integrifolia AEIN5 Verbenaceae Dicot
erect pricklypear Opuntia dillenii OPDI3 Cactaceae Dicot
erect spiderling Boerhavia erecta BOER Nyctaginaceae Dicot
ernodea Ernodea ERNOD Rubiaceae Dicot
eryngo Eryngium ERYNG Apiaceae Dicot
erythrina Erythrina ERYTH Fabaceae Dicot
escoba babosa Bastardia bivalvis BABI5 Malvaceae Dicot
escoba parada Sida salviifolia SISA5 Malvaceae Dicot
Everglades greenbrier Smilax coriacea SMCO Smilacaceae Monocot
exostema Exostema EXOST Rubiaceae Dicot
exothea Exothea EXOTH Sapindaceae Dicot
eyebane Chamaesyce nutans CHNU9 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
Fadyen"s silktassel Garrya fadyenia GAFA5 Garryaceae Dicot
false box Gyminda GYMIN Celastraceae Dicot
false buttonweed Spermacoce SPERM Rubiaceae Dicot
false chaff flower Chamissoa altissima CHAL10 Amaranthaceae Dicot
false chiggergrape Coccoloba venosa COVE Polygonaceae Dicot
false coffee Faramea FARAM Rubiaceae Dicot
false coffee Faramea occidentalis FAOC Rubiaceae Dicot
false croton Caperonia CAPER Euphorbiaceae Dicot
false daisy Eclipta prostrata ECPR Asteraceae Dicot
false hollyfern Arachniodes chaerophylloides ARCH10 Dryopteridaceae Fern
false ironwort Hyptis capitata HYCA12 Lamiaceae Dicot
false mallow Malvastrum corchorifolium MACO12 Malvaceae Dicot
false mallow Malvastrum MALVA2 Malvaceae Dicot
false mastic Sideroxylon foetidissimum SIFO Sapotaceae Dicot
false pimpernel Lindernia LINDE Scrophulariaceae Dicot
falseteeth Capparis flexuosa CAFL2 Capparaceae Dicot
fameflower Talinum TALIN2 Portulacaceae Dicot
fan maidenhair Adiantum tenerum ADTE Pteridaceae Fern
fan palm Washingtonia WASHI Arecaceae Monocot
fanpetals Sida SIDA Malvaceae Dicot
fatpork Chione venosa CHVE4 Rubiaceae Dicot
faux persil Cardiospermum corindum CACO31 Sapindaceae Dicot
feefee Centrosema plumieri CEPL Fabaceae Dicot
female karata Furcraea tuberosa FUTU Agavaceae Monocot
fence morning-glory Ipomoea ochracea IPOC2 Convolvulaceae Dicot
fennel Foeniculum FOENI Apiaceae Dicot
fetid passionflower Passiflora foetida PAFO2 Passifloraceae Dicot
fetid passionflower Passiflora foetida var. foetida PAFOF Passifloraceae Dicot
feverfew Parthenium PARTH2 Asteraceae Dicot
fewflower hairsedge Bulbostylis pauciflora BUPA Cyperaceae Monocot
fiddleleaf Nama NAMA4 Hydrophyllaceae Dicot
fiddlewood Citharexylum CITHA Verbenaceae Dicot
field lovegrass Eragrostis elliottii EREL Poaceae Monocot
fig Ficus FICUS Moraceae Dicot
filmy fern Hymenophyllum HYMEN5 Hymenophyllaceae Fern
fimbry Fimbristylis FIMBR Cyperaceae Monocot
fingergrass Eustachys EUSTA Poaceae Monocot
fire on the mountain Euphorbia cyathophora EUCY Euphorbiaceae Dicot
fireman Tragia volubilis TRVO Euphorbiaceae Dicot
Fishlock"s croton Croton fishlockii CRFI3 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
fissidens moss Fissidens FISSI2 Fissidentaceae Moss
fivepetal leaf-flower Phyllanthus pentaphyllus PHPE7 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
fivepetal leaf-flower Phyllanthus pentaphyllus ssp. polycladus PHPEP Euphorbiaceae Dicot
flat-top mille graines Oldenlandia corymbosa OLCO Rubiaceae Dicot
flatglobe dodder Cuscuta umbellata CUUM Cuscutaceae Dicot
flatleaf flatsedge Cyperus planifolius CYPL4 Cyperaceae Monocot
flatsedge Cyperus CYPER Cyperaceae Monocot
flatspike sedge Abildgaardia ovata ABOV Cyperaceae Monocot
fleabane Erigeron ERIGE2 Asteraceae Dicot
Florida bitterbush Picramnia pentandra PIPE Simaroubaceae Dicot
Florida boxwood Schaefferia frutescens SCFR Celastraceae Dicot
Florida fishpoison tree Piscidia piscipula PIPI3 Fabaceae Dicot
Florida hammock milkpea Galactia striata GAST2 Fabaceae Dicot
Florida hammock sandmat Chamaesyce ophthalmica CHOP2 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
Florida hopbush Dodonaea viscosa DOVI Sapindaceae Dicot
Florida Keys hempvine Mikania cordifolia MICO9 Asteraceae Dicot
Florida Keys Indian mallow Abutilon hirtum ABHI Malvaceae Dicot
Florida Keys ladies"-tresses Mesadenus lucayanus MELU3 Orchidaceae Monocot
Florida Keys nutrush Scleria lithosperma SCLI3 Cyperaceae Monocot
Florida Keys seagrass Halophila baillonis HABA Hydrocharitaceae Monocot
Florida strap airplant Catopsis floribunda CAFL10 Bromeliaceae Monocot
Florida swampprivet Forestiera segregata FOSE Oleaceae Dicot
Florida swampprivet Forestiera segregata var. segregata FOSES Oleaceae Dicot
Florida tasselflower Emilia fosbergii EMFO Asteraceae Dicot
flymallow Cienfuegosia CIENF Malvaceae Dicot
fogfruit Phyla PHYLA Verbenaceae Dicot
foldwing Dicliptera DICLI Acanthaceae Dicot
forest snakevine Hyperbaena domingensis HYDO2 Menispermaceae Dicot
fork-bracted rosemallow Hibiscus bifurcatus HIBI2 Malvaceae Dicot
forked fimbry Fimbristylis dichotoma FIDI Cyperaceae Monocot
fountainbush Russelia equisetiformis RUEQ Scrophulariaceae Dicot
fountaingrass Pennisetum PENNI Poaceae Monocot
four o"clock Mirabilis MIRAB Nyctaginaceae Dicot
four-angle leechbush Dendropemon caribaeus DECA9 Loranthaceae Dicot
fourleaf buchenavia Buchenavia tetraphylla BUTE4 Combretaceae Dicot
fowlsfoot Serjania diversifolia SEDI7 Sapindaceae Dicot
fox-tail blackroot Pterocaulon alopecuroidies PTAL4 Asteraceae Dicot
foxtail millet Setaria italica SEIT Poaceae Monocot
fragile maidenhair Adiantum fragile ADFR Pteridaceae Fern
fragile maidenhair Adiantum fragile var. fragile ADFRF Pteridaceae Fern
fragile maidenhair Adiantum fragile var. rigidulum ADFRR Pteridaceae Fern
fragrant buttonsage Lantana involucrata var. odorata LAINO Verbenaceae Dicot
fragrant dutchman"s pipe Aristolochia odoratissima AROD Aristolochiaceae Dicot
fragrant flatsedge Cyperus odoratus CYOD Cyperaceae Monocot
fragrant spikesedge Kyllinga odorata KYOD Cyperaceae Monocot
freetip maiden fern Thelypteris tetragona THTE5 Thelypteridaceae Fern
freshcut Justicia pectoralis JUPE3 Acanthaceae Dicot
fringed star orchid Epidendrum ciliare EPCI2 Orchidaceae Monocot
fringed windmill grass Chloris ciliata CHCI Poaceae Monocot
fringetree Chionanthus CHION Oleaceae Dicot
furcraea Furcraea FURCR Agavaceae Monocot
fustic Pictetia aculeata PIAC Fabaceae Dicot
fustictree Maclura tinctoria MATI3 Moraceae Dicot
gale of the wind Phyllanthus niruri PHNI2 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
gale of the wind Phyllanthus niruri ssp. niruri PHNIN2 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
galen del monte Cestrum laurifolium CELA2 Solanaceae Dicot
gamo de costa Phyllanthus juglandifolius PHJU2 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
garden ginger Zingiber officinale ZIOF Zingiberaceae Monocot
garden lettuce Lactuca sativa LASA3 Asteraceae Dicot
garden tomato Solanum lycopersicum SOLY2 Solanaceae Dicot
garden tomato Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme SOLYC Solanaceae Dicot
garden tomato Solanum lycopersicum var. lycopersicum SOLYL Solanaceae Dicot
genipa Genipa GENIP Rubiaceae Dicot
geophila Geophila GEOPH Rubiaceae Dicot
gia verde Casearia arborea CAAR8 Flacourtiaceae Dicot
giant airplant Tillandsia fasciculata TIFA Bromeliaceae Monocot
giant airplant Tillandsia fasciculata var. venosispica TIFAV Bromeliaceae Monocot
giant philodendron Philodendron giganteum PHGI2 Araceae Monocot
giant reed Arundo ARUND4 Poaceae Monocot
giant reed Arundo donax ARDO4 Poaceae Monocot
giant swordfern Nephrolepis biserrata NEBI Dryopteridaceae Fern
ginger Zingiber ZINGI Zingiberaceae Monocot
gingerbush Pavonia spinifex PASP6 Malvaceae Dicot
ginoria Ginoria GINOR Lythraceae Dicot
globe amaranth Gomphrena GOMPH Amaranthaceae Dicot
globe cactus Mammillaria MAMMI Cactaceae Dicot
gloria de la manana Ipomoea carnea IPCA5 Convolvulaceae Dicot
gloria de la manana Ipomoea carnea ssp. fistulosa IPCAF Convolvulaceae Dicot
glorybower Clerodendrum CLERO2 Verbenaceae Dicot
glossy maidenhair Adiantum pulverulentum ADPU Pteridaceae Fern
goatbush Castela erecta CAER3 Simaroubaceae Dicot
goatbush Castela erecta ssp. erecta CAERE2 Simaroubaceae Dicot
goatweed Capraria biflora CABI13 Scrophulariaceae Dicot
goldback fern Pityrogramma PITYR Pteridaceae Fern
golden bellapple Passiflora laurifolia PALA14 Passifloraceae Dicot
golden dewdrops Duranta erecta DUER Verbenaceae Dicot
golden leatherfern Acrostichum aureum ACAU3 Pteridaceae Fern
golden polypody Phlebodium PHLEB Polypodiaceae Fern
golden polypody Phlebodium aureum PHAU6 Polypodiaceae Fern
golden shower Cassia fistula CAFI3 Fabaceae Dicot
golden trumpet Allamanda cathartica ALCA7 Apocynaceae Dicot
goldenfruit mistletoe Phoradendron anceps PHAN10 Viscaceae Dicot
goldshower Galphimia GALPH Malpighiaceae Dicot
gonzalagunia Gonzalagunia GONZA Rubiaceae Dicot
goosefoot Chenopodium CHENO Chenopodiaceae Dicot
goosegrass Eleusine ELEUS Poaceae Monocot
gophertail lovegrass Eragrostis ciliaris ERCI2 Poaceae Monocot
gourd Cucurbita CUCUR Cucurbitaceae Dicot
graceful sandmat Chamaesyce hypericifolia CHHY2 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
grain sorghum Sorghum bicolor ssp. bicolor SOBIB Poaceae Monocot
grama Bouteloua BOUTE Poaceae Monocot
granadillo bobo Miconia prasina MIPR3 Melastomataceae Dicot
grandcousin Triumfetta lappula TRLA19 Tiliaceae Dicot
grannyvine Ipomoea tricolor IPTR3 Convolvulaceae Dicot
grape Vitis VITIS Vitaceae Dicot
greater yellowspike orchid Polystachya concreta POCO27 Orchidaceae Monocot
green carpetweed Mollugo verticillata MOVE Molluginaceae Dicot
green-tinge spiderlily Hymenocallis speciosa HYSP10 Liliaceae Monocot
greenbrier Smilax SMILA2 Smilacaceae Monocot
greenheart Colubrina arborescens COAR3 Rhamnaceae Dicot
greenheart ebony Rochefortia acanthophora ROAC2 Boraginaceae Dicot
greenviolet Hybanthus HYBAN Violaceae Dicot
gregorywood Bucida buceras BUBU Combretaceae Dicot
gridscale maiden fern Thelypteris patens THPA5 Thelypteridaceae Fern
Grisebach"s swallow-wort Cynanchum grisebachianum CYGR3 Asclepiadaceae Dicot
ground orchid Spathoglottis SPATH2 Orchidaceae Monocot
groundcherry Physalis PHYSA Solanaceae Dicot
grugru palm Acrocomia media ACME2 Arecaceae Monocot
Guadeloupe cucumber Melothria pendula MEPE3 Cucurbitaceae Dicot
Guadeloupe cucumber Melothria pendula var. pendula MEPEP Cucurbitaceae Dicot
Guadeloupe marlberry Ardisia obovata AROB2 Myrsinaceae Dicot
guama Reynosia guama REGU Rhamnaceae Dicot
guapira Guapira GUAPI Nyctaginaceae Dicot
guara blanca Cupania triquetra CUTR Sapindaceae Dicot
guard withe Cydista aequinoctialis CYAE Bignoniaceae Dicot
guarea Guarea GUARE Meliaceae Dicot
guasimilla Prockia crucis PRCR2 Flacourtiaceae Dicot
Guatemalan indigo Indigofera guatemalensis INGU Fabaceae Dicot
guatteria Guatteria GUATT Annonaceae Dicot
guava Psidium PSIDI Myrtaceae Dicot
guava Psidium guajava PSGU Myrtaceae Dicot
guavaberry Myrciaria MYRCI3 Myrtaceae Dicot
guavaberry Myrciaria floribunda MYFL Myrtaceae Dicot
guayabilla Samyda dodecandra SADO7 Flacourtiaceae Dicot
guazuma Guazuma GUAZU Sterculiaceae Dicot
guettarda Guettarda GUETT Rubiaceae Dicot
Guianese colicwood Myrsine cubana MYCU2 Myrsinaceae Dicot
guinea henweed Petiveria alliacea PEAL7 Phytolaccaceae Dicot
guineagrass Urochloa maxima URMA3 Poaceae Monocot
Gulf Coast spikerush Eleocharis cellulosa ELCE Cyperaceae Monocot
gulf graytwig Schoepfia schreberi SCSC3 Olacaceae Dicot
gulf sandmat Chamaesyce thymifolia CHTH4 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
gullfeed Scaevola plumieri SCPL Goodeniaceae Dicot
gum arabic tree Acacia nilotica ACNI2 Fabaceae Dicot
gumbo limbo Bursera simaruba BUSI Burseraceae Dicot
gumtree Sapium glandulosum SAGL5 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
gundlachia Gundlachia GUNDL Asteraceae Dicot
Guyanese wild coffee Casearia guianensis CAGU2 Flacourtiaceae Dicot
gymnanthes Gymnanthes GYMNA Euphorbiaceae Dicot
habilla Rhynchosia reticulata RHRE3 Fabaceae Dicot
hackberry Celtis CELTI Ulmaceae Dicot
haematoxylum Haematoxylum HAEMA2 Fabaceae Dicot
haggarbush Clerodendrum aculeatum CLAC2 Verbenaceae Dicot
hairsedge Bulbostylis BULBO Cyperaceae Monocot
hairy beggarticks Bidens pilosa BIPI Asteraceae Dicot
hairy clustervine Jacquemontia tamnifolia JATA Convolvulaceae Dicot
hairy nutrush Scleria scindens SCSC2 Cyperaceae Monocot
hairy shadow witch Ponthieva racemosa PORA4 Orchidaceae Monocot
hairy snakefern Microgramma piloselloides MIPI4 Polypodiaceae Fern
hairy torchwood Amyris diatrypa AMDI4 Rutaceae Dicot
hairy wild coffee Psychotria pubescens PSPU Rubiaceae Dicot
hairy woodrose Merremia aegyptia MEAE Convolvulaceae Dicot
hairypod cowpea Vigna luteola VILU3 Fabaceae Dicot
Haitian catalpa Catalpa longissima CALO8 Bignoniaceae Dicot
halodule Halodule HALOD Cymodoceaceae Monocot
hamelia Hamelia HAMEL Rubiaceae Dicot
hammock fern Blechnum occidentale BLOC Blechnaceae Fern
hammock velvetseed Guettarda elliptica GUEL Rubiaceae Dicot
hammock viper"s-tail Pentalinon luteum PELU3 Apocynaceae Dicot
hanging clubmoss Huperzia dichotoma HUDI Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
harlequin dancing-lady orchid Tolumnia variegata TOVA Orchidaceae Monocot
harlequin dutchman"s pipe Aristolochia anguicida ARAN6 Aristolochiaceae Dicot
Havana clustervine Jacquemontia havanensis JAHA Convolvulaceae Dicot
haya Oxandra laurifolia OXLA5 Annonaceae Dicot
haya blanca Guatteria caribaea GUCA2 Annonaceae Dicot
heal and draw Chaptalia nutans CHNU2 Asteraceae Dicot
heart of Jesus Caladium bicolor CABI11 Araceae Monocot
heartleaf groundcherry Physalis cordata PHCO22 Solanaceae Dicot
heartleaf philodendron Philodendron hederaceum var. oxycardium PHHEO Araceae Monocot
heartseed Cardiospermum microcarpum CAMI21 Sapindaceae Dicot
hediondilla Senna nitida SENI3 Fabaceae Dicot
heliconia Heliconia HELIC2 Heliconiaceae Monocot
helicteres Helicteres HELIC3 Sterculiaceae Dicot
heliotrope Heliotropium HELIO3 Boraginaceae Dicot
hemionitis Hemionitis HEMIO Pteridaceae Fern
hempvine Mikania MIKAN Asteraceae Dicot
henna Lawsonia inermis LAIN5 Lythraceae Dicot
herb of grace Bacopa monnieri BAMO Scrophulariaceae Dicot
Herbst"s bloodleaf Iresine herbstii IRHE3 Amaranthaceae Dicot
herissantia Herissantia HERIS Malvaceae Dicot
higuerillo Vitex divaricata VIDI2 Verbenaceae Dicot
higuerito Crescentia linearifolia CRLI5 Bignoniaceae Dicot
higuillo Piper dilatatum PIDI Piperaceae Dicot
higuillo de hoja menuda Piper aduncum PIAD Piperaceae Dicot
higuillo de limon Piper amalago PIAM2 Piperaceae Dicot
hilograss Paspalum conjugatum PACO14 Poaceae Monocot
himber Rajania cordata RACO4 Dioscoreaceae Monocot
hippeastrum Hippeastrum HIPPE Liliaceae Monocot
hippobroma Hippobroma HIPPO3 Campanulaceae Dicot
hippocratea Hippocratea HIPPO2 Hippocrateaceae Dicot
hippomane Hippomane HIPPO Euphorbiaceae Dicot
hirtella Hirtella HIRTE Chrysobalanaceae Dicot
hispid starbur Acanthospermum hispidum ACHI Asteraceae Dicot
hoarypea Tephrosia TEPHR Fabaceae Dicot
hogvine Merremia umbellata MEUM Convolvulaceae Dicot
hollowheart Acnistus arborescens ACAR Solanaceae Dicot
holly Ilex ILEX Aquifoliaceae Dicot
hollyfern Arachniodes ARACH2 Dryopteridaceae Fern
honey mesquite Prosopis glandulosa PRGL2 Fabaceae Dicot
honey mesquite Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa PRGLG Fabaceae Dicot
honeyweed Leonurus sibiricus LESI Lamiaceae Dicot
hoopvine Trichostigma octandrum TROC2 Phytolaccaceae Dicot
hophead Philippine violet Barleria lupulina BALU2 Acanthaceae Dicot
hornwort Ceratophyllum CERAT Ceratophyllaceae Dicot
horseradishtree Moringa oleifera MOOL Moringaceae Dicot
horseweed Conyza CONYZ Asteraceae Dicot
hoya Hoya HOYA Asclepiadaceae Dicot
Humboldt"s willow Salix humboldtiana SAHU Salicaceae Dicot
hurricanegrass Fimbristylis spathacea FISP2 Cyperaceae Monocot
husk tomato Physalis pubescens PHPU7 Solanaceae Dicot
husk tomato Physalis pubescens var. pubescens PHPUP4 Solanaceae Dicot
hyacinthbean Lablab purpureus LAPU6 Fabaceae Dicot
hymenaea Hymenaea HYMEN Fabaceae Dicot
hyperbaena Hyperbaena HYPER2 Menispermaceae Dicot
hyssopleaf sandmat Chamaesyce hyssopifolia CHHY3 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
iguana hackberry Celtis iguanaea CEIG Ulmaceae Dicot
iguanatail Sansevieria hyacinthoides SAHY2 Agavaceae Monocot
inchplant Tradescantia zebrina TRZE Commelinaceae Monocot
Indian flatsedge Cyperus nanus CYNA2 Cyperaceae Monocot
Indian flatsedge Cyperus nanus var. nanus CYNAN2 Cyperaceae Monocot
Indian flatsedge Cyperus nanus var. subtenuis CYNAS Cyperaceae Monocot
Indian goosegrass Eleusine indica ELIN3 Poaceae Monocot
Indian heliotrope Heliotropium indicum HEIN Boraginaceae Dicot
Indian jujube Ziziphus mauritiana ZIMA Rhamnaceae Dicot
Indian lovegrass Eragrostis pilosa ERPI2 Poaceae Monocot
Indian mallow Bastardiopsis BASTA2 Malvaceae Dicot
Indian mallow Abutilon ABUTI Malvaceae Dicot
Indian mulberry Morinda citrifolia MOCI3 Rubiaceae Dicot
Indian rosewood Dalbergia DALBE Fabaceae Dicot
Indian shot Canna indica CAIN19 Cannaceae Monocot
Indian Valley false mallow Malvastrum americanum MAAM Malvaceae Dicot
Indian walnut Aleurites moluccana ALMO2 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
Indian walnut Aleurites moluccana var. katoi ALMOK2 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
Indiantree spurge Euphorbia tirucalli EUTI Euphorbiaceae Dicot
indigo Indigofera INDIG Fabaceae Dicot
indigoberry Randia RANDI Rubiaceae Dicot
inflatedscale flatsedge Cyperus aggregatus CYAG Cyperaceae Monocot
inga Inga INGA Fabaceae Dicot
inkbush Forestiera eggersiana FOEG Oleaceae Dicot
inland leatherfern Acrostichum danaeifolium ACDA Pteridaceae Fern
ironweed Cyanthillium CYANT2 Asteraceae Dicot
ironweed Vernonia VERNO Asteraceae Dicot
island goldback fern Pityrogramma chrysophylla PICH Pteridaceae Fern
island goldback fern Pityrogramma chrysophylla var. gabrielae PICHG Pteridaceae Fern
island goldback fern Pityrogramma chrysophylla var. subflexuosa PICHS Pteridaceae Fern
island lantana Lantana insularis LAIN15 Verbenaceae Dicot
island pea Christia CHRIS2 Fabaceae Dicot
island peacock orchid Psychilis macconnelliae PSMA9 Orchidaceae Monocot
ivy gourd Coccinia grandis COGR9 Cucurbitaceae Dicot
ixora Ixora IXORA Rubiaceae Dicot
jacaranda Jacaranda JACAR Bignoniaceae Dicot
jack bean Canavalia ensiformis CAEN4 Fabaceae Dicot
Jack in the bush Chromolaena odorata CHOD Asteraceae Dicot
jackass breadnut Clibadium erosum CLER Asteraceae Dicot
jackbean Canavalia CANAV Fabaceae Dicot
jackswitch Corchorus hirsutus COHI3 Tiliaceae Dicot
jacquinia Jacquinia JACQU2 Theophrastaceae Dicot
jagua Genipa americana GEAM Rubiaceae Dicot
jaguey Ficus stahlii FIST Moraceae Dicot
jaguey blanco Ficus trigonata FITR Moraceae Dicot
Jamaican broom Chamaecrista glandulosa CHGL6 Fabaceae Dicot
Jamaican caper Capparis cynophallophora CACY Capparaceae Dicot
Jamaican crabgrass Digitaria horizontalis DIHO Poaceae Monocot
Jamaican fanpetals Sida jamaicensis SIJA Malvaceae Dicot
Jamaican feverplant Tribulus cistoides TRCI2 Zygophyllaceae Dicot
Jamaican nettletree Trema micrantha TRMI2 Ulmaceae Dicot
Jamaicanweed Nama jamaicense NAJA Hydrophyllaceae Dicot
Japanese lovegrass Eragrostis amabilis ERAM7 Poaceae Monocot
jasmin de rosa Randia formosa RAFO2 Rubiaceae Dicot
jasmine Jasminum JASMI Oleaceae Dicot
jau jau Miconia serrulata MISE2 Melastomataceae Dicot
Java-bean Senna obtusifolia SEOB4 Fabaceae Dicot
Javanese fanpetals Sida repens SIRE7 Malvaceae Dicot
Javanese glorybower Clerodendrum speciosissimum CLSP7 Verbenaceae Dicot
jazmin de trapo Jasminum fluminense JAFL Oleaceae Dicot
Jerusalem thorn Parkinsonia aculeata PAAC3 Fabaceae Dicot
jessamine Cestrum CESTR Solanaceae Dicot
jewels of Opar Talinum paniculatum TAPA2 Portulacaceae Dicot
jimsonweed Datura stramonium DAST Solanaceae Dicot
jimsonweed Datura DATUR Solanaceae Dicot
Job"s tears Coix COIX Poaceae Monocot
Job"s tears Coix lacryma-jobi COLA Poaceae Monocot
John Charles Hyptis verticillata HYVE4 Lamiaceae Dicot
johnnyberry Miconia MICON Melastomataceae Dicot
jointed flatsedge Cyperus articulatus CYAR4 Cyperaceae Monocot
jointed sandmat Chamaesyce articulata CHAR8 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
jointvetch Aeschynomene AESCH Fabaceae Dicot
Joseph"s-coat Amaranthus tricolor AMTR2 Amaranthaceae Dicot
Jost Van Dyke"s Indian mallow Bastardiopsis eggersii BAEG6 Malvaceae Dicot
joyweed Alternanthera ALTER2 Amaranthaceae Dicot
Juan Caliente Rourea surinamensis ROSU4 Connaraceae Dicot
Juba"s bush Iresine diffusa IRDI Amaranthaceae Dicot
Judd"s grass Leptochloa virgata LEVI4 Poaceae Monocot
jujube Ziziphus ZIZIP Rhamnaceae Dicot
jumby pepper Microtea MICRO10 Chenopodiaceae Dicot
jumbypotato Ipomoea eggersiana IPEG Convolvulaceae Dicot
jungle rice Echinochloa colona ECCO2 Poaceae Monocot
jute Corchorus aestuans COAE Tiliaceae Dicot
kapoktree Ceiba pentandra CEPE2 Bombacaceae Dicot
key lime Citrus ×aurantiifolia CIAU7 Rutaceae Dicot
Key thatch palm Thrinax morrisii THMO4 Arecaceae Monocot
kiawe Prosopis pallida PRPA4 Fabaceae Dicot
kidney bean Phaseolus vulgaris PHVU Fabaceae Dicot
kikuyugrass Pennisetum clandestinum PECL2 Poaceae Monocot
kiss me quick Portulaca pilosa POPI3 Portulacaceae Dicot
knotgrass Paspalum distichum PADI6 Poaceae Monocot
knotted spikerush Eleocharis interstincta ELIN2 Cyperaceae Monocot
knotweed Polygonum POLYG4 Polygonaceae Dicot
krekre Tetrazygia elaeagnoides TEEL Melastomataceae Dicot
krugiodendron Krugiodendron KRUGI Rhamnaceae Dicot
kudzu Pueraria PUERA Fabaceae Dicot
Kunth"s maiden fern Thelypteris kunthii THKU Thelypteridaceae Fern
lablab Lablab LABLA Fabaceae Dicot
laceleaf Anthurium ANTHU Araceae Monocot
laceleaf Anthurium ×selloum ANSE5 Araceae Monocot
ladder brake Pteris vittata PTVI Pteridaceae Fern
ladies"-tresses Mesadenus MESAD Orchidaceae Monocot
ladies"-tresses Cyclopogon CYCLO5 Orchidaceae Monocot
lady orchid Stenorrhynchos STENO10 Orchidaceae Monocot
lady"s tresses Spiranthes SPIRA2 Orchidaceae Monocot
lagascea Lagascea LAGAS Asteraceae Dicot
lagenaria Lagenaria LAGEN Cucurbitaceae Dicot
lagrimas de la virgen Eleutherine bulbosa ELBU Iridaceae Monocot


  • Last updated on November 6, 2014