State Plants: Vermont

List of Vermont Plants

Showing 1,000 of 3,729 records

Plant Name Scientific Name Plant CD Family Type
Aaron"s rod Thermopsis villosa THVI Fabaceae Dicot
absinthium Artemisia absinthium ARAB3 Asteraceae Dicot
Acadian quillwort Isoetes acadiensis ISAC Isoetaceae Quillwort
acinos Acinos ACINO Lamiaceae Dicot
Adam and Eve Aplectrum APLEC Orchidaceae Monocot
Adam and Eve Aplectrum hyemale APHY Orchidaceae Monocot
adder"s-mouth orchid Malaxis MALAX Orchidaceae Monocot
adderstongue Ophioglossum OPHIO Ophioglossaceae Fern
Adirondack blackberry Rubus lawrencei RULA7 Rosaceae Dicot
adlumia Adlumia ADLUM Fumariaceae Dicot
adorned hawthorn Crataegus compta CRCO7 Rosaceae Dicot
agrimony Agrimonia AGRIM Rosaceae Dicot
agueweed Gentianella quinquefolia GEQU2 Gentianaceae Dicot
agueweed Gentianella quinquefolia ssp. quinquefolia GEQUQ Gentianaceae Dicot
alder Alnus ALNUS Betulaceae Dicot
alderleaf buckthorn Rhamnus alnifolia RHAL Rhamnaceae Dicot
Aleutian maidenhair Adiantum aleuticum ADAL Pteridaceae Fern
alfalfa Medicago sativa MESA Fabaceae Dicot
alfalfa Medicago sativa ssp. sativa MESAS Fabaceae Dicot
alfalfa Medicago MEDIC Fabaceae Dicot
alkaligrass Puccinellia PUCCI Poaceae Monocot
Allegheny blackberry Rubus allegheniensis RUAL Rosaceae Dicot
Allegheny blackberry Rubus allegheniensis var. allegheniensis RUALA Rosaceae Dicot
Allegheny hawkweed Hieracium paniculatum HIPA2 Asteraceae Dicot
Allegheny monkeyflower Mimulus ringens MIRI Scrophulariaceae Dicot
Allegheny monkeyflower Mimulus ringens var. colpophilus MIRIC Scrophulariaceae Dicot
Allegheny monkeyflower Mimulus ringens var. ringens MIRIR Scrophulariaceae Dicot
Allegheny Mountain buttercup Ranunculus allegheniensis RAAL2 Ranunculaceae Dicot
Allegheny serviceberry Amelanchier laevis AMLA Rosaceae Dicot
allegheny vine Adlumia fungosa ADFU Fumariaceae Dicot
alliaria Alliaria ALLIA Brassicaceae Dicot
alpine bistort Polygonum viviparum POVI3 Polygonaceae Dicot
alpine bulrush Trichophorum alpinum TRAL7 Cyperaceae Monocot
alpine fescue Festuca brachyphylla FEBR Poaceae Monocot
alpine fescue Festuca brachyphylla ssp. brachyphylla FEBRB Poaceae Monocot
alpine knapweed Centaurea transalpina CETR6 Asteraceae Dicot
alpine milkvetch Astragalus alpinus ASAL7 Fabaceae Dicot
alpine milkvetch Astragalus alpinus var. brunetianus ASALB Fabaceae Dicot
alpine pondweed Potamogeton alpinus POAL8 Potamogetonaceae Monocot
alpine rattlesnakeroot Prenanthes boottii PRBO2 Asteraceae Dicot
alpine sweetgrass Anthoxanthum monticola ANMO7 Poaceae Monocot
alpine sweetgrass Anthoxanthum monticola ssp. alpinum ANMOA3 Poaceae Monocot
alpine sweetgrass Anthoxanthum monticola ssp. monticola ANMOM2 Poaceae Monocot
alpine sweetvetch Hedysarum alpinum HEAL Fabaceae Dicot
alpine violet Viola labradorica VILA10 Violaceae Dicot
alpine woodsia Woodsia alpina WOAL Dryopteridaceae Fern
alsike clover Trifolium hybridum TRHY Fabaceae Dicot
alternateflower watermilfoil Myriophyllum alterniflorum MYAL3 Haloragaceae Dicot
alternateleaf dogwood Cornus alternifolia COAL2 Cornaceae Dicot
American basswood Tilia americana TIAM Tiliaceae Dicot
American basswood Tilia americana var. americana TIAMA Tiliaceae Dicot
American beachgrass Ammophila breviligulata AMBR Poaceae Monocot
American beech Fagus grandifolia FAGR Fagaceae Dicot
American bittersweet Celastrus scandens CESC Celastraceae Dicot
American black currant Ribes americanum RIAM2 Grossulariaceae Dicot
American black elderberry Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis SANIC4 Caprifoliaceae Dicot
American bladdernut Staphylea trifolia STTR Staphyleaceae Dicot
American bur-reed Sparganium americanum SPAM Sparganiaceae Monocot
American burnweed Erechtites hieraciifolia ERHI2 Asteraceae Dicot
American burnweed Erechtites hieraciifolia var. hieraciifolia ERHIH Asteraceae Dicot
American cancer-root Conopholis americana COAM Orobanchaceae Dicot
American chestnut Castanea dentata CADE12 Fagaceae Dicot
American climbing fern Lygodium palmatum LYPA3 Lygodiaceae Fern
American common reed Phragmites australis ssp. americanus PHAUA6 Poaceae Monocot
American cranberrybush Viburnum opulus var. americanum VIOPA2 Caprifoliaceae Dicot
American dragonhead Dracocephalum parviflorum DRPA2 Lamiaceae Dicot
American eelgrass Vallisneria americana VAAM3 Hydrocharitaceae Monocot
American elm Ulmus americana ULAM Ulmaceae Dicot
American false pennyroyal Hedeoma pulegioides HEPU Lamiaceae Dicot
American fly honeysuckle Lonicera canadensis LOCA7 Caprifoliaceae Dicot
American ginseng Panax quinquefolius PAQU Araliaceae Dicot
American golden saxifrage Chrysosplenium americanum CHAM2 Saxifragaceae Dicot
American hazelnut Corylus americana COAM3 Betulaceae Dicot
American hogpeanut Amphicarpaea bracteata AMBR2 Fabaceae Dicot
American hogpeanut Amphicarpaea bracteata var. bracteata AMBRB Fabaceae Dicot
American hogpeanut Amphicarpaea bracteata var. comosa AMBRC Fabaceae Dicot
American hornbeam Carpinus caroliniana CACA18 Betulaceae Dicot
American hornbeam Carpinus caroliniana ssp. virginiana CACAV Betulaceae Dicot
American lopseed Phryma leptostachya PHLE5 Verbenaceae Dicot
American mannagrass Glyceria grandis GLGR Poaceae Monocot
American mannagrass Glyceria grandis var. grandis GLGRG Poaceae Monocot
American marshpennywort Hydrocotyle americana HYAM Apiaceae Dicot
American milletgrass Milium effusum MIEF Poaceae Monocot
American milletgrass Milium effusum var. cisatlanticum MIEFC Poaceae Monocot
American mountain ash Sorbus americana SOAM3 Rosaceae Dicot
American plum Prunus americana PRAM Rosaceae Dicot
American pokeweed Phytolacca americana PHAM4 Phytolaccaceae Dicot
American pokeweed Phytolacca americana var. americana PHAMA3 Phytolaccaceae Dicot
American red raspberry Rubus idaeus RUID Rosaceae Dicot
American red raspberry Rubus idaeus ssp. idaeus RUIDI Rosaceae Dicot
American senna Senna hebecarpa SEHE3 Fabaceae Dicot
American shoreweed Littorella uniflora LIUN Plantaginaceae Dicot
American speedwell Veronica americana VEAM2 Scrophulariaceae Dicot
American spikenard Aralia racemosa ARRA Araliaceae Dicot
American spikenard Aralia racemosa ssp. racemosa ARRAR Araliaceae Dicot
American spurred gentian Halenia deflexa HADE2 Gentianaceae Dicot
American spurred gentian Halenia deflexa ssp. deflexa HADED2 Gentianaceae Dicot
American stickseed Hackelia deflexa var. americana HADEA Boraginaceae Dicot
American sycamore Platanus occidentalis PLOC Platanaceae Dicot
American water horehound Lycopus americanus LYAM Lamiaceae Dicot
American water plantain Alisma subcordatum ALSU Alismataceae Monocot
American water-willow Justicia americana JUAM Acanthaceae Dicot
American waterawlwort Subularia aquatica var. americana SUAQA2 Brassicaceae Dicot
American waterwort Elatine americana ELAM3 Elatinaceae Dicot
American white waterlily Nymphaea odorata NYOD Nymphaeaceae Dicot
American white waterlily Nymphaea odorata ssp. odorata NYODO Nymphaeaceae Dicot
American white waterlily Nymphaea odorata ssp. tuberosa NYODT Nymphaeaceae Dicot
American wintergreen Pyrola americana PYAM Pyrolaceae Dicot
American witchhazel Hamamelis virginiana HAVI4 Hamamelidaceae Dicot
American woollyfruit sedge Carex lasiocarpa var. americana CALAA Cyperaceae Monocot
amerorchis Amerorchis AMERO Orchidaceae Monocot
Amur maple Acer ginnala ACGI Aceraceae Dicot
anemone Anemone ANEMO Ranunculaceae Dicot
angelica Angelica ANGEL Apiaceae Dicot
anisescented goldenrod Solidago odora SOOD Asteraceae Dicot
anisescented goldenrod Solidago odora var. odora SOODO Asteraceae Dicot
annual bluegrass Poa annua POAN Poaceae Monocot
annual canarygrass Phalaris canariensis PHCA5 Poaceae Monocot
annual candytuft Iberis amara IBAM Brassicaceae Dicot
annual honesty Lunaria annua LUAN Brassicaceae Dicot
annual mallow Lavatera trimestris LATR3 Malvaceae Dicot
annual phlox Phlox drummondii PHDR Polemoniaceae Dicot
annual phlox Phlox drummondii ssp. drummondii PHDRD Polemoniaceae Dicot
annual ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia AMAR2 Asteraceae Dicot
annual ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. artemisiifolia AMARA2 Asteraceae Dicot
annual ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior AMARE Asteraceae Dicot
annual ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. paniculata AMARP Asteraceae Dicot
annual wildrice Zizania aquatica ZIAQ Poaceae Monocot
annual wildrice Zizania aquatica var. aquatica ZIAQA2 Poaceae Monocot
annual wildrice Zizania aquatica var. brevis ZIAQB Poaceae Monocot
annual yellow sweetclover Melilotus indicus MEIN2 Fabaceae Dicot
Appalachia false bindweed Calystegia sepium ssp. appalachiana CASEA4 Convolvulaceae Dicot
Appalachian barren strawberry Waldsteinia fragarioides WAFR Rosaceae Dicot
Appalachian barren strawberry Waldsteinia fragarioides ssp. fragarioides WAFRF Rosaceae Dicot
Appalachian clubmoss Huperzia appalachiana HUAP Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
Appalachian polypody Polypodium appalachianum POAP Polypodiaceae Fern
Appalachian quillwort Isoetes engelmannii ISEN Isoetaceae Quillwort
Appalachian sedge Carex appalachica CAAP5 Cyperaceae Monocot
apple Malus MALUS Rosaceae Dicot
apple of Peru Nicandra physalodes NIPH Solanaceae Dicot
arborvitae Thuja THUJA Cupressaceae Gymnosperm
arborvitae Thuja occidentalis THOC2 Cupressaceae Gymnosperm
arching dewberry Rubus recurvicaulis RURE2 Rosaceae Dicot
arctic brome Bromus kalmii BRKA2 Poaceae Monocot
arctic cudweed Omalotheca OMALO Asteraceae Dicot
arctic rattlebox Rhinanthus minor ssp. groenlandicus RHMIG Scrophulariaceae Dicot
arctic rush Juncus arcticus JUAR2 Juncaceae Monocot
arctic sweet coltsfoot Petasites frigidus PEFR5 Asteraceae Dicot
arctic sweet coltsfoot Petasites frigidus var. palmatus PEFRP Asteraceae Dicot
arctic willow Salix arctica SAAR27 Salicaceae Dicot
armoracia Armoracia ARMOR Brassicaceae Dicot
arnica Arnica ARNIC Asteraceae Dicot
Arnold hawthorn Crataegus ×anomala CRAN6 Rosaceae Dicot
arrow arum Peltandra PELTA Araceae Monocot
arrowgrass Triglochin TRIGL Juncaginaceae Monocot
arrowhead Sagittaria SAGIT Alismataceae Monocot
arrowhead rattlebox Crotalaria sagittalis CRSA4 Fabaceae Dicot
arrowleaf tearthumb Polygonum sagittatum POSA5 Polygonaceae Dicot
arrowleaf violet Viola sagittata VISA2 Violaceae Dicot
arrowleaf violet Viola sagittata var. ovata VISAO Violaceae Dicot
arumleaf arrowhead Sagittaria cuneata SACU Alismataceae Monocot
ash Fraxinus FRAXI Oleaceae Dicot
ashy cinquefoil Potentilla inclinata POIN10 Rosaceae Dicot
Asian oakfern Gymnocarpium jessoense GYJE Dryopteridaceae Fern
Asian oakfern Gymnocarpium jessoense ssp. parvulum GYJEP Dryopteridaceae Fern
Asiatic dayflower Commelina communis COCO3 Commelinaceae Monocot
asparagus Asparagus ASPAR Liliaceae Monocot
aster Ionactis IONAC Asteraceae Dicot
aster Eurybia EURYB Asteraceae Dicot
aster Oclemena ×blakei OCBL Asteraceae Dicot
aster Oclemena OCLEM Asteraceae Dicot
aster Symphyotrichum SYMPH4 Asteraceae Dicot
aster Symphyotrichum ×amethystinum SYAM3 Asteraceae Dicot
Atlantic goldenrod Solidago arguta SOAR Asteraceae Dicot
Atlantic goldenrod Solidago arguta var. arguta SOARA Asteraceae Dicot
auricled twayblade Listera auriculata LIAU2 Orchidaceae Monocot
aurinia Aurinia AURIN Brassicaceae Dicot
autumn coralroot Corallorhiza odontorhiza COOD7 Orchidaceae Monocot
autumn coralroot Corallorhiza odontorhiza var. odontorhiza COODO2 Orchidaceae Monocot
autumn coralroot Corallorhiza odontorhiza var. pringlei COODP2 Orchidaceae Monocot
autumn crocus Colchicum autumnale COAU4 Liliaceae Monocot
autumn dwarf gentian Gentianella amarella GEAM3 Gentianaceae Dicot
autumn dwarf gentian Gentianella amarella ssp. acuta GEAMA Gentianaceae Dicot
autumn olive Elaeagnus umbellata ELUM Elaeagnaceae Dicot
autumn olive Elaeagnus umbellata var. parvifolia ELUMP Elaeagnaceae Dicot
autumn willow Salix serissima SASE2 Salicaceae Dicot
avens Geum GEUM Rosaceae Dicot
avens Geum ×pulchrum GEPU4 Rosaceae Dicot
awlfruit sedge Carex stipata CAST5 Cyperaceae Monocot
awlwort Subularia SUBUL Brassicaceae Dicot
azure bluet Houstonia caerulea HOCA4 Rubiaceae Dicot
baby"s breath Gypsophila paniculata GYPA Caryophyllaceae Dicot
baby"s-breath Gypsophila GYPSO Caryophyllaceae Dicot
Back"s sedge Carex backii CABA3 Cyperaceae Monocot
Bailey"s sedge Carex baileyi CABA7 Cyperaceae Monocot
bald brome Bromus racemosus BRRA2 Poaceae Monocot
bald spikerush Eleocharis erythropoda ELER Cyperaceae Monocot
Balkan catchfly Silene csereii SICS Caryophyllaceae Dicot
ballmustard Neslia paniculata NEPA3 Brassicaceae Dicot
balm Melissa MELIS Lamiaceae Dicot
balm-of-Gilead Populus ×jackii POJA2 Salicaceae Dicot
balsam fir Abies balsamea ABBA Pinaceae Gymnosperm
balsam fir Abies balsamea var. balsamea ABBAB Pinaceae Gymnosperm
balsam fir Abies balsamea var. phanerolepis ABBAP Pinaceae Gymnosperm
balsam groundsel Packera paupercula PAPA20 Asteraceae Dicot
balsam poplar Populus balsamifera POBA2 Salicaceae Dicot
balsam poplar Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera POBAB2 Salicaceae Dicot
balsam willow Salix pyrifolia SAPY Salicaceae Dicot
baneberry Actaea ACTAE Ranunculaceae Dicot
barbedbristle bulrush Scirpus ancistrochaetus SCAN5 Cyperaceae Monocot
barberry Berberis BERBE Berberidaceae Dicot
barley Hordeum HORDE Poaceae Monocot
barnyardgrass Echinochloa crus-galli ECCR Poaceae Monocot
barren strawberry Waldsteinia WALDS Rosaceae Dicot
bashful bulrush Trichophorum planifolium TRPL6 Cyperaceae Monocot
basil thyme Acinos arvensis ACAR2 Lamiaceae Dicot
basket of gold Aurinia saxatilis AUSA Brassicaceae Dicot
basket willow Salix viminalis SAVI2 Salicaceae Dicot
basswood Tilia TILIA Tiliaceae Dicot
bastard speedwell Pseudolysimachion spurium PSSP9 Scrophulariaceae Dicot
bastard toadflax Comandra COMAN Santalaceae Dicot
bastard toadflax Comandra umbellata COUM Santalaceae Dicot
bastard toadflax Comandra umbellata ssp. umbellata COUMU Santalaceae Dicot
bats in the belfry Campanula trachelium CATR4 Campanulaceae Dicot
bay forget-me-not Myosotis laxa MYLA Boraginaceae Dicot
Bayard"s adder"s-mouth orchid Malaxis bayardii MABA6 Orchidaceae Monocot
bayberry Morella MOREL2 Myricaceae Dicot
bayberry willow Salix myricoides SAMY2 Salicaceae Dicot
bayberry willow Salix myricoides var. myricoides SAMYM Salicaceae Dicot
bayonet rush Juncus militaris JUMI2 Juncaceae Monocot
beach pea Lathyrus japonicus LAJA Fabaceae Dicot
beach pea Lathyrus japonicus var. maritimus LAJAM Fabaceae Dicot
beach pea Lathyrus japonicus var. pellitus LAJAP2 Fabaceae Dicot
beachgrass Ammophila AMMOP Poaceae Monocot
beaked hazelnut Corylus cornuta COCO6 Betulaceae Dicot
beaked hazelnut Corylus cornuta var. cornuta COCOC2 Betulaceae Dicot
beaksedge Rhynchospora RHYNC3 Cyperaceae Monocot
bear oak Quercus ilicifolia QUIL Fagaceae Dicot
bearberry willow Salix uva-ursi SAUV Salicaceae Dicot
beard lichen Usnea USNEA2 Parmeliaceae Lichen
bearded flatsedge Cyperus squarrosus CYSQ Cyperaceae Monocot
bearded sprangletop Leptochloa fusca ssp. fascicularis LEFUF Poaceae Monocot
beardtongue Penstemon PENST Scrophulariaceae Dicot
beautiful sandwort Minuartia rubella MIRU3 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
beautybush Kolkwitzia amabilis KOAM80 Caprifoliaceae Dicot
Bebb willow Salix bebbiana SABE2 Salicaceae Dicot
Bebb"s sedge Carex bebbii CABE2 Cyperaceae Monocot
Beck"s water-marigold Bidens beckii BIBE2 Asteraceae Dicot
bedstraw Galium GALIU Rubiaceae Dicot
beebalm Monarda MONAR Lamiaceae Dicot
beech Fagus FAGUS Fagaceae Dicot
beechdrops Epifagus EPIFA Orobanchaceae Dicot
beechdrops Epifagus virginiana EPVI2 Orobanchaceae Dicot
beechfern Phegopteris PHEGO Thelypteridaceae Fern
beggarslice Hackelia virginiana HAVI2 Boraginaceae Dicot
beggarticks Bidens BIDEN Asteraceae Dicot
belamcanda Belamcanda BELAM Iridaceae Monocot
bellflower Campanula CAMPA Campanulaceae Dicot
bellis Bellis BELLI Asteraceae Dicot
bellwort Uvularia UVULA Liliaceae Monocot
bentgrass Agrostis AGROS2 Poaceae Monocot
Bethlehem lungwort Pulmonaria saccharata PUSA2 Boraginaceae Dicot
Bicknell"s cranesbill Geranium bicknellii GEBI2 Geraniaceae Dicot
Bicknell"s sedge Carex bicknellii CABI3 Cyperaceae Monocot
biennial wormwood Artemisia biennis ARBI2 Asteraceae Dicot
biennial wormwood Artemisia biennis var. biennis ARBIB Asteraceae Dicot
big blue birch Betula ×caerulea var. grandis BECAG Betulaceae Dicot
big bluestem Andropogon gerardii ANGE Poaceae Monocot
big chickweed Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare CEFOV2 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
big devils beggartick Bidens vulgata BIVU Asteraceae Dicot
big quakinggrass Briza maxima BRMA Poaceae Monocot
bigbract verbena Verbena bracteata VEBR Verbenaceae Dicot
Bigelow"s sedge Carex bigelowii CABI5 Cyperaceae Monocot
bigfruit hawthorn Crataegus macrosperma CRMA3 Rosaceae Dicot
bigleaf aster Eurybia macrophylla EUMA27 Asteraceae Dicot
bigleaf lupine Lupinus polyphyllus LUPO2 Fabaceae Dicot
bigleaf lupine Lupinus polyphyllus ssp. polyphyllus LUPOP2 Fabaceae Dicot
bigleaf lupine Lupinus polyphyllus ssp. polyphyllus var. polyphyllus LUPOP4 Fabaceae Dicot
bigtooth aspen Populus grandidentata POGR4 Salicaceae Dicot
Billings" Sedge Carex billingsii CABI22 Cyperaceae Monocot
billion-dollar grass Echinochloa frumentacea ECFR Poaceae Monocot
bindweed Convolvulus CONVO Convolvulaceae Dicot
birch Betula BETUL Betulaceae Dicot
bird vetch Vicia cracca VICR Fabaceae Dicot
bird vetch Vicia cracca ssp. cracca VICRC Fabaceae Dicot
bird"s-foot trefoil Lotus corniculatus LOCO6 Fabaceae Dicot
bird"s-foot trefoil Lotus corniculatus var. corniculatus LOCOC5 Fabaceae Dicot
birdeye pearlwort Sagina procumbens SAPR Caryophyllaceae Dicot
birdeye speedwell Veronica persica VEPE3 Scrophulariaceae Dicot
bishop"s goutweed Aegopodium podagraria AEPO Apiaceae Dicot
bitter dock Rumex obtusifolius RUOB Polygonaceae Dicot
bittercress Cardamine CARDA Brassicaceae Dicot
bitternut hickory Carya cordiformis CACO15 Juglandaceae Dicot
bittersweet Celastrus CELAS Celastraceae Dicot
black ash Fraxinus nigra FRNI Oleaceae Dicot
black bindweed Polygonum convolvulus POCO10 Polygonaceae Dicot
black bindweed Polygonum convolvulus var. convolvulus POCOC2 Polygonaceae Dicot
black bindweed Polygonum convolvulus var. subulatum POCOS Polygonaceae Dicot
black cherry Prunus serotina PRSE2 Rosaceae Dicot
black cherry Prunus serotina var. serotina PRSES Rosaceae Dicot
black chokeberry Photinia melanocarpa PHME13 Rosaceae Dicot
black crowberry Empetrum nigrum EMNI Empetraceae Dicot
black crowberry Empetrum nigrum ssp. hermaphroditum EMNIH Empetraceae Dicot
black elderberry Sambucus nigra SANI4 Caprifoliaceae Dicot
black henbane Hyoscyamus niger HYNI Solanaceae Dicot
black highbush blueberry Vaccinium fuscatum VAFU Ericaceae Dicot
black huckleberry Gaylussacia baccata GABA Ericaceae Dicot
black locust Robinia pseudoacacia ROPS Fabaceae Dicot
black maple Acer nigrum ACNI5 Aceraceae Dicot
black medick Medicago lupulina MELU Fabaceae Dicot
black mustard Brassica nigra BRNI Brassicaceae Dicot
black oak Quercus velutina QUVE Fagaceae Dicot
black raspberry Rubus occidentalis RUOC Rosaceae Dicot
black spruce Picea mariana PIMA Pinaceae Gymnosperm
black willow Salix nigra SANI Salicaceae Dicot
blackberry Rubus RUBUS Rosaceae Dicot
blackberry lily Belamcanda chinensis BECH Iridaceae Monocot
blackeyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta RUHI2 Asteraceae Dicot
blackeyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta var. hirta RUHIH Asteraceae Dicot
blackeyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta var. pulcherrima RUHIP Asteraceae Dicot
blackgirdle bulrush Scirpus atrocinctus SCAT4 Cyperaceae Monocot
blackgum Nyssa sylvatica NYSY Cornaceae Dicot
blackseed plantain Plantago rugelii PLRU Plantaginaceae Dicot
blackseed plantain Plantago rugelii var. rugelii PLRUR Plantaginaceae Dicot
blackseed ricegrass Patis racemosa PARA2 Poaceae Monocot
bladder campion Silene latifolia SILA21 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
bladder campion Silene latifolia ssp. alba SILAA3 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
bladderfern Cystopteris CYSTO Dryopteridaceae Fern
bladdernut Staphylea STAPH Staphyleaceae Dicot
bladderwort Utricularia UTRIC Lentibulariaceae Dicot
Blanchard"s dewberry Rubus blanchardianus RUBL2 Rosaceae Dicot
Blanchard"s hawthorn Crataegus irrasa CRIR2 Rosaceae Dicot
blanketflower Gaillardia GAILL Asteraceae Dicot
bleeding heart Dicentra DICEN Fumariaceae Dicot
blister sedge Carex vesicaria CAVE6 Cyperaceae Monocot
blisterwort Ranunculus recurvatus RARE2 Ranunculaceae Dicot
blisterwort Ranunculus recurvatus var. recurvatus RARER2 Ranunculaceae Dicot
blite goosefoot Chenopodium capitatum CHCA4 Chenopodiaceae Dicot
bloodroot Sanguinaria SANGU Papaveraceae Dicot
bloodroot Sanguinaria canadensis SACA13 Papaveraceae Dicot
blue birch Betula ×caerulea BECA4 Betulaceae Dicot
blue bugle Ajuga genevensis AJGE Lamiaceae Dicot
blue cohosh Caulophyllum thalictroides CATH2 Berberidaceae Dicot
blue eyed Mary Collinsia COLLI Scrophulariaceae Dicot
blue fieldmadder Sherardia arvensis SHAR2 Rubiaceae Dicot
blue mountainheath Phyllodoce caerulea PHCA10 Ericaceae Dicot
blue plantain lily Hosta ventricosa HOVE Liliaceae Monocot
Blue Ridge blueberry Vaccinium pallidum VAPA4 Ericaceae Dicot
Blue Ridge sedge Carex lucorum CALU17 Cyperaceae Monocot
Blue Ridge sedge Carex lucorum var. lucorum CALUL Cyperaceae Monocot
blue skullcap Scutellaria lateriflora SCLA2 Lamiaceae Dicot
blue skullcap Scutellaria lateriflora var. lateriflora SCLAL2 Lamiaceae Dicot
blue threeawn Aristida purpurea var. nealleyi ARPUN Poaceae Monocot
blue waxweed Cuphea viscosissima CUVI Lythraceae Dicot
blue wild indigo Baptisia australis BAAU Fabaceae Dicot
blue wild indigo Baptisia australis var. australis BAAUA Fabaceae Dicot
blue-eyed grass Sisyrinchium SISYR Iridaceae Monocot
bluebead Clintonia CLINT Liliaceae Monocot
bluebead Clintonia borealis CLBO3 Liliaceae Monocot
bluebell bellflower Campanula rotundifolia CARO2 Campanulaceae Dicot
blueberry Vaccinium VACCI Ericaceae Dicot
bluecurls Trichostema TRICH9 Lamiaceae Dicot
bluegrass Poa POA Poaceae Monocot
bluehead gilia Gilia capitata GICA5 Polemoniaceae Dicot
bluehead gilia Gilia capitata ssp. capitata GICAC3 Polemoniaceae Dicot
bluejoint Calamagrostis canadensis CACA4 Poaceae Monocot
bluejoint Calamagrostis canadensis var. canadensis CACAC10 Poaceae Monocot
bluejoint Calamagrostis canadensis var. langsdorffii CACAL3 Poaceae Monocot
bluestem Andropogon ANDRO2 Poaceae Monocot
bluet Houstonia HOUST Rubiaceae Dicot
blunt broom sedge Carex tribuloides CATR7 Cyperaceae Monocot
blunt broom sedge Carex tribuloides var. tribuloides CATRT2 Cyperaceae Monocot
blunt spikerush Eleocharis obtusa ELOB2 Cyperaceae Monocot
bluntleaf bedstraw Galium obtusum GAOB Rubiaceae Dicot
bluntleaf bedstraw Galium obtusum ssp. obtusum GAOBO Rubiaceae Dicot
bluntleaf pondweed Potamogeton obtusifolius POOB2 Potamogetonaceae Monocot
bluntleaf sandwort Moehringia lateriflora MOLA6 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
bluntleaf waterleaf Hydrophyllum canadense HYCA3 Hydrophyllaceae Dicot
bluntleaved orchid Platanthera obtusata PLOB Orchidaceae Monocot
bluntleaved orchid Platanthera obtusata ssp. obtusata PLOBO3 Orchidaceae Monocot
bluntlobe cliff fern Woodsia obtusa WOOB2 Dryopteridaceae Fern
bluntlobe cliff fern Woodsia obtusa ssp. obtusa WOOBO Dryopteridaceae Fern
bluntlobe grapefern Botrychium oneidense BOON Ophioglossaceae Fern
bluntseed sweetroot Osmorhiza depauperata OSDE Apiaceae Dicot
bog aster Oclemena nemoralis OCNE2 Asteraceae Dicot
bog birch Betula pumila BEPU4 Betulaceae Dicot
bog birch Betula pumila var. glandulifera BEPUG Betulaceae Dicot
bog birch Betula pumila var. renifolia BEPUR Betulaceae Dicot
bog blueberry Vaccinium uliginosum VAUL Ericaceae Dicot
bog chickweed Stellaria alsine STAL4 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
bog fern Thelypteris simulata THSI2 Thelypteridaceae Fern
bog goldenrod Solidago uliginosa SOUL Asteraceae Dicot
bog goldenrod Solidago uliginosa var. linoides SOULL2 Asteraceae Dicot
bog goldenrod Solidago uliginosa var. terrae-novae SOULT Asteraceae Dicot
bog goldenrod Solidago uliginosa var. uliginosa SOULU Asteraceae Dicot
bog Labrador tea Ledum groenlandicum LEGR Ericaceae Dicot
bog laurel Kalmia polifolia KAPO Ericaceae Dicot
bog muhly Muhlenbergia uniflora MUUN Poaceae Monocot
bog rosemary Andromeda ANDRO Ericaceae Dicot
bog rosemary Andromeda polifolia ANPO Ericaceae Dicot
bog rosemary Andromeda polifolia var. glaucophylla ANPOG Ericaceae Dicot
bog white violet Viola lanceolata VILA4 Violaceae Dicot
bog white violet Viola lanceolata ssp. lanceolata VILAL Violaceae Dicot
bog willow Salix pedicellaris SAPE2 Salicaceae Dicot
bog willowherb Epilobium leptophyllum EPLE2 Onagraceae Dicot
bog yellowcress Rorippa palustris ROPA2 Brassicaceae Dicot
bog yellowcress Rorippa palustris ssp. palustris ROPAP Brassicaceae Dicot
bog yelloweyed grass Xyris difformis XYDI Xyridaceae Monocot
bog yelloweyed grass Xyris difformis var. difformis XYDID Xyridaceae Monocot
borage Borago BORAG Boraginaceae Dicot
border privet Ligustrum obtusifolium LIOB Oleaceae Dicot
boreal bedstraw Galium kamtschaticum GAKA Rubiaceae Dicot
boreal bog sedge Carex magellanica CAMA12 Cyperaceae Monocot
boreal bog sedge Carex magellanica ssp. irrigua CAMAI2 Cyperaceae Monocot
boreal starwort Stellaria borealis STBO3 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
boreal starwort Stellaria borealis ssp. borealis STBOB Caryophyllaceae Dicot
bottle gentian Gentiana clausa GECL Gentianaceae Dicot
bottlebrush sedge Carex hystericina CAHY4 Cyperaceae Monocot
bouncingbet Saponaria officinalis SAOF4 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
box knotweed Polygonum buxiforme POBU2 Polygonaceae Dicot
boxelder Acer negundo ACNE2 Aceraceae Dicot
boxelder Acer negundo var. negundo ACNEN Aceraceae Dicot
brackenfern Pteridium PTERI Dennstaedtiaceae Fern
Brainerd"s hawthorn Crataegus brainerdii CRBR3 Rosaceae Dicot
branched bur-reed Sparganium androcladum SPAN Sparganiaceae Monocot
branched centaury Centaurium pulchellum CEPU3 Gentianaceae Dicot
brasenia Brasenia BRASE Cabombaceae Dicot
Braun"s hollyfern Polystichum braunii POBR4 Dryopteridaceae Fern
Brazilian watermeal Wolffia brasiliensis WOBR Lemnaceae Monocot
Brazilian waterweed Egeria densa EGDE Hydrocharitaceae Monocot
bright green spikerush Eleocharis olivacea ELOL Cyperaceae Monocot
bright green spikerush Eleocharis olivacea var. olivacea ELOLO Cyperaceae Monocot
brightblue speedwell Veronica serpyllifolia ssp. humifusa VESEH2 Scrophulariaceae Dicot
brightgreen spleenwort Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum ASTR10 Aspleniaceae Fern
bristle berry Rubus notatus RUNO2 Rosaceae Dicot
bristle fern Trichomanes TRICH5 Hymenophyllaceae Fern
bristlegrass Setaria SETAR Poaceae Monocot
bristleleaf sedge Carex eburnea CAEB2 Cyperaceae Monocot
bristly buttercup Ranunculus hispidus RAHI Ranunculaceae Dicot
bristly buttercup Ranunculus hispidus var. caricetorum RAHIC Ranunculaceae Dicot
bristly buttercup Ranunculus hispidus var. hispidus RAHIH Ranunculaceae Dicot
bristly dewberry Rubus hispidus RUHI Rosaceae Dicot
bristly locust Robinia hispida ROHI Fabaceae Dicot
bristly locust Robinia hispida var. hispida ROHIH Fabaceae Dicot
bristly oxtongue Picris echioides PIEC Asteraceae Dicot
bristly sarsaparilla Aralia hispida ARHI2 Araliaceae Dicot
bristlystalked sedge Carex leptalea CALE10 Cyperaceae Monocot
bristlystalked sedge Carex leptalea ssp. leptalea CALEL4 Cyperaceae Monocot
British soldier lichen Cladonia cristatella CLCR2 Cladoniaceae Lichen
brittle bladderfern Cystopteris fragilis CYFR2 Dryopteridaceae Fern
brittle waternymph Najas minor NAMI Najadaceae Monocot
brittlestem hempnettle Galeopsis tetrahit GATE2 Lamiaceae Dicot
brittlestem hempnettle Galeopsis tetrahit var. tetrahit GATET2 Lamiaceae Dicot
broad beechfern Phegopteris hexagonoptera PHHE11 Thelypteridaceae Fern
broad looseflower sedge Carex laxiflora CALA19 Cyperaceae Monocot
broad looseflower sedge Carex laxiflora var. laxiflora CALAL5 Cyperaceae Monocot
broadfruit bur-reed Sparganium eurycarpum SPEU Sparganiaceae Monocot
broadleaf arrowhead Sagittaria latifolia SALA2 Alismataceae Monocot
broadleaf cattail Typha latifolia TYLA Typhaceae Monocot
broadleaf enchanter"s nightshade Circaea lutetiana CILU Onagraceae Dicot
broadleaf enchanter"s nightshade Circaea lutetiana ssp. canadensis CILUC Onagraceae Dicot
broadleaf hawthorn Crataegus dilatata CRDI Rosaceae Dicot
broadleaf helleborine Epipactis helleborine EPHE Orchidaceae Monocot
broadleaf rosette grass Dichanthelium latifolium DILA8 Poaceae Monocot
broadleaf sedge Carex platyphylla CAPL5 Cyperaceae Monocot
broadleaf Solomon"s seal Polygonatum hirsutum POHI13 Liliaceae Monocot
broadleaf speedwell Veronica austriaca VEAU Scrophulariaceae Dicot
broadleaf speedwell Veronica austriaca ssp. teucrium VEAUT Scrophulariaceae Dicot
broadleaf spurge Euphorbia platyphyllos EUPL Euphorbiaceae Dicot
broadlipped twayblade Listera convallarioides LICO5 Orchidaceae Monocot
brome Bromus BROMU Poaceae Monocot
brome-like sedge Carex bromoides CABR14 Cyperaceae Monocot
brome-like sedge Carex bromoides ssp. bromoides CABRB6 Cyperaceae Monocot
brookweed Samolus SAMOL Primulaceae Dicot
broom Genista GENIS Fabaceae Dicot
broom sedge Carex scoparia CASC11 Cyperaceae Monocot
broom sedge Carex scoparia var. scoparia CASCS Cyperaceae Monocot
broomcorn millet Panicum miliaceum ssp. miliaceum PAMIM Poaceae Monocot
broomrape Orobanche OROBA Orobanchaceae Dicot
brown beaksedge Rhynchospora fusca RHFU Cyperaceae Monocot
brown mustard Brassica juncea BRJU Brassicaceae Dicot
brown widelip orchid Liparis liliifolia LILI3 Orchidaceae Monocot
browneyed Susan Rudbeckia triloba RUTR2 Asteraceae Dicot
browneyed Susan Rudbeckia triloba var. triloba RUTRT Asteraceae Dicot
brownfruit rush Juncus pelocarpus JUPE Juncaceae Monocot
brownish beaksedge Rhynchospora capitellata RHCA12 Cyperaceae Monocot
brownish sedge Carex brunnescens CABR15 Cyperaceae Monocot
brownish sedge Carex brunnescens ssp. brunnescens CABRB3 Cyperaceae Monocot
brownish sedge Carex brunnescens ssp. sphaerostachya CABRS Cyperaceae Monocot
brownray knapweed Centaurea jacea CEJA Asteraceae Dicot
buckbean Menyanthes MENYA Menyanthaceae Dicot
buckbean Menyanthes trifoliata METR3 Menyanthaceae Dicot
buckthorn Frangula FRANG Rhamnaceae Dicot
buckthorn Rhamnus RHAMN Rhamnaceae Dicot
buckwheat Fagopyrum FAGOP2 Polygonaceae Dicot
buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum FAES2 Polygonaceae Dicot
buffaloberry Shepherdia SHEPH Elaeagnaceae Dicot
buffalobur nightshade Solanum rostratum SORO Solanaceae Dicot
bugle Ajuga AJUGA Lamiaceae Dicot
buglossoides Buglossoides BUGLO Boraginaceae Dicot
bulblet bladderfern Cystopteris bulbifera CYBU3 Dryopteridaceae Fern
bulblet-bearing water hemlock Cicuta bulbifera CIBU Apiaceae Dicot
bulbous bittercress Cardamine bulbosa CABU3 Brassicaceae Dicot
bulbous bluegrass Poa bulbosa POBU Poaceae Monocot
bull thistle Cirsium vulgare CIVU Asteraceae Dicot
bulrush Scirpus ×peckii SCPE2 Cyperaceae Monocot
bulrush Scirpus SCIRP Cyperaceae Monocot
bulrush Schoenoplectus ×oblongus SCOB10 Cyperaceae Monocot
bulrush Schoenoplectus ×carinatus SCCA25 Cyperaceae Monocot
bulrush Schoenoplectiella SCHOE7 Cyperaceae Monocot
bulrush Schoenoplectus SCHOE6 Cyperaceae Monocot
bulrush Trichophorum TRICH22 Cyperaceae Monocot
bunchberry dogwood Cornus canadensis COCA13 Cornaceae Dicot
bupleurum Bupleurum BUPLE Apiaceae Dicot
bur cucumber Sicyos SICYO Cucurbitaceae Dicot
bur oak Quercus macrocarpa QUMA2 Fagaceae Dicot
bur oak Quercus macrocarpa var. macrocarpa QUMAM Fagaceae Dicot
bur-reed Sparganium SPARG Sparganiaceae Monocot
bur-reed sedge Carex sparganioides CASP3 Cyperaceae Monocot
burclover Medicago polymorpha MEPO3 Fabaceae Dicot
burdock Arctium ARCTI Asteraceae Dicot
burnet Sanguisorba SANGU2 Rosaceae Dicot
burnet saxifrage Pimpinella PIMPI Apiaceae Dicot
burningbush Bassia scoparia BASC5 Chenopodiaceae Dicot
burningbush Euonymus alatus EUAL13 Celastraceae Dicot
burningbush Euonymus alatus var. alatus EUALA2 Celastraceae Dicot
burnweed Erechtites ERECH Asteraceae Dicot
bush honeysuckle Diervilla DIERV Caprifoliaceae Dicot
bush vetch Vicia sepium VISE Fabaceae Dicot
bush vetch Vicia sepium var. sepium VISES Fabaceae Dicot
Bush"s goosefoot Chenopodium berlandieri var. bushianum CHBEB3 Chenopodiaceae Dicot
Bush"s sedge Carex bushii CABU5 Cyperaceae Monocot
butomus Butomus BUTOM Butomaceae Monocot
butter and eggs Linaria vulgaris LIVU2 Scrophulariaceae Dicot
butterbur Petasites PETAS Asteraceae Dicot
buttercup Ranunculus RANUN Ranunculaceae Dicot
butterfly milkweed Asclepias tuberosa ASTU Asclepiadaceae Dicot
butterfly milkweed Asclepias tuberosa ssp. tuberosa ASTUT2 Asclepiadaceae Dicot
butternut Juglans cinerea JUCI Juglandaceae Dicot
butterwort Pinguicula PINGU Lentibulariaceae Dicot
buttonbush Cephalanthus CEPHA Rubiaceae Dicot
Buxbaum"s sedge Carex buxbaumii CABU6 Cyperaceae Monocot
calamus Acorus calamus ACCA4 Acoraceae Monocot
calico aster Symphyotrichum lateriflorum SYLA4 Asteraceae Dicot
calico aster Symphyotrichum lateriflorum var. angustifolium SYLAA Asteraceae Dicot
calico aster Symphyotrichum lateriflorum var. horizontale SYLAH5 Asteraceae Dicot
calico aster Symphyotrichum lateriflorum var. lateriflorum SYLAL7 Asteraceae Dicot
calico aster Symphyotrichum lateriflorum var. tenuipes SYLAT Asteraceae Dicot
California nettle Urtica dioica ssp. gracilis URDIG Urticaceae Dicot
callalily Calla CALLA Araceae Monocot
campion Lychnis LYCHN Caryophyllaceae Dicot
Canada bluegrass Poa compressa POCO Poaceae Monocot
Canada cocklebur Xanthium strumarium var. canadense XASTC Asteraceae Dicot
Canada germander Teucrium canadense TECA3 Lamiaceae Dicot
Canada germander Teucrium canadense var. canadense TECAC Lamiaceae Dicot
Canada goldenrod Solidago altissima SOAL6 Asteraceae Dicot
Canada goldenrod Solidago canadensis SOCA6 Asteraceae Dicot
Canada goldenrod Solidago canadensis var. canadensis SOCAC3 Asteraceae Dicot
Canada lettuce Lactuca canadensis LACA Asteraceae Dicot
Canada lily Lilium canadense LICA3 Liliaceae Monocot
Canada lily Lilium canadense ssp. canadense LICAC Liliaceae Monocot
Canada mayflower Maianthemum canadense MACA4 Liliaceae Monocot
Canada thistle Cirsium arvense CIAR4 Asteraceae Dicot
Canada toadflax Nuttallanthus canadensis NUCA Scrophulariaceae Dicot
Canada wildrye Elymus canadensis ELCA4 Poaceae Monocot
Canada yew Taxus canadensis TACA7 Taxaceae Gymnosperm
Canadian anemone Anemone canadensis ANCA8 Ranunculaceae Dicot
Canadian blacksnakeroot Sanicula canadensis SACA15 Apiaceae Dicot
Canadian blacksnakeroot Sanicula canadensis var. canadensis SACAC2 Apiaceae Dicot
Canadian blacksnakeroot Sanicula canadensis var. grandis SACAG2 Apiaceae Dicot
Canadian burnet Sanguisorba canadensis SACA14 Rosaceae Dicot
Canadian clearweed Pilea pumila PIPU2 Urticaceae Dicot
Canadian clearweed Pilea pumila var. pumila PIPUP Urticaceae Dicot
Canadian hawkweed Hieracium kalmii var. fasciculatum HIKAF Asteraceae Dicot
Canadian honewort Cryptotaenia canadensis CRCA9 Apiaceae Dicot
Canadian horseweed Conyza canadensis COCA5 Asteraceae Dicot
Canadian horseweed Conyza canadensis var. canadensis COCAC3 Asteraceae Dicot
Canadian lousewort Pedicularis canadensis PECA Scrophulariaceae Dicot
Canadian lousewort Pedicularis canadensis ssp. canadensis PECAC3 Scrophulariaceae Dicot
Canadian milkvetch Astragalus canadensis ASCA11 Fabaceae Dicot
Canadian milkvetch Astragalus canadensis var. canadensis ASCAC6 Fabaceae Dicot
Canadian plum Prunus nigra PRNI Rosaceae Dicot
Canadian pussytoes Antennaria howellii ssp. canadensis ANHOC Asteraceae Dicot
Canadian rush Juncus canadensis JUCA3 Juncaceae Monocot
Canadian waterweed Elodea canadensis ELCA7 Hydrocharitaceae Monocot
Canadian white violet Viola canadensis VICA4 Violaceae Dicot
Canadian white violet Viola canadensis var. canadensis VICAC Violaceae Dicot
Canadian wildginger Asarum canadense ASCA Aristolochiaceae Dicot
Canadian woodnettle Laportea canadensis LACA3 Urticaceae Dicot
canary violet Viola ×primulifolia VIPR4 Violaceae Dicot
canarygrass Phalaris PHALA2 Poaceae Monocot
cancer-root Conopholis CONOP Orobanchaceae Dicot
candle anemone Anemone cylindrica ANCY Ranunculaceae Dicot
candytuft Iberis IBERI Brassicaceae Dicot
cankerweed Prenanthes serpentaria PRSE Asteraceae Dicot
capsella Capsella CAPSE Brassicaceae Dicot
caraway Carum carvi CACA19 Apiaceae Dicot
cardinalflower Lobelia cardinalis LOCA2 Campanulaceae Dicot
carelessweed Cyclachaena CYCLA4 Asteraceae Dicot
Carelessweed Cyclachaena xanthiifolia CYXA2 Asteraceae Dicot
Carey"s smartweed Polygonum careyi POCA8 Polygonaceae Dicot
Carolina clover Trifolium carolinianum TRCA6 Fabaceae Dicot
Carolina geranium Geranium carolinianum GECA5 Geraniaceae Dicot
Carolina geranium Geranium carolinianum var. carolinianum GECAC4 Geraniaceae Dicot
Carolina geranium Geranium carolinianum var. sphaerospermum GECAS Geraniaceae Dicot
Carolina horsenettle Solanum carolinense SOCA3 Solanaceae Dicot
Carolina horsenettle Solanum carolinense var. carolinense SOCAC4 Solanaceae Dicot
Carolina rose Rosa carolina ROCA4 Rosaceae Dicot
Carolina rose Rosa carolina var. carolina ROCAC Rosaceae Dicot
Carolina rose Rosa carolina var. setigera ROCAS2 Rosaceae Dicot
Carolina springbeauty Claytonia caroliniana CLCA Portulacaceae Dicot
Carolina springbeauty Claytonia caroliniana var. caroliniana CLCAC Portulacaceae Dicot
carpenter"s square Scrophularia marilandica SCMA2 Scrophulariaceae Dicot
carpetweed Mollugo MOLLU Molluginaceae Dicot
carum Carum CARUM Apiaceae Dicot
Case"s lady"s tresses Spiranthes casei SPCA6 Orchidaceae Monocot
Case"s lady"s tresses Spiranthes casei var. casei SPCAC4 Orchidaceae Monocot
cat"s ear Hypochaeris HYPOC Asteraceae Dicot
catalpa Catalpa CATAL Bignoniaceae Dicot
catberry Ilex mucronata ILMU Aquifoliaceae Dicot
catchfly Silene SILEN Caryophyllaceae Dicot
catchfly Silene ×hampeana SIHA9 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
catnip Nepeta NEPET Lamiaceae Dicot
catnip Nepeta cataria NECA2 Lamiaceae Dicot
cattail Typha TYPHA Typhaceae Monocot
cattail sedge Carex typhina CATY Cyperaceae Monocot
Caucasian stonecrop Phedimus spurius PHSP9 Crassulaceae Dicot
ceanothus Ceanothus CEANO Rhamnaceae Dicot
celandine Chelidonium CHELI Papaveraceae Dicot
celandine Chelidonium majus CHMA2 Papaveraceae Dicot
celandine Chelidonium majus var. laciniatum CHMAL Papaveraceae Dicot
celandine Chelidonium majus var. majus CHMAM Papaveraceae Dicot
centaury Centaurium CENTA2 Gentianaceae Dicot
cereal rye Secale cereale SECE Poaceae Monocot
chainfern Woodwardia WOODW Blechnaceae Fern
chamomile Anthemis ANTHE Asteraceae Dicot
Champlain beachgrass Ammophila champlainensis AMCH6 Poaceae Monocot
charity Polemonium caeruleum POCA2 Polemoniaceae Dicot
charlock mustard Sinapis arvensis SIAR4 Brassicaceae Dicot
cheatgrass Bromus tectorum BRTE Poaceae Monocot
checkered rattlesnake plantain Goodyera tesselata GOTE Orchidaceae Monocot
cheerful sunflower Helianthus ×laetiflorus HELA Asteraceae Dicot
chervil Anthriscus ANTHR Apiaceae Dicot
chestnut Castanea CASTA Fagaceae Dicot
chestnut oak Quercus montana QUMO4 Fagaceae Dicot
chestnut sedge Carex castanea CACA16 Cyperaceae Monocot
Chewing"s fescue Festuca rubra ssp. fallax FERUF3 Poaceae Monocot
chick pea Cicer arietinum CIAR5 Fabaceae Dicot
chicory Cichorium CICHO Asteraceae Dicot
chicory Cichorium intybus CIIN Asteraceae Dicot
Chinese catalpa Catalpa ovata CAOV5 Bignoniaceae Dicot
Chinese desert-thorn Lycium chinense LYCH Solanaceae Dicot
Chinese wisteria Wisteria sinensis WISI Fabaceae Dicot
Chinese yam Dioscorea oppositifolia DIOP Dioscoreaceae Monocot
chinkapin oak Quercus muehlenbergii QUMU Fagaceae Dicot
chokeberry Photinia PHOTI Rosaceae Dicot
chokecherry Prunus virginiana PRVI Rosaceae Dicot
chokecherry Prunus virginiana var. virginiana PRVIV Rosaceae Dicot
Christmas fern Polystichum acrostichoides POAC4 Dryopteridaceae Fern
Christmas fern Polystichum acrostichoides var. acrostichoides POACA Dryopteridaceae Fern
churchmouse threeawn Aristida dichotoma ARDI4 Poaceae Monocot
churchmouse threeawn Aristida dichotoma var. dichotoma ARDID Poaceae Monocot
cicer Cicer CICER Fabaceae Dicot
cinnamon fern Osmunda cinnamomea OSCI Osmundaceae Fern
cinnamon fern Osmunda cinnamomea var. cinnamomea OSCIC Osmundaceae Fern
cinnamon rose Rosa cinnamomea ROCI Rosaceae Dicot
cinquefoil Potentilla POTEN Rosaceae Dicot
city goosefoot Chenopodium urbicum CHUR Chenopodiaceae Dicot
clammy groundcherry Physalis heterophylla PHHE5 Solanaceae Dicot
clammy groundcherry Physalis heterophylla var. heterophylla PHHEH3 Solanaceae Dicot
clammy hedgehyssop Gratiola neglecta GRNE Scrophulariaceae Dicot
clammy locust Robinia viscosa ROVI Fabaceae Dicot
clammy locust Robinia viscosa var. viscosa ROVIV Fabaceae Dicot
clammyweed Polanisia POLAN Capparaceae Dicot
clarkia Clarkia CLARK Onagraceae Dicot
clasping milkweed Asclepias amplexicaulis ASAM Asclepiadaceae Dicot
clasping Venus" looking-glass Triodanis perfoliata TRPE4 Campanulaceae Dicot
claspingleaf pondweed Potamogeton perfoliatus POPE7 Potamogetonaceae Monocot
claspleaf twistedstalk Streptopus amplexifolius STAM2 Liliaceae Monocot
claspleaf twistedstalk Streptopus amplexifolius var. amplexifolius STAMA2 Liliaceae Monocot
Clayton"s sweetroot Osmorhiza claytonii OSCL Apiaceae Dicot
clearweed Pilea PILEA Urticaceae Dicot
cliff fern Woodsia WOODS Dryopteridaceae Fern
cliff fern Woodsia ×gracilis WOGR Dryopteridaceae Fern
cliffbrake Pellaea PELLA Pteridaceae Fern
climbing dayflower Commelina diffusa CODI5 Commelinaceae Monocot
climbing dayflower Commelina diffusa var. diffusa CODID3 Commelinaceae Monocot
climbing false buckwheat Polygonum scandens POSC3 Polygonaceae Dicot
climbing false buckwheat Polygonum scandens var. cristatum POSCC Polygonaceae Dicot
climbing false buckwheat Polygonum scandens var. scandens POSCS Polygonaceae Dicot
climbing fern Lygodium LYGOD2 Lygodiaceae Fern
climbing nightshade Solanum dulcamara SODU Solanaceae Dicot
climbing nightshade Solanum dulcamara var. dulcamara SODUD Solanaceae Dicot
climbing nightshade Solanum dulcamara var. villosissimum SODUV Solanaceae Dicot
Clingman"s hedgenettle Stachys clingmanii STCL Lamiaceae Dicot
clinopodium Clinopodium CLINO Lamiaceae Dicot
Clinton"s woodfern Dryopteris clintoniana DRCL Dryopteridaceae Fern
closed bottle gentian Gentiana andrewsii GEAN Gentianaceae Dicot
closed bottle gentian Gentiana andrewsii var. andrewsii GEANA Gentianaceae Dicot
clover Trifolium TRIFO Fabaceae Dicot
clover dodder Cuscuta epithymum CUEP Cuscutaceae Dicot
clubmoss Huperzia ×buttersii HUBU Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
clubmoss Huperzia HUPER Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
clubmoss Lycopodium ×habereri LYHA2 Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
clubmoss Lycopodium ×zeilleri LYZE Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
clubmoss Lycopodiella LYCOP6 Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
clubmoss Lycopodiella ×gilmanii LYGI2 Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
clubmoss Lycopodium LYCOP2 Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
cluster mallow Malva verticillata MAVE Malvaceae Dicot
clustered blacksnakeroot Sanicula odorata SAOD Apiaceae Dicot
clustered field sedge Carex praegracilis CAPR5 Cyperaceae Monocot
clustered mountainmint Pycnanthemum muticum PYMU Lamiaceae Dicot
clustered sedge Carex cumulata CACU3 Cyperaceae Monocot
coast tarweed Madia sativa MASA Asteraceae Dicot
coastal jointweed Polygonella articulata POAR4 Polygonaceae Dicot
coastal plain joe pye weed Eutrochium dubium EUDU6 Asteraceae Dicot
coastal sandbur Cenchrus spinifex CESP4 Poaceae Monocot
coastal sedge Carex exilis CAEX7 Cyperaceae Monocot
cock"s comb Celosia CELOS Amaranthaceae Dicot
cocklebur Xanthium XANTH2 Asteraceae Dicot
cockspur grass Echinochloa ECHIN4 Poaceae Monocot
cockspur hawthorn Crataegus crus-galli CRCR2 Rosaceae Dicot
codlins and cream Epilobium hirsutum EPHI Onagraceae Dicot
cohosh Caulophyllum CAULO Berberidaceae Dicot
colchicum Colchicum COLCH Liliaceae Monocot
colonial bentgrass Agrostis capillaris AGCA5 Poaceae Monocot
coltsfoot Tussilago TUSSI Asteraceae Dicot
coltsfoot Tussilago farfara TUFA Asteraceae Dicot
Columbian watermeal Wolffia columbiana WOCO Lemnaceae Monocot
columbine Aquilegia AQUIL Ranunculaceae Dicot
comarum Comarum COMAR3 Rosaceae Dicot
comfrey Symphytum SYMPH2 Boraginaceae Dicot
comfrey Symphytum ×uplandicum SYUP Boraginaceae Dicot
common balm Melissa officinalis MEOF2 Lamiaceae Dicot
common barberry Berberis vulgaris BEVU Berberidaceae Dicot
common barley Hordeum vulgare HOVU Poaceae Monocot
common bladderwort Utricularia macrorhiza UTMA Lentibulariaceae Dicot
common blue violet Viola sororia VISO Violaceae Dicot
common blue wood aster Symphyotrichum cordifolium SYCO4 Asteraceae Dicot
common boneset Eupatorium perfoliatum EUPE3 Asteraceae Dicot
common boneset Eupatorium perfoliatum var. colpophilum EUPEC Asteraceae Dicot
common boneset Eupatorium perfoliatum var. perfoliatum EUPEP Asteraceae Dicot
common borage Borago officinalis BOOF Boraginaceae Dicot
common buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica RHCA3 Rhamnaceae Dicot
common bugle Ajuga reptans AJRE Lamiaceae Dicot
common butterwort Pinguicula vulgaris PIVU Lentibulariaceae Dicot
common buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis CEOC2 Rubiaceae Dicot
common chickweed Stellaria media STME2 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
common chickweed Stellaria media ssp. media STMEM Caryophyllaceae Dicot
common cinquefoil Potentilla simplex POSI2 Rosaceae Dicot
common comfrey Symphytum officinale SYOF Boraginaceae Dicot
common corncockle Agrostemma githago AGGI Caryophyllaceae Dicot
common cowparsnip Heracleum maximum HEMA80 Apiaceae Dicot
common dandelion Taraxacum officinale TAOF Asteraceae Dicot
common dandelion Taraxacum officinale ssp. officinale TAOFO Asteraceae Dicot
common dogmustard Erucastrum gallicum ERGA Brassicaceae Dicot
common duckmeat Spirodela polyrrhiza SPPO Lemnaceae Monocot
common duckweed Lemna minor LEMI3 Lemnaceae Monocot
common evening primrose Oenothera biennis OEBI Onagraceae Dicot
common eyebright Euphrasia nemorosa EUNE3 Scrophulariaceae Dicot
common flax Linum usitatissimum LIUS Linaceae Dicot
common goldstar Hypoxis hirsuta HYHI2 Liliaceae Monocot
common grape hyacinth Muscari botryoides MUBO Liliaceae Monocot
common gypsyweed Veronica officinalis VEOF2 Scrophulariaceae Dicot
common gypsyweed Veronica officinalis var. officinalis VEOFO Scrophulariaceae Dicot
common hackberry Celtis occidentalis CEOC Ulmaceae Dicot
common hawkweed Hieracium lachenalii HILA8 Asteraceae Dicot
common hop Humulus lupulus HULU Cannabaceae Dicot
common hop Humulus lupulus var. lupuloides HULUL Cannabaceae Dicot
common hop Humulus lupulus var. lupulus HULUL2 Cannabaceae Dicot
common hoptree Ptelea trifoliata PTTR Rutaceae Dicot
common hoptree Ptelea trifoliata ssp. trifoliata PTTRT Rutaceae Dicot
common hoptree Ptelea trifoliata ssp. trifoliata var. trifoliata PTTRT2 Rutaceae Dicot
common juniper Juniperus communis JUCO6 Cupressaceae Gymnosperm
common juniper Juniperus communis var. depressa JUCOD Cupressaceae Gymnosperm
common kidneyvetch Anthyllis vulneraria ANVU Fabaceae Dicot
common ladyfern Athyrium filix-femina ATFI Dryopteridaceae Fern
common lilac Syringa vulgaris SYVU Oleaceae Dicot
common mallow Malva neglecta MANE Malvaceae Dicot
common mare"s-tail Hippuris vulgaris HIVU2 Hippuridaceae Dicot
common marsh bedstraw Galium palustre GAPA3 Rubiaceae Dicot
common milkweed Asclepias syriaca ASSY Asclepiadaceae Dicot
common moonseed Menispermum canadense MECA3 Menispermaceae Dicot
common moonwort Botrychium lunaria BOLU Ophioglossaceae Fern
common motherwort Leonurus cardiaca LECA2 Lamiaceae Dicot
common motherwort Leonurus cardiaca ssp. cardiaca LECAC7 Lamiaceae Dicot
common mouse-ear chickweed Cerastium fontanum CEFO2 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
common mullein Verbascum thapsus VETH Scrophulariaceae Dicot
common ninebark Physocarpus opulifolius PHOP Rosaceae Dicot
common ninebark Physocarpus opulifolius var. opulifolius PHOPO Rosaceae Dicot
common nipplewort Lapsana communis LACO3 Asteraceae Dicot
common oat Avena sativa AVSA Poaceae Monocot
common pear Pyrus communis PYCO Rosaceae Dicot
common peony Paeonia officinalis PAOF2 Paeoniaceae Dicot
common pepperweed Lepidium densiflorum LEDE Brassicaceae Dicot
common periwinkle Vinca minor VIMI2 Apocynaceae Dicot
common plantain Plantago major PLMA2 Plantaginaceae Dicot
common pricklyash Zanthoxylum americanum ZAAM Rutaceae Dicot
common reed Phragmites australis PHAU7 Poaceae Monocot
common rue Ruta graveolens RUGR3 Rutaceae Dicot
common rush Juncus effusus JUEF Juncaceae Monocot
common rush Juncus effusus var. conglomeratus JUEFC2 Juncaceae Monocot
common rush Juncus effusus var. pylaei JUEFP2 Juncaceae Monocot
common selfheal Prunella vulgaris ssp. vulgaris PRVUV Lamiaceae Dicot
common selfheal Prunella vulgaris PRVU Lamiaceae Dicot
common serviceberry Amelanchier arborea AMAR3 Rosaceae Dicot
common serviceberry Amelanchier arborea var. arborea AMARA4 Rosaceae Dicot
common sheep sorrel Rumex acetosella RUAC3 Polygonaceae Dicot
common sneezeweed Helenium autumnale HEAU Asteraceae Dicot
common sneezeweed Helenium autumnale var. autumnale HEAUA Asteraceae Dicot
common snowberry Symphoricarpos albus SYAL Caprifoliaceae Dicot
common snowberry Symphoricarpos albus var. albus SYALA Caprifoliaceae Dicot
common snowberry Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus SYALL Caprifoliaceae Dicot
common sowthistle Sonchus oleraceus SOOL Asteraceae Dicot
common spikerush Eleocharis palustris ELPA3 Cyperaceae Monocot
common spikerush Eleocharis palustris var. palustris ELPAP Cyperaceae Monocot
common spikerush Eleocharis palustris var. vigens ELPAV Cyperaceae Monocot
common St. Johnswort Hypericum perforatum HYPE Clusiaceae Dicot
common sunflower Helianthus annuus HEAN3 Asteraceae Dicot
common tansy Tanacetum vulgare TAVU Asteraceae Dicot
common threeseed mercury Acalypha rhomboidea ACRH Euphorbiaceae Dicot
common threesquare Schoenoplectus pungens SCPU10 Cyperaceae Monocot
common threesquare Schoenoplectus pungens var. pungens SCPUP5 Cyperaceae Monocot
common velvetgrass Holcus lanatus HOLA Poaceae Monocot
common viper"s bugloss Echium vulgare ECVU Boraginaceae Dicot
common wheat Triticum aestivum TRAE Poaceae Monocot
common winterberry Ilex verticillata ILVE Aquifoliaceae Dicot
common woodrush Luzula multiflora LUMU2 Juncaceae Monocot
common woodrush Luzula multiflora ssp. frigida LUMUF Juncaceae Monocot
common woodrush Luzula multiflora ssp. multiflora LUMUM Juncaceae Monocot
common woodrush Luzula multiflora ssp. multiflora var. multiflora LUMUM2 Juncaceae Monocot
common wormwood Artemisia vulgaris ARVU Asteraceae Dicot
common yarrow Achillea millefolium ACMI2 Asteraceae Dicot
common yarrow Achillea millefolium var. millefolium ACMIM2 Asteraceae Dicot
common yellow oxalis Oxalis stricta OXST Oxalidaceae Dicot
composite dropseed Sporobolus compositus SPCO16 Poaceae Monocot
composite dropseed Sporobolus compositus var. compositus SPCOC2 Poaceae Monocot
Concord hawthorn Crataegus ideae CRID Rosaceae Dicot
coneflower Rudbeckia RUDBE Asteraceae Dicot
Connecticut blackberry Rubus rossbergianus RURO4 Rosaceae Dicot
convallaria Convallaria CONVA Liliaceae Monocot
coon"s tail Ceratophyllum demersum CEDE4 Ceratophyllaceae Dicot
Copenhagen hawthorn Crataegus intricata CRIN3 Rosaceae Dicot
copperleaf Acalypha ACALY Euphorbiaceae Dicot
coralberry Symphoricarpos orbiculatus SYOR Caprifoliaceae Dicot
coralroot Corallorhiza CORAL5 Orchidaceae Monocot
cordgrass Spartina SPART Poaceae Monocot
corn Zea ZEA Poaceae Monocot
corn Zea mays ZEMA Poaceae Monocot
corn Zea mays ssp. mays ZEMAM2 Poaceae Monocot
corn brome Bromus squarrosus BRSQ2 Poaceae Monocot
corn chamomile Anthemis arvensis ANAR6 Asteraceae Dicot
corn gromwell Buglossoides arvensis BUAR3 Boraginaceae Dicot
corn poppy Papaver rhoeas PARH2 Papaveraceae Dicot
corn speedwell Veronica arvensis VEAR Scrophulariaceae Dicot
corn spurry Spergula arvensis SPAR Caryophyllaceae Dicot
corncockle Agrostemma AGROS Caryophyllaceae Dicot
cornsalad Valerianella VALER2 Valerianaceae Dicot
cosmopolitan bulrush Schoenoplectus maritimus SCMA8 Cyperaceae Monocot
costmary Tanacetum balsamita TABA Asteraceae Dicot
cottongrass Eriophorum ERIOP Cyperaceae Monocot
cottonthistle Onopordum ONOPO Asteraceae Dicot
cottonwood Populus POPUL Salicaceae Dicot
cow soapwort Vaccaria hispanica VAHI2 Caryophyllaceae Dicot
cowparsnip Heracleum HERAC Apiaceae Dicot
cowslip primrose Primula veris PRVE2 Primulaceae Dicot
cowwheat Melampyrum MELAM2 Scrophulariaceae Dicot
crabgrass Digitaria DIGIT2 Poaceae Monocot
crack willow Salix fragilis SAFR Salicaceae Dicot
cracked lichen Acarospora ACARO2 Acarosporaceae Lichen
cranberry Vaccinium macrocarpon VAMA Ericaceae Dicot
Crawford"s sedge Carex crawfordii CACR4 Cyperaceae Monocot
cream avens Geum virginianum GEVI4 Rosaceae Dicot
cream pea Lathyrus ochroleucus LAOC2 Fabaceae Dicot
creamflower rockcress Arabis hirsuta var. pycnocarpa ARHIP Brassicaceae Dicot
creeper Parthenocissus PARTH3 Vitaceae Dicot
creeping bentgrass Agrostis stolonifera AGST2 Poaceae Monocot
creeping bishop"s cap Mitella prostrata MIPR2 Saxifragaceae Dicot
creeping buttercup Ranunculus repens RARE3 Ranunculaceae Dicot
creeping jenny Lysimachia nummularia LYNU Primulaceae Dicot
creeping juniper Juniperus horizontalis JUHO2 Cupressaceae Gymnosperm
creeping mannagrass Glyceria acutiflora GLAC Poaceae Monocot
creeping phlox Phlox stolonifera PHST3 Polemoniaceae Dicot
creeping sedge Carex chordorrhiza CACH5 Cyperaceae Monocot
creeping snowberry Gaultheria hispidula GAHI2 Ericaceae Dicot
creeping velvetgrass Holcus mollis HOMO Poaceae Monocot
creeping woodsorrel Oxalis corniculata OXCO Oxalidaceae Dicot
creeping yellowcress Rorippa sylvestris ROSY Brassicaceae Dicot
creeping zinnia Sanvitalia SANVI Asteraceae Dicot
crested dogstail grass Cynosurus cristatus CYCR Poaceae Monocot
crested latesummer mint Elsholtzia ciliata ELCI Lamiaceae Dicot
crested sedge Carex cristatella CACR7 Cyperaceae Monocot
crested woodfern Dryopteris cristata DRCR4 Dryopteridaceae Fern
crimson clover Trifolium incarnatum TRIN3 Fabaceae Dicot
crinkleroot Cardamine diphylla CADI10 Brassicaceae Dicot
crowberry Empetrum EMPET Empetraceae Dicot
crowndaisy Glebionis coronarium GLCO6 Asteraceae Dicot
crowngrass Paspalum PASPA2 Poaceae Monocot
crownvetch Securigera SECUR3 Fabaceae Dicot
crownvetch Securigera varia SEVA4 Fabaceae Dicot
cuckoo flower Cardamine pratensis CAPR3 Brassicaceae Dicot
cuckoo flower Cardamine pratensis var. pratensis CAPRP Brassicaceae Dicot
cucumberleaf sunflower Helianthus debilis HEDE4 Asteraceae Dicot
cucumberleaf sunflower Helianthus debilis ssp. cucumerifolius HEDEC2 Asteraceae Dicot
cudweed Gnaphalium GNAPH Asteraceae Dicot
cudweed Pseudognaphalium PSEUD43 Asteraceae Dicot
cultivated currant Ribes rubrum RIRU80 Grossulariaceae Dicot
cultivated garlic Allium sativum ALSA2 Liliaceae Monocot
cultivated radish Raphanus sativus RASA2 Brassicaceae Dicot
Culver"s root Veronicastrum virginicum VEVI4 Scrophulariaceae Dicot
Cuman ragweed Ambrosia psilostachya AMPS Asteraceae Dicot
cup lichen Cladonia CLADO3 Cladoniaceae Lichen
cup plant Silphium perfoliatum SIPE2 Asteraceae Dicot
cup plant Silphium perfoliatum var. perfoliatum SIPEP Asteraceae Dicot
curly dock Rumex crispus RUCR Polygonaceae Dicot
curly dock Rumex crispus ssp. crispus RUCRC Polygonaceae Dicot
curly plumeless thistle Carduus crispus CACR2 Asteraceae Dicot
curly pondweed Potamogeton crispus POCR3 Potamogetonaceae Monocot
curlycup gumweed Grindelia squarrosa GRSQ Asteraceae Dicot
curlycup gumweed Grindelia squarrosa var. squarrosa GRSQS2 Asteraceae Dicot
curlytop knotweed Polygonum lapathifolium POLA4 Polygonaceae Dicot
currant Ribes RIBES Grossulariaceae Dicot
cursed buttercup Ranunculus sceleratus RASC3 Ranunculaceae Dicot
cursed buttercup Ranunculus sceleratus var. sceleratus RASCS Ranunculaceae Dicot
cushion draba Draba breweri DRBR2 Brassicaceae Dicot
cushion draba Draba breweri var. cana DRBRC Brassicaceae Dicot
cutgrass Leersia LEERS Poaceae Monocot
cutleaf blackberry Rubus laciniatus RULA Rosaceae Dicot
cutleaf coneflower Rudbeckia laciniata RULA3 Asteraceae Dicot
cutleaf coneflower Rudbeckia laciniata var. laciniata RULAL Asteraceae Dicot
cutleaf evening primrose Oenothera laciniata OELA Onagraceae Dicot
cutleaf grapefern Botrychium dissectum BODI2 Ophioglossaceae Fern
cutleaf toothwort Cardamine concatenata CACO26 Brassicaceae Dicot
Cutler"s alpine goldenrod Solidago cutleri SOCU2 Asteraceae Dicot
cydonia Cydonia CYDON Rosaceae Dicot
cymbalaria Cymbalaria CYMBA Scrophulariaceae Dicot
cypress panicgrass Dichanthelium dichotomum DIDI6 Poaceae Monocot
cypress panicgrass Dichanthelium dichotomum var. dichotomum DIDID Poaceae Monocot
cypress spurge Euphorbia cyparissias EUCY2 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
cypress-like sedge Carex pseudocyperus CAPS Cyperaceae Monocot
daffodil Narcissus NARCI Liliaceae Monocot
daisy Leucanthemum LEUCA4 Asteraceae Dicot
dalibarda Dalibarda DALIB Rosaceae Dicot
Dalmatian toadflax Linaria dalmatica LIDA Scrophulariaceae Dicot
Dalmatian toadflax Linaria dalmatica ssp. dalmatica LIDAD Scrophulariaceae Dicot
dames rocket Hesperis matronalis HEMA3 Brassicaceae Dicot
dandelion Taraxacum TARAX Asteraceae Dicot
Dane"s blood Campanula glomerata CAGL2 Campanulaceae Dicot
daphne Daphne DAPHN2 Thymelaeaceae Dicot
Darnel ryegrass Lolium temulentum LOTE2 Poaceae Monocot
Darnel ryegrass Lolium temulentum ssp. temulentum LOTET Poaceae Monocot
David"s spurge Euphorbia davidii EUDA5 Euphorbiaceae Dicot
Davis" sedge Carex davisii CADA Cyperaceae Monocot
dayflower Commelina COMME Commelinaceae Monocot
daylily Hemerocallis HEMER Liliaceae Monocot
deadnettle Lamium LAMIU Lamiaceae Dicot
deathcamas Zigadenus ZIGAD Liliaceae Monocot
decodon Decodon DECOD Lythraceae Dicot
deeproot clubmoss Lycopodium tristachyum LYTR Lycopodiaceae Lycopod
deerberry Vaccinium stamineum VAST Ericaceae Dicot
deertongue Dichanthelium clandestinum DICL Poaceae Monocot
densetuft hairsedge Bulbostylis capillaris BUCA2 Cyperaceae Monocot
densetuft hairsedge Bulbostylis capillaris ssp. capillaris BUCAC Cyperaceae Monocot
Deptford pink Dianthus armeria DIAR Caryophyllaceae Dicot
desert goosefoot Chenopodium pratericola CHPR5 Chenopodiaceae Dicot
desert-thorn Lycium LYCIU Solanaceae Dicot
devil in the bush Nigella damascena NIDA Ranunculaceae Dicot
devil"s beggartick Bidens frondosa BIFR Asteraceae Dicot
devil"s darning needles Clematis virginiana CLVI5 Ranunculaceae Dicot
devilqueen Phedimus PHEDI Crassulaceae Dicot
Dewey sedge Carex deweyana CADE9 Cyperaceae Monocot
Dewey sedge Carex deweyana var. deweyana CADED4 Cyperaceae Monocot
diamondleaf willow Salix planifolia SAPL2 Salicaceae Dicot
diamondleaf willow Salix planifolia ssp. planifolia SAPLP4 Salicaceae Dicot
diapensia Diapensia DIAPE Diapensiaceae Dicot
dictamnus Dictamnus DICTA Rutaceae Dicot
disc mayweed Matricaria discoidea MADI6 Asteraceae Dicot
disguised St. Johnswort Hypericum dissimulatum HYDI2 Clusiaceae Dicot
ditch stonecrop Penthorum sedoides PESE6 Crassulaceae Dicot
dock Rumex RUMEX Polygonaceae Dicot
dodder Cuscuta CUSCU Cuscutaceae Dicot
Dodge"s hawthorn Crataegus dodgei CRDO3 Rosaceae Dicot
dogbane Apocynum APOCY Apocynaceae Dicot
dogmustard Erucastrum ERUCA2 Brassicaceae Dicot
dogstail grass Cynosurus CYNOS2 Poaceae Monocot
dogtooth violet Erythronium americanum ERAM5 Liliaceae Monocot
dogtooth violet Erythronium americanum ssp. americanum ERAMA2 Liliaceae Monocot
dogwood Cornus CORNU Cornaceae Dicot
doll"s daisy Boltonia BOLTO Asteraceae Dicot
dooryard dock Rumex longifolius RULO2 Polygonaceae Dicot
Dortmann"s cardinalflower Lobelia dortmanna LODO Campanulaceae Dicot
dotted hawthorn Crataegus punctata CRPU Rosaceae Dicot
dotted lichen Bacidia BACID Bacidiaceae Lichen
dotted smartweed Polygonum punctatum POPU5 Polygonaceae Dicot
dotted smartweed Polygonum punctatum var. confertiflorum POPUC2 Polygonaceae Dicot
dotted smartweed Polygonum punctatum var. punctatum POPUP4 Polygonaceae Dicot
double cinnamon rose Rosa majalis ROMA81 Rosaceae Dicot
doubtful knight"s-spur Consolida ajacis COAJ Ranunculaceae Dicot
Douglas" knotweed Polygonum douglasii PODO4 Polygonaceae Dicot
Douglas" knotweed Polygonum douglasii ssp. douglasii PODOD4 Polygonaceae Dicot


  • Last updated on November 6, 2014