The Web Integrated Connector Kit (WICK) is a cloud-hosted database service. The WICK solution includes access to the web-based WICK Management Studio, which provides a clean and intuitive interface to setup and manage your databases in just a few clicks. In addition, the WICK API provides developers with REST API functions to manage every aspect of their databases. With WICK, you spend more time developing and innovating rather than dealing with complicated and expensive hosting requirements.
If you have Postman installed, clicking the button below will allow you to import the MySafeInfo collection into Postman.
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "Success": true, "Message": "", "DatabaseName": "default", "DeveloperName": "Matt", "IsDefault": true, "DatabasesCount": "2", "DatabasesMax": "5", "TablesCount": "2", "TablesMax": "5", "ColumnsMax": "15", "RowsMax": "1000", "Expires": "Never", "DesignerKey": "ABC123", "ReaderKey": "ABC234", "InsertKey": "ABC345", "UpdateKey": "ABC456", "DeleteKey": "ABC567", "DesignerReferers": "*", "ReaderReferers": "*", "InsertReferers": "*", "UpdateReferers": "*", "DeleteReferers": "*", "DesignerIPAddresses": "*", "ReaderIPAddresses": "*", "InsertIPAddresses": "*", "UpdateIPAddresses": "*", "DeleteIPAddresses": "*" }
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "Success": true, "Message": "", "IP": "", "Referrer": "" }
provides access to create and rename databases, and access to all database keys. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{designerkey}
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{readerkey}
allows you to read data from your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{insertkey}
allows you to add data to your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{updatekey}
allows you to edit data in your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{deletekey}
allows you to delete data from your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "Success": true, "Message": "", "UserID": 9999, "CanUseManagementStudio": true, "KeyType": "Designer", "Schema": "ZZZ0009999", "DatabaseName": "Demo", "DeveloperName": "Matt", "IsDefault": false, "DatabasesCount": 2, "DatabasesMax": 5, "DatabasesMaxDisplay": "5", "TablesCount": 0, "TablesMax": 5, "TablesMaxDisplay": "5", "ColumnsMax": 10, "ColumnsMaxDisplay": "10", "RowsMax": 100, "RowsMaxDisplay": "100", "Expires": "2020-06-26T00:00:00", "ExpiresDisplay": "6/26/2020", "DesignerKey": "DesignerKeyIfSpeciifedKeyHasAccess", "ReaderKey": "ReaderKeyIfSpeciifedKeyHasAccess", "InsertKey": "InsertKeyIfSpeciifedKeyHasAccess", "UpdateKey": "UpdateKeyIfSpeciifedKeyHasAccess", "DeleteKey": "DeleteKeyIfSpeciifedKeyHasAccess", "DesignerReferers": "*", "ReaderReferers": "*", "InsertReferers": "*", "UpdateReferers": "*", "DeleteReferers": "*", "DesignerIPAddresses": "*", "ReaderIPAddresses": "*", "InsertIPAddresses": "*", "UpdateIPAddresses": "*", "DeleteIPAddresses": "*", "CanManageDatabases": false, "CanManageTables": true, "CanViewTableData": true, "CanInsertTableData": true, "CanUpdateTableData": true, "CanDeleteTableData": true }
[ "bigint", "bit", "char", "date", "datetime", "datetime2", "datetimeoffset", "decimal", "float", "int", "money", "nchar", "nvarchar", "smalldatetime", "smallint", "smallmoney", "time", "timestamp", "tinyint", "varchar", "varbinary" ]
[ "string", "number", "boolean", "date", "datetime", "decimal", "money" ]
{ "DataType": "string", "AllowNulls": "No", "DefaultValue": "''", "Length": "50", "Unique": "No" }
{ "Advanced":[ { "DataType":"bigint", "Template":{ "DataType":"bigint", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"0" } }, { "DataType":"bit", "Template":{ "DataType":"bit", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"0" } }, { "DataType":"char", "Template":{ "DataType":"char", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"''", "Length":"50", "Unique":"No" } }, { "DataType":"date", "Template":{ "DataType":"date", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"" } }, { "DataType":"datetime", "Template":{ "DataType":"datetime", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"" } }, { "DataType":"datetime2", "Template":{ "DataType":"datetime2", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"" } }, { "DataType":"datetimeoffset", "Template":{ "DataType":"datetimeoffset", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"" } }, { "DataType":"decimal", "Template":{ "DataType":"decimal", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"0", "Precision":"8", "Scale":"2" } }, { "DataType":"float", "Template":{ "DataType":"float", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"0", "Precision":"8", "Scale":"2" } }, { "DataType":"int", "Template":{ "DataType":"int", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"0" } }, { "DataType":"money", "Template":{ "DataType":"money", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"0", "Precision":"8", "Scale":"2" } }, { "DataType":"nchar", "Template":{ "DataType":"nchar", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"''", "Length":"50", "Unique":"No" } }, { "DataType":"nvarchar", "Template":{ "DataType":"nvarchar", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"''", "Length":"50", "Unique":"No" } }, { "DataType":"smalldatetime", "Template":{ "DataType":"smalldatetime", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"" } }, { "DataType":"smallint", "Template":{ "DataType":"smallint", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"0" } }, { "DataType":"smallmoney", "Template":{ "DataType":"smallmoney", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"0", "Precision":"8", "Scale":"2" } }, { "DataType":"time", "Template":{ "DataType":"time", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"" } }, { "DataType":"timestamp", "Template":{ "DataType":"timestamp", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"" } }, { "DataType":"tinyint", "Template":{ "DataType":"tinyint", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"0" } }, { "DataType":"varchar", "Template":{ "DataType":"varchar", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"''", "Length":"50", "Unique":"No" } }, { "DataType":"varbinary", "Template":{ "DataType":"varbinary", "AllowNulls": "Yes" } } ], "Simple":[ { "DataType":"string", "Template":{ "DataType":"string", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"''", "Length":"50", "Unique":"No" } }, { "DataType":"number", "Template":{ "DataType":"number", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"0" } }, { "DataType":"boolean", "Template":{ "DataType":"boolean", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"0" } }, { "DataType":"date", "Template":{ "DataType":"date", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"" } }, { "DataType":"datetime", "Template":{ "DataType":"datetime", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"" } }, { "DataType":"decimal", "Template":{ "DataType":"decimal", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"0", "Precision":"8", "Scale":"2" } }, { "DataType":"money", "Template":{ "DataType":"money", "AllowNulls":"No", "DefaultValue":"0", "Precision":"8", "Scale":"2" } } ] }
[ { "Keyword": "active", "DataType": "bit" }, { "Keyword": "amount", "DataType": "money" }, { "Keyword": "amt", "DataType": "money" }, { "Keyword": "date", "DataType": "date" }, { "Keyword": "disabled", "DataType": "bit" }, { "Keyword": "enabled", "DataType": "bit" }, { "Keyword": "frequency", "DataType": "int" }, { "Keyword": "id", "DataType": "int" }, { "Keyword": "level", "DataType": "int" }, { "Keyword": "max", "DataType": "int" }, { "Keyword": "name", "DataType": "varchar" }, { "Keyword": "nbr", "DataType": "int" }, { "Keyword": "number", "DataType": "int" }, { "Keyword": "pct", "DataType": "decimal" }, { "Keyword": "percent", "DataType": "decimal" }, { "Keyword": "pk", "DataType": "int" }, { "Keyword": "qty", "DataType": "int" }, { "Keyword": "quantity", "DataType": "int" }, { "Keyword": "seq", "DataType": "int" }, { "Keyword": "time", "DataType": "datetime" } ]
provides access to create and rename databases, and access to all database keys. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.[ { "Success": true, "Message": "", "DatabaseName": "default", "DeveloperName": "Matt", "IsDefault": true, "DatabasesCount": "2", "DatabasesMax": "5", "TablesCount": "2", "TablesMax": "5", "ColumnsMax": "15", "RowsMax": "1000", "Expires": "Never", "DesignerKey": "ABC123", "ReaderKey": "ABC234", "InsertKey": "ABC345", "UpdateKey": "ABC456", "DeleteKey": "ABC567", "DesignerReferers": "*", "ReaderReferers": "*", "InsertReferers": "*", "UpdateReferers": "*", "DeleteReferers": "*", "DesignerIPAddresses": "*", "ReaderIPAddresses": "*", "InsertIPAddresses": "*", "UpdateIPAddresses": "*", "DeleteIPAddresses": "*" }, { "Success": true, "Message": "", "DatabaseName": "sandbox", "DeveloperName": "Matt", "IsDefault": false, "DatabasesCount": "2", "DatabasesMax": "5", "TablesCount": "1", "TablesMax": "5", "ColumnsMax": "15", "RowsMax": "1000", "Expires": "Never", "DesignerKey": "XYZC123", "ReaderKey": "XYZ234", "InsertKey": "XYZ345", "UpdateKey": "XYZ456", "DeleteKey": "XYZ567", "DesignerReferers": "*", "ReaderReferers": "*", "InsertReferers": "*", "UpdateReferers": "*", "DeleteReferers": "*", "DesignerIPAddresses": "*", "ReaderIPAddresses": "*", "InsertIPAddresses": "*", "UpdateIPAddresses": "*", "DeleteIPAddresses": "*" } ]
provides access to create and rename databases, and access to all database keys. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "Success": true, "Message": "", "DeveloperName": "Matt", "DatabasesCount": "2", "DatabasesMax": "5", "CanUseManagementStudio": true }
provides access to create and rename databases, and access to all database keys. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 2, "Success": true, "Message": "" }
provides access to create and rename databases, and access to all database keys. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Database created successfully" }
provides access to create and rename databases, and access to all database keys. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Database renamed successfully" }
provides access to create and rename databases, and access to all database keys. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Database deleted successfully" }
provides access to create and rename databases, and access to all database keys. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Database default saved successfully", "Messages": [] }
provides access to create and rename databases, and access to all database keys. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Database cloned successfully" }
provides access to create and rename databases, and access to all database keys. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Database cloned successfully" }
. The ID
column can be renamed, but not deleted.{designerkey}
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Table created successfully" }
. The ID
column can be renamed, but not deleted.{designerkey}
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.application/json; charset=utf-8
[ { "Name": "Column1", "DataType": "varchar", "AllowNulls": "No", "DefaultValue": "''", "Length": "50", "Unique": "No" }, { "Name": "Column2", "DataType": "int", "AllowNulls": "No", "DefaultValue": "0" }, { "Name": "Column3", "DataType": "decimal", "AllowNulls": "No", "DefaultValue": "0", "Precision": "8", "Scale": "2" } ]
{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Table created successfully" }
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Table deleted successfully" }
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Table renamed successfully" }
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Table cloned successfully" }
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Table cloned successfully" }
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{readerkey}
allows you to read data from your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{insertkey}
allows you to add data to your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{updatekey}
allows you to edit data in your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{deletekey}
allows you to delete data from your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.[ { "Name": "table1", "CreateDate": "2015-05-17T17:49:44.23", "ModifyDate": "2015-05-20T12:35:16.187", "RowCount": 1176, "ColumnCount": 11 }, { "Name": "table2", "CreateDate": "2015-05-28T17:58:20.39", "ModifyDate": "2015-05-28T17:58:36.79", "RowCount": 59, "ColumnCount": 5 }, { "Name": "table3", "CreateDate": "2015-05-28T17:59:20.31", "ModifyDate": "2015-05-28T17:59:20.343", "RowCount": 27, "ColumnCount": 7 } ]
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 4, "Success": true, "Message": "" }
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 11, "Success": true, "Message": "" }
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{readerkey}
allows you to read data from your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{insertkey}
allows you to add data to your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{updatekey}
allows you to edit data in your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{deletekey}
allows you to delete data from your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "customerid": "", "customername": "", "customertype": "", "address1": "", "address2": "", "city": "", "statecode": "", "postalcode": "", "countrycode": "", "phonenumber": "", "emailaddress": "" }
This method allows you to download a zip file containing all of your tables exported in the specified format.
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.Compressed zip file
. The ID
column can be renamed, but not deleted.{designerkey}
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Table imported successfully" }
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Column created successfully" }
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.application/json; charset=utf-8
{ "DataType": "varchar", "AllowNulls": "No", "DefaultValue": "''", "Length": "50", "Precision": "8", "Scale": "2", "Unique": "No" }
{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Column created successfully" }
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.add alter rename delete rename,alter
application/json; charset=utf-8
[ { "Action": "add", "SourceColumn": "Column1", "DataType": "varchar", "AllowNulls": "No", "DefaultValue": "''", "Length": "50", "Unique": "No" }, { "Action": "alter", "SourceColumn": "Column1", "DataType": "varchar", "AllowNulls": "No", "DefaultValue": "''", "Length": "100", "Unique": "No" }, { "Action": "rename", "SourceColumn": "Column1", "TargetColumn": "Column2" }, { "Action": "delete", "SourceColumn": "Column1" }, { "Action": "add", "SourceColumn": "Column1", "DataType": "int", "AllowNulls": "No", "DefaultValue": "0" }, { "Action": "rename,alter", "SourceColumn": "Column1", "TargetColumn": "Column2", "DataType": "decimal", "AllowNulls": "No", "DefaultValue": "0", "Precision": "8", "Scale": "2" } ]
{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Columns processed successfully" }
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Column deleted successfully" }
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Column renamed successfully" }
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.application/json; charset=utf-8
{ "DataType": "varchar", "AllowNulls": "No", "DefaultValue": "''", "Length": "50", "Precision": "8", "Scale": "2", "Unique": "No" }
{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Column altered successfully" }
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{readerkey}
allows you to read data from your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{insertkey}
allows you to add data to your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{updatekey}
allows you to edit data in your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{deletekey}
allows you to delete data from your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.[ { "Name": "customerid", "Type": "int", "Length": 4, "Precision": 10, "Scale": 0, "Collation": "", "Nullable": false, "Identity": true, "Default": "", "Sequence": 1 }, { "Name": "customername", "Type": "varchar", "Length": 80, "Precision": 0, "Scale": 0, "Collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS", "Nullable": false, "Identity": false, "Default": "('')", "Sequence": 2 }, { "Name": "customertype", "Type": "varchar", "Length": 20, "Precision": 0, "Scale": 0, "Collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS", "Nullable": false, "Identity": false, "Default": "('')", "Sequence": 3 }, { "Name": "address1", "Type": "varchar", "Length": 80, "Precision": 0, "Scale": 0, "Collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS", "Nullable": false, "Identity": false, "Default": "('')", "Sequence": 4 }, { "Name": "address2", "Type": "varchar", "Length": 80, "Precision": 0, "Scale": 0, "Collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS", "Nullable": false, "Identity": false, "Default": "('')", "Sequence": 5 }, { "Name": "city", "Type": "varchar", "Length": 40, "Precision": 0, "Scale": 0, "Collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS", "Nullable": false, "Identity": false, "Default": "('')", "Sequence": 6 }, { "Name": "statecode", "Type": "char", "Length": 2, "Precision": 0, "Scale": 0, "Collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS", "Nullable": false, "Identity": false, "Default": "('')", "Sequence": 7 }, { "Name": "postalcode", "Type": "varchar", "Length": 10, "Precision": 0, "Scale": 0, "Collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS", "Nullable": false, "Identity": false, "Default": "('')", "Sequence": 8 }, { "Name": "countrycode", "Type": "varchar", "Length": 3, "Precision": 0, "Scale": 0, "Collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS", "Nullable": false, "Identity": false, "Default": "('')", "Sequence": 9 }, { "Name": "phonenumber", "Type": "varchar", "Length": 10, "Precision": 0, "Scale": 0, "Collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS", "Nullable": false, "Identity": false, "Default": "('')", "Sequence": 10 }, { "Name": "emailaddress", "Type": "varchar", "Length": 80, "Precision": 0, "Scale": 0, "Collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS", "Nullable": false, "Identity": false, "Default": "('')", "Sequence": 11 } ]
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 11, "Success": true, "Message": "" }
allows you to add data to your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.application/json; charset=utf-8
{ "Column1": "", "Column2": "", "Column3": "" }
{ "ID": 1, "Success": true, "Message": "Record added successfully" }
allows you to edit data in your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.application/json; charset=utf-8
{ "Column1": "", "Column2": "", "Column3": "" }
{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Record updated successfully" }
allows you to delete data from your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Record deleted successfully" }
allows you to delete data from your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Table truncated successfully" }
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.0 = add N = update -N = delete
application/json; charset=utf-8
[ { "ID": "0", "Email": "", "Name": "Bill Smith" }, { "ID": "0", "Email": "", "Name": "Sally Jones" }, { "ID": "-2" }, { "ID": "-4" }, { "ID": "5", "Name": "Bob" } ]
{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Records processed successfully" }
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{readerkey}
allows you to read data from your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{insertkey}
allows you to add data to your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{updatekey}
allows you to edit data in your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{deletekey}
allows you to delete data from your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.[ { "customerid": 45, "customername": "Stunkard Brokers Services", "customertype": "", "address1": "", "address2": "", "city": "Kaufman", "statecode": "TX", "postalcode": "58145", "countrycode": "", "phonenumber": "555144816", "emailaddress": "" }, { "customerid": 46, "customername": "Jovic Delivery LLC", "customertype": "", "address1": "", "address2": "", "city": "Waynesburg", "statecode": "PA", "postalcode": "62982", "countrycode": "", "phonenumber": "555139639", "emailaddress": "" }, { "customerid": 47, "customername": "Juntilla Packaging", "customertype": "", "address1": "", "address2": "", "city": "Waynesburg", "statecode": "PA", "postalcode": "106368", "countrycode": "", "phonenumber": "555127017", "emailaddress": "" } ]
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{readerkey}
allows you to read data from your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{insertkey}
allows you to add data to your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{updatekey}
allows you to edit data in your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{deletekey}
allows you to delete data from your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "customerid": 45, "customername": "Stunkard Brokers Services", "customertype": "", "address1": "", "address2": "", "city": "Kaufman", "statecode": "TX", "postalcode": "58145", "countrycode": "", "phonenumber": "555144816", "emailaddress": "" }
allows you to read data from your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.[ { "customerid": 45, "customername": "Stunkard Brokers Services", "customertype": "", "address1": "", "address2": "", "city": "Kaufman", "statecode": "TX", "postalcode": "58145", "countrycode": "", "phonenumber": "555144816", "emailaddress": "" }, { "customerid": 46, "customername": "Jovic Delivery LLC", "customertype": "", "address1": "", "address2": "", "city": "Waynesburg", "statecode": "PA", "postalcode": "62982", "countrycode": "", "phonenumber": "555139639", "emailaddress": "" }, { "customerid": 47, "customername": "Juntilla Packaging", "customertype": "", "address1": "", "address2": "", "city": "Waynesburg", "statecode": "PA", "postalcode": "106368", "countrycode": "", "phonenumber": "555127017", "emailaddress": "" } ]
[ { "SampleDatabaseID": 4, "Key": "sample", "Schema": "ZSAMPLE000", "Title": "Sample Database", "Description": "", "Url": "", "Enabled": true, "Sequence": 0, "CreatedBy": "matt", "CreatedDate": "2016-11-24T22:24:41.853", "UpdatedBy": "matt", "UpdatedDate": "2016-11-24T22:24:41.853" }, { "SampleDatabaseID": 1, "Key": "tasks", "Schema": "ZSAMPLE001", "Title": "Sample Project Management Database", "Description": "", "Url": "", "Enabled": true, "Sequence": 100, "CreatedBy": "matt", "CreatedDate": "2016-11-24T21:51:17.503", "UpdatedBy": "matt", "UpdatedDate": "2016-11-24T21:51:17.503" }, { "SampleDatabaseID": 2, "Key": "products", "Schema": "ZSAMPLE002", "Title": "Sample Products Database", "Description": "", "Url": "", "Enabled": true, "Sequence": 100, "CreatedBy": "matt", "CreatedDate": "2016-11-24T21:51:29.457", "UpdatedBy": "matt", "UpdatedDate": "2016-11-24T21:51:29.457" }, { "SampleDatabaseID": 3, "Key": "bikeshop", "Schema": "ZSAMPLE003", "Title": "Sample Bike Shop Database", "Description": "", "Url": "", "Enabled": true, "Sequence": 100, "CreatedBy": "matt", "CreatedDate": "2016-11-24T21:51:44.58", "UpdatedBy": "matt", "UpdatedDate": "2016-11-24T21:51:44.58" }, { "SampleDatabaseID": 5, "Key": "lawn", "Schema": "ZSAMPLE004", "Title": "Sample Lawn Service Database", "Description": "", "Url": "", "Enabled": true, "Sequence": 100, "CreatedBy": "matt", "CreatedDate": "2016-11-25T14:00:12.137", "UpdatedBy": "matt", "UpdatedDate": "2016-11-25T14:00:12.137" }, { "SampleDatabaseID": 6, "Key": "lessons", "Schema": "ZSAMPLE005", "Title": "Sample Music Lessons Database", "Description": "", "Url": "", "Enabled": true, "Sequence": 100, "CreatedBy": "david", "CreatedDate": "2016-11-25T18:10:19.517", "UpdatedBy": "david", "UpdatedDate": "2016-11-25T18:10:19.517" } ]
provides access to create and rename databases, and access to all database keys. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{ "ID": 0, "Success": true, "Message": "Database created successfully", "Messages": [] }
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{readerkey}
allows you to read data from your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{insertkey}
allows you to add data to your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{updatekey}
allows you to edit data in your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{deletekey}
allows you to delete data from your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.
provides access to create, rename, and delete databases, tables, columns, and more. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{readerkey}
allows you to read data from your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{insertkey}
allows you to add data to your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{updatekey}
allows you to edit data in your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.{deletekey}
allows you to delete data from your table. You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect your keys.public class mytable { // constructor public mytable() { ID = 0; Name = string.Empty; Email = string.Empty; DisplayName = string.Empty; } // public properties public int ID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Email { get; set; } public string DisplayName { get; set; } }